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SomeGuy vs Legos

shy ♡

whispers in gay
(posting my very first challenge. let's hope I do this right.)

3v3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: Rest
Arena: A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.
Other: N/A

Legos's active squad
* Nitra the Female Torchic
* Ability: Blaze

* Tomogon the Unknown Bronzor
* Ability: Levitate

* Nimbus the Male Cottonee
* Ability: Prankster

* Charles the Male Barboach
* Ability: Oblivious

* Calypso the Female Shinx
* Ability: Intimidate

SomeGuy's active squad
* Turtlez the Female Squirtle
* Ability: Torrent

* Spikyman the Male Cacnea
* Ability: Sand Veil

* Firefox the Female Vulpix
* Ability: Flash Fire

* Hellcloud the Male Gastly
* Ability: Levitate

* Joey the Female Rattata
* Ability: Guts

* Purplemon the Male Nidoranm
* Ability: Poison Point

Legos sends out,
SomeGuy sends out and attacks,
Legos attacks,
Electric, huh? It's a shame I don't have any Ground Pokemon, as I'm quite fond of them.

Anyhow, I send out Spikyman.
Start off with Growth, followed by Leech Seed, and then Needle Arm.

Growth ~ Leech Seed ~ Needle Arm
Ok, go ahead and try to paralyze it with Thunder Wave, then Protect against the nasty leech seed and attack it with a Fire Fang.

Thunder Wave ~ Protect ~ Fire Fang
A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- '>D'

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- 'Sun~'​

Despite the loveliness of the arena, Spikyman can't help but shiver in fear at his opponent - Calypso is just utterly terrifying. Sure, she's just an itty bitty cub, if you're not fighting her. But if you are fighting her she's all big and fearsome and full of teeth and claws and electricity and who wants to touch that? Spikyman shivers in fear, suddenly doubtful of his own so-called spikyness.

And to make things worse, Calypso is intent on proving her threatening nature. She grins and shakes her fur, releasing tiny static into the air, which builds into a current of electricity; the current sparks out towards Spikyman, wrapping him up and fading into his plant-like skin, deep into his muscles. He shivers again, this time because he finds it difficult to do anything else, even to grow in the shining sun - something that should come so naturally to him. His muscles just won't cooperate. He knew that shinx was bad!

Finally his body relaxes, for the moment at least, and he manages to spit out a few seeds from the crown-formation on his head. The seeds fly towards Calypso, Spikyman's hopes flying with them, but they bounce off a protective shield and hit the ground, sprouting to life and sucking the nutrients from the earth instead of the shinx they were intended for. They quickly die out, leaving Spikyman rather disappointed.

Calypso grins again, this time scaring Spikyman even further as wisps of flame tickle its jaws. She runs towards the cacnea and chomps down on his arm, letting the fire spread into his skin, and the cacnea yelps in pain and pushes her off. Calypso jumps away, still grinning -

- and then she screams in complete shock as Spikyman whirls around and knocks his unhindered arm into her side, striking the breath out of her. The shinx gasps for air, stunned silent, and Spikyman assesses the situation - it seems like he actually hurt her. Hm. Maybe she wasn't so scary after all?​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 85%
Energy: 85%
- 'Oh my fu-'

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 91%
Energy: 89%
- '... :o woops?' Attack -1; paralyzed (moderate; 50% inability to move per action)

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Spikyman was fully paralyzed on the first action.
- Needle Arm was a critical hit.
- Legos next.

Alrighty then, Double Team, Ice Fang and Signal Beam. If any of those don't work for whatever reason, chill.

Double Team/Chill ~ Ice Fang/Chill ~ Signal Beam/Chill
Huh. Looks like Spikyman got lucky thar. (incidentally, I decided to see whether Shinx knew any Fire moves right after I sent him out)

Well then. This does not look good. Hit it with a Dynamic Punch, then Sucker Punch, and also Payback. YOU CAN DO IT, SPIKYMAN! BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF GRASS DARK! BELIEEEEVE!

