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Lord of the Fireflies VS. I Liek Squirtles


Fire emblem is great
2vs2 double
DQ: A week.
Style: Switch
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, moves that involve shaking or going through the arena.
Arena: My bed.
Description: Yes, my very own comfy bed. If you see to he right, my messy room. To the left, a wall. The ref will stand on the pillow. Due to the arena being a bed, moves that involve shaking the bed (Fissure, etc.) and going through it (Dig, etc.) are banned. A sink is nearby, making Surf possible. Since the battle is on a bouncy mattress, Bounce's power is x2.
Additional rules: No Pokemon that need water, only basic stage Pokemon.

Lord of the Fireflies' Active Squad:
[Plume] Swablu (F) <Natural Cure>
~~Signature Move: Cloud Arrow
[Snow] Mawile (F) <Intimidate>
~~Signature Move: Magma Heart
[Coat] Swinub (M) <Oblivious>
~~Signature Attribute: Static Fur
[Baron] Litwick (M) <Flame Body>
[Peach] Surskit (F) <Swift Swim>

I Liek Squirtles's Active Squad:
[Mr. Turtle] Squirtle (M) <Torrent>
[Fido] Growlithe (M) <Flash Fire>
[Cuckoo] Hoothoot (M) <Insomnia>
[Rosevelt] Teddiura (M) <Quick Feet>
[Wolfy] Poochyena (M) <Quick Feet>
[Marty] Blitzle (M) <Lightningrod>
[Sand Man] Drilbur (M) <Sand Force>

To start things off...
•Lord of the Fireflies sends out
•I Liek Squirtles sends out and attacks
•Lord of the Fireflies attacks
•I ref
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Wow, thanks for taking this Superbird!

However I liek Squirtle and I decided to change that to 2 vs 2 doubles. Is that ok for you?
If not, we could change it back to the first option.

Ok, im sending out


[Peach & Baron]
Roosevelt and Wolfy, DETSROY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, Roosevelt, a Rock Slide, if both Protect then Chill, after that if they try a status move Protect, if not a Seed Bomb, then finish of with Thunderpunch.

Wolfy, Taunt the Litwick, then Toxic the Susrkit if it sets up Protect Crunch on the Litwick and finally Shadowball the candle.

Roosevelt: Rock Slide/Chill~Seed Bomb@Surskit/Protect~Thunderpunch
Wolfy: Taunt@Surskit~Toxic/Crucnh@Litwick~Shadowball@Litwick
2vs2 double
DQ: A week.
Style: Switch
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, moves that involve shaking or going through the arena.
Arena: My bed.
Description: Yes, my very own comfy bed. If you see to he right, my messy room. To the left, a wall. The ref will stand on the pillow. Due to the arena being a bed, moves that involve shaking the bed (Fissure, etc.) and going through it (Dig, etc.) are banned. A sink is nearby, making Surf possible. Since the battle is on a bouncy mattress, Bounce's power is x2.
Additional rules: No Pokemon that need water, only basic stage Pokemon.

Superbird teleports into the bedroom. Wow, it’s small. Is there even enough space for anything to fight on? No. Well then…Superbird pulls out a remote, pointing it at the bed. As he presses a button, a greenish bolt zaps the bed and suddenly everything in the room is at least thrice its original size. Except humans and Pokémon. It’s temporary, of course, but at least now they have an arena.

The Battlers are pleased to see the enlarged room as they arrive, and barely notice the referee sitting on a clock near the top of the room. Lord of the Fireflies sends out first, tossing two Poké Balls out onto the arena. Out of one bursts a Surskit, who immediately starts bouncing uncontrollably on the bed, and out of the other comes a shiny Litwick, who stares nervously down at the mattress below. After that, I Liek Squirtles tosses out his two Poké Balls and they burst open to reveal a Teddiursa and a Poochyena.

Round One Begin!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “Help me I cant stop bouncing aaaaah”

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Worried about burning the covers.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Looking around curiously.

[Wolfy] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Sniffing around.​

Peach starts out the battle by bouncing to the center of the bed. She keeps an eye on her partner, and the moment Baron has put up a green energy shield around himself, she gathers energy in her eyes. This energy, she lets out in a blinding pulse. Unfortunately for Roosevelt and Wolfy, they were both looking at the Flash, and are both going to be seeing spots for quite a while. Roosevelt doesn’t like what just happened, and starts to retaliate by mentally tearing chunks of plaster off of the ceiling. He immediately drops these chunks on top of Peach and Baron. The latter is protected by his energy shield, but Peach takes the full brunt of the attack, and is flung to the bed’s surface permanently, finally. Wolfy follows his teammate’s actions of retaliation, except this time he focuses on attacking Peach’s teammate instead of the Surskit herself. Or more accurately, taunting the little thing. He begins to spit out a large barrage of insults, combined with a bit of dark energy. But the Taunt isn’t able to reach through Baron’s energy shield, and the Litwick is unaffected.

