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ole_schooler vs NegativeVibe (Ref: Negrek)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
ole_schooler said:
Challenge type: 1 vs. 1, single (rule 4 & 5)
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days (ignoring rule 7)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKO, Substitute
Arena: Fight Club
Though no one's supposed to talk about it, two trainers have managed to find their way to this decrepit, poorly-lit basement, and, hey, it's their first night, and rule 8 is clear. The "battlefield," a thirty-foot diameter circle, is ringed by other Pokemon watching the match. The trainers stand outside, and cannot enter the ring. Should a battler be thrown out of the circle, the spectaters will catch the errant one, either throwing them back (no damage; 50% chance), pummeling them (5% untyped damage; 30% chance), or accidentally using an ability on them (victim is moderately poisoned, paralyzed, or burned; 20% chance). The battlers cannot leave the ring unless KOed, or until the match is over.
Additional Rules: Due to the nature of Fight Club, each battler must use at least one physical move a round. Failing to do so enrages the spectators, who will come onto the field and beat up the rule-breaker (15% untyped damage).
Pokemon with mecha are not allowed in Fight Club. (Trainers can have Pokemon with mecha in their active party; they are not allowed to use them in this fight.)
Weather moves are allowed, although the ref is encouraged to portray them realistically as though they came into effect in a basement (Rain Dance might cause a water pipe to burst, Sunny Day could cause the heating to come on, Sandstorm is from a fan kicking up debris, etc.).
ole_schooler's Active Squad said:
[Donna] Growlithe (F) <Intimidate>

[Angel] Houndour (M) <Flash Fire>

[Sabriel] Poochyena (F) <Run Away>

[Tomas] Electrike (M) <Static>
NegativeVibe's Active Squad said:
[Spectre] Gastly (M) <Levitate>

[Frost] Snorunt (F) <Ice Body>

[Mara] Mawile (F) <Hyper Cutter>

1. ole_schooler sends out
2. NegativeVibe sends out and attacks
3. ole_schooler attacks
Nice! Let's hope I do this right.

I'll send out Spectre, my Gastly. Use Shadow Ball, followed by Confuse Ray and then Sludge Bomb (my physical move.)

Shadow Ball ~ Confuse Ray ~ Sludge Bomb
(was that ok?)
Okay, Angel. This is my first battle here (and your first battle ever!) so let's start this off with a bang! Run right up to that ball of gas and give your opponent a solid Bite! If the Gastly flinches, follow that up by clamping your jaws and Crunching; otherwise, Protect against that nasty Confuse Ray. Finally, if you got poisoned just now, back up a few steps and pay him back in kind with a Will-O-Wisp; otherwise, just Leer at him.

Bite ~ Crunch/Protect ~ Will-O-Wisp/Leer
The excited yells of humans and bestial cries of pokémon fill the air as the battle unfolds in the center of the arena, which is no more than a pitted concrete floor marked off with a few boundary lines and stained with blood and sweat. The combusken in the ring is finally succumbing to the blows of its opponent, an old, patient nidorino with scars and one tattered ear to prove his love of battle. The fire type goes down beneath a flurry of kicks from the nidorino, and the crowd erupts in appreciative screams, parting to make way for the nidorino as he saunters out of the ring. No sooner has the combusken's unconscious body been dragged away from the other end than the spectators are looking around for who will do battle next.

The answer is clear: there are two newbie trainers attending Fight Club tonight, and they have no choice but to send their pokémon into the arena. ole_schooler nudges Angel the houndour forward, and the crowd does the rest, shoving the reluctant houndour out into the ring. She blinks in the light of the bare bulb overhead, the arena being the only part of the basement to have anything like adequate lighting. There is somewhat less manhandling of NegativeVibe's pokémon, Spectre, who after all has no physical body to be pushing around. The ghost floats slowly into the opposite end of the arena, and the two pokémon eye one another nervously until their trainers give orders and the yells of the crowd finally goad them into action.

Round One

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Bite ~ Crunch/Protect ~ Will-O-Wisp/Leer
- I'm really not sure about this...

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Shadow Ball ~ Confuse Ray ~ Sludge Bomb
- Well, at least I can't die twice...

