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SomeGuy vs Legos

Ok. Well, that didn't work out as planned but luck got us through, should have put a conditional...

Go ahead and Attract, Chill, and another Signal Beam. If you are put to sleep use Sleep Talk instead of Signal Beam, and if he protects on either of your attacks just Chill.

Attract/Chill~ Chill ~ Signal Beam/Sleep Talk/Chill
Ohhhh, crap! Might as well try that again. Grass Whistle, then Dynamic Punch, and finish up with Chill. Unless Ingrain prevents Spiky from using Dynamic Punch, in which case just use Magical Leaf.

Grass Whistle~Dynamic Punch/Magical Leaf~Chill
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A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 39%
- '... wat.' +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 47%
Energy: 48%
- 'Get... over... here!' Special attack -2; paralyzed (slight; 10% inability to move/action); poisoned (severe; 3% this round, 4% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action).​

Calypso sighs and struts towards Spikyman, fluffing her fur up. This is pretty low for her, honestly, but if her trainer commands it she's gotta do it. She purrs and rubs gently on Spikyman's side, giving him an affectionate lick and bats her eyelashes so fast it can't possibly be natural. Spikyman blushes and wishes he could uproot himself and hide behind a bush or something - he definitely hadn't expected to think of Calypso that way, or that she'd think of him! How... flattering! Calypso paws at him gently, murring, and he can't help but fall for her. Who wouldn't? He sighs and takes her very, very gently into his arms, forgetting entirely about his commands. Sure, singing to her would be nice, but he can't think about anything other than just hanging. Calypso really wishes she could get out of his grasp, but as long as he isn't attacking, she stays quiet and pretends she's having fun. At least she's tricking him somehow. That's nice. Sort of. Bleurhg, cactuses.

She settles down in his arms, figuring she'll just chill there. Spikyman sets her on the ground, not wanting to accidentally hurt her, and he snugs up beside her as best he can. But then he remembers his commands - dynamicpunch? Hrm. Well, she is right next to him... He sighs, thinking about hurting her, and figures he might as well. He raises a fist and gathers all the energy he can into it, swings it down -

... and slams it into the grass right next to Calypso.

He stares at the tiny crater he created with the force of his punch. Calypso jumped to her feet at the impact, and was now staring in shock at Spikyman, having expected to get a quick rest in without being attacked. Boy, was she glad he had the crappiest aim ever. Spikyman blushes and shrugs, pretending he missed her on purpose. He really didn't want to hit her! Really. Calypso rolls her eyes and lays back down, uninterested.

She does, however, have to get an attack in. It's only fair, seeing as he just tried to attack her while she was resting. She gets right back up and takes a quick step back, opens her jaw and quickly builds up another signal beam. The beam flashes towards Spikyman and scatters across him; he stares at it in stunned shock, no so much at the pain but at the brilliant lights. Something about them simply fascinates him. So much that he can't even focus on the pain itself. Calypso tilts her head, wondering what the hell is wrong with him.

Spikyman rubs his hands over the area the lights had hit, fascinated. So pretty. Almost as pretty as Calypso. He grins up at her, grateful for the gift. Pretty lights from his pretty girlfriend. Calypso sighs as Spikyman closes his eyes and breathes in the sunlight, going all zen and creepy about the wonders of the world. Light and air, so magical! He can't wait till Calypso gives him more gifts. And, honestly, neither can she.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 37%
- "Uhg." +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 37%
Energy: 48%
- '... <3?' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 4% this round, 5% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (moderate), attracted (moderated).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Annnd paralysis faded, being replaced by confusion thanks to signal beam.
- Grasswhistle would have hit if Spikyman would have been able to attack.
- SomeGuy next.
Dang it! This does not look good. Well I'm screwed anyway so who cares.

Try putting Calypso to sleep with Grass Whistle. Heal yourself with Synthesis. Then finish up with Magical Leaf.

