Re: Pokémon Registration Office
"exeggutor" doesn't have a "c" in it why should "exeggcute" damn inconsistent fantasy monster names
Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.
Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.
Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
[Sparky] Magikarp (M) <Swift Swim> r1
[Paperweight] Geodude M <Rock Head> r1
[Underscore] Murkrow (M) <Super Luck> r7
[Skye] Rotom (X) <Levitate> r8
[Fud] Meowth (M) <Technician> r1
gifts ♥
- Magikarp (M) from Crazy Linoone
- [Nite Owl II] Hoothoot M (Insomnia) from Karkat Vantas
- Tauros (M) <Intimidate> from Meowth
- Spiritomb (M) from Negrek
[Sub-Zeroes] Skorupi (F)
Ability: Sniper
[Environmentalist] Meowth (M)
Ability: Pickup
[Fort] Shieldon (M)
Ability: Sturdy
it's raining stuff
And my own stuff:
Magikarp (M) <Swift Swim>
[Ankoku] Bronzor (X) <Heatproof>
[Excalibur] Nidoran M (M) <Poison Point>
Meowth (F) <Technician>
Dunsparce (F) <Serene Grace>
[Telekine] Larvitar (M) <Guts>
[FEESH] Magikarp (M)
[The Goddamn Batzor] Zubat (F) <Inner Focus>
[Batzor II] Zubat (F) <Inner Focus>
[Mr. Frisky] Shuppet (M) <Frisk>
[Darkness] Gible (F) <Sand Veil>
[Valkyrie] Meowth (F) <Technician>
*upturns sack of presents*
Magikarp (M) <Swift Swim>
Poochyena (M) <Quick Feet> (apparently it was bought without an ability somehow so I guess I'll just choose one! \o/)
[Great Tiger] Meditite [M] <Huge Power>
[King Hippo] Munchlax (M) <Pickup>
[Mike] Meowth (M) <Pickup>
[Mr Saturn] Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
[Mr Sandman] Drowzee (M) <Insomnia>
[Beat] Cubone (M) <Rock Head>
Let me just think of a plausible sig attribute to make my Drowzee half-Fighting type and I'll get right back to you
- [Dingo] Poochyena (M) <Quick Feet>, Blackglasses, and this gif from Big Red Cherry Bomb
- Munchlax (M) <Pickup> from Kratos Aurion
- Munchlax (F) <Pickup> from Meowth
- [Gerard] Totodile (M) from Negrek
Approved~ :3cAll Approved.
And mine:
[Fish] Magikarp (M) <Swift Swim>
[Alejandro] Misdreavus (M) <Levitate>
[Keshigumo] Taillow (F) <Guts>
[Radiergummi] Taillow (M) <Guts>
[Demoman] Exeggcute (M) <Chlorophyll>
Namahage (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Name Origin: The japanese boogeyman.
Tibbles (Female)
Ability: Technician
Name Origin: One of those stupid names owners give to their cats.
A Reaper Cloth
Strigiformes (Male)
Ability: Swift Swim
+$30 to evolve him:
Longman (Male)
Ability: Intimidate
Name Origin: A corruption of the supposed location of the Dragon Gate in Japan, plus he's a male and he's long.
Approved, approved and approved~OH LOOK PRESENTS
Magikarp (M)
[Easter] Nosepass (F) <Magnet Pull>
[Death Kanon] Porygon (-) <Download>
Drifloon (F) <Aftermath>
Also, evolving
[Death Canyon] Porygon (-) <Download> @Up-Grade
[Death Canyon] Porygon2 (-) <Download>
Exp point here.
And also
[Kwak'wala] Natu (F) <Synchronize>
[Kwak'wala] Xatu (F) <Synchronize>
Derp. How did I miss that.
Namahage (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Name Origin: The japanese boogeyman.
Tibbles (Female)
Ability: Technician
Name Origin: One of those stupid names owners give to their cats.
A Reaper Cloth
Strigiformes (Male)
Ability: Swift Swim
+$30 to evolve him:
Longman (Male)
Ability: Intimidate
Name Origin: A corruption of the supposed location of the Dragon Gate in Japan, plus he's a male and he's long.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand me, and some things I've been meaning to take care of, to boot.
