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ole_schooler vs. Legendaryseeker99

Eta Carinae

I really loved that farm.
1 vs 1 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned Moves: Limit 5 chills, limit 3 direct healing moves, no fully evolved pokemon
Arena: The Batcave

Apparently, Bruce Wayne is either running out of money or completely mad, because he's started allowing trainers to battle in his formerly secret lair. It's a dark, dank cave, full of strange gadgets in the corners (many of which can be thrown for 5% typeless damage). There's also some trophies, included a stuffed T-Rex, one of the Joker's cars, and a giant penny.

ole_schooler's Non-Fully Evolved Active Squad:

(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
(Tomas) Electrike [M] <Static> @Shiny Stone
(Daniel) Snubbull [M] <Intimidate> @Moon Stone
(Dawg) Riolu [M] <Inner Focus>
(Ace) Lillipup [F] <Run Away>

Legendaryseeker99's Non-Fully Evolved (everybody) Active Squad:

(Mercury) Oshawott [M] <Torrent>
(Umbra) Litwick [M] <Flash Fire>
(Venus) Snivy [F] <Contrary>

Right then:

Legendaryseeker99 to send out
ole_schooler to send out and order attacks
Legendaryseeker99 to order attacks
I to ref

Stage on for Sabriel, then.

Open up with a Leer, because you're just that good and confidence will win this thing, I guarantee. Then, give her two good nips with Fire Fang and Ice Fang. Any time she's protecting or has a heightened evasion modifier, go ahead and Howl instead. If you're taunted on the first action, Snarl instead.

Leer/Howl/Snarl~Fire Fang/Howl~Ice Fang/Howl
Okay, first use Leech Seed to set up some indirect healing. Then, do some damage with Leaf Storm. Lastly, pulverize your opponent with Leaf Tornado.

Leech Seed~Leaf Storm~Leaf Tornado
1 vs 1 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned Moves: Limit 5 chills, limit 3 direct healing moves, no fully evolved pokemon
Arena: The Batcave

Apparently, Bruce Wayne is either running out of money or completely mad, because he's started allowing trainers to battle in his formerly secret lair. It's a dark, dank cave, full of strange gadgets in the corners (many of which can be thrown for 5% typeless damage). There's also some trophies, included a stuffed T-Rex, one of the Joker's cars, and a giant penny.

Round 1

ole_schooler O


Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Leer/Howl/Snarl ~ Fire Fang/Howl ~ Ice Fang/Howl
Status: Feeling at home in the darkness



Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Commands: Leech Seed ~ Leaf Storm ~ Leaf Tornado
Status: Inspecting her opponent with a slight interest

Venus looked around quickly at her surroundings. First things first, it was dark. Not painfully so, but enough to give her evil-looking opponent an edge. After waiting just a few moments for her vision to adjust, she began to judge her opponent. She herself was much speedier, which was helpful, but she looked quite menacing, especially in the gloom of the cave. The Snivy could not worry about this too much, and soon she was beginning her attack. She conjured up a seed from the leaf on her tail, and imbued the small life form with a bit of energy, causing to glow faintly green. With a great lob of her hands she threw the seed towards her growling opponent. The seed struck Sabriel, and the poor pooch let out a small yelp as tiny roots sprouted from the seed and began to weave through her fur. She could feel the vines sucking away her energy, and she grimaced at the consequences.

Sabriel was only slightly fazed. Her opponent had begun with her setup, and she would begin with her own. It was only expected that her opponent would do something on the first action, though it could have been just slightly less annoying. Now Sabriel would simply return the favour in her own way, and all would be even. She began to lock on to her opponent with her eyes. At first the Snivy simply ignored this staring contest, but soon she could do nothing to stop herself from looking back. Then out of the blue her vicious opponent opened up her maw much too wide, and let out a snarl, while narrowing her eyes. This gaze would normally not bother one like Venus, but she was thoroughly spooked. She had not expected her opponent to pull off a stunt like that, and she was not looking forward to when she actually attacked.

