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Mewtini vs I liek Squirtles

Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

Indigo (OOO)
[Swift] taillow (F) <Guts>
Health: 32%
Energy: 72%
Status: Frustrated and in bad shape. Paralyzed (Moderate) | Guts activated, has two double team clones.
Moves used: Chill ~ Double team (3) ~ Mirror move (Quick attack)

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Marty] blitzle (M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 65%
Status: "You damaged my property..." Looking a bit sulky and wanting to start zapping her again. Has five double team clones and a substitute at 3% health.

Round six

Swift tries to summon up the protective shield, but it noticeably takes her much more effort than before, and she utters a few irritated chirps as she strains to bring the barrier to life. Eventually, a weak looking green sheen surrounds her, but it keeps flickering and fading in and out. It doesn’t look very reliable, but it’s all she can manage at the moment.
However, her efforts prove to be pointless anyway, as Marty simply smirks and comfortably sprawls out on the ground. The relaxed Blitzle watches and enjoys Swift’s expression of disappointment and frustration as she is forced to abandon her clumsy shield. That’ll teach that vandal.

After his quick break, Marty springs upright again in one quick leap, then grins as he begins to generate electricity. However, his cheerful expression quickly fades as he remembers those duplicate Taillows hanging around. He’s just going to have to hope the RNG Gods are on his side…
Swift chirps fearfully and shakily flaps backward as she sees the warning sparks dancing off Marty. She covers her face with her wings as the Blitzle rears up, his jagged mane glowing a bright yellow, and unleashes a crackling bolt of electricity at the Taillow cowering in the center of the three. Unfortunately for Swift, Marty gets lucky, and the bolt strikes the real deal, gripping her in a vicious current of crackling sparks. She flaps about wildly, crying out in pain, and when the last of the sparks fade away with a hiss and a crackle, an extra charred Taillow is left on the ground in a heap, her feathery body looking blackened and raw. Swift groans in pain, but simply stays in the exact same position to try and regain some energy. If she was in better condition she might have been annoyed about her passive commands, but right now her fighting spirit is all but broken.

Marty snorts as he surveys the extra crispy looking Swift, and his confident expression is replaced by one of uncertainty and slight annoyance. He's so close to finishing her off, and he'd much prefer to send another thunderbolt hurtling her way rather than a compliment. Still...
With a sigh, Marty reluctantly approaches the miserable Taillow, and he tries his best to muster up a convincing looking smile. Swift remains in the same tangled looking position from before as she tries to regain some energy, but she glares up cautiously as the Blitzle draws near. His clones follow behind him, and soon poor Swift feels horribly boxed in and outnumbered, and she can't help but cower down.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Marty tries to look as non-threatening as possible, and begins to pour on the charm. Swift reluctantly looks up at Marty again as he suddenly starts complimenting her on her amazing perseverance in the face of hardship and how lovely her feathers look even after repeated shocks of electricity. Speaking of electricity, he totally didn't mean it, he never wanted this battle in the first place, he just wanted to make friends!
His romantic speech gets even more over the top as he progresses, and he rambles far from the point a couple of times, but somehow, he manages to convince Swift, and she is soon giving him a much warmer look. Even Marty is somewhat shocked by this; wow, he's better at this than he thought. Although she might just be somewhat delusional from all the pain she's in, if her unfocused and bleary look is any indication.

End of round six

Indigo (OOO)
[Swift] taillow (F) <Guts>
Health: 15%
Energy: 88%
Status: "Those stripes are quite dashing actually..." In a lot of pain and not thinking stright. Attracted (Moderate), Paralyzed (Mild) | Guts activated
Moves used: Protect ~ chill ~ chill

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Marty] blitzle (M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 66%
Status: Trying not to laugh. Has five double team clones and a substitute at 3% health.
Moves used: Chill ~ thunderbolt ~ attract

Battle notes

- I liek Squirtles attacks first.​
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

OH GAWD YEAH. If on any action she uses Double Team, Discharge, if by any reason you can't attack her (except Substitute) Chill and keep repeting lemurs are awesome (Byrus I want this if she Protects) and if there is a sub then Thunderbolt, if she is paralyzed on any action destroy her with a HYPOR BEEM Thundebolt. If she faints on any action then dance.

Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles



Protect~Chill~Swallow Cut Aerial Ace
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

Indigo (OOO)
[Swift] taillow (F) <Guts>
Health: 15%
Energy: 88%
Status: "Those stripes are quite dashing actually..." In a lot of pain and not thinking stright. Attracted (Moderate), Paralyzed (Mild) | Guts activated

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Marty] blitzle (M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 66%
Status: Trying not to laugh. Has five double team clones and a substitute at 3% health.

Round seven

As Marty tries to stifle his laughter, Swift stares over at him with a slightly dazed look in her eyes. She's completely caught up in the Blitzle's amazing little speech from earlier; it was just so cute the way he stumbled over his words and tried his best to say the right thing. Plus, he totally apologized for all that zapping! Although she would've really appreciated if he offered to buy her a full restore... hopefully he's not a cheapskate.
As Swift is lost in her thoughts, Marty creeps up beside her, grinning broadly. Now's his chance. He shakes his jagged mane, and sparks fizzle and crackle around his body as he generates electricity.
The familiar sound of crackling sparks jolts Swift out of her stupor, and she gives a horrified chirp of distress as she sees that traitorous Blitzle preparing to fire off another bolt at her. The heartbroken look in her eyes is almost enough to make Marty pause for a second, but his determination to win is much stronger. Still, he does wince just a little as he sends the crackling array of sparks hurtling towards Swift, and he turns away as the thunderbolt finally silences her chirping and sends her drifting into unconsciousness. Marty sighs and tries to savour his masterful victory, although he really could have done without that last mournful look, it kinda spoiled the atmosphere.... Nevertheless, the Blitzle gives a brave attempt at a victory dance; certainly no easy feat for a four-legged Pokémon with hooves.
Indigo winces a little at the loud clattering of hooves and quickly recalls the defeated Taillow into the safety of her pokéball. She then looks worriedly over at the dancing Blitzle (and finds herself struggling to keep a straight face) as she considers who to send out next...

End of round seven

Indigo (XOO)
[Swift] taillow (F) <Guts>
Health: 0%
Energy: 88%
Status: Knocked out!

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Marty] blitzle (M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 60%
Status: ♪ ~Dance dance~ ♪ Has five double team clones and a substitute at 3% health.

Battle notes

- Swift was "fully attracted" on the first action.
- Indigo sends out.
- I liek Squirtles attacks.
- Indigo attacks.​
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

D: *wince*

Wow, that was a fast reffing! Thank you!

Hm...Staticspidera, go!
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

Okay, if she tries to status you, Facade, if she Protects Chill, if not any of those things then Flame Charge. After that, Attract if she doesn't Protect, if she Protects then Chill. Finally do 3 Double Team clones.

Facade/Chill/Flame Charge~Attract/Chill~Double Team (3 clones)
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

D: Sorry! (I swear I posted my commands...)

Attract~Electroweb~Electro Ball
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

After a moment of thought, Indigo sends out her next battler: Staticspidera the Joltik. Marty quickly calms down as he inspects his new opponent, looking distinctly unimpressed by her lack of height.
The tiny little creature utters a happy squeak and scuttles forward, her fur puffing out with sparks. She appears even more eager when she sees her opponent is an electric type too, and resists the urge to try to latch onto him and drain his electricity supply. Marty snorts and backs away, looking a tad unnerved by the look in Static's eyes. No way is that bug gonna be doing any face-hugging on him!

Indigo (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Full of pep and ready to go.

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Marty] blitzle (M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 60%
Status: Still feeling physically good. Has five double team clones and a substitute at 3% health.