Spectre is the first to move, opening his mouth wide to reveal a storm of purple and black energy at the center of his body. He spews out a chaotic chunk of essence, which strikes Angel squarely in the face. The houndour's dark affinity grants him natural resistance to the ghostly attack, but the shadow ball nevertheless burns an unsightly bare patch into his muzzle, leaving it raw and particularly susceptible to further attack.

Snarling, Angel leaps up and snaps at his opponent, tearing bits out of Spectre's gaseous body with black-stained teeth. The gastly yells in pain and retreats, then locks his gaze with Angel's, his eyes strobing bright, disorienting colors. The houndour throws up a protect shield, a faint green bubble of energy standing between him and the gastly. Seen through the filter of Angel's protect, Spectre's hypnotic attack has no effect, and the ghost breaks it off with some frustration.

It's time to try a more direct approach, then. This time it is not ectoplasm but rather noxious poison that Spectre gathers at the back of his throat, and as soon as Angel lowers his defense the gastly hacks up a hunk of oozing, poisonous phlegm. The sludge bomb again hits Angel in the face, exploding on contact and sending gobbets of goo flying in all directions. Angel is left spitting mad and coated with poisonous gunk. He makes no move to attack Spectre, though, instead remaining dangerously cool and fixing the gastly with a baleful look. The ghost flinches away as the houndour's eyes glow yellow.

Unhappy mutters have been building in the crowd for several minutes now, and at last things come to a head. "Fight like a man!" one of the onlookers yells. "None of this namby-pamby 'special' crap!" There is a rumble of agreement from the pokémon and humans around him, and Spectre cowers all the more as angry voices rise from all around him. This show of cowardice only further enrages the spectators, and the fall on the unfortunate gastly in a roaring group, pummeling him mercilessly. Many of their attacks pass straight through Spectre, but those imbued with a little elemental energy leave him badly beaten. When at last the rest of the crowd grows impatient with the brawl and drags the offending attackers back out of the ring, Spectre is scuffed up and forlorn.

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 78%
Energy: 90%
Used: Bite ~ Protect ~ Leer
- Furious and covered in poisonous slime. -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 75%
Energy: 83%
Used: Shadow Ball ~ Confuse Ray ~ Sludge Bomb
- What was that for? -1 Defense

Final Notes
- As of Diamond and Pearl, sludge bomb is classified as a special attack. This meant that Spectre ended up not using any physical attacks and was penalized accordingly.
- ole_schooler attacks first next round
All right, not bad, Angel. Let's keep up the pummeling!

Start off by Howling your success, then follow it up quick with a Sucker Punch! Finish off with another Bite. Oh, and if it looks like he's going to hit you, swap whatever you're doing with a Counter. (I realize this may be impossible with the second move, and that you can't counter a Counter, but do your best!)

Howl/Counter~Sucker Punch/Counter~Bite/Counter

I blame my Pokedex. Nintendo be eaten. Oh well.

All right, Spectre - if it's a physical move they want, it is a physical move they are going to get.

Start this off with Captivate. If you attack first next move, use Protect against that dastardly Sucker Punch. If you're hit first, then bounce right back with a Payback. Finally, use Facade if Payback didn't work earlier. If it did, I think we're in the clear, and you can try Toxic. If that misses, then we will try Confuse Ray once more, if I did this right.

Captivate~Protect/Payback~Facade/Toxic/Confuse Ray.
Last edited:
Round Two

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 78%
Energy: 90%
Commands: Howl/Counter~Sucker Punch/Counter~Bite/Counter
- Furious and covered in poisonous slime. -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 75%
Energy: 83%
Used: Captivate~Protect/Payback~Facade/Toxic/Confuse Ray
- What was that for? -1 Defense

It's a bit hard for Spectre to work up the nerve to try a captivate: his essence is aching all over from the crowd's attack, and he just isn't feeling his most confident right now. Nevertheless he tries to catch Angel's eye, pulling out his best ghostly tricks to amuse and entrance. The houndour is cold to the gastly's antics, though, turning a scornful eye to even Spectre's favorite trick, pulling his eyes out of his body with his tongue and then juggling them. Angel grows tired of the show and cuts the gastly's antics off with a wild, blaring howl.

