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Cosmic Blueberry vs Whirlpool

I think I forgot about Gastly's +1 attack, only paying attention to Snow's +1 defense when I was doing calculations. It's fixed now, and according to the RNG gods, Snow gets no boost.

Since Snow is now asleep, I'll let you guys recommand if you want. Whirlpool is first.
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Chill all the way, except on the last action on which you will use Sleep Talk if asleep and Shadow Ball if not.

Chill~Chill~Sleep Talk/Shadow Ball
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O: Chief Zackrai is having so much battles I want other battles too!

1v.s.1 singles (duh)
Style: Set (re-duh)
DQ: 4 days (96 hours)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKOs, Evasion, direct healing, chills limited to 4/ pokemon
Arena: Baby Park

That's right, a baby park with pink and blue plastic cubes all around. A field of plastic with a small pool in the middle (30 cm deep, 2m of diameter) surrounded with various stairways and nets and everything we find in a McDonald.
Effects: only pokemon at their lowest stage of evolution.

At the end of each action, there is a 10% that a lego block falls on the head of a random battler, dealing 1% damage. (ok thats kind of random but eh).

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 57%
Energy: 62%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "FIIIRE!"
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 69%
Energy: 46%
Chills: 0/4
Status: *Snore* +1 Def, +1 SpD. Asleep (severe; 6 more actions)
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

The pokémon, at this point, are a strange sight: one roly-poly ball of gas, and one sleeping creature with a massive pair of jaws attached to its head. While Snow catches some Zs, Thin Air decides to make a move. He closes his eyes and begins to chant something uncomprehensible, as some kind of shape begins to form over his head. He suddenly opens his eyes, now glowing purple, and the shape above his head opens into a large, evil-looking eye. It travels over toward to Snow, hovers over her, and absorbs into her skin. Snow shudders slightly, but otherwise does not respond. A few seconds later, Snow rolls over in her sleep, stretches, and sprawls out over the ground, totally relaxed. Thin Air, obviously disturbed by Snow's non-reaction to his attack, takes a look at this and conjures up another eye and throws it toward Snow at a slightly quicker pace, as if to draw out more of a reaction. However, Snow has the same reaction, shuddering a bit and laying on the ground. Thin Air takes a different approach this time. If I can't disturb her out here, I'll disturb her dreams! He quickly concentrates and establishes a mental connection with Snow's unconcious mind. Thin Air files through her repressed memories and embarrassing secrets (noting their respective locations, of course), and finds her current dream. He sees a grassy meadow, filled with unicorns, rainbows, and daisies. And lava. That's weird, Thin Air quickly notes to himself as he sucks out every last bit of the dream and feeds on its positivity. Nothing like fresh unicorn in the morning! Err, midnight. Snow, on the other side of the field and with her eyes closed, suddenly gets up and begins to rampage around, making her way toward Thin Air. She finally reaches him and smacks him right in the face, causing him to roll backwards a yard or two. However, this rampaging causes one of the large lego bricks to fall down and hit her in the head. As quickly as it began, Snow lays back down and goes back, or rather remains, asleep. Thin Air is left to contemplate what exatly just happened.

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 49%
Energy: 41%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "Is it okay to attack a sleeping pokemon? Even if it tried to kill me in its sleep?"
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 50%
Energy: 51%
Chills: 2/4
Status: BAHH SLEEP ATTACKING +1 Def, +1 SpD. Asleep (mild; 2 more actions)
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

- The field is covered with a half-dispersed haze. One more full round of it.
- Sorry about the delay, again. My business has officially ended for the foreseeable future, so my reffings will be a little more, ahem, regular.
- Whirlpool, ghost is not very effective against steel. You're basically negating the extra damage of hex, while still spending the energy for it.
- Sleep talk was Punishment.
- By the way, the way I do sleep is 3-6 actions randomly, then -1 action for every 10% of damage taken.

Next round:
- Lord first.
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Lucas, what was the attack Snow used while Sleep Talking?

We can't do a lot now Snow, so just abuse Sleep Talk if asleep and Shadow Ball if not.

