Not Meowth
Cat, are you drilling?
Biancalett's active squadThis insane mess is for Foxy Zor, also known as Zoren and Zora.
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 20%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, recovery moves (chills do not count as recovery moves and may be used freely).
Arena: N-Flareth's Groovy Castle Throne
Back in the 1970's, the time of afros and leisure suits, N-Flareth has built a vast castle spanning the entirety of Chief Lett's Elite Force's base. Thus it is here, within the extremely tie-dyed throne room of the castle, which is large enough to fit in any Pokémon quite comfortably, that this battle takes place.
Because it is the 1970's, and we all like to get down like some groovy jive turkeys, trainers must submit their commands through the body language of dance and cannot specify attack names. Only moves with the word "Dance" in them may be specified. (Such as Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance, Petal Dance, Dragon Dance, Featherdance, etc.) Each command, therefore, must be an action involving dancing. The options are, other than aforementioned dance-based moves (note that any moves that qualify as banned do not have any chance whatsoever of being used):
Disco - Awww YEAH! Obviously why the 1970’s are so awesome, the trainer discos until they can disco no more, and the Pokémon uses a random damaging Special move of a neutrally effective type against the opponent. (Example: If the opponent were a Fire-type, the Pokémon might use a damaging Electric-type move like Thunderbolt, because it is neither super-effective nor not very effective.)
Breakdance - The trainer gets down on the ground and breakdances happily, showing the Pokémon who’s the most far out jammer. The Pokémon uses a random damaging Physical move of a neutrally effective type against the opponent.
Hip Thrust - The trainer conveys their desire for FORCE with an AGGRESSIVE HIP THRUST, commanding the Pokémon to use a random Physical super-effective move against the opponent.
Shake Yo Booty - SHAKE DAT BOOTAAAY! By the trainer shaking their bootaay vigorously, the Pokémon is inspired to use a random Special super-effective move against the opponent.
Get Down Tonight - The trainer gets down with like one bad motha- shut yo mouth! What? I was just talking about the Pokémon using a random Status-inducing, non-damaging move. (such as Burn, Poison, Confusion, etc. Move examples: Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Toxic, Swagger)
Hippie Protest Jam - Maaan, why can’t we just all, you know, Chill out and have peace? Why all the fiiiightting? Make love, not waaaarr. The trainer commands the Pokémon to cease action and Chill by doing a protesting dance.
White Girl Elbow Dance - The trainer conveys their lack of rhythm and inability to dance properly by shaking their elbows feebly, sending mixed signals to the Pokémon. Thus, the Pokémon uses ANY move in their move pool (barring those that are banned, see above), regardless of circumstance.
But wait, there’s more! Inside of N-Flareth’s castle many characters are lurking, searching for the throne room where they can come in on the battle where it takes place… each of these characters have their own agenda. Beneficial or not.
PLAYER FOXHOG - The main protagonist of a Unova-based Pokémon game. Has a 4% chance of making an appearance at the beginning of each round. As such, he has a very limited vocabulary. Though he is a man of few words, each word he says counts. He has a completely random chance of doing the following:
If he says YES to a random Pokémon on the field, that Pokémon’s first action will always hit regardless of its accuracy.
If he says NO to a random Pokémon on the field, the Pokémon’s first action will always miss, regardless of its accuracy. (And this INCLUDES moves such as Aerial Ace and Swift. They will miss.)
If he says "…", a giant disco ball suddenly comes down from the ceiling on the first action and every Pokémon on the field has a 50% chance of a stat decreasing or increasing by 1. As well, 2 Donuts will rain down from the sky. These Donuts can be picked up by any Pokémon on the field, and used as a shield from any attack, rendering it ineffective and making it do NO damage or have ANY effect. Picking up a Donut takes one action, and using the Donut takes another. So to do so, the trainer must say "Pick Up Donut Jive" (To pick up the Donut) or "Donut Shield Dance" (To use the Donut as a shield) If a Donut is used as a shield, it will shatter and its shards have a 50% chance of pinning down a random Pokémon on the field; this includes the one that used it. Being pinned down disables all movement and action for two actions after the Donut was used. Donuts that are not used will automatically disappear in two rounds after their appearance. The disco ball and its effects, stat increases and decreases, will completely disappear the next round.