Dynamic Punch~Sucker Punch~Payback
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A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 85%
Energy: 85%
- 'Oh my fu-'

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 91%
Energy: 89%
- '... :o woops?' Attack -1; paralyzed (moderate; 50% inability to move per action)​

Calypso gathered her wits and glared at Spikyman, rethinking the situation. Perhaps working on her defense would be better, like that thunderwave from before. She kicks off and dashes around the cacnea at breakneck speeds - actually not so fast at first, but as Spikyman watches the shinx runs faster and faster, until she's going so fast he can't even keep up and it looks like there are several shinx running around him. He blinks, rubs his eyes, but no - Calypso slows down and there really are several shinx before him. Four, in fact, and he has no idea which one to attack. It's all in vain, however, as the cacnea's muscles seize up on him and he frowns, unable to move even an inch, let alone swing an arm at one of the shinx hard enough to stun it into confusion.

Calypso grins again, clearly proud of her tactic, which seemed to have worked well enough to stop Spikyman from attacking at all! She's so proud, in fact, that when Spikyman's muscles stop seizing and he takes the opportunity to jump off the grass and into one of the shinx's face, she's stunned silent once more when that shinx is her. Spikyman's fist slams into her nose with shocking force, knocking all thought from her mind, and all her clones disappear into nothing; Calypso shrieks in shock, pain, and rage. God damn that cacnea, hitting her twice, and making her clones disappear immediately after she'd worked so hard on them! Goddamit.

But she'd so him. She snarled and her raged turned cold, bringing sheer ice to her fangs. She chomped down on the cacnea's stomach, chewing ice into him, and he whimpered in pain. The cold hurt more than the bite itself, strangely enough, and when Calypso let go, gewy green sap dripping from her mouth, Spikyman pressed a fist to his new bite wound. That shinx was mean.

And she wasn't done yet. She opened her mouth again, but this time instead of biting she stood still and formed a bright beam between her teeth - a beam of similar colour to Spikyman himself. The beam grew only slightly before snaking towards the cacnea and flashing onto him; it hurt more than he expected, more than the bites, and he squealed in pain like a baby. The squeals only made it worse, giving Calypso renewed energy, and she grinned throughout the entire attack.

When it finally ended, Spikyman turned darkened eyes on Calypso. She was going to pay for that. He ran towards the shinx, a dark glow enveloping his normally green body, and pummeled into her small body, slamming fists and feet and golden crown into her with furious energy. She whimpered, taking the blows like a pro, until the dark energy faded from Spikyman's body and he backed away, all the rage gone. He'd gotten his revenge; both pokemon looked to be equally worse for wear.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 71%
Energy: 69%
- ':| grr.'

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 74%
Energy: 78%
- '>| grr.' Attack -1; paralyzed (moderate; 50% inability to move per action)

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Spikyman was fully paralyzed on the first action (again).
- SomeGuy next.
:O My baby!

Let's slow that Shinx down (Cotton Spore). Then hit it with Body Slam and use Counter. Unless Spiky doesn't get hit by something physical (in that case just hit Calypso with a Faint Attack)

Cotton Spore~Body Slam~Counter/Faint Attack
Ok. We've got this.

Toxic it to get some continous damage, Captivate to lower its Special Attack against the oncoming Faint Attack, and finish with another Signal Beam. Next time we'll probably have to do some chilling, but for now just try to push through the hits ok?

Toxic ~ Captivate ~ Signal Beam
A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 71%
Energy: 69%
- ':| grr.'

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 74%
Energy: 78%
- '>| grr.' Attack -1; paralyzed (moderate; 50% inability to move per action)​

Calypso starts to couch and hack as if she's suddenly gotten a furball stuck in her through. As the nastyness rises to her mouth, it appears to not be a furrball but the grosses, slimiest purple saliva she's ever tasted. She decides it would be better off on Spikyman than in her mouth, so she spits it out onto him, and indeed it looks much better there. Except Spikyman disagrees - the goop burns through his skin into his upon contact, and he quickly starts to feel pretty sick. Or maybe that's just in his mind; that was pretty gross. Like, really gross.