Now it’s time for Peach to try another attack. She jumps up high, aims at Wolfy, and lets loose two beams of red and blue light respectively, which soon twirl into a single beam that flies toward the Poochyena. The beam is a direct hit, and the hyena suddenly feels light-headed. Nothing’s going right today, is it? He watches his teammate as she somehow conjures up a large spherical seed in her hand and throws it at the rapidly-descending Surskit. The seed makes contact with the bug, and explodes in a large blast on contact, throwing Peach to the bed’s surface once again. Wolfy then shakes his head, and gathers a glob of venom in his mouth. He throws the Toxic at Peach, who is now sprawled on the bed’s surface. He has no trouble hitting the bug, and upon contact the Toxic burrows into its new host’s body, seeping into the bloodstream. Baron is blissfully unaware of all this as he tries to use his psychic power to trap Roosevelt in the air. Soon, he finds success, and the Teddiursa is growling in exclamation when it finds itself above the ground.

Peach, even through all the attacks she has taken this round, is not ready to give up yet. She leaps up once more, and sends another Signal Beam at Wolfy. The beam is once again a direct hit—perhaps even more direct this time. It hits right between the eyes, and the Poochyena is thrown back by the impact. Roosevelt immediately leaps forward to take revenge for its teammate, its paw crackling with electricity. As it gets near Peach, still levitating, it slams its fist into the Surskit’s body, sending it flying. Wolfy is also ready to try to pull off a successful attack. He gathers an orb of shadowy energy in front of him. Soon, the ball is about a foot-and-a-half thick, and he knocks it forward. The ball slams into Baron, who recoils harshly before using his Telekinesis to move Roosevelt back into place. The Litwick calls upon all his fire-type energy and creates a blast of fire right below the Teddiursa. The Teddiursa is hit hard by the blow, and it leaves a major burn on her right leg. Oh, fantastic. When Baron sees that nothing even happened to the bed during his attack, he becomes a lot less worried about burning it.

Round One End!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 73%
Energy: 87%
Status: Mostly satisfied. Badly Poisoned (Light; 1% this round, 2% the next)

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 88%
Energy: 77%
Status: A lot less worried now.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 85%
Energy: 80%
Status: Successful but in pain. Accuracy -1. In the air (1 more action). Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement

[Wolfy] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 65% (CAPPED)
Energy: 84%
Status: Having a bad day. Accuracy -1. Confused (Light: 20% chance to hurt self)​

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Flash: 3% energy
•Rock Slide: 11% damage (Peach), 7% energy
•Taunt: 3% energy
•Protect: 8% energy
•Signal Beam: 14% damage, 5% energy
•Seed Bomb: 8% damage, 7% energy
•Toxic: 6% energy
•Telekinesis: 6% energy
•Signal Beam: 21% damage, 5% energy
•Thunderpunch: 7% damage, 6% energy
•Shadow Ball: 12% damage, 7% energy
•Inferno: 11% damage, 9% energy

Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary…yet.

•No, 2 vs. 2 is fine!
•For my reference, Speed Order: Surskit(65), Teddiursa(40), Poochyena(35), Litwick(20)
•I am abbreviating both your names as Fireflies and Squirtles.
•Squirtles, you said Taunt on Litwick, but you ordered Taunt on Surskit. I assumed you meant to taunt Litwick.
•The first Signal Beam confused Wolfy.
•The second Signal Beam was a Critical Hit.
•Wolfy hit the Damage Cap on action 3.
•I’m pretty sure I made at least one mistake here, so if you see anything wrong please say so.

Next Round
•Fireflies Attacks
•Squirtles Attacks
•I ref
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Wow, fast reffing! Thanks a lot Superbird!

I see two things: Baron has the ability Flame Body, not Flash Fire. Also, he is not shiny but custom colored, which is not a big issue.

Peach, Struggle Bug unless they both Protect in which case Agility, then Signal Beam Wolfy twice unless it protects in which case you will use Facade on Roosevelt.

Baron, Will-O-Wisp Wolfy, unless you are Taunted in which case, show all you anger towards the taunter by using Flame Burst on it. Then Heat Wave twice, unless thy both protect. If they do, be a jerk and Minimize.