Round eight

Invigorated by his recent victory, Marty immediately leaps into action by charging towards his tiny opponent. As he runs, his striped coat begins to ripple and blur before a streamer of flames bursts into life, causing Static to leap up in surprise. Marty bashes into her and easily knocks her flying, drawing a pained squeal from the unfortunate Joltik. Staticspidera lands harshly on the tough floor, and rolls about desperately to put out the lingering embers on her fluffy fur.
Staticspidera sniffles a little as she inspects the sooty looking patches on her coat, feeling a little disappointed. Being charged at by what appears to be six fiery Blitzles isn't the ideal way to start a match, but she tries not to let herself by overwhelmed so easily, and scuttles bravely up to the Pokémon that sent her flying. Marty looks down at her haughtily; she's just so teeny tiny! He's knows he probably shouldn't underestimate her, but it's difficult not to: she's small and nonthreatening and... strangely adorable.
He blinks rapidly and frowns, wondering what on earth inspired that thought. However, he quickly finds his gaze focused on her again as the little Joltik suddenly begins pouring on the praise as she gazes up at him with her shiny blue eyes. He never thought a bug could be so appealing, but she really does have beautiful eyes with a really vivid shade of blue... and the way she fluffs up her coat like that is just adorable...
He suddenly finds himself feeling horribly guilty over burning the poor little bug earlier, and it's only made worse when Staticspidera even starts complimenting on his masterful use of the very move he hurt her with. Marty can't help himself: he begins stuttering apologies as he looks down at her admiringly, hoping that the damage done to her coat isn't too bad. Static suppresses a small smirk as she gently assures him that it's nothing permanent.

While Marty is left staring at her with a lovesick gaze, Staticspidera eagerly begins to spin a thread of silk, charging it with static from her fur as she goes. Marty looks on with interest, admiring the pretty silk the Joltik spins, and the cute way her fur puffs up with electricity.
He approaches her somewhat bashfully and shoves his substitute out of the way so that it doesn't frighten her off. He then begins complimenting Staticspidera on her amazing web slinging abilities and her beautiful eyes and amazingly fluffy coat and...
Static pauses and looks up at the Blitzle in puzzlement. Marty has definitely fallen for her; that much is obvious. She certainly didn't expect herself to be falling for him though, and yet she can't help but find his rambling little speech strangely charming. She returns his bashful smile with one of her own, and the web net she's making noticeably becomes somewhat hap-hazard as her attention is diverted. When she does finally finish it, she finds herself a lot less eager to carry out her orders. The way Marty is looking at her is really nice, she really doesn't want to spoil it...
Her loyalty to her trainer eventually wins out however, and she utters an unhappy squeak as she sends the charged silk net hurtling towards Marty. The Blitzle doesn't even look vaguely concerned however, and even watches the crackling net's progress with interest. His forgotten substitute quickly senses the threat however, and immediately leaps in its path, quickly becoming ensnared in the web. Rather than damaging it, the sparks crackle harmlessly around the odd creation's body, while the excess webbing is cast off. The substitute rears up awkwardly and the electricity running through its form is suddenly channeled towards its creator. Staticspidera looks on in surprise as Marty embraces the jolt happily and stomps his hooves as it flows across his fur.
He then turns to face her, looking cheerful and even more invigorated than before, even managing a word of thanks for the little boost. Staticspidera smiles back, feeling somewhat relived that he appears unhurt, though also feeling guilty over the less than honourable intentions of her attack.

Marty can't help but notice the Joltik's little frown, and he's all too eager to try and cheer her up. And what better way to make her smile than fill the confined space with more stripes?
Grinning somewhat crazily, he takes off in a gallop, taking care not to accidentally trample on his tiny little love interest. Static utters a small squeak as she's startled out of her thoughts and looks on with interest as Marty dashes along majestically. She does try her best to stay out of her way though, having learned from the earlier charge attack, but her gaze is still focused intently on him. When Marty skids to a halt, the cramped space becomes even more cramped with Blitzle clones, though Static doesn't appear overly bothered. She squeals happily and claps all her legs together at the stripy show, her orders seemingly forgotten. Marty grins goofishly and takes a small bow, oblivious to the fact that some of his clones are now fading in and out.