And even worse, he can't move, again. He groans, unable to even wipe the purple guck off him, although it's mostly all seeped into him by now. It's left a slight burn mark where it hit, though, and all he can do is think about the nausea in his stomach and his sudden desire to vomit. Yeah, he'd vomit on that shinx, just revenge! Bleah.

And yet, all of a sudden Calypso looks somewhat pretty. It's a bit... frightening, looking at her and thinking back to just a few seconds ago where she was literally spitting on him, and now her fur is glittering in the sun all shiny-like and she's batting her eyes at him and oh my Spikyman can't help but swoon at her. Sure, she could make him feel like crap, but what woman didn't sometimes? He couldn't hold that against her.

Except now he had to. Damn it. He cleared his throat and jumped into the air, landing full-body on the sun-bathing shinx. Calypso yelped as Spikyman's spikes dug into her, pushing him off in annoyance more than pain. Spikyman distanced himself apologetically, clearly not having intended to hurt her but, you know, these things happen in a battle.

Calypso shook herself and nearly rolled her eyes, but controlled herself. Instead she opened her jaw just a bit and began to form another one of those greenish beams; it grew only slightly, like before, and then jolted towards the cacnea, sparking onto his skin quite brightly. Unfortunately for him, it hit exactly where Calypso had landed her icy fang before; he screamed in pain, and Calypso grinned, knowing she'd hit a weak spot. The attack quickly faded, though, since Calypso had little control over bug energy.

Now feeling quite a bit less affection for the shinx, Spikyman glowered and cloaked himself in darkness, dashing towards Calypso and knocking into her. He literally bounced off, leaving the slightest of scrapes on her side; Calypso simply brushed it off. Though the faint attack seemed to do practically nothing, the shinx was growing tired, as was Spikyman - the cacnea, however, was clearly worse for off.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 61%
Energy: 51%
- '... heh.'

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 57%
Energy: 67%
- *gag* Attack -1, special attack -2; paralyzed (slight; 25% inability to move per action); poisoned (severe; 1% this round, 2% next)

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Spikyman was fully paralyzed on the first action (again), but it then decreased in severity to slight paralysis.
- ... Faint Attack is a physical attack.
- Signal Beam was a critical hit.
- Legos next.
Ok then, let's keep it going. Chill on the first turn to gain back some energy, Howl to boost your attack and then Signal Beam again.

Chill ~ Howl ~ Signal Beam
Okay, Spikyman. Keep it steady. Let's get ourselves together here.

Poison, eh? Let's do something about that. Ingrain. Then, hit that Shinx with Giga Drain. And also, Protect.

Ingrain~Giga Drain~Protect
A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 61%
Energy: 51%
- '... heh.'

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 57%
Energy: 67%
- *gag* Attack -1, special attack -2; paralyzed (slight; 25% inability to move per action); poisoned (severe; 1% this round, 2% next)​

Both pokemon consider how beautiful their arena is. Very pristine and grassy and all that jazz. Calypso lays down, resting her head on her paws and closes her eyes, yawning wide; what a nice place to take a short break from all this fighting. Spikyman does the same, although he sure thinks he needs it more. He stretches out his leg-things, digging them deep into the dirt, and releases a few vines to attach himself into the ground. The vines spread rapidly into the ground, clutching at other vines hidden below, and before he knows it he's both connected to the arena and grabbing nutrients from it. He's pretty damned grateful, considering that nasty nauseous feeling spreading through him; the nutrients he's grabbing will help counter that, at least.

Calypso doesn't even bother getting up. She eyes her opponent, who seems to not have moved, and raises her maw to the sun, letting out a chilling howl. Though she can't hear anyone echoing the howl, its effects are self-evident; she feels the boost to her confidence immediately, and knows that any subsequent attack will be much stronger.

Unfortunately, Spikyman chose this moment to attack. Though the cacnea couldn't move now that it was rooted to the ground, he could still attack just as well from where he was. He raised his arms and began to draw life from the shinx, pulling tiny green orbs towards him; the green orbs remained tiny, though, and the attack was short-lasted. That captivate from before meant Spikyman's attack had little power, and he gained only a small amount of energy from Calypso.

