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Lord of the Fireflies VS. I Liek Squirtles

I want both of you to Fling both of those idiots, kay? After that, Protect, if they haven't fallen down, Lupus Shadow Ball Baron and Roosevelt Rock Slide . Finally both hide behind the pillow and scream Osama Bin Laden is dead.

Lupus Rex: Fling any off bed~Protect/Shadow Ball@Baron~Hide behind pillow and scream Bin Laden is dead.
Roosevelt: Fling the one Lupus hasn't flinged~Protect/Rock Slide~Hide behind pillow and scream Bin Laden is dead
2vs2 double
DQ: A week.
Style: Switch
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, moves that involve shaking or going through the arena.
Arena: My bed.
Description: Yes, my very own comfy bed. If you see to he right, my messy room. To the left, a wall. The ref will stand on the pillow. Due to the arena being a bed, moves that involve shaking the bed (Fissure, etc.) and going through it (Dig, etc.) are banned. A sink is nearby, making Surf possible. Since the battle is on a bouncy mattress, Bounce's power is x2.
Additional rules: No Pokemon that need water, only basic stage Pokemon.

Round Four Begin!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 58%
Energy: 60%
Status: Happy about her progress. Badly Poisoned (Moderate; 3% this round, 4% the next). Tormented (2 more actions). Special Attack -2.

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 80%
Energy: 71%
Status: Refreshed and relaxed.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 32%
Energy: 64%
Status: “I really want to just go home.” Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement). Taunted (2 more actions)

[Lupus Rex] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 89%
Energy: 18%
Status: Growing very tired. Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Has 3 clones.​

Peach listens to her trainer. Well, if it’s beating up Roosevelt he wants her to do, she’s all for it. She never did like that stupid little bear anyway! She immediately bounces up once more, and propels herself downward toward her opponent. Roosevelt gasps as the Surskit, glowing in a red aura, barrels into him once again. But before she is able to get away Peach is caught in Roosevelt’s clutches. He grabs her leg and spins her around, building up momentum. Then, he flings her straight off the bed—again. With that done, he looks at his partner. Lupus is currently grasping Baron by the latter’s wick. He snarls and with a lot of effort hurls the Litwick off the bed as well. Panting, he smiles at his teammate.

Peach is just getting up when Baron plops down right next to her. He looks up nervously at the climb above. Seeing his forlorn expression, his teammate licks him up and puts him on the top of her head as she begins to scale the bed once more. Meanwhile, above, Roosevelt comes and looks over the edge. What? They’re already climbing? In fact, the pair are almost halfway up already. Roosevelt suddenly feels a need to fix that. He points to the ceiling, and a couple of large fragments of ceiling tile dislodge themselves from it. Then they fall down—one right on top of Peach and the other right on top of Baron. The Surskit hangs on and catches her teammate, thankfully, but the pair is sent down a bit, slowing their progress back up.

Now, Lupus runs up, panting heavily. He forms a purplish ball of energy in front of his jaws, and sends it down at Baron. His aim is true, and once again the Litwick is almost knocked off his traveling companion. But thankfully, Peach again manages to catch her teammate, and the pair begin their ascent once more. By now Lupus is panting heavily. He doesn’t know exactly how much longer he can keep this up, but he’s sure it’s not very long.

But Roosevelt is oblivious to his teammate’s tiredness. He motions for Lupus to follow as he runs behind the bed’s pillow. Then he screams toward the air: “OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD!” Followed by a few insults and profanities. His partner is too tired to do all that, so he only gives a weak howl, lying down afterwards. Just after the scream, Peach hoists Baron up the last stretch of bed, and the Litwick gives a small nod of thanks as he scans the bed for his opponent. He sees a glimpse of the Poochyena, and immediately sends a gigantic blast of fire out there. But all that results from the attack is a scorched section of the bed cover—his aim turns out to be incredibly horrible—he even missed the clone Poochyenas by the hyena’s side!

Round Four End!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 43%
Energy: 55%
Status: >=(. Badly Poisoned (Moderate; 4% this round, 5% the next). Special Attack -2.

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 59%
Energy: 62%
Status: “Well dang it.”

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 14%
Energy: 48%
Status: “Rest in pieces, Bin Laden!” Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement).

[Lupus Rex] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 89%
Energy: 4%
Status: Barely able to stand. Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Still has 3 clones.​

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Façade: 14% damage, 5% energy
•Fling(Roosevelt): 8% energy
•Fling(Lupus): 6% energy
•Rock Slide: 11% damage(both), 6% energy
•Shadow Ball: 10% damage(Baron), 6% energy
•Inferno: 9% energy

Arena Notes
•Some of the ceiling tiles are missing.

•Both Baron and Peach got flung off the bed; Baron hitched a ride back up with Peach, which took 2 actions. Rock Slide and Shadow ball slowed their progress, so it took ‘em an extra action to get back up. They arrived at the end of the round, and Baron was able to use his last action.
•Inferno missed everything.
•Squirtlez, I have no idea what that last action was supposed to accomplish, but it took 2% energy.

Next Round
•Squirtles Attacks
•Fireflies Attacks
•I ref
I was feeling random. :D Okay Lupus, take your final stand and Take Down Peaches off the bed. Freefall and under any circustances never let her go. You would probably smash down into the floor. If she Protects, take Baron down. If both Protect, Chill. If you survive until the second action, again Take Down Peaches. If you're still alive up to the third action, Chill. Roosevelt, Peach is going to Signal Beam Lupus; jump in front of him and Protect. If any of those ingrates doesn't attack, then Chill. After that, Thunderpunch Peach unless she Protects then Crunch on Baron unless he Protects in which case Chill. Finally jump up and land down on Peach.