End of round eight

Indigo (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 93%
Energy: 93%
Status: Completely caught up in her newfound love interest. Attracted to Marty (Severe)
Moves used: Attract ~ Electroweb ~ [Attracted]

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Marty] blitzle (M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 52%
Status: Overly cheerful. + 1 speed, Has eight double team clones and a substitute at 3% health. | Attracted to Staticspidera (Severe)
Moves used: Flame charge ~ Attract ~ Double team (3 Clones)

Battle notes

- Marty's lightning rod made Staticspidera's electric attack useless.
- Quick edit: No special attack boost for Marty.
- Indigo attacks first.​
Last edited:
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

...I didn't see Lightning Rod there *facepalm*
Man, Attracted Pokemon are rather cute. :3

Leech Life~X-Scissor~Light Screen
Re: Indigo vs I liek Squirtles

Mewtini (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 93%
Energy: 93%
Status: Completely caught up in her newfound love interest. Attracted to Marty (Severe)

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Marty] blitzle (M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 52%
Status: Overly cheerful. + 1 speed, Has eight double team clones and a substitute at 3% health. | Attracted to Staticspidera (Severe)

Round nine

Staticspidera reluctantly scuttles over to her supposed opponent, trying to assure herself that she won’t be doing any harm to her precious Marty. The creepy looking substitute should take the attack, and it’ll appease her trainer for the moment.
The enamoured Marty watches her approach with interest, seemingly too focused on her to even think about his current orders. He simply looks on admiringly as she opens her mouth to reveal a row of adorably tiny little fangs just before she leaps up in one swift motion.
The substitute quickly blocks the jumping Joltik’s path to its oblivious master and Static quickly latches onto it. She hesitates as she sees the non-organic nature of the substitute’s skin, then cautiously takes a bite. She nibbles delicately for a moment, before becoming more enthusiastic as she finds the energy Marty put into the creation is easy enough to tap into and drain. Marty’s grin fades a little as he sees his substitute crumbling before his eyes, its body looking even more hap-hazard than before as the jolts of electricity connecting it sputter weakly. He really liked that substitute, and he can’t help but feel a little disappointed that Static is wrecking it like that… However, he quickly starts trying to reassure himself; obviously the poor adorable little creature needed a small boost, he really shouldn’t be begrudging her that! It’s not like she drained the whole carcass or something.

As Staticspidera hops off the desecrated doppelganger, Marty goes back to staring at her dreamily, having convinced himself of her goodness.
Staticspidera scampers around in circles for a moment, before reluctantly approaching Marty again, looking up at him mournfully. She’s almost wishing he would attack her, just so she won’t feel so guilty for launching her own attack while he’s just standing there looking all cute.
Eventually, the hesitant Joltik raises her two front legs with the sharp point held outwards, and the fur on them begins to bristle noticeably. She still takes her time however, and stands there poised to strike for several moments, trying to think of a decent excuse not to.
Hey, there is still that ugly looking substitute there to take the damage… That’s a positive thing at least.
Still looking uncertain, the Joltik lunges forwards, feeling a sense of relief as the broken creation staggers into her path. She slashes at it with her front legs, and her bristly fur and claw tips easily shred into the damaged sub. It gives off a weak spurt of sparks before the light in its hallowed eyes blink out and it falls to the floor in a heap of shredded wires.
Its destruction seems to knock Marty out of his daze, and he blinks rapidly, looking somewhat dumbfounded and hurt. OK, that act of violence was completely uncalled for… although it was an adorable act of violence.

However, it does also wake Marty up to the fact that he's neglected his orders twice now. Not good. Grimacing guiltily, Marty shuffles about, glancing over at the equally guilty looking Static. He still isn't keen on the idea of attacking her, especially since she's just sitting there all peaceful now. He really can't keep going on like this though; he's supposed to be in a battle here! Maybe he should let someone else take over since he's apparently not capable right now... yeah, that sounds good.
Putting his troubled thoughts aside for the moment, Marty scrunches up his eyes and abruptly launches a crackling ball of electricity at Static, his fur rippling with the excess sparks. The Joltik leaps up in surprise; the sudden shift into offense is unexpected to say the least given Marty's passiveness this round. She squeals as the bolt strikes her, causing Marty to grimace as he is propelled backwards by the force of his own attack. His trainer is quick to react: the unhappy Blitzle is swiftly recalled into his pokéball as he sent flying. Squirtles then sends out a Pokémon fitting of his namesake: a Squirtle with the title of Mr. Turtle.
The aquatic Pokémon blinks rapidly as the crackling remnants of electricity dazzle him, before he curiously surveys the teensy little Joltik lying on her back.
The Joltik in question rolls about dazedly for a few moments before she leaps back onto four legs again, then desperately scans the arena for a sign of her lost love. She sniffles as she spots her new opponent standing opposite her; she chased her one true love away! The room looks so empty without his stripes...

