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Zora of Termina vs. DJ P0N-3 (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Squornshellous Beta

Active member
2v2 single
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: The Inside of Zora’s Mind

Well. No one knows how our heroes have managed this one, but it seems the universe has finally imploded around them, sending them (and the ref) spiralling into the depths of the mind of an crazy redhead.

The stage is around the size of an average arena, however, it is translucent and rainbow-coloured, and appears to be floating amidst a sort of purple void, with two roads made of rainbow extending to either side of the field. Every so often, the scenery around the arena will change, although this has no effect on the battle and so can change to whatever, whenever, at the referee’s discretion. There also are two small ponds to either edge of the arena for Water-types.

Although being inside the mind of someone like her has… other, effects.

- The moves Attract and Captivate, as well as other moves that base their effects on gender, can hit all Pokémon on the field, rather than just the specified gender.
- And also, there seem to be stimulants in the air in this arena, giving all Pokémon a boost in energy, setting it at an initial 150%.
Zora of Termina's Active Squad
Cyndra (Female)
Ability: Blaze

Shiela (Female)
Ability: Flash Fire
Held Item: Fire Stone

Hera (Female)
Ability: Synchronize

Kimani (Female)
Ability: Cute Charm

The Goddamn Batzor (Female)
Ability: Inner Focus

Mr. Darcy (Male)
Ability: Synchronize

Scarlet (Female)
Ability: Illusion

Theo (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus

Alfons (Male)
Ability: Hustle

Armando (Male)
Ability: Torrent

DJ P0N-3's Active Squad
Anastasia (Female)
Ability: Inner Focus

Ben (Female)
Ability: Pressure
Held Item: Silverpowder

Tiamat (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb
Held Item: Leftovers

Marzanna (Female)
Ability: Ice Body

Rock Lobsta (Female)
Ability: Rock Head

Danica (Female)
Ability: Flame Body
Held Item: Exp. Share

Zorica (Female)
Ability: Flash Fire

Tarantesla (Female)
Ability: Compoundeyes

Sören (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus

Zora (Female)
Ability: Illusion

First Round
- Zora of Termina sends out
- DJ P0N-3 sends out and attacks
- Zora of Termina attacks
- I ref
I'M LATE I'M LATE ooooops

Anyway! Going with my cutest thing ever, Adrienne (previous Tarantesla I KNOW I CHANGE NAMES A LOT SO SUE ME) the Bachuru. :3c

AND SO, my little pint sized badass, because it's obligatory, let us open with an Attract~.. I know, technically the arena rules don't even come into play but canonically you're a lesbian so we'll pretend. Plus who can resist a fwuffspidar. <3

Then! Let's make him a gift. <3 a 15% Substitute should do nicely.

Finally, let's give him the gift... of PAIN. *Dramatic sound effects* CompoundThunder all up in dis bitch.

Attract ~ Substitute (15%) ~ Thunder
... T:

Well. I think I know just what to do here. Try to get in an Aerial Ace just before she hits you. Then Dig down and back up again~

Aerial Ace ~ Dig (down) ~ Dig (up)
2v2 single
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: The Inside of Zora’s Mind

Well. No one knows how our heroes have managed this one, but it seems the universe has finally imploded around them, sending them (and the ref) spiralling into the depths of the mind of a crazy redhead.

The stage is around the size of an average arena, however, it is translucent and rainbow-coloured, and appears to be floating amidst a sort of purple void, with two roads made of rainbow extending to either side of the field. Every so often, the scenery around the arena will change, although this has no effect on the battle and so can change to whatever, whenever, at the referee’s discretion. There also are two small ponds to either edge of the arena for Water-types.

Although being inside the mind of someone like her has… other, effects.

- The moves Attract and Captivate, as well as other moves that base their effects on gender, can hit all Pokémon on the field, rather than just the specified gender.
- And also, there seem to be stimulants in the air in this arena, giving all Pokémon a boost in energy, setting it at an initial 150%.
Pre-round Notes
So the universe has collapsed around the three. All sorts of weird things have happened to these three over the years, but this is by far the oddest. The swirling of the space around them seems to last an eternity, but eventually it subsides; the three are vomited up onto a cold hard shore, the flotsam and jetsam of the universe. After a while, when their vision is more than simply vague blurs, they stagger upright away from the cold hard shore, which shines darkly (it is a very highly polished cold hard shore). They slowly realize that the cold hard shore on which they are standing is just a small, polished island, with a rainbow road extending from one end; it connects to a translucent, rainbowy island, and another road from the other side. As they step onto the island, the scenery around it changes; the cold hard shore vanishes and an enormous wall springs up around the island. The wall begins babbling incoherently as the three inspect the island.

