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"Bare" - very
"Sad" - mean
"Safe" - nice
"Dank" - attractive

I hate slang.
Using 'like' profusely.

I hate slang.
Y'all neeks who can't have a good time. :P

Let's see, in my local area (reppin' south London, yeah?) us rude bois love to cotch in the park, chatting shit about that bare gash we totally got last night while on the lash (this girl, you see, she was well fit but I was so hench that she was just like "skeen man let's go Tesco's and get a can of Stella"). My mate Charlie, what a lad, totally on his gap yah now in the Sudan, put on some banging choons and we were like "sick mate" and we got down and did the migraine skank.
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Y'all neeks who can't have a good time. :P

Let's see, in my local area (reppin' south London, yeah?) us rude bois love to cotch in the park, chatting shit about that bare gash we totally got last night while on the lash (this girl, you see, she was well fit but I was so hench that she was just like "skeen man let's go Tesco's and get a can of Stella"). My mate Charlie, what a lad, totally on his gap yah now in the Sudan, put on some banging choons and we were like "sick mate" and we got down and did the migraine skank.

Cool story bro.

I remember "beast" and "dinnae" (Which I still don't know what it means o.0), But that's pretty much it.
... I didn't understand a word they just said. That was English right? O_o

Looks like it! Funnily enough, English does not always have to be spoken in the way it is written.

EDIT: Besides, what goldenquagsire said I completely understood, mostly from context clues. It's really not that hard.
To be honest, most Cornish (and, to a lesser extent, Devonian) slang is difficult to transcribe because the beauty lies in the utterly incomprehensible pronounciation. This scene in Hot Fuzz? That's not an exaggeration.


Owaree? - How are you?
Teeon izza? - Is the tea on?
Avin me croust - I'm eating lunch
Wurzentoo? - Where is it?
Wozmar widden? - What's wrong with it?
Madderdoit? - Does it matter?
Tizzardlee on! - You can't be serious!
Pro'er job! - Very good!
Speck - I expect so
Piddletown didda? - Is it raining?
Pro'er teasy - Very annoyed


Mivvy - Ice cream
Oggy - Pasty
Taddy/Tiddy - Potato
Sivvy - Strawberry


Origh me luvver? - This literally translates to "Alright, my lover?", but is a pefectly acceptable way of addressing strangers of either sex.
Origh mansom? - Literally "Alright, my handsome?" and again often used as a greeting between heterosexual men. "Handsome" (or "Ansum" as the Cornish would have it) is regarded as gender-neutral, and thus used to address women as well.
Cock - Man. "Hen" is often used for "woman", but your average non-Cornish person is less likely to be taken aback at being called such.
Dreckly - Later. However, this can mean anything between five minutes and five years.

SAMPLE CORNISH PARAGRAPH (nicked from here):

Origh me luvver, owaree pard? Wasson up London? Awight n aree? I’m rufazrats! Out last night with me maid and me good pard. Nearly got in trouble with the hoffizers for bein too drunk. I zed "Fercrisaeik, ellydoinov?" And me pard was like "Mygar, Tizzardlee on!" He wanted my name and address by I just said ‘Cain tele!’ He wants t’search my mate and I’m like "Gusson, he’s got nawthun widden!" Me maid zed "cumuz on now" and I zed "ezyaw!" He shouts "Ullon Yaw!" but we ran off! Speak to you dreckly, proper job! Cheers an gone.
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"Y'all gitchown ass sup purr n' git sumyer werk dun, yahur?"

Or, "will you get your ass up here and get some work done?"

The American south. Gotta love it.
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Cornish slang is fantastic, although I'm glad that I'm far away enough (Two counties! Devon is in the way.) to be out of its range (yet close enough to know of it well!).

other than that most of my school consists of shitheads who like nigahiga so "asian" and "ching chong" are thrown around a lot


But yes, my school is packed with tons of my Asian brothers and sisters, like Kam's since we live like... yeah :D We live close :D
Slang = "GTFO MUDDA FUGGA GET OUTTA HERE! HEY ANGEL YOU DAH SEXAAAAYYYYYYYY!" Of course, this is what happens when you live in America. Everyone's insane one way or another.
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