Spectre is so startled he drops an eyeball and has to go diving to the floor to retrieve it; the crowd cheers appreciatively, hoping that Angel's howl indicates that there soon will be blood. No such luck--as soon as he's popped his eye back into his body, a thoroughly cowed Spectre hastily throws up a protect shield, hanging motionless within the bubble of protection. Angel watches diligently for any sign of attack, hoping for an opening to get in a sucker punch, but it is not to be.

Once Spectre does grow tired of holding up his protect, he is quick to act. He's not going to make himself a target for the audience again. Instead, he summons up all the fury he can manage (not a lot; he's feeling pretty worthless at the moment) and charges his opponent with a battle scream. Angel immediately drops down into a defensive stance, fuming with a brown aura as he waits for his opportunity to return a counterstrike. As it turns out, though, no attack comes. The houndour's sudden motion is enough to take him out of the path of Spectre's attack, and the ghost goes whizzing by overhead instead of striking with his facade.

Spectre only barely manages to pull up at the edge of the ring, confused and even more sheepish than before. It's Angel who really has to worry, though; now the spectators are coming for him. As before, an angry group of bystanders floods the arena and takes their disappointment out on the houndour. Maybe it was a pretty poor showing, but at least the gastly tried to attack! Not like you, you worthless coward! The crowd members make up for the violence they haven't been seeing by thrashing the unfortunate houndour, and when the annoyed shouts of the other onlookers at last drive them back out of the arena, Angel is left shocked and bleeding.

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 63%
Energy: 86%
Used: Howl ~ Nothing x2
- Still covered in poisonous slime, but more cowed than angry. +1 Attack, -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 75%
Energy: 70%
Used: Captivate ~ Protect ~ Facade
- Glad he wasn't the one to get beaten up this time. -1 Defense

Final Notes
- Captivate works only on pokémon of the opposite sex.
- Spectre's facade missed, causing Angel's facade to fail and the crowd to attack him for not having used any physical moves.
- NegativeVibe attacks first next round.
Ok then...
Start off with Secret Power, then use Shadow Ball, unless Secret Power missed, in which case try Secret Power once again. After that, use Thunderpunch.
Secret Power ~ Shadow Ball/Secret Power ~ Thunderpunch
Hmph. Just our luck that the couter-able move missed. Alright, Angel, let's do something about it!

Give him a quick Sucker Punch before that Secret Power goes off. Then, if you can, do a combo Bite and Crunch to grind that ghost to powder! (If this isn't combo-able, do both those moves separately.)

Sucker Punch~Bite+Crunch
Round Three

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 63%
Energy: 86%
Commands: Sucker Punch~Bite+Crunch
- Still covered in poisonous slime, but more cowed than angry. +1 Attack, -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 75%
Energy: 70%
Commands: Secret Power ~ Shadow Ball/Secret Power ~ Thunderpunch
- Glad he wasn't the one to get beaten up this time. -1 Defense

Not one to miss an opportunity to kick an opponent while he's down, Spectre is quick to begin charging a secret power, drawing on the dubious energies of Fight Club to fuel his attack. Angel looks up from his place on the ground only to find his opponent nursing a globe of white energy at the back of his throat. Spectre smirks at Angel around the attack--he clearly doesn't realize that while his attack charges, he is terribly vulnerable.

Angel bounds to his feet, defying his injuries to lunge at Spectre and deal him a dark-infused smack to the chin. The gastly's mouth snaps shut and he chokes on his own secret power attack. It's Angel's turn to be amused as Spectre coughs and gags, trying to regain his composure and restart his attack despite the pain caused by the sucker punch. He eventually does succeed, though he doesn't nurture the secret power near as long before letting a beam of pure white light sear into his opponent.

The secret power leaves Angel feeling stiff for a second, but he shakes it off in the same moment he works out how he's going to handle his commands. He isn't sure how he should bite Spectre while simultaneously biting him more powerfully, so he'll just split his combo up. Teeth dripping darkness, he jumps up and tears a chunk out of Spectre's gaseous body with a quick bite.