Lupus: Take Down Peach off bed/Take Down Baron off bed/Chill~Take Down Peaches~Chill
Roosevelt: Protect (jump in front of Lupus then leave when he takes down)/Chill~Thunderpunch@Peach/Crunch@Baron/Chill~Jump up and land on Peach
I don't get it. I sacrificed to the RNG gods. D:
Peach: Protect~Giga Drain-Energy@Rex (or Roosevelt if Rex is down)~Hydro Pump@Roosevelt

Baron: Will-O-Wisp@Rex~Fire Blast@Roosevelt~Fire Blast@Roosevelt.

After the match, I would ask ILS to send Rex and Roosevelt out again so the battlers can shake hands/paws/whatever, because it was a very good match in my opinion. Doubles are so much more intense (and hard to ref so thanks a LOT Superbird for being such an awesome ref, I really appreciate).

btw ILS, you probably won't like it but Baron is immune to Take Down as it is a Normal-typed attack and Baron is part Ghost-type...
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2vs2 double
DQ: A week.
Style: Switch
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, moves that involve shaking or going through the arena.
Arena: My bed.
Description: Yes, my very own comfy bed. If you see to he right, my messy room. To the left, a wall. The ref will stand on the pillow. Due to the arena being a bed, moves that involve shaking the bed (Fissure, etc.) and going through it (Dig, etc.) are banned. A sink is nearby, making Surf possible. Since the battle is on a bouncy mattress, Bounce's power is x2.
Additional rules: No Pokemon that need water, only basic stage Pokemon.

Round Five Begin!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 39%
Energy: 55%
Status: >=(. Badly Poisoned (Moderate; 4% this round, 5% the next). Special Attack -2.

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 59%
Energy: 62%
Status: “Well dang it.”

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 14%
Energy: 48%
Status: “Rest in pieces, Bin Laden!” Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Burned (Severe; 4% per round, extra energy for all attacks requiring movement).

[Lupus Rex] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 89%
Energy: 4%
Status: Barely able to stand. Accuracy -1. Special Attack -1. Still has 3 clones.​

Peach begins the round by setting up a greenish energy shield. She does NOT want to get tossed off the bed again, no sirree! Across the battlefield, Roosevelt does the same, jumping in front of Lupus Rex as he does so. But Lupus ignores his teammate’s kind action, and instead runs forward, using the last of his strength to attempt to knock Baron off of the bed. He leaps forward into the Litwick. But Baron sees the attack coming, and quickly phases out of a physical form. Lupus ends up flying right through him. By the time the hyena lands he just doesn’t have enough energy to fight any more. He passes out on the ground.

Meanwhile, Baron smiles. That was one less foe to deal with. He phases back into his physical form, and lets out a blue flame from his wick. The Will O’ Wisp slowly floats forward and dissipates against Roosevelt’s green energy shield. Satisfied that the shield has done its job, the Teddiursa lets the Protect down. Peach notices this, and lets down her own shield as well, instead focusing on her opponent’s energy. Soon, a few green orbs of energy pull themselves out of Roosevelt’s body and fly toward Peach, enveloping her body in green light as they sink into her soul. Roosevelt angrily follows the orbs, his fist crackling with electricity. He gets close, and executes the Thunderpunch perfectly.

But the battle isn’t quite over yet. Baron gathers a gigantic amount of heat in front of him, condensing it into a single, fiery ball of fire. He shoots the huge ball of fire at his Roosevelt, and before the Teddiursa has time to dodge the attack strikes him perfectly. As it explodes into the Kanji for ‘big’, Roosevelt realizes he can’t take any more pain and passes out. Soon, the blast dissipates and Peach and Baron look at their unconscious opponents. They would shake hands, but they really can’t. All parties are returned to their Poké Balls, and the two trainers shake hands. The ref hands out prize money, and the room returns to normal size. Fireflies and Superbird immediately teleport out, leaving Squirtles to clean up the horrible mess they’ve left.

Round Five End!

Team Fireflies
[Peach] Surskit (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Health: 36%
Energy: 46%
Status: Yay, we won!

@ dusk-stone
[Baron] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 59%
Energy: 47%
Status: Somewhat worried about his opponents.

Team Squirtles
[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 0%
Energy: 34%
Status: Knocked Out!

[Lupus Rex] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
Health: 89%
Energy: 0%
Status: Fainted!​

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Protect: 4% energy
•Protect: 5% energy
•Take Down: 6% energy
•Will O’ Wisp: 5% energy
•Giga Drain: 3% energy damage, 6% energy (restored 1% energy)
•Thunderpunch: 7% damage, 6% energy
•Fire Blast: 14% damage, 10% energy

Arena Notes
•Some of the ceiling tiles are missing.

•Take Down was ineffective against Baron.
•On action one, Lupus Rex fainted from energy loss.
•Since Rex was down by Baron’s move, he targeted Roosevelt instead.
•…Except the attack missed.
•Fire Blast just barely knocked out Roosevelt on action 2.

Okay, I’ll admit. This was tricky to get the hang of at first. This is my first reffing of a double battle. But it was incredibly fun! Thanks for a great time. And now for the prizes! If I remember correctly…Lord of the Fireflies gets $16, I get $10, and I Like Squirtles gets $6. Peach and Baron get 3 EXP each, while Roosevelt and Lupus Rex get 1 EXP each. Good game, guys!
Thanks Superbird! You were an amazingly cool and reliable ref, and for your first double battle you did an amazing job! Also thanks ILS for the great battle, you were a great opponent!
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