Firstly, Gifts!
[Pheesh] Magikarp (M)
<Swift Swim>
[Pencil] Gulpin (F)
<Liquid Ooze>
[Susan] Kakuna (M)
<Shed Skin>
[9002 Souls] Spiritomb (F)
[Flower Power] Cherubi (F)
And then,
[Anastasia] Riolu (F)
<Inner Focus>
[Anastasia] 'Lucario' (F)
<Inner Focus>
...What's this? Why, her form hasn't changed at all! But she sure seems stronger...
Why? Well, because I feel like it, for the riolulz. <3
Aaaaaaaaand a confirmation on a sig move. Woop.
[Ben] Vespiquen (F)
Signature Move: My God Bees
Type: Bug / Stat: Weather / Base Damage: N/A / Accuracy: N/A / Target: Field / Energy: 5% / Duration: Weather Duration
Ben, naturally, as a queen bee, holds unquestionable power over legions of lesser insects – It’s all in the pheromones, man. What separates Ben from other queen bees is her knowledge in messing with the heads of bugs from outside her hive. A hint of warrior pheromone, a dash of worker, and some rose hips for flavour – and every stingy, bitey, buzzy irritating little thing in a five kilometre radius will be swarming the general area in no time flat, sure to make any opponent say ‘Bees. My God.’
As soon as Ben releases the veritable chemical cocktail, the swarm of insects will become so dense they literally block out the sun, causing them to act not unlike a sandstorm made of BEEEEEEEEEES. No doubt miffed at such a false alarm, they will proceed to sting, bite, and fly up the noses of every applicable non-insectoid unlucky enough to be caught in such a mess, until they get bored and forget what they were doing. The swarm will inflict damage similar to other harsh weather effects for its duration, with the exception of to Bug-types, as well as Fire-types. (Whose natural smoky aroma and body heat will effectively repel any attacks.) In addition, all Bug-types, feeling right at home in such a group situation, will enjoy the benefits of their opponents being more apt to swat at their own faces than their prime antagonist, and receive an effective defence boost of 1.5x.
Because the swarm is so dense, the light above is literally blocked out from the field below – and the moves Moonlight and Sunny Day will only heal up to 33% while under its effects, and Solar Beam’s power is halved. In addition, visibility will be difficult through any Pokémon caught in the swarm – and this will only be worse for those with a natural fear or weakness of Bug-types due to their typing.
If Ben holds the item ‘Rose Incense’, its flowery scent will keep the swarm enticed for even longer, and will act as a pseudo ‘Weather Rock’ extending the amount of time the move is in play. And finally, the insects will be highly adverse to the likes of exceptionally strong sun, sudden heavy rain, a roaring sandstorm, or giant hunks of ice falling from the sky – causing other weather effects to cancel this move out. Ben may re-use this move, however, causing the insects to swoop right into harm’s way regardless, and even proceed to block it out any offending weather so that it is possible to cancel them, as well.
Causes a veritable storm of small insects, which will bite, sting, and otherwise buffet any non Bug- or Fire-types in the vicinity. The swarm will cause constant damage per action similar to Hail or Sandstorm effects to those not immune. In addition, Bug-types will receive an effective bonus modifier of 1.5x Defence during this move's effect. Moonlight and Sunny Day will only heal up to 33% max, and Solar Beam’s power will be weakened, as well as visibility being cut – particularly for opponents weak to the Bug-type.
The item ‘Rose Incense’ will act as a Weather Rock for this move, increasing the duration it is active slightly. The move acts as any other Weather move, and can cancel- and be cancelled by other weather moves.
Usage Gap: 3 Rounds
Derp. How did I miss that.
Namahage (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Name Origin: The japanese boogeyman.
Tibbles (Female)
Ability: Technician
Name Origin: One of those stupid names owners give to their cats.
A Reaper Cloth
Strigiformes (Male)
Ability: Swift Swim
+$30 to evolve him:
Longman (Male)
Ability: Intimidate
Name Origin: A corruption of the supposed location of the Dragon Gate in Japan, plus he's a male and he's long.
[Muckrot] Grimer (F) <Sticky Hold>
[coughcough] Koffing [M] <Levitate>
[Carnifex] Gible (M)