Spectre hisses in pain and anger and responds by spinning a shadow ball after Angel. The ghostly projectile misses the houndour entirely, splattering uselessly against the pitted floor, and the houndour retaliates in a moment with a powerful crunch attack. Spectre shudders as the houndour's teeth drive dark energy deep into his body, where it starts to burn its way back out from the inside, setting up a deep ache in the ghost's essence. Spectre is feeling pretty under the weather already, and the battle's only just started--but he's not about to just give up.

The gastly directs electrical energy towards the closest thing he has to an appendage, setting up a riot of sparks around his tongue. He smacks Angel square in the face with it, causing the houndour to leap back both from disgust and from the jolt of electricity that accompanies the blow. The spectators howl with laughter and lob jeers at the two pokémon, but at least they don't seem terribly aggressive this round.

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 51%
Energy: 73%
Used: Sucker Punch ~ Bite ~ Crunch
- Much more confident now. +1 Attack, -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 35% (capped)
Energy: 55%Used: Secret Power ~ Shadow Ball ~ Thunderpunch
- Badly injured but not ready to give up. -1 Defense

Final Notes
- ole_schooler attacks first next round.
Okay! Let's finish this battle up! Angel, use Overheat, then Crunch until your opponent is out. If his evasion goes up or your accuracy goes down, switch to Faint Attack, and if you fall asleep, go with Sleep Talk.

Overheat/Faint Attack/Sleep Talk~Crunch/Faint Attack/Sleep Talk~Crunch/Faint Attack/Sleep Talk

(Also, thanks for the ref!)
We will not go down! :/
Protect against that vile Overheat/Faint Attack, then take the Crunch/Faint Attack with Endure and follow with Payback, once more.
Round Four

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 51%
Energy: 73%
Commands: Overheat/Faint Attack/Sleep Talk x3
- Much more confident now. +1 Attack, -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 35% (capped)
Energy: 55%Commands: Protect ~ Endure ~ Payback ~ Thunderpunch
- Badly injured but not ready to give up. -1 Defense

Angel isn't off-balance for long. He can see that his opponent is struggling to stay in the game, and with victory in sight, he's ready to go all-out to wrap the battle up. Steam rises from his fur (as well as a foul scent, as the last of the poison is cooked out of his coat) as he unleashes all the energy his fire sac has to offer. A blazing wall of heat ripples off the houndour, traveling in all directions and even repelling the hard-bitten individuals who've gathered in close around the battlefield.

In fact, probably the only individual not affected by the overheat attack is its intended target. Spectre is safe within a bubble of pure energy, and though it's a bit of a strain to maintain his protect in the face of such a powerful attack, it's better than burning up. The ghost waits until Angel is forced to stop radiating heat, smoke leaking from his mouth and breath coming in weak gasps, then lets go of his protect. It'll be a while before Angel's able to muster up that much fire energy again.

Unluckily for Spectre, all he can do is hope to endure Angel's next attack. After expending so much energy to protect himself the last action, this is an extra strain for the gastly, but he manages, even as Angel's dark-charged teeth shred through his gaseous body. All the endurance in the world can't prevent the phsyical effects of the attack, though; the crunch leaves Spectre's essence frayed and delicate, even more susceptible to attack than before.

Spectre releases his endure and is forced to take a few moments to recover his strength after such draining defensive moves. The he tries striking back, conjuring the same dark energy that's caused him so much grief this battle and wrapping his tongue in it. When he tries smacking Angel with his payback attack, though, the houndour easily shrugs it off--protected, as ever, by resistance to his native element. He tears into Spectre with another powerful crunch, and it's all the gastly can do to keep himself from sliding into unconsciousness right then and there. His body is tattered and stained with blotches of residual dark energy. The crowd screams for blood, and Angel watches all too calmly, just waiting for the order to finish his opponent off.