Now that Venus felt like she had entered the Prologue of some plot winding horror movie, she was not as happy that she had to continue as though she was as confident as ever. She was scared out of her wits at the moment, and until she calmed down she might have just the slightest bit of trouble concentrating on actually attacking. However, her ability did help her slightly with this, and in an instant she felt the attack's effect, instantly reverse herself. The stare had given her strength, not weakness.She pulled herself together and focused on the fact that she was about to lay on the hurt. She closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them they glowed green. Soon leaves broke off from her tail and began to encircle her in a vague representation of an enlarged wind twister. She added a bit of pure grass-type energy for extra flavour, and she soon had a full out hurricane surrounding her. She was about to send this giant windstorm at her opponent, but at the last second she lost the slightest bit of concentration and she moved the storm what she thought was just a little off target. When she realized that her opponent was not howling in pain she took notice of what actually happened. She had sent her all-powerful attack into the wall.

Sabriel cocked her head to the side. Were those slowly drifting leaves supposed to do anything other than, well, exist? A small pile was forming off to the side of him against the cavern’s edge, just beside the Joker’s old car. Sabriel was miffed, but she wasn’t going to say that she didn’t feel a bit happy. Her opponent had failed, and she was going to take advantage any way possible. She began to increase the temperature in her mouth, bracing her gums for what was about to happen. With a rush of heated air flames erupted around her teeth, making it seem like she was almost gargling the flames. She rushed forward with a snarl and jumped slightly before reaching her opponent. Venus cringed just before Sabriel sunk her fangs into her opponent’s back. Venus screamed as the flames began to eat her skin, or at least that’s what she seemed to feel. Sabriel removed her teeth from her opponent’s flesh, and then extinguished the flames on her teeth.

Venus moved her back slowly. She could still feel the pain of the attack, but she realized that she had not been burned by the fiery attack, and that was quite a relief. She was now grimly determined to get at least one real attack in, after being robbed by the Leaf Storm simple hitting the wall. She began the same ritual that she had performed earlier in the round, though she didn’t make it quite as ferocious. She summoned up more leaves from her tail (which was starting to look a bit thinner than usual) and began to make these small projectiles encircle Sabriel. Venus felt the extra energy that was being added to the attack, her ingenious ability converting the energy lost from her failed Leaf Storm into extra power for her tornado. The leaves began to leave cuts and scratches on Sabriel as they encircled her. Soon Venus let the leaves drop to the ground, leaving just a few to run through. She was finally just a bit pleased with how one of her attacks had worked out.

Sabriel felt slightly dazed by the leafy onslaught. She now knew what it was like to be Venus, not being able to hit straight. To her, her opponent was splitting into two. It was a simple illusion caused by the attack, but she couldn’t stop her vision from wavering slightly. Luckily her attack did not require her to aim that much, just running in the general direction of Venus. Like what she did with Fire Fang, Sabriel changed the temperature in her mouth, but this time she decreased it, making it cold in her mouth. Soon small ice crystals began to form at the back of her mouth, spreading out until her entire mouth was covered in an icy coating. She ran forward again, still feeling slightly dizzy. Luckily enough when she got close enough to Venus she was able to see well enough to easily attack on target. Once more she leapt into the air and pounced down teeth bared. She once again hit Venus right in the back. The attack hurt even more for Venus as Sabriel’s fangs entered her skin right where the Fire Fang had scorched her before. She squealed again, and then calmed down as she felt the sharp teeth exiting her skin. As Sabriel backed away she cringed slightly from the seedling sucking her energy.

End of Round 1

ole_schooler O


Health: 91%
Energy: 88%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Status: Feeling relatively happy with her performance. Seeded, Accuracy -1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 87%
Energy: 81%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Status: Hot, cold, hot, cold… Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Ref’s Notes
-Somehow I made this reffing longer than usual. Don't use it comparatively please
-There’s a small pile of leaves off to the side of the cave, and a few more around Sabriel
-Leaf Tornado lowered Sabriel’s Accuracy
-Legendaryseeker99 to order attacks next
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Aagh, sorry, I keep thinking it just has Overgrow. Will fix as soon as possible.

EDIT: Fixed now (er, a while ago, but forgot to say here)
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GAH logging out with out me knowing.
Use Flash, unless Sabriel would be able to dodge it, in which case use Leaf Blade. Then use Leaf Blade, and finally use Mega Drain.