Sleep Talk/Shadow Ball x3

boring commands are boring
Not-very-effective modifiers are .67 and then .5, aren't they? Still more than 5%, but uh, yeah, I was aiming for some more damage with STAB and double.

Oh yes, and is the two more actions for severe or total?
Oh, it was Punishment. Forgot to add that in.

Yes, that's right, .67. I read the damage guide wrong for some reason. That is fixed now.

And that's total. I should probably change that to mild, though, since it's reduced now.
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O: Chief Zackrai is having so much battles I want other battles too!

1v.s.1 singles (duh)
Style: Set (re-duh)
DQ: 4 days (96 hours)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKOs, Evasion, direct healing, chills limited to 4/ pokemon
Arena: Baby Park

That's right, a baby park with pink and blue plastic cubes all around. A field of plastic with a small pool in the middle (30 cm deep, 2m of diameter) surrounded with various stairways and nets and everything we find in a McDonald.
Effects: only pokemon at their lowest stage of evolution.

At the end of each action, there is a 10% that a lego block falls on the head of a random battler, dealing 1% damage. (ok thats kind of random but eh).

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 49%
Energy: 41%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "Is it okay to attack a sleeping pokemon? Even if it tried to kill me in its sleep?"
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 50%
Energy: 51%
Chills: 2/4
Status: BAHH SLEEP ATTACKING +1 Def, +1 SpD. Asleep (mild; 2 more actions)
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

The round starts out, once again, with a sleeping Snow on one side, and a grounded Thin Air on the other. Thin Air, using Snow's sleep as a chance to prepare, begins to summon his fiery powers once again, but for a different purpose. He begins to chant up to the heavens, and within seconds, the sun begins to rise, lighting the area as if it were daytime. This is met with a flurry of clock-looking by the spectators, only to find that is is still about 12:30 in the morning. The sun slowly leaks into the playroom through the window-walls on either side of the room. Thin Air stops chanting and admires his time-bending work, while Snow prepares an attack of her own. She stands up, eyes closed again, and concentrates her energy into blowing a vast wind of snow and ice out of her massive maw. It is just large enough to fill the room, and hits Thin Air with a mix of sheer cold and icy bits. As the attack dies down, Thin Air notices that his, erm, muscles feel a little stiff from the freezing cold. Meanwhile, Snow slumps back on the ground and remains asleep once again. However, the commotion of the cold wind had shaken the room up so much, that a lego falls from the top tier and hits Snow in the head. This slight disturbance turns out to be enough to startle Snow into waking up, and she stands up and begins to float once more. Wha... What happened? D-did I fall asleep? I had a crazy dream about rampaging through a dark forest, only to be hit by a cold wind... Thin Air takes note of Snow's waking. Fun's over, he silently thinks to himself. Thin Air, putting aside his disappointment, tries to shake off the cold by preparing another fiery attack. His body ignites once again, and like a race car tire, he rolls off with a trail of smoke behind him. As he approaches the still-groggy Snow, he springs up off the ground and slams into her. Snow flies across the room and into a wall, but still remains floating. Snow, no longer sleepy, reaches deep inside her mind and extracts as much ghostly energy as she can, building it up into a ball of energy. As it reaches a significant mass, she fires it at Thin Air with a fancy midair flip. It hurtles through the air and finally strikes Thin Air. It doesn't push him back very much, but he can feel the vile energy seeping into his... skin. It takes him a few seconds to recover from the pain. Once he does, he retorts by igniting once again, and rolling in the direction of Snow. This time, he adds a bit of style and bounces off the opposite wall into Snow. This launches her into the kiddie pool in the center, leaving her dripping wet. Snow levitates out of the pool, snarling in anger. How DARE you push me into that pool? Who knows what little kids have been doing in there?! She takes out her revenge by charging another ball of darkness, this one with a bit more energy in it. She fires it with another flipping trick, like a synchronized swimmer. It flies toward Thin Air again, hitting him with as much force as last time. However, the pain he feels is a bit more searing than before, and he feels a wound on one side of his body. I hope that's not bad! Thin Air recovers from this attack (save for his wound) and returns to his side of the field. Snow does the same.