Grass Whistle~Synthesis~Magical Leaf
Must suppress evil laughter...

Thunder Wave to go ahead and add paralysis back to the mix, Signal Beam and Chill. Just hope that it's immobilized somehow for synthesis, and if you fall asleep just Chill.

Thunder Wave ~ Signal Beam/Chill ~ Chill
A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 37%
- "Uhg." +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 37%
Energy: 48%
- '... <3?' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 4% this round, 5% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (moderate), attracted (moderated).​

Calypso takes another step back and shakes her fur out, releasing bright static electricity from the deep blue fur. Spikyman stares in wonder at the sparks as they spread out towards his body in a bright wave, enveloping him and seeping into his muscles and then suddenly he has that feeling, like before, that it's hard for him to move; he grunts, still stuck to the ground, so it's not so strange. But it's still really weird, especially with the confusion, and his body feels weird.

In fact, it feels so weird that Spikyman begins to giggle. Calypso was so funny. Always using funny sparkles. He waved an arm in front of him and bright sparkles followed the arm, they were soooo pretty! He tried to grab the sparkles but they followed his arm around, so he tried to grab them with the other hand, but they kept disappearing whenever he got near them. Stupid lights! Calypso tilted her head and watched in bemusement as Spikyman waved his arms around like a maniac, trying desperately to grab flickering lights that were no where to be seen.

Eventually Calypso tired of the display and figured it was the perfect opportunity to attack. She opened her jaw and released another burst of flickering green lights; Spikyman gasped as the beam exploded onto him, both awed at the sight and crippled by the pain. Calypso grinned, certain that her opponent would be taken down soon; unfortunately, Spikyman had other plans.

The cacnea, momentarily free from his confusion, attraction and paralysis, raised two beckoning arms towards the sun. He closed his eyes contentedly and soaked in the warmth; and as the beams of sunlight glowed over him, all the burns and bite marks Calypso had worked so hard to make slowly shimmered away. Calypso stared slack-jawwed, fury growing in her gut, while Spikyman lowered his arms in exhaustion - though he felt physically much better, that really drained him. There was little sign that he'd even participated in the battle; there was still a burn from the poison that had hit him and a few slight bite marks, but mostly he looked fine. Except for his deep breathing, trying to regain his energy.

Calypso let out a furious growl. She really wanted to hurt Spikyman. Like, really really bad. But instead she grumbled and laid her head on her paws, staring daggers into the cacnea and restoring some of her energy. Spikyman was a bit taken aback at how furious Calypso looked; he was, after all, head-over-heels in love with her. Wasn't she? She really had a strange way of showing it! He shuffled in his place, uncomfortable. He remembered, somewhere, that he was supposed to attack - but he didn't want to upset Calypso further. Instead he just stared pleadingly back at the shinx, begging her for forgiveness for whatever wrongdoing he could possibly have done. He'd hand her a rose if he could!​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 37%
- "Why won't you dieeee? >|" +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 76%
Energy: 21%
- '... <3? ; ;' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 5% this round, 6% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (moderate), attracted (slight), paralyzed (severe).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Spikyman was confused on the first action and attracted on the third.
- Legos next.
Kill it. Kill it NOW. USE YOUR ANGER. Frustration, then Signal Beam or Frustration if it missed or he protected. And then Signal Beam again. If you fall asleep, you know what to do - Sleep Talk.

Frustration ~ Frustration/Signal Beam/Sleep Talk ~ Signal Beam/Sleep Talk
Oh my god just end this already. Since you can take some hits, Chill twice and hit her with Seed Bomb.