Peach: Struggle Bug/Agility~Signal Beam@Wolfy/Facade@Roosevelt x2

Baron: Will-O-Wisp@Wolfy~Heat Wave/Minimize x2
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I'll change the ability now, and as for the coloring I used the same image that you posted when you sent out.
Wolfy I want you to Sucker Punch Peaches, then Protect. After that, Rest. Roosevelt, I want you to Torment Peaches, then Night Slash Baron and finally be evil and Fling Peaches off the bed.

Wolfy: Sucker Punch@Peaches~Protect~Rest
Roosevelt: Torment@Peaches~Night Slash@Baron~Fling Peaches of the bed.
2vs2 double
DQ: A week.
Style: Switch
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, moves that involve shaking or going through the arena.
Arena: My bed.
Description: Yes, my very own comfy bed. If you see to he right, my messy room. To the left, a wall. The ref will stand on the pillow. Due to the arena being a bed, moves that involve shaking the bed (Fissure, etc.) and going through it (Dig, etc.) are banned. A sink is nearby, making Surf possible. Since the battle is on a bouncy mattress, Bounce's power is x2.
Additional rules: No Pokemon that need water, only basic stage Pokemon.

Round Two Begin!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 73%
Energy: 87%
Status: Mostly satisfied. Badly Poisoned (Light; 1% this round, 2% the next)

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 88%
Energy: 77%
Status: A lot less worried now.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 85%
Energy: 80%
Status: Successful but in pain. Accuracy -1. In the air (1 more action). Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement

[Wolfy] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 65%
Energy: 84%
Status: Having a bad day. Accuracy -1. Confused (Light: 20% chance to hurt self)​

Peach immediately begins to charge up Bug-type energy, to release in a spread-out attack. But just as she is about to do so, Wolfy comes charging up and he punches her with his head before she even knows what’s happening. Annoyed, she launches her attack anyway. She begins struggling, letting out wild bursts of Bug-type energy around the arena. Both of her opponents are hit by the successful attack, and the Surskit smiles in confident satisfaction. That attack definitely permanently damaged both of their mental powers.

Roosevelt, meanwhile, catches Peach’s attention. The Teddiursa immediately begins to degrade her and put her off. “Only sissies ever use the same move twice,” he says in a confrontational manner. Peach, determined to perform well, decides that if she’s a sissy she won’t be able to battle. So she decides that she’ll take that Teddiursa’s advice. Fine! Meanwhile, Baron lets out part of his flame, which turns a ghostly blue and floats steadily toward Wolfy. The flame catches the Poochyena’s tail, and causes a moderate burn on the Poochyena’s tail.

But the canine takes no notice of the burn, and instead focuses on setting up a green energy shield. He knows that a lot of pokémon are going to try to attack him; he needs to be prepared. Peach jumps forward and launches herself at Roosevelt, nailing the Teddiursa with her head. The bear is hit by the attack. In retaliation he leaps forward, Dark-type energy in his claws, and slashes at Baron. His burn and need to take it slow both weaken the attack a little, but it’s still a hard hit. Then, Baron retaliates by sending a gigantic wall of fire across the arena. Wolfy manages to protect himself, but Roosevelt is hit by the Heat Wave.

Peach decides then that she should Signal Beam Wolfy. She does so, and soon another blue-and-red beam explodes against the cub's head. Roosevelt retaliates in the place of her partner by grabbing Peach and flinging the Surskit as far as he can. She flies far because of her light weight, eventually landing on the floor beside the bed. Oh, great, she has to climb. At least she can stick to the wall. Peach immediately begins to climb back up the bedsheets. At the same time, Wolfy yawns and falls asleep. He instantly begins regaining vitality. But before the round is over, Baron has launched another Heat Wave. Both battlers are hit by the attack, although neither sustains a burn or another negative effect. Roosevelt feels a lot of pain as his burn continues to hurt him, and tries to suppress his urge to cream Baron immediately.

Round Two End!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 61%
Energy: 71%
Status: Climbing back up the bed. Badly Poisoned (Light; 2% this round, 3% the next). Tormented (5 more actions)

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 80%
Energy: 56%
Status: Somewhat well-off.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 50% (CAPPED)
Energy: 64%
Status: Ow. Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement

[Wolfy] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 89%
Energy: 40%
Status: Zzzzzz… Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Asleep (2 more actions)​

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Sucker Punch: 10% damage, 8% energy
•Struggle Bug: 3% damage(Roosevelt), 5% damage(Wolfy), 3% energy
•Torment: 5% energy
•Will O’ Wisp5% energy
•Protect: 8% energy
•Signal Beam: 7% energy
•Night Slash: 13% damage, 8% energy
•Heat Wave: 11% damage (roosevelt), 8% energy
•Façade(Roosevelt): 7% damage, 6% energy
•Throwing Peach off bed: 3% energy
•Rest: 28% energy
•Heat Wave: 11% damage (roosevelt), 8% energy

Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary.