Through it is dimly visible the form of a purple, spiralling void. There are two ponds, quite near to the paths that are no longer visible. The rainbow colors are constantly shifting. With this much established, the trainers turn to the only logical course of action - what? Try and get out? No, sorry, not getting it at all. The only logical course of action is to have a battle, obviously. Suddenly, battlefield markings fade into existence on the rainbowy platform. A surprised outburst from Zora follows quickly: "I was just thinking that it was the right size for that! This is weird!"

A few seconds of frantic thought lead to the conclusion that Zora can affect the environment by her mere thoughts, and so the next logical leap is that, somehow, we are inside her mind. A little more experimentation seems to confirm this, and with a thought an Oshawott materializes on one end of the field. A couple of seconds of discussion lead to DJ P0N-3 being selected as the opponent and Squornshellous Beta as the referee. They take their respective places, DJ P0N-3 sends out a Joltik, and the referee signals for the battle to begin.

Team Zora of Termina

Armando (Male)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 100%
Energy: 150%
Status: What is this place?
Commands: Aerial Ace ~ Dig (down) ~ Dig (up)

Team DJ P0N-3

Adrienne (Female)
Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 100%
Energy: 150%
Status: The walls are talking to me, maaaan.
Commands: Attract ~ Substitute (15%) ~ Thunder

Round 1 Begin!

The Joltik is the first to move. She makes herself as cute and fluffy as she possibly can, and in her sweetest voice she begins addressing the Oshawott. She gives a few compliments and makes a declaration of love, admittedly false, and it seems to take hold; her adorable fwuffspiderness and something about the mind they're in causes Armando to be overcome by infatuation, and he is briefly overcome with thoughts of her. He soon recovers, though, and darts towards Adrienne; he pulls the shell off his chest and slashes at her with its sharp edge. She squeals, and leaps back.

Adrienne begins to wonder whether she can exercsie any control over this place. She pumps a pulse of her energy into the rainbowy ground, and it suddenly bulges upwards; a blob of rainbow pulls itself free and then just floats there for a second. Then, lowering itself down again, it begins to take on a distinct shape, growing four legs, a pair of mandibles, and fluffy fur; transformation complete, it stands there as a translucent, rainbow-colored Joltik, which makes enthusiastic squealing sounds in the direction of its creator. Armando has been watching with some interest, and decides to test out the physics of this place: he scrabbles at the ground madly, and suddenly falls through it with a plop. He emerges on the other side, and, with a supremely foolish look on his face, he begins swimming around in the void.

Adrienne observes this with some interest, and then prepares for her own move. She begins emitting controlled pulses of electricity, and clouds begin to form above the arena. Suddenly, an enormous lightning bolt erupts from them and strikes the ground above Armando, dissipating harmlessly. Armando observes this and laughs, then swims to the point right underneath Adrienne and begins tunneling upwards. The rainbow-clone shoves the original out of the way, and just in time; a bizarre ripple spreads outwards from the spot as Armando bursts outwards again. Adrienne sighs with relief as the rond draws to an end.

Round 1 End!

Team Zora of Termina

Armando (Male)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 100%
Energy: 137%
Status: <3 Adrienne Attracted (moderate; 50% chance of 'immobilized by love')
Attacks Used: Aerial Ace ~ Dig (down) ~ Dig (up)

Team DJ P0N-3

Adrienne (Female)
Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 78%
Energy: 131%
Status: What a weird place.
Attacks Used: Attract ~ Substitute (15%) ~ Thunder

Damage / Energy Calculations
Attract - 4% energy
Aerial Ace - 7% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 43, needed 100 to miss)
Substitute - 15% health (Adrienne), 7% energy
Dig - 4% energy
Thunder - 8% energy (missed)
Dig - 7% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 98, needed 100 to miss)

- Sorry Zora, Oshawott aren't fast enough to strike before Joltik.
- Whoo! My longest Pre-round notes ever!

Arena Notes
- Nothing inside the battlefield has changed.

Next Round
- Zora of Termina attacks
- DJ P0N-3 attacks
- I ref
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...Actually first zap him lightly. a 'lovezap'. Yeah. Thunder Wave.
Then Fry 'Im. THUNDAR. times two.

Thunder Wave ~ Thunder ~ Thunder

2v2 single
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: The Inside of Zora’s Mind

Well. No one knows how our heroes have managed this one, but it seems the universe has finally imploded around them, sending them (and the ref) spiralling into the depths of the mind of a crazy redhead.