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 48%
Energy: 55%
Used: Overheat ~ Crunch ~ Crunch
- Totally in control. +1 Attack, -2 Special Attack, -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 2% (capped)
Energy: 35%Used: Protect ~ Endure ~ Payback
- Barely hanging on. -2 Defense

Final Notes
- NegativeVibe attacks first next round.
Sorry. I was so short on time I didn't even log on. Won't happen again.
Since we're about to go down anyway, let's try a Destiny Bond, followed by Energy Ball. If you're still hanging on after that, finish it up with an Explosion!
Destiny Bond ~ Energy Ball ~ Explosion
It's been a good match, Angel, but it's time to bring this to an end. Since it appears that your opponent is trying to take you down the easy way, I'd like you to try and Protect against that Destiny Bond, if you think you can. If it's going to be futile, though, just catch your breath with a Chill. After that, give him a Beat Up, although if you've been Destiny Bound'd, keep it gentle enough not to quite knock him out, just bring him down to that last percent. After that, well, Protect and watch the fireworks.

Protect/Chill~Beat Up(gently)~Protect
Round Five

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 48%
Energy: 55%
Commands: Protect/Chil l~ Beat Up (gently) ~ Protect
- Totally in control. +1 Attack, -2 Special Attack, -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (O)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 2% (capped)
Energy: 35%
Commands: Destiny Bond ~ Energy Ball ~ Explosion
- Barely hanging on. -2 Defense

Much to Angel's chagrin, no command to finish his opponent comes. Instead, he's supposed to play defense for a moment. The houndour grumbles to himself, but he puts together a quick protect nonetheless. A few seconds later he's glad he did, as Spectre's hissing voice rises in dark, and somewhat desperate, chanting. The ghost attempts to bind his opponent's fate to his, but the intricate lattice of power that makes up his spell can't knot itself around Angel, instead sliding ineffectually off the houndour's protect.

Spectre is altogether too weary to care too much about the failure of his destiny bond. He gives up on the spell and instead gathers in pure life energy, collecting it into a sparking green ball on the end of his tongue. Angel has let his protect go, but is still on the alert--he leaps deftly out of the way of the energy ball, and it spatters uselessly on the floor. Angel jumps again, this time forward at his opponent, and tries for his very gentlest beat up attack. Miraculously, thanks to the fact that he has no teammates to assist him, the houndour manages to weaken his attack enough so that its light buffets leave his opponent even more sapped, but not quite knocked out.

Given the gift of one final action, Spectre decides he's not just going to allow himself to fade away. If he's going down, he's going down on his own terms--and if he can show some of the hecklers in the crowd a thing or two, so much the better. The gastly tears down the usual constraints that prevent the energy of his unstable core from boiling over and lets his gaseous body tear itself apart. To an onlooker this appears as a sudden explosion of dark fire, which shatters lights, hurls members of the crowd in all directions, scorches the floor and leaves nothing but a burnt-out wisp hanging in Spectre's place. As the dust settles, though, it reveals a silver-sparking shield and, within it, Angel, who has stood strong against the attack.

ole_schooler (O)
Angel (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 42%
Energy: 37%
Used: Protect ~ Beat Up (Gently) ~ Protect
- Totally in control. +1 Attack, -2 Special Attack, -1 Special Defense

NegativeVibe (X)
Spectre (M) <Levitate>
Health: 0% (capped)
Energy: 12%
Used: Destiny Bond ~ Energy Ball ~ Explosion
- Barely hanging on. -2 Defense

The wanton destruction doesn't faze the crowd--if anything it makes the members of Fight Club more enthusiastic as they swarm up to congratulate Angel and his trainer, utterly ignoring their comrades who were injured in the final blast. A few have encouraging things to say to NegativeVibe as well; though he lost the match, the explosion was impressive enough for many to overlook that fact. One thing is clear--they're both quite welcome here at Fight Club. The referee is forced to shoulder her way through the press of people in order to hand the trainers their money, and their post-battle good-game handshake is delayed a bit, but in the end everyone leaves more or less happy--except for those unfortunates who took an explosion to the face and haven't recovered yet.

ole_schooler wins the match and get $8. Negative gets $3, and I get $5. Angel gets 2 EXP, and Spectre, 1. Good match, and I apologize for the big gap in the middle there where I wasn't reffing.
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