beep beep coming through
- Pronoun
- she/they/any
TCoD Wi-Fi League Records Office
If you want a single, convenient location to keep track of your Friend Codes and other pertinent league information, you can create a League ID in this thread. The information you choose to share, as well as the format you use to display it, is largely up to you. You can link to your post in this thread to give people easy access to your information.
1. Only one post per person. If you need to make changes to your ID, edit your original post. Duplicate posts will be deleted on sight.
2. You can format your ID post however you like, within reason; if you overload it with huge images or type everything out in horrible, eyebleed neon colors, you will be asked to edit it. We do ask that you disable your signature when posting, however. (<--is this that hard to read, guys, stop making me clean up after you)
3. You can include whatever information you like in your ID, as long as it doesn't turn into useless spam; you will be asked to edit out anything that is absolutely ridiculous, and any posts that are entirely irrelevant will be deleted. It is recommended that you include all Friend Codes you will be using for league activities, as well as your timezone (preferably in GMT). If you use Shoddy Battle or another simulator, you might want to list your usual usernames for those simulators. You can also include your usual battle preferences, IDs for any PtHGSS battle videos you want to share, any badges or league titles you may have earned, etc..
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