Flash/Leaf Blade~Leaf Blade~Mega Drain
Hrm. I don't like that she's faster than you, Sabriel, but there's not a lot we can do about that. Wait until after she flashes (not like you could go before) and use Psych Up to get yourself to see straighter and gain a little boost in the meantime. Follow up with a Swagger, which thanks to the magic of Contrary will cut her attack AND confuse her, and finish off with Dark Pulse (hooray, Dream World!).

Psych Up~Swagger~Dark Pulse
1 vs 1 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned Moves: Limit 5 chills, limit 3 direct healing moves, no fully evolved pokemon
Arena: The Batcave

Apparently, Bruce Wayne is either running out of money or completely mad, because he's started allowing trainers to battle in his formerly secret lair. It's a dark, dank cave, full of strange gadgets in the corners (many of which can be thrown for 5% typeless damage). There's also some trophies, included a stuffed T-Rex, one of the Joker's cars, and a giant penny.

Round 2

ole_schooler O


Health: 91%
Energy: 88%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Psych Up ~ Swagger ~ Dark Pulse
Status: Feeling relatively happy with her performance. Seeded, Accuracy -1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 87%
Energy: 81%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Commands: Flash/Leaf Blade ~ Leaf Blade ~ Mega Drain
Status: Hot, cold, hot, cold… Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Venus eyed her opponent with a slight curiosity. This Poochyena was making no attempt to even begin preparing a move, which worried her slightly. Usually her opponent would be hyped up at the opportunity to move before a faster opponent, but Sabriel just sat there non-chalantly. Waiting. Well, if Venus waited, nothing was going to get done, so with a small bit of preparation she unleashed her next move. In the blink of an eye the entire field was lit with a burning bright light that radiated from Venus. Who knows how she managed to generate it, but she did, and the scorching light made quite an imprint on Sabriel’s retinas. The dog was now even more dizzied, and was unsure how she would ever be able to see straight again.

Sabriel tried to compose herself. Though she could barely see her green opponent (If she had been faced with a grey opponent she would have been completely hopeless) she knew that she did not need sight to guide her when performing her next move. She closed her eyes, enjoyed the relief for a millisecond, and then launched a psychic connection at her opponent. Like a Nitendo DS searching for A Wi-Fi hotspot she searched through the subconscious no-man’s land before locking on to Venus’s brain. She broke through and began absorbing her opponent’s statistical advantages over her. The heightened Special Attack, Defense, and a decent Accuracy were all that she was allowed to grab, though she couldn’t help nabbing an embarrassing memory from the endless ocean of thoughts. She retreated back in to her own mind and opened her eyes, content with her ability to actually see again.

Venus shook a little bit. She wasn’t used to being invaded in that kind of way, least of all by Sabriel, who didn’t seem to have much capacity for mental espionage. Venus decided that what better way to get back at her for ripping through her brain than ripping through her skin. She charged forward with a high-pitched war cry, her tail growing at an alarming rate, transforming into a leafy weapon as sharp as a knife. As she approached Sabriel she jumped, pirouetted just for the style points, and came down with a nasty swipe of the tail. The strike caught Sabriel right on the front leg, causing her to nearly tumble over as the limb weakened. But the Poochyena stayed strong, barked to signal that the gesture was most certainly not appreciated, and then began licking the wound. Venus turned back with a flash of her trademark smirk.

Sabriel did not like the vicious onslaught by her opponent. Not one bit. The wound on her leg stung, and she knew that that might come back to bite her. No pun intended. Well, she realized that it was time for her to show that that little attack had been nothing, and she was expecting much more. She began strutting around on the tips of her toes, spouting infuriating insults at the poor Snivy. Seriously, Venus felt just a bit scarred after hearing some of the things that this Poochyena could come up with. Well, whatever it was, the banter sent Venus into an unstoppable rage. Or at least it felt like an unstoppable rage, when really her darling ability had converted those stat boosts in to a decrease in attacking power. She was still just as berserk as ever though, and she wasn’t getting better any time soon.