Chill~Chill~Seed Bomb
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A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 37%
- "Why won't you dieeee? >|" +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 76%
Energy: 21%
- '... <3? ; ;' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 5% this round, 6% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (moderate), attracted (slight), paralyzed (severe).​

Calypso does not hesitate before pouncing on Spikyman, spikes and all, and unleashing hell on earth unto him. Her claws moves so fast the cactus can't even see them as scratches and bruises are opened up on his newly-healed skin; she lays into his flesh with her fangs furiously, as if he were the tastiest treat she'd ever had that she hadn't gotten her paws on for years because it refused to sit still and let her eat it. She even kicks with her hind legs, she's so furious, and smashes her head into him while she's at it; there's absolutely nothing she doesn't hit him with. By the time she's through, Spikyman is left staring blankly at her, all feelings of love left dripping from him in his greenish-blood; Calypso backs away slowly, licking the sap from her jaws with pleasure. She's heaving, exhausted, but definitely pleased with herself. She really does not care for that thing.

Spikyman frowns at love lost. He closes his eyes, definitely hurting outside but probably moreso emotionally, and pretends to not care while he gathers his wits. He's nearly as exhausted as Calypso after healing up, and he has a feeling it will have been for naught after she's done with him. But he still has to relax... at least a bit.

And Calypso doesn't mind at all. Just another opportunity for her to lay waste to him. She opens her jaws and gathers more energy in between them, unleashing it in another bright beam. The beam flies towards Spikyman and erupts onto his skins in a flash of light; he stares at it, entranced again by its beauty, ignoring the pain altogether. He can't help but lose himself in those lights, forgetting the battle and going to another plane of existence made up entirely of pretty lights and shinyness~

He does manage to return to our world, if only for long enough to relax a bit. He realizes how quickly he's losing his re-gathered health and does worry about that, but he closes off that worry and just calms himself. No use panicking when he can't do anything about it.

Calypso sort of wishes she was the one relaxing. Her breathing is so hard it's audible to Spikyman, and she has difficulty gathering the energy to create another signal beam. When she does, it's significantly less bright than the previous; it still does the job though, flashing into Spikyman's skin and leaving a slight burn where it hits. Spikyman winces, no longer enjoying the lights as they hit him.

And the worst part is, his muscles are so tense they leave him unable to move. He can't extract his revenge, even after chilling for the entire round. He strains himself, trying desperately to move, but he just can't. He whimpers, hating his body for dooming him.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 17%
- *pants* +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 45%
Energy: 40%
- 'AAAAHG!' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 6% this round, 7% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (moderate), paralyzed (moderate).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Spikyman was fully paralyzed on the first action and attracted on the third.
- The first Signal Beam worsened spikyman's confusion (it would have been reduced to slight).
- The final Signal Beam did slightly less damage due to Calypso's low energy.
- SomeGuy next.

Seed Bomb to start off. Teeter Dance, then Counter, unless you're not hit (which I doubt). In that case, Seed Bomb.

Seed Bomb~Teeter Dance~Counter/Seed Bomb
Take a rest, Calypso. You've worked hard and it's paying off.

Use what energy you have left to pull of another Attract, then Chill, and Chill. Let the poison and the thing's inability to move do its work.

Attract ~ Chill ~ Chill
A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 56%
Energy: 17%
- *pants* +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 45%
Energy: 40%
- 'AAAAHG!' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 6% this round, 7% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (moderate), paralyzed (moderate).​

Calypso sighs at her commands. Again? Really Whatever - she's not gonna argue, at least she can relax afterwards. She perks herself up and wags her tail slowly, gently; rubs herself against the cacnea all cute-like. Spikyman grumbles, not quite trusting the shinx - she did betray him before, he's pretty sure she'll do it again. But she keeps purring and meowing so sweetly, begging his forgiveness. His heart melts for her and he can't help but let her in once more, just give her one more try - but not like last time. This time, she's on a short leash.

Maybe it's the thought, the memory, of how his love betrayed him, or maybe it's those damned lights again - either way Spikyman's eyes glaze over and Calypso sighs with relief. She hates getting so close to him that he can whack her easily if he wanted to. Luckily he's swaying in the breeze, completely out of it, not even aware he's in this battle. Calypso nearly bats at him with her paw, but she stops herself, in case he comes back and realizes she's hitting him. She knows how weak his attraction is this time.