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 20%
Energy: 24%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "It's just a flesh wound!"
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 33%
Energy: 37%
Chills: 2/4
Status: "Shadow Ball swag." +1 Def, +1 SpD.
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

Battle Notes:
- Sunny Day is on the field for 3 more rounds, and one more action.
- Sleep Talk was Icy Wind. It reduced Thin Air's speed by 1. However, Thin Air is still faster than Snow.
- Snow was hit by a lego at the end of the first action. Coincidentally, this was enough to push her over into 20% damage taken while asleep, reducing the sleep duration enough for her to wake up between the first and second actions. (Although Fire Punch would have woken her up in time to use Shadow Ball anyway.)
- Snow's second Shadow Ball reduced Thin Air's special defense by 1.

Next round:
Whirlpool attacks first. (Make it a good one, you're almost dead!)
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(Lucas did you take in account Snow's sig attribute as things are getting dangerous here and i need all the boost i can get, sorry if i sound rude i just wanted to make sure)
Wait, how do I have -1 Speed and SpDef? Haze works both ways, doesn't it?

Fire Punch spam; if he protects Chill.

Fire Punch/Chill (x3)

Hmph. Can't think of anything.
O: Chief Zackrai is having so much battles I want other battles too!

1v.s.1 singles (duh)
Style: Set (re-duh)
DQ: 4 days (96 hours)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKOs, Evasion, direct healing, chills limited to 4/ pokemon
Arena: Baby Park

That's right, a baby park with pink and blue plastic cubes all around. A field of plastic with a small pool in the middle (30 cm deep, 2m of diameter) surrounded with various stairways and nets and everything we find in a McDonald.
Effects: only pokemon at their lowest stage of evolution.

At the end of each action, there is a 10% that a lego block falls on the head of a random battler, dealing 1% damage. (ok thats kind of random but eh).

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 20%
Energy: 24%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "It's just a flesh wound!"
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 33%
Energy: 37%
Chills: 2/4
Status: "Shadow Ball swag." +1 Def, +1 SpD.
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

Both pokémon wait in their corners, staring at their opponent. Deep down, they both have a strong feeling that this would be the last round. Nervous as they are, Snow and Thin Air receive their commands and go to work. Thin Air, as always, moves first. Like he has so many times before, he concentrates his ghostly energy into igniting his body and rolling at Snow. He rolls right into the slightly-levitating Mawile, sending her hurtling toward the wall and finally slumping on the ground. Snow silently contemplates her situation. You know what... she thinks to herself, I'm going to end it here. In a burst of energy, Snow charges up a magnificent ball of darkness and ghostly energy, and sends it flying toward Thin Air at an unprecedented pace. The orb of energy connects with Thin Air at just the right angle, allowing the energy to seep into him and throw him across the room. He spends a considerable amount of time bouncing around before rolling to a halt. His eyes are dull and glazed over, but he is still barely conscious. I... I can still win this! He focuses as much energy as he can muster into one final attack, and his body ignites into a magnificent ball of flame. As soon as he begins to roll, however, a figure appears to his left. He turns just quickly enough to feel the full force of a Sucker Punch to the head. This sends him flying into the kiddie pool, quenching the flames he had worked so hard to create. He isn't in the state of mind to be angry though, being fainted well beyond fighting condition. Snow walks up to Thin Air and smirks. That's what you get for throwing ME in there. The trainers recall their pokémon and exchange handshakes. Before they can leave, however, they are greeted by the sound of clapping. A now large group of midnight-snackers are on their feet, applauding the great battle they had just seen. The trainers, beaming, collect their prizes and head back to their cars, ready to face other challenges.

Minutes later, the strange midnight sun die down and the haze on the field clears, but everyone is too busy chatting about the battle to notice.

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 0% (KOed)
Energy: 18%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "Ow."
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 23%
Energy: 26%
Chills: 2/4
Status: "Shadow Ball swag." +1 Def, +1 SpD.
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

- Haze and sun were still on the field by the time the battle ended.
- Shadow Ball was a critical hit. It would have killed, but the 7% critical hit bonus cap allowed Thin Air to hang on with 1%.

- Good job, both of you! Snow gets 2 EXP, Thin Air gets 1. Lord of the Fireflies receives $8, I get $5, and Whirlpool ends up with $3.
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