Venus’s mind was essentially telling her a few things. KILL, MAIM, INJURE, SING HORRIBLE SONGS BY CERTAIN PRE-PUBESCENT POP STARS, were just a few. And she knew her mission was to do at least the injure part. So in her berserk rage she took a look at her opponent, and using the powers given to her by being a Grass-type, she began to literally suck the life force out of Sabriel. Sabriel cringed as pieces of her health represented by green orbs literally flew out of her body and were absorbed into Venus’s. The Snivy breathed a sigh of relief as she felt a little bit of the health enter her own bloodstream, giving her a bit of healthy hope. Sabriel growled as she felt her lead in the battle slowly dwindle.

It was now time for Sabriel to give this rampaging monster a true thumping with her next attack. Her Psych Up had given her a healthy amount of Special Attack to use to her advantage. She began to channel all of her negative thoughts, her hate, and her anger and mash it all together into a shapeless mass of dark energy. With a loud bark she released this pulse of pure darkness out of her body and towards Venus. The Snivy saw it coming but could do nothing to stop the vindictive onslaught. The pulse hit her and she fell backwards slightly, hitting the floor with a thud. She got back, still feeling huge amounts of anger, and gave her opponent the evil eye. Sabriel returned it but flinched slightly as the Leech Seed dug in to her flesh once more.

End of Round 2

ole_schooler O


Health: 76%
Energy: 76%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Status: Covering ears for good reason. Seeded, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 80%
Energy: 68%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Status: ~It’s Friday, Friday…~ Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Confused

Ref’s Notes
-There’s a small pile of leaves off to the side of the cave, and a few more around Sabriel
-Nothing else really, so ole_schooler to order attacks next
Quick clarification question: would it be possible to see the rolls for the chances Confusion comes into effect and Venus hits herself? Thanks! And thanks for reffing so quickly; I feel spoiled.

Okay, Sab, you're battling in a large, echo-y cave. With great acoustics. And no one wants to listen to that Snivy sing that song. That being said, I feel like a full round of Uproar would be fun and pain-inducing. If for whatever reason you're interrupted or miss, keep up the noise with Howl. And if you fall asleep, Snore. (Is it bad I want to quote the Grinch, about all that noise, noise, noise, noise?)

Let's make some more noise, and just go all out with Round the whole time. Try to be louder than Sabriel. *Puts on headphones to drown out the horrible, very loud noise that is to come*

Round x3
1 vs 1 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned Moves: Limit 5 chills, limit 3 direct healing moves, no fully evolved pokemon
Arena: The Batcave

Apparently, Bruce Wayne is either running out of money or completely mad, because he's started allowing trainers to battle in his formerly secret lair. It's a dark, dank cave, full of strange gadgets in the corners (many of which can be thrown for 5% typeless damage). There's also some trophies, included a stuffed T-Rex, one of the Joker's cars, and a giant penny.

Round 3

ole_schooler O


Health: 76%
Energy: 76%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Uproar/Howl/Snore ~ Uproar/Howl/Snore ~ Uproar/Howl/Snore
Status: Covering ears for good reason. Seeded, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 80%
Energy: 68%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Status: Round ~ Round ~ Round
Status: ~It’s Friday, Friday…~ Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Confused

Venus was still in an all out rage. She was relatively sure that she had the slightest advantage Health-wise, at least for the moment. Now time to make her emotions run free, let all know who Venus the Snivy was and what she could do. She began to sing a song. Thank Arceus it wasn’t “Friday” again, and another bit of gratitude for not giving us something like “ET” or “Baby”. No, Venus just sang a little tune in her own Pokemon language. But the melody inspired the Grass-type, making her think of the praise she would receive from her trainer, the wonderful applause she’d get from the rest of her team, and the dejected look on the face of Sabriel as the poor Poochyena realized that she had lost. This song did unnerve the Poochyena, as she realized that her opponent was feeling so joyous. And then the song went on a steady crescendo; ending in a volume so loud it made Sabriel wish she had hands to clasp over her ears. She grimaced as the song finally ended.

Well, Sabriel was not about to be beaten by a mere happy tune. This was a battle, not Asber Idol, and at least she was going to treat it as such. Songs were for the weak, while giant raucous uproars were for the strong and mighty. And she knew in her mind that she was the much more powerful. She began to absolutely bellow out a long and horrendous yell that shook the cavern to the core. You could practically see the sound waves bouncing off the walls, causing such pain in the eardrums of all. Venus stuffed her fingers into her ears quite quickly, even more infuriated by the infernal racket. Well, she would silence this menacing dog. She would make her pay.