So instead she distances herself a bit, lies down, and snoozes. She doesn't fall asleep, not quite, but she does manage to relax, and god she's grateful for that. Even just pulling off that attract was so taxing on her she felt like collapsing, and she's glad she could. She rolls over onto her side and takes in a deep breath; so good.

Spikyman blinks, returning to consciousness, and stares at his opponent-lover relaxing before him. She seems sort of innocent, doesn't she? Not hurtful at all... but she is, she will be... He sighs. He can't do anything, anyhow, because his body has once again frozen on him. He knows he's supposed to dance, but that's definitely not possible; whatever movement he could do, dancing is definitely not it. He twitches occasionally, and that's it. And frowns.

Calypso rolls over in the grass, enjoying herself; she's regaining energy, but it's still not quite as fast as she'd like. She's yawning and breathing deep and she's still exhausted. She is sort of a baby, really, and babies need their sleep, don't they?

Spikyman sighs with relief as his body's tension relaxes, and his mind is clear, and everything's good to go. He grins at Calypso, not feeling a hint of regret for what he's about to do, and spits out a giant ball of seeds from his creepy grinning mouth; the seeds land on the sleeping shinx and literally explode. Calypso screeches and jumps in the air, fire enveloping her fur from the explosion, although it doesn't last long, thankfully; she lands on her feet and hisses at Spikyman, who grins back - how's that for a lover's quarrel?​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 46%
Energy: 22%
- *whiiiine* +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 41%
Energy: 32%
- 'Finally.' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 7% this round, 8% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (slight), paralyzed (moderate); attracted (mild).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Spikyman was confused on the first action, paralyzed on the second. His attraction started off kinda weak because, you know, he really hates Calypso. (AKA attract doesn't work that well twice in a row.)
- Legos next.

Ok. So you're getting closer to dying. But with the posion and all, he's closer than you are. Keep up your faith, you can do this! ...And I'm going to let you continue on getting beat up, 'cause you've gotta Chill. Sorry. Then Fire Fang. Try for a burn, if you can... And if he protects, just Chill again and fire fang third turn.

Chill ~ Fire Fang/Chill ~ Fire Fang
Okay Spikyman. Let's hit that shinx hard.

Since she'll be chillin', hit Calypso with a Focus Punch. Then use Teeter Dance and finish off Double-Edge.

Focus Punch~Teeter Dance~Double-Edge
A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 46%
Energy: 22%
- *whiiiine* +1 attack.

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 41%
Energy: 32%
- 'Finally.' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 7% this round, 8% next); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); confused (slight), paralyzed (moderate); attracted (mild).​

Calypso breathes a sigh of relief at her commands. She takes a step further away from Spikyman and curls up into a ball, breathing deep to refresh her lungs. She's exhausted and really really wants to sleep or something, just end this battle, but relaxing will have to do for now. She can't believe how long that stupid cacnea is lasting, honestly. Meanwhile, Spikyman takes his time raising his fist and gathering all his energy into it, only to slam it down into the bare grass before him. Deja Vu moment there - he recalls trying to hit Calypso before, only to be pulled back by his roots. How stupid of him to try again. He grumbles to himself, annoyed for wasting energy and time while the poison inside him is taking his life away slowly but surely.

Calypso gets slowly to her feet, wishing she could take even more time to relax. But this is a battle, and she doesn't complain, so. Instead she rushes towards Spikyman, fangs bared, and gnashes down on his arm. Flames lick at his weak skin from the shinx's teeth, and he screams in pain - even when the shinx lets go and pounces away, his arm is still singed and burning in pain. He rubs it in the grass and dirt, trying to stop the pain, but it hurts so bad and it won't stop hurting no matter what he does. Tears come to his eyes - that's the last straw. He's quite sure Calypso just does not love him.