•Peaches was tormented out of Signal Beam on action three, so it defaulted to Façade.
•Throwing Peaches off the bed took 3% energy, because Peaches is really light.
•Peaches will spend the next action climbing back up.
•Night Slash was a Critical Hit.
•The burn made Roosevelt hit the damage cap.
•Will O’ Wisp came VERY close to missing, so it ended up inflicting only a light burn.
•For my reference, Speed Order: Surskit(65), Teddiursa(40), Poochyena(35), Litwick(20)
•I’m pretty sure I made at least one mistake here, so if you see anything wrong please say so.

Next Round
•Squirtles Attacks
•Fireflies Attacks
•I ref
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Peach, Struggle Bug unless they both Protect in which case Agility, then Signal Beam Wolfy twice unless it protects in which case you will use Facade on Roosevelt.

Peach was meant to use Facade on Roosevelt as Wolfy protected, then use Signal Beam on Wolfy while he wasn't protected.

Also Facade doubles in damage (I don't know if it is as much in ASB) when the user is poisoned, and Peach is.

And its Peach, not Peaches (which is absolutely irrelevant).
Roosevelt: Fling Peches again, this time add a little oomph. After that, a 20% sub and finally rest.

Lupus Rex (I changed the nickname a couple weeks back): Sleep Talk, obviously, then Sleep Talk, then Double Team (5 clones).

Roosevelt: Fling Peaches stronger into the toy bins (I know my room)~20% Substitute~Rest
Lupus Rex: Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk~Double Team (5 clones)
Peach, wait for everybody to move on the first action before climbing up the bed. Then, drain Rex out of energy with Giga Drain(energy) and finish with Facade on Roosevelt.

Baron, Taunt Roosevelt first, then Chill twice.

Peach: Wait then climb~Giga Drain@Rex (energy)~Facade@Roosevelt

Baron: Taunt@Roosevelt~Chill~Chill
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2vs2 double
DQ: A week.
Style: Switch
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, moves that involve shaking or going through the arena.
Arena: My bed.
Description: Yes, my very own comfy bed. If you see to he right, my messy room. To the left, a wall. The ref will stand on the pillow. Due to the arena being a bed, moves that involve shaking the bed (Fissure, etc.) and going through it (Dig, etc.) are banned. A sink is nearby, making Surf possible. Since the battle is on a bouncy mattress, Bounce's power is x2.
Additional rules: No Pokemon that need water, only basic stage Pokemon.

Round Three Begin!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 61%
Energy: 71%
Status: Climbing back up the bed. Badly Poisoned (Light; 2% this round, 3% the next). Tormented (5 more actions)

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 80%
Energy: 56%
Status: Somewhat well-off.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 50%
Energy: 64%
Status: Ow. Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement

[Lupus Rex] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 89%
Energy: 40%
Status: Zzzzzz… Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Asleep (2 more actions)​

Peach listens closely, halfway up the bed. She has to hear her trainer’s commands. …What was that? Wait until everyone has already attacked before she climbs up? How would she know whether everyone else has attacked or not? She decides to wait a couple of minutes before continuing her climb up the side of the bed. Roosevelt, on top, is staring angrily at the edge of the bed. As soon as Peach comes up, he’ll grab her and toss her into that toy chest a ways away. He grins evilly. That’ll keep her busy for a while.

To his side, Lupus Rex is beginning to mumble in his sleep. The Poochyena immediately sends out a mental tendril toward Baron, hoping to steal the Litwick’s next move for himself. Unfortunately, there’s no power welling up inside the candle that he can sense; so he can’t steal its move. He releases the grip dazily and continues to sleep on. Meanwhile, Baron, blissfully unaware of what Lupus just tried to do, turns toward Roosevelt, catching the teddy’s attention. “Hey,” he says in a confident (if a little high) voice. “What’s a little teddy bear like you doing here? Shouldn’t you be…in there?” He motions with his flame toward the toy chest. “Instead of throwing Peach in there, you should be throwing yourself instead! You’re too weak to fight this battle!” That rant does its job well, throwing Roosevelt into a blind rage while Peach silently and stealthily crawls over the edge of the bed. Roosevelt doesn’t even notice; he’s too bent on wanting to destroy that puny candle that thinks it’s better than big bad him.