Venus hated her opponent. Absolutely hated her. Was it normal to see images flash before your eyes of your opponent being stabbed with a variety of sharp things? She hoped it was, as that was exactly what was happening to her. Rage, rage, Rage, rage, even her heartbeat was taking up the tune. She was supposed to start up that infernal song again, but what good would it do. Her opponent’s uproar wasn’t letting any sound get through, and what use was singing. Why wasn’t she ripping her opponent to shreds? Well, her trainer may have thought that the right choices were being made, but obviously Venus was right. She simply full on-charged Sabriel, feeling the anger course through her. Of course, being in her insane state, the poor Snivy simply fell flat on the grond after moving a few paces, slightly injuring herself in the process.

Sabriel liked what had just happened. Oh, the many uses of Swagger. Well, as she recalled, there was only one, but the different contexts were just so enthralling. Well as her opponent was picking up her own bones of the cavern floor. She saw no reason to stop her cacophony. She bellowed, yelled, shouted, screamed. It was just the noise, now how it was produced or how you would define it, that is uproar. And so she just kept on trucking through and through. Venus was pounding the ground in frustration, probably wishing she had the means to rip her eardrums out, as painful as that would be. She simply tried to last through the noise. Sabriel smiled slightly as she saw her opponent go mad.

Well Venus was going mad and if she didn’t do something soon she was going to have to kill herself. That was not a happy way to end a battle, at least not for LegendarySeeker. ole_schooler might have a different reaction, depending on if there was still experience gain involved. Venus’s thoughts (like mine right there) were spinning out of control, even though the milky haze in her brain was receding slightly. She pulled herself up off the floor and looked again at Sabriel. Why did she see two of her nefarious opponent? She shook her head and looked again. That was better, just one Poochyena. She began to run forward in her crazy rush again when she once more lost her balance in her sad rage and was tripped up. Her face hit the floor once more and she screamed in frustration. Why oh why was she failing so miserably at this battle?

Well Sabriel saw no reason to fret at all. Her opponent was making a mockery of herself and she was just piling on the damage with not a care in the world. She began to prance around as she let loose all the sound in her vocal cords. Yes, her lungs were beginning to tire, and her throat had been running dry for a while now. She held the note for a few seconds longer before ending it and taking in huge gulps of air. Venus looked up to the heavens (even though she was a in a cave) and sighed in elation. She still felt quite angry with her annoying opponent. But at least the wall of sound had breached, and she could hear her thoughts once more. Yes, she had failed throughout the round at actually really attacking (excepting the first action), but she was free of what felt like a giant parasite attacking her eardrums. Meanwhile, a real parasite once more dug into Sabriel’s skin and caused her to grimace, though she was still happy with the round.

End of Round 3

ole_schooler O


Health: 65%
Energy: 55%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Status: "Well that shut her up." Seeded, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 53%
Energy: 60%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Status: "Praise Arceus it’s over!" Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Mildly Confused

Confusion Rolls just for ole_schooler:
Roll 1 – 76 (1-50 resulting in confusefail)
Roll 2 – 3 (1-33 resulting in confusefail)
Roll 3 – 22 (1-33 resulting in confusefail)

Ref’s Notes
-Sorry for the long delay. I’ve got a big school project that is more important than this (sadly)
-Uproar uses up a heck of a lot of energy
-Venus will be confused for longer simply because Uproar drove her mad
-Venus confusefailed on the last two actions, though Uproar negated sound-based moves anyway, so the Rounds would have failed
-The first Round rolled a critical hit
-LegendarySeeker99 to order attacks next
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Since when did Uproar cancel all other sound-based moves?

Toxic the enemy for some gradual pain. Then, Double Team for all the clones you can. Finally, Rest. If you are unable to use Rest/go to sleep, use Magical Leaf. If Taunted at any point, use Magical Leaf.