Calypso growled and got to her feet. That was definitely enough of that. She opened her mouth, more confident now. Another green orb formed between her teeth, flying towards Spikyman in a similarly green beam; it landed on a protective shield, however, sparking harmlessly off until Calypso ran out of energy for the attack. The shinx howled with fury, wanting to kill that damned cacnea once and for all; her only comfort was in the pained look on Spikyman's face as the poison slowly grew worse.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 52%
- 'DIE, DAMN YOU.' +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 60%
Energy: 54%
- 'I really don't want to die...' Attack -1, special attack -2; paralyzed (slight; 25% inability to move/action); poisoned (severe; 2% this round, 3% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- SomeGuy next.
Oh man. Let's boost that attack, eh? Growth. And, uh, why not make Calypso sleep. Grass Whistle. Then finish up with a Dynamic Punch.

Growth~Grass Whistle~Dynamic Punch
Let's put our luck to the test...

Signal Beam to get some good damage on it, Snarl to get the Special Attack lowered again, and Sleep Talk after you're asleep. This should be fun.

Signal Beam ~ Snarl ~ Sleep Talk
Severe paralysis should start out at 25%, not 50%; it should be almost impossible to get a pokémon to that high a chance of attack failure.
A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 52%
- 'DIE, DAMN YOU.' +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 60%
Energy: 54%
- 'I really don't want to die...' Attack -1, special attack -2; paralyzed (slight; 10% inability to move/action); poisoned (severe; 2% this round, 3% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action).​

Calypso growls and opens her jaw to reveal another growing green orb, much to Spikyman's dissatisfaction. The orb grows quickly and rips towards Spikyman in a small beam, sparking onto his slightly darker green skin. He groans but takes the hit, unable to move away due to the roots digging him into the ground. He groans; how could such a small beam hurt him so much? The attack ends quickly, seeing as Calypso has little control over it, and it seems to drain her pretty quickly. She breathes heavily, but the damage it did to Spikyman was worth it.

Spikyman steadies himself and raises his spiky arms to the sun. Immediately, as the sun seeps into his skin, his growth doubles its normal speeds, allowing him to reach a scarily large size. Calypso takes a hesitant step back, now wary of the giant cactus standing in front of her. Maybe not so giant, really, but much larger than she was... used to. Much larger than anyone wants to fight. Not that anyone should be fighting a cactus, honestly. Bad choice, that.

Calypso takes a breath and gathers her wits. It's the same cacnea as before, just bigger. And scarier. No, just bigger. She's the scary one. She lets a grumble ripple through her throat and then she lets out the nastiest snarl she can manage, and in fact it's so nasty that Spikyman falters at the sound. He shrivels a bit, losing some of his gained size and confidence, and a bit of his attack boost. Calypso grins - there, that cacnea isn't so scary, is it?

Spikyman frowns. He's got to stop that shinx from ruining all his plans. He closes his eyes and begins to rub his spikes together ever so gently, creating the most effervescent sound Calypso has ever heard. She tilts her head in curiosity, like a puppy hearing a new sound, but the whistling is just too quiet to entrance her to sleep. She takes a tiny step closer to the cacnea, but that's it; Spikyman frowns in disappointment. Damn.

Well, now Calypso is really confused. She steps back from Spikyman, wary, and unsure of her commands. She's not asleep, so... sleep talk is not an option. Instead she sits and stares at the cacnea, who spends the action attempting to swing a fist at the shinx who is completely out of range. His roots stick him to his one spot, making it impossible to walk those few steps over to Calypso and smack her in the face with a well-deserved dynamicpunch; he whines and swings his fists in annoyance, while Calypso sighs in equal annoyance. Neither one of them is very pleased.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 39%
- '... wat.' +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 47%
Energy: 48%
- 'Get... over... here!' Special attack -2; paralyzed (slight; 10% inability to move/action); poisoned (severe; 3% this round, 4% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Edited paralysis, sorry dudes.
- Legos next.
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