End of round nine

Mewtini (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 89%
Energy: 85%
Status: "EEP! Where'd you go?" D:
Moves used: Leech life ~ X-scissor ~ [Attracted]

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Mr. Turtle] squirtle (M) <torrent>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Trying to get to grips with his surroundings and opponent.

In reserve:
(M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 48%
Moves used: [Attracted] ~ [Attracted] ~ Volt switch

Battle notes

- I liek Squirtles attacks first.​
Last edited:
If she tries to Protect, Chill, other than that spam Ice Beam. Unless she Double Teams, then Surf.

Ice Beam/Chill/Surf~Ice Beam/Chill/Surf~Ice Beam/Chill/Surf
Mewtini (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 89%
Energy: 85%
Status: "EEP! Where'd you go?" D:

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Mr. Turtle] squirtle (M) <torrent>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Trying to get to grips with his surroundings and opponent.

In reserve:
(M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 48%

Round ten

Although she's still feeling a little down about her lost love, Staticspidera understands that she's got a battle to finish, and she (somewhat reluctantly) faces up to her new opponent. The memory of Marty's awesomeness is starting to feel like a distant dream now anyway...
Static holds out her front legs, and the fur on them begins to bristle noticeably. She holds them out pointed end first, and leaps towards the Squirtle, delivering a swift and vicious slash at his head. Mr. Turtle utters a muffled gasp, and falls backwards from the blunt force, clutching the sore spot in alarm.
He lies for a moment as he tries to collect his wits, then painfully examines the damage. The Joltik managed to catch him off-guard and strike a non-armoured spot, and it seriously hurts. He’s definitely going to have to be more alert around that twitchy bug; she packs a hell of a punch for her size.
Scowling, and still rubbing his now-tender forehead, Mr. Turtle takes a deep breath, then exhales out a freezing blast of air. He channels the air into a concentrated beam of ice, and sends the chilling blue blast streaming towards his tiny foe. Staticspidera lets out a squeal as the ice beam engulfs her in its freezing grasp, chilling her to the bone and leaving her covered with slivers of ice shards.

Static is left shivering for a few moments, before she quickly gives herself a good shake, dislodging the remaining flecks of ice from her fur. She glares over at the equally annoyed looking Squirtle, then crouches down and tries to look generally menacing. Not an easy feat for an adorably tiny bug such as herself, but Mr. Turtle does begin to look very worried as he sees her fur puff up with sharp crackles of electricity.
As the sparks around her rapidly grow in strength, Staticspidera carefully begins to form the wild current into a concentrated orb of electricity. She then sends the crackling mass of sparks zigzagging towards her foe with an eager squeak. Mr. Turtle makes a brave effort to dodge, but the electroball is too fast for him, and he is caught in the grips of the powerful current. The Squirtle writhes about wildly as the sparks course through him, and he’s left looking dazed and frazzled when the attack fades away.
The Squirtle winces as he takes a cautious step forward, trying to prepare himself to strike back. This isn’t really his ideal way of starting off a match, and he’s pretty sure he’s developed a healthy hatred of bugs already.
He takes another deep breath, although it’s a little more laboured than the last one, and he sends another beam of ice spiralling towards the little yellow bug. Staticspidera lets out another frantic squeal as the freezing cold washes over her again, leaving her shivering madly.