Toxic/Magical Leaf~Double Team/Magical Leaf~Rest/Magical Leaf
Yeah....gonna ask you to go with a Taunt, then a Torment, then a Toxic, Sab. Triple Ts. T is also for threat. And it rhymes with P. For...Poochyena. :D (And take all the time you need, ref. It's exam season, I understand how it is.)

1 vs 1 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned Moves: Limit 5 chills, limit 3 direct healing moves, no fully evolved pokemon
Arena: The Batcave

Apparently, Bruce Wayne is either running out of money or completely mad, because he's started allowing trainers to battle in his formerly secret lair. It's a dark, dank cave, full of strange gadgets in the corners (many of which can be thrown for 5% typeless damage). There's also some trophies, included a stuffed T-Rex, one of the Joker's cars, and a giant penny.

Round 4

ole_schooler O


Health: 65%
Energy: 55%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Taunt ~ Torment ~ Toxic
Status: Well that shut her up. Seeded, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 53%
Energy: 60%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Commands: Toxic/Magical Leaf ~ Double Team/Magical Leaf ~ Rest/Magical Leaf
Status: Praise Arceus it’s over! Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Mildly Confused

Venus was still feeling quite light-headed. Interesting enough how such an outrageous set-up had lead to a more quiet feeling of being confused. Yet she still had to power through. It wasn’t that consuming of her time, and she realized it didn’t take much to use her planned attack. So with a slight feeling of disgust she recalled what she had had for breakfast before the battle. Ah of course, a nice hearty can of Pokemon food. Well she could still feel it swirling around her stomach, and she started to hock it up through her throat. She nearly gagged, but she had to do it. For her trainer. With another restriction of her gag reflex she summoned up a few toxic chemicals and mixed it up with the food. And with one last “yeuch” she spat the toxic mass at her opponent. Already overrun with the Leech Seed, Sabriel continued to groan as she realized more indirect pain was headed her way.

Sabriel, quite exhausted from her Uproar, was still trying to calm down the insane pain in her throat. And yet she had to keep talking, making noise, what have you. Really, when you have as sore of a throat as she did she couldn’t care about the type of noise she was producing, just that she was actually producing it. She marched through the dark cave towards her opponent, quietly rejoicing at the opportunity to be silent. When she got close enough she didn’t start producing those insults that hurt you real deeply. That was for measly Psychic types. No, she let loose that “I’m on a Boat” style language, classic for those blunt dark-types like her. Well Venus was greatly astounded. How dare this mucky mutt deface her like that? She would get hers eventually. All she would have to do was wait.

Venus had planned to simply send out those clones, but that was not her at all. At least not in her current state of mind. No, she was going to fight for what was true and proud to her. Whoa, that had not made much sense. Venus realized that she was still being plagued a bit by the confusion. But she was relatively fine at the moment, and it was time to lay on just a bit more pain. She ripped off a few more leaves from her tail and took some from the pile that had accumulated near the wall causing them to once more swirl around her in a little mystic cloud. Soon the leaves were charged with a spectrum of energy, and sent the leaves flying at Sabriel. The grass attack conveniently enough did not sever the Leech Seed bonds, but caused the Poochyena enough pain anyway.

Sabriel was getting quite frustrated with the fact that she wasn’t allowed to inflict any pain herself. At least once, couldn’t she just hit her opponent with a few good Crunches? But nooooo, she had to use strategy. Well, it was useless to complain, as she knew that no command changes could be made at this point in the battle. So she stormed forwards once more and her throat was still killing her way too much. She advanced forward again and began to taunt her opponent once more. This time she targeted the Snivy more personally. Where are your friends? Oh, you don’t have any? No surprise girl *tsk tsk*. Well Venus was once again miffed, and now royally pissed. She had friends, didn’t she? Didn’t she? She had to try quite hard to stop the waterworks from coming out of hiding. Sabriel was quite happy that her attack had received the desired effect.