Ghetku - An evil man who used his own daughter, N-Flareth, in attempts to take over the world. Now he stalks her castle to disrupt any battlers who dare enter her throne room and thus has a 10% chance of appearing in the middle of each round. He will always appear on the second action. However, he will only make an appearance ONCE. Once he has appeared, he will not appear again. Commanding his Moondreigon to use Rainbow Beam, he floods the Throne Room with rainbows making it so vividly coloured that all Pokémon on the field are blinded and thus have their Accuracy reduced by 1. The effect wears off in six actions.
Charlie’s Gym Leaders - The three gym leaders of the Striaton City Gym have a deep secret. Back in the 1970’s, they used to be an ass-kicking trio of dancers. They will ALWAYS appear one round after PLAYER FOXHOG has said "…" and the disco ball has been summoned. The trio will proceed to DANCE and instill CONFIDENCE in every Pokémon in the field, raising their Speed and Attack by 1, but lowering their Special Defense and Defense by 1.
Chief Lett’s Elite Forces - The entire Elite Four of Unova and their leader, Alder, have a 7% chance of making an appearance at the start of every round. Like Ghetku, they will only appear ONCE. And once they have appeared, will not appear again. Alder will proceed to play his kickass theme, which will pause the entire battle whilst everyone fangirls and awes at how awesome it is. Thus, on the action that he appears, every Pokémon on the field does not move or perform its action.
N-Flareth - The owner of the Groovy Castle herself. N-Flareth has an 8% of appearing in the middle of each round and will summon a Zekrom called the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord will shield either combatant from an attack on the second action; halfing its damage. Non-damaging attacks, such as Toxic, Featherdance, etc, will be completely nullified, out of his dedication for N-Flareth. Note that the Dark Lord will NOT shield a combatant who has already been shielded by Dumbledore, and will instead shield the other one. When the Dark Lord is hit, sad, heart-wrenching music will play because N-Flareth will have to ride away on him to find a doctor. This music will cause all combatants to cry a huge river of water, and increase the power of Electric-type moves by 2% additional damage, but cost -2 more energy. This power-up only applies to damaging attacks and lasts for the rest of the entire fight. N-Flareth will only appear ONCE and will not appear again if she has already done so.
Dumbledore - A grand legendary Reshiram named after a wise old wizard. He has an 8% chance of appearing in the middle of each round and shielding either combatant from an attack on the second action; halfing its damage. Non-damaging attacks, such as Toxic, Featherdance, etc, will be completely nullified. Note that Dumbledore will NOT shield a combatant who has already been shielded by N-Flareth’s Dark Lord, and will instead shield the other one. When Dumbledore is hit, he will also use Disco Inferno to rev up the dance floor flamingly, and increase the power of Fire-type moves by 2% additional damage, but cost -2 more energy. This power-up only applies to damaging attacks and lasts for the rest of the entire fight. Dumbledore will only appear ONCE and will not appear again if he has already done so.
Times the Same Day - If Dumbledore and N-Flareth’s Dark Lord happen to appear on the same turn, a special effect will happen. Every clock in the entire world, from France, to England, to Jupiter, will be the same time and time zones will cease to exist. This is called Times the Same Day and will open a temporal rift from 2011 which will summon Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga will sing a horrendous song which will make all Pokémon’s ears bleed on the action in which she is summoned. This will sharply lower Special Defense by 2 for the rest of the fight.
Hoe Force Task Squad - Foxy Zor’s squad of awesome hoes. They have a 1% chance of appearing each round, and will give one Pokémon of either combatant a +1 boost in a random stat. If they happen to appear on the same round as Ghetku, they will attempt to protect the combatants from his Moondreigon and completely nullify his effects, but in doing so, they will stop all remaining actions in the round and ALWAYS come in on the second action.

Zoren's active squad

~ Is Zora sending out first?
~ Is Arylett then sending out and attacking?
~ Then Zora attacks?
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