Now back on the bed, Peaches wastes no time in using what little Grass-type energy she has to reach inside Lupus’s mind. She pulls out several greenish globs of energy, which tear themselves out of the Poochyena’s body and fly toward her. She feels herself rejuvenate a tiny bit; thank goodness for that! Roosevelt watches in despair. He SO BADLY wants to kill her, and Baron too; but until his trainer orders him to do so he can’t. He can barely contain his frustration.

Lupus Rex is still sleeping, and soon begins to mumble again. He stands up shakily, eyes still closed, which gains the attention of both Peach and Baron. “Hey, Beautiful,” he mumbles tiredly, without consciously knowing what he’s doing, “I really like your style. You really know how to fight, and I admire you for that. And you’re s pretty too!” Baron shrinks away, awkwardly deciding that that little speech was meant for Peach. In the meantime, he just sits in place, letting his energy return naturally. Peach, on the other hand, is charmed by the speech. Although she knows he didn’t really know what he was doing, she likes that he was brave enough to compliment her even in his sleep! She makes a mental note to weaken her attacks on him.

…But not on his teammate. That bear was the one who had poisoned her, right? Well, she isn’t going to leave that unpunished. She channels up all the pain that the Toxic has given her, and bounces really high up. At the peak of her jump, she angles herself downward and crashes into her opponent. Roosevelt tries to slash back, but he’s struck too hard—and Peach is gone by the time he tries. Well, that just made him even angrier. He wants to kill Peach and Baron, both of them. And now he’s starting to hate his trainer for not letting him. It’s okay, he tries to assure himself, They’ll let me next round…

Lupus’s eyes snap open. The little hyena cub gets to his feet and shakes his head. Ah, that’s much better, now that he’s awake. He begins to wonder what he did while he was sleeping, anyway. Ah, well. He’ll ask Roosevelt later. But for now, he feels like making himself harder to hit. He immediately begins running around in a circle, not letting the bed propel him up, and soon he’s turned into a blur. When he stops, there are three identical Poochyenas following him. He shuffles with them really quickly, knowing that now he’s almost impossible to hit. Baron just watches. Meh, I can take ‘em all out at once with a Heat Wave, he thinks as he continues to regain his energy.

Round Three End!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 58%
Energy: 60%
Status: Happy about her progress. Badly Poisoned (Moderate; 3% this round, 4% the next). Tormented (2 more actions). Special Attack -2.

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 80%
Energy: 71%
Status: Refreshed and relaxed.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 32%
Energy: 64%
Status: “I really want to just go home.” Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement). Taunted (2 more actions)

[Lupus Rex] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 89%
Energy: 18%
Status: Growing very tired. Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Has 3 clones.​

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Sleep Talk(Me First): 5% energy
•Taunt: 5% energy
•Giga Drain: 7% energy-damage, 6% energy; restored 3% energy
•Sleep Talk(Captivate): 6% energy
•Chill: restored 10% energy
•Façade: 14% damage, 6% energy
•Double Team: 6% energy
•Chill: restored 10% energy

Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary.

•I don’t see how Peaches would have any way to know whether everyone was done attacking, so she just waited two minutes. She ended up coming up right in the middle of Baron’s attack, though, and Teddy would have gotten her then had he not been preoccupied with Baron’s taunting.
•Lupus Rex’s first Sleep Talk yielded Me First, but since neither Peach nor Baron was using an attacking move it failed.
•His second Sleep Talk yielded Captivate, which failed against Baron but succeeded against Peach.
•Sorry, but Lupus isn’t fast enough to make five clones. He can make three at max, and that’s what he did.
•Because he was taunted, Roosevelt couldn’t use Substitute or Rest.
•For my reference, Speed Order: Surskit(65), Teddiursa(40), Poochyena(35), Litwick(20)
•If you see anything wrong, please say so.

Next Round
•Fireflies Attacks
•Squirtles Attacks
•I ref
I see nothing wrong with that reffing, Superbird. Good job!

Okay Peach, it's time to get violent. You need to finish Roosevelt. Facade, then Bug Bite, then Facade again. If Roosevelt Protects on the last action, use Rest instead.

Baron, you need to mess up with their mind. Taunt Rex first. If for some reason you can't use it, use Flame Burst on Roosevelt instead. If Rex isn't taunted on the second action, use it again and if again you can't, use Heat Wave. Finish by trying out an Inferno on Rex.

Peach: Facade@Roosevelt~Bug Bite@Roosevelt~Facade@Roosevelt/Rest

Baron: Taunt@Rex/Flame Burst@Roosevelt~Taunt@Rex/Heat Wave~Inferno@Rex
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