Well Venus was now oh so depressed. Her tear ducts were about to go overtime, much against her will. And of course, there was nothing to do but to just cry her troubles away. She could look on the bright side and realize that she was most definitely not confused anymore, but that was meagre news. She wanted to attack, and she couldn’t. How much she would feel defeated if she used Magical Leaf. That evil dog would simply insult her for not performing up to her expectations. And then the insults would flow again, and she would start crying again. All of her emotions were overcoming her, and she just couldn’t go on. She put her head in her hands and just let the tears flow, flow, flow…

Well Sabriel wasn’t about to admit she was heartless. She felt that slightest bit of remorse that she had to bring this Snivy down, but that was how a battle worked. And she wasn’t feeling fine and chipper herself. She had this horrible pain her throat still, and she couldn’t make it go away. Using Taunt, Torment, and now probably Toxic would maker her throat feel like absolute crap. She herself regurgitated her healthy breakfast and gave it the chemical treatment just like Venus had done. She lobbed this mass of toxicity reluctantly at her opponent, who squealed dejectedly in response. Sabriel was a millisecond away from going over and hugging the poor dejected snake-thing, but soon the Leech Seed and the Toxic took over, and all thoughts of comfort shattered.

End of Round 4

ole_schooler O


Health: 50%
Energy: 45%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Status: Not sure whether to feel sorry or angry. Seeded, Badly Poisoned, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 50%
Energy: 51%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Status: *cries* Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Badly Poisoned

Confusion Rolls:
Roll 1 – 28(1-25 resulting in confusefail)
Roll 2 – 95(1-25 resulting in confusefail)

Ref’s Notes

-I am quite tired, so feel free to criticize mistakes so I can fix them (I just consciously typed “fell free” if you want a gage of how exhausted I am)
-Sabriel’s sore throat makes attacks requiring her voice and/or her throat do 1% damage to her until it heals
-Venus snapped out of confusion on the third action
-ole_schooler to order attacks next
Reffing looks fine to me, though I think Taunt is lasting for one more action, Torment for two (I bring it up because it's not in the notes or statuses).

Okay, Sab, I appologize for abusing your throat so terribly. I'd have you go find some Bat Throat Lozenges, as I'm sure there's some somewhere in here, but they're probably located next to and look the same as the Bat Cyanide Capsules. So let's not do that. Instead, you know what helps a sore throat? Seeing your enemy in pain. Generate two Facades, unless you use your throat for that (don't think so, but what do I know), in which case swap to two Take Downs. Finish off with a Rest if you can, Shadow Ball if you can't.
Oh, and if she blocks against any move (Protect, Double Team, or similar commands) swap your command out with Howl. Yeah, I know, your voice, but I don't want you to be idle.

Facade/Take Down/Howl~Facade/Take Down/Howl~Rest/Shadow Ball/Howl
1 vs 1 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned Moves: Limit 5 chills, limit 3 direct healing moves, no fully evolved pokemon
Arena: The Batcave

Apparently, Bruce Wayne is either running out of money or completely mad, because he's started allowing trainers to battle in his formerly secret lair. It's a dark, dank cave, full of strange gadgets in the corners (many of which can be thrown for 5% typeless damage). There's also some trophies, included a stuffed T-Rex, one of the Joker's cars, and a giant penny.

Round 5

ole_schooler O


Health: 50%
Energy: 45%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Facade/Take Down/Howl ~ Facade/Take Down/Howl ~ Rest/Shadow Ball/Howl
Status: Not sure whether to feel sorry or angry. Seeded, Badly Poisoned, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 50%
Energy: 51%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Commands: Torment ~ Taunt ~ Energy Ball
Status: *cries* Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Badly Poisoned

Venus still felt dejected as she pulled herself up and tried to attack. She was about to let all hell let loose from within her and that Poochyena feel what she had done to her. And it was just a bonus that her trainer had ordered the same thing. She prepared to start hounding her opponent, but soon she remembered in the back of her mind those horrible words that her opponent had told her at the beginning of last round. About how she wouldn’t accomplish anything if she just sat around and did nothing important. She needed to attack. But she wanted to scream her injustices so much. And that was what she did, scream that is. She just yelled as loud as she could, expelling her anger, not letting any comprehensible words escape her mouth. Sabriel, needing her throat lozenges cringed as she heard this outburst, but besides that she felt no ill effects from this great noise. As Venus ended her scream of anger she no longer felt quite as stressed, and realized that she didn’t have to attack. She still felt slightly depressed, but that was at the back of her mind.