He sighs, holding his arm out so as not to touch the burned area, and begins to dance. At first Calypso tilts her head, unsure, but as the dance progresses it grows stranger and stranger and Calypso grows more and more confused. What a... strange reaction to pain. She can't fully digest this - dance, thing - and her mind swirls with the weirndess of it all. Spikyman keeps dancing, his annoyance and pain flowing into the dance, and Calypso rubs her eyes, confusion overwhelming her.

But Spikyman has to stop dancing, and Calypso takes the opportunity to rush at him again, fangs bared and dripping flames. She chews onto his bare stomach this time, biting deep into him, and he retaliates without waiting - he slams into her hard, knocking her off of him. Calypso rolls away in the grass and gets up shakily, more from exhaustion and confusion than pain itself. Spikyman, meanwhile, rubs his head; that hurt him, too.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 46%
Energy: 18%
- "What a weird dance..." +1 attack. Confused (severe).

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 11%
Energy: 18%
- 'Uhg... pain...' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 8% per round (capped)); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); paralyzed (slight); burned (moderate; 1% damage per action; physical attack is halved).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Once again, ingrain keeps Spikyman stuck to his spot, meaning he can't hit Calypso when she's not directly in front of him.
- Spikyman's confusion and attraction both faded.
- First Fire Fang burned Spikyman.
- Legos next.
We're almost there. I know you can do it.

Start with another Fire Fang, and then just Chill for the last two turns. If he goes for a Destiny Bond, Chill on the first turn and attack on the second instead.

Fire Fang/Chill ~ Chill/Fire Fang ~ Chill
Alright, Spikyman. You did good. Spam dat Double-Edge.

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A grassy plain
A basic grassy field with no effects.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 46%
Energy: 18%
- *whiiiine* +1 attack. Confused (severe).

SomeGuy (Ooo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 11%
Energy: 18%
- 'Finally.' Special attack -2; poisoned (severe; 8% per round (capped)); ingrained (heals %1 health/action); paralyzed (slight); burned (moderate; 1% damage per action; physical attack is halved).​

Calypso sighs, gathers her energies and runs towards Spikyman for what she hopes will be one last attack. She opens her maw and reveals bright flames, then chomps down on the cacnea's rough skin; she bites deep, letting the flames seep into Spikyman, who seems to sag from the attack like a deflating balloon. Before she can even loosen her grip, the cacnea lashes out, slamming into her and knocking her off - she gasps from the impact and lands with a humf on the grass, not bothering to get up.

Instead she just glances up at Spikyman, waiting to see if her attack did the trick.

And it did. The cacnea continues to sag, drooping to the ground; his roots wither and withdraw from the ground, useless, and he finally smacks onto the grass, unconscious. Calypso sighs a huge sigh of relief as her opponent is withdraw with a flash of red into his pokeball - all her hard work paid off.​

Legos (Ooo)
Calypso (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 42%
Energy: 11%
- "Finally." +1 attack. Confused (severe).

SomeGuy (xoo)
Spikyman (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 0%
Energy: 14%
- Fainted.

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Spikyman fainted from collective burn + poison + recoil damage.
- Spikyman's double edge was weakened due to his, well, weakened state.
- SomeGuy sends out and attacks, Legos attacks.
Alright, Purplemon. Let's do this.

Focus your energy first, then scatter some spikes and finish off with Body Slam.

Focus Energy~Toxic Spikes~Body Slam
Yes... Good girl, Calypso. You're probably going to faitn from energy loss here in a bit, but let's try and get as much damage on the thing for whoever comes next.

Chill, then hit it with a Thunder Wave. Old times, eh? Finish with a Captivate to lower it's special attack, or Thunder Wave if you confuse-failed on the second turn.

Chill ~ Thunder Wave ~ Captivate/Thunder Wave
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