The stage is around the size of an average arena, however, it is translucent and rainbow-coloured, and appears to be floating amidst a sort of purple void, with two roads made of rainbow extending to either side of the field. Every so often, the scenery around the arena will change, although this has no effect on the battle and so can change to whatever, whenever, at the referee’s discretion. There also are two small ponds to either edge of the arena for Water-types.

Although being inside the mind of someone like her has… other, effects.

- The moves Attract and Captivate, as well as other moves that base their effects on gender, can hit all Pokémon on the field, rather than just the specified gender.
- And also, there seem to be stimulants in the air in this arena, giving all Pokémon a boost in energy, setting it at an initial 150%.

Team Zora of Termina

Armando (Male)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 100%
Energy: 137%
Status: <3 Adrienne Attracted (moderate; 50% chance of 'immobilized by love')
Commands: Toxic ~ Ice Beam ~ Taunt

Team DJ P0N-3

Adrienne (Female)
Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 78%
Energy: 131%
Status: What a weird place.
Commands: Thunder Wave ~ Thunder ~ Thunder

Round 2 Begin!

Adrienne squeaks adorably, then begins rubbing her fur together to build up static electricity. It multiplies rapidly and soon builds up to a sufficient level for Adrienne's plans, then she releases it at Armando. It hits and instantly does its job, short-circuiting his nervous system quite effectively; Adrienne squeaks an apology to him as he looks at her, hurt. Like a sucker he buys it, and then apologizes for his own attack to come. He begins gathering several fairly potent toxins from various areas in his body, mixing them into a foul purple sludge in his mouth; shuddering at the taste, he spits it at her; it flies in a neat arc straight for Adrienne. At the peak of its arc, though, the rainbowy Substitute leaps into the air, the Toxic flying straight through its body. It emerges on the other side as pure, clean water, which splashes over Adrienne in a quite refreshing manner.

Now Adrienne begins letting off little sparks of electricity, affecting the ambient electricity of the arena; a dark cloud forms overhead, and suddenly an enormous lightning bolt arcs down and strikes Armando directly, to the accompaniment of an Oshawott scream. Armando collapses over and just lies there inert for a while, then he staggers to his feet. He holds his hands out and a small, icy-blue ball of energy forms in between them; a very, very thin beam shoots out of the front and the rainbow-clone leaps in the way yet again. The beam emerges on its other side as tiny little snowflake-looking things, but the clone itself is absorbing the full brunt of the attack: just as the Ice Beam runs out of energy, the clone explodes, a rainbow shimmering briefly in its place and fading away.

Adrienne once again begins manipulating the arena's energy, clouds forming once again. Armando recognizes the clouds and begins running round in circles and eeeeeping, hoping to maybe avoid the lightning-bolt - to no avail. The bolt arcs straight for him and, with a sound like a miniature explosion, leaves him flat on his back. As he lies there, groaning, he considers his trainer's command briefly, but then decides against it: attacking her little rainbowclone is one thing, but he's not going to insult her.

Round 2 End!

Team Zora of Termina

Armando (Male)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 56%
Energy: 122%
Status: Oooooooouch... Attracted (moderate; 50% chance of 'immobilized by love'), paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis)
Attacks Used: Toxic ~ Ice Beam ~ [attracted]

Team DJ P0N-3

Adrienne (Female)
Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 78%
Energy: 112%
Status: Haha, he's just lying there!
Attacks Used: Thunder Wave ~ Thunder ~ Thunder

Damage / Energy Calculations
Thunder Wave - 3% energy (accuracy roll 20, needed 100 to miss)
Toxic - 7% energy (accuracy roll 31, needed 90 or above to miss)
Thunder - 22% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 1, needed 85 or above to miss)
Ice Beam - 8% damage, 9% energy (accuracy roll 85, needed 100 to miss)
Thunder - 22% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 68, needed 85 or above to miss)

- I am imagining you making a bzzrt sound. Snrk
- ...Why would you order Toxic against a foe with a Substitute?
- I am sorry for the delay guys, I write them up in the order they were posted in and both of the last two took ages for some reason.

Arena Notes
- Nothing inside the battlefield has changed.

Next Round
- DJ P0N-3 attacks
- Zora of Termina attacks
- I ref
Very late here :/
DJ P0N-3 is DQed. She gets no prize. Adrienne gets 2EXP I think, while Armando only gets one. Zora gets $8, and I get $5. Shame this one had to end, it looked fun to ref.

Both 1 EXP - Negrek
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