Well Sabriel was not exactly impressed with this. She had screamed before, and she knew that not putting any attacking energy behind it would result in just frustrating yourself. But the Poochyena wasn’t going to complain, she got a free action, and she was going to make good use of it. She began to run forward, and as she got closer to the Snivy she let her anger from being poisoned flow out from her mind and into her body, transforming her face into a demonic mask of rage, dropping the façade, and successfully scaring her opponent. Venus was having a bad enough battle as it was, and now she felt that the fiend himself was charging her. It certainly felt like it when the Poochyena landed on top of her. The anger fuelled Poochyena delivered the mightiest tackle she could produce, and it toppled the Snivy head over heels. After the attack was finished Sabriel returned his emotions to normal, retreating back to his battle position.

Venus picked herself up with a groan. That had been more than she could take. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to feel the full brunt of that attack again, and if she did maybe she would’ve had the opportunity to inflict a good amount of pain in the other direction as well. But this turn she was just ordered to once again vent her anger. She marched up to Sabriel with more confidence than she had inside her entire her body. And with the sassiness of a Ninetales she began to deliver those curses and those insults Sabriel’s way. The Poochyena knew what her opponent was doing, but she still felt enraged when she touched parts of her personal life that she was sure she had kept a secret, especially from this annoying little Snivy. She growled, signalling that Venus should go back to where she came from. Venus smirked as she realized she had done her job quite effectively.

Now that Sabriel was just as enraged as Venus had been, she also felt like screaming, but she knew this would do no good for the slightly receding pain in her throat. Instead, she planned another demon tackle, or at least that was what Venus would most likely think it was. She let her anger from the poisoning fuel her again, adding a bit of frustration from being Taunted. Once more he made his face look absolutely horrible, constricted by his madness. He charged forward in rage and wiped the smirk right off of the Snivy’s face. Venus attempted to dodge this onslaught, but to no avail. Sabriel crashed into Venus once more, with even more power than she had originally displayed, causing the Snivy to actually enter the air as she was hit by the attack. She landed on the ground with a sickening crunch, signifying how much damage she was taking. Sabriel, prematurely smelling the scent of victory, left Venus in the dust.

Venus gingerly got to her feet, her legs shaking. There had been more behind that attack, she had felt it. And now she could barely deliver her own attack, but she had to try, or else she was never going to be in another battle again. She reached out with her mind to locate the closest saps of real plant like nature, and found it in a grove of trees not that far away from the Batcave. She began to absorb this power, turning it into a revolving ball of green energy that hovered before her. Soon the energy ball was nearly as big as its producer, and so Venus launched the attack with her slowly dwindling strands of energy. The grass-type ball struck Sabriel full on, causing the Poochyena to once more cringe in the pain. The attack also left Sabriel slightly dazed, and she realized that her defences had been lowered by the attack. This worried her, as she also was feeling the pain of the battle stack up.

Well Sabriel could see that her opponent was weakening, and she began to hope that she would be able to finish off her opponent in this action. The Poochyena had been supposed to Rest, but she was not about to do that in her taunted state. She began to generate a ball that had several similarities with the one previously conjured by Venus. At its biggest it was the same size as the energy ball, but it was much more dark and shadowy, being a dark purple colour, and it was unstable unlike the seemingly controllable sphere that Venus had conjured up. Sabriel, silently praying, sent this ball of rippling ghost-energy forwards. Venus saw it coming, and braced herself for the end… That did not come. No, when the Shadow Ball reached the Snivy she had felt the full pain of the attack, and had thought that she was about to black out. But no, the attack had not had that extra oomph needed to end her battle. But it was almost worst than being fainted, as poor Venus could barely stand. Soon the poison damage kicked in, but this still did not finish her off.

End of Round 5

ole_schooler O


Health: 36%
Energy: 23%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Status: Feeling horrible, but better than Venus. Seeded, Taunted, Badly Poisoned, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Sp. Def -1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 4%
Energy: 40%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Status: Still Alive, but barely. Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Badly Poisoned

Ref’s Notes
-I usually don’t post how long Taunt and Torment will last for future reference
-Venus couldn’t use Torment as she was Taunted
-The second Façade was a Critical Hit
-Energy Ball lowered Sp. Def
-Legendaryseeker99 to order attacks next
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