Static tries to shake the remaining flecks of ice off again, though they’re slightly more stubborn than last time. She’s still shivering a little as she begins to charge up electricity, although the sparks crackling around her do help to dislodge the last of the ice shards.
Mr. Turtle backs away warily again as he sees the warning sparks, but there is little he can do to dodge the powerful bolt of electricity the Joltik blasts towards him. He yells in pain as an even more powerful current grips him once again, rattling him around and leaving his shell looking very charred.
With a pained groan, Mr. Turtle rises to his feet and gingerly raises his head. He then sends another freezing beam streaming towards Staticspidera, engulfing the already shivering Joltik in even more coldness. Static squeals in pain and also frustration; she's getting really sick of the sudden temperature drops here! She shivers violently, then struggles to clean her fur again with a quick shake. Unfortunately, while she finds she can dislodge the worst of the ice, some remnants are proving a little more stubborn than others, and it's hampering her ability to move her legs. Trying not to panic, Static keeps making efforts to move, all the while hoping that the ice will melt off soon.
Mr. Turtle is oblivious to the success of his attack though, he's having trouble trying not to panic himself from all the electricity flying around here, and his thoughts are clouded with pain.

End of round ten

Mewtini (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 65%
Energy: 67%
Status: "Brrr...." Cold and a bit worried. Frozen (Mild: slight movement restriction)

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Mr. Turtle] squirtle (M) <torrent>
Health: 55% (Capped)
Energy: 73%
Status: In a lot of pain and already losing hope.

In reserve:
(M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 48%

Battle notes

- Staticspidera's x-scissor was a critical hit.
- Mewtini attacks first.​

If he tries to attack you, use Protect. If he uses any non-attacking move, Electro Ball. (Excluding that Attract in there.) If he statuses you, Chill. (I've no idea why I put that there, but hey.)

Electro Ball/Protect/Chill~Attract/Protect/Chill~Electro Ball/Protect/Chill
Mewtini (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 65%
Energy: 67%
Status: "Brrr...." Cold and a bit worried. Frozen (Mild: slight movement restriction)

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Mr. Turtle] squirtle (M) <torrent>
Health: 55% (Capped)
Energy: 73%
Status: In a lot of pain and already losing hope.

In reserve:
(M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 48%

Round eleven

Staticspidera is glad her current commands don't take too much movement; the ice, however small, is annoyingly uncomfortable. She peers over at the charred and unhappy looking Squirtle, but he doesn’t appear to be up to much. He’s just standing there feeling sorry for himself. May as well take the opportunity.
Her fur bristles as she generates electricity, and she quickly channels it into a barely controlled orb of dazzling sparks. She then flings the crackling ball straight at Mr. Turtle, causing him to give a startled yelp.
He isn’t unprepared however, and the water type immediately reacts by generating a shield of translucent green energy. The shield surrounds him in a protective dome, and the electroball collides with it in a blinding display of crackling sparks. When the last of the electricity fizzles out, Mr. Turtle is left cowering behind his protective dome, scared but unharmed. With that over with, he relaxes a little and lets the taxing shield drop. That’s one bullet dodged at least.

Staticspidera gives an annoyed squeak at her opponent’s evasive tactics, but she knows that he can’t hide behind his shield forever. She takes a moment to check the status of her frozen legs as she waits to see what he’ll do. They’re still cold and uncomfortable, but the restrictive ice appears to be melting away nicely. Relived, she turns to face her foe, and is struck square in the face by a nasty glob of toxic sludge, courtesy of Mr. Turtle.
The Joltik gives a muffled squeal, and frantically rubs at her face with her free legs. The horrible stuff just barely missed her eyes, but it’s dangerously close to her mouth, and she definitely has no desire to get a taste of the potent mix. She manages to scrape the worst of it off, but she’s helpless to stop it seeping through her skin and into her bloodstream. Wincing, she tries to make herself as comfortable as possible while she chills, trying to ignore the queasy feeling the poison causes.

When Static looks up again, she tilts her head in puzzlement as she sees Mr. Turtle frantically clawing at the ground. The Squirtle is all too keen to get out of range of the Joltik's electric attacks, but he isn't having much luck tearing up the tough surface of the computer. He gives a frustrated cry, wishing he had the strength of a fighting type or something instead of these puny little arms. Maybe even if he was a Blastoise...
He's suddenly jolted (forgive the pun) out of his thoughts by a familiar crackling sound, and he looks up in alarm. Staticspidera is preparing another orb of electricity, which she quickly tosses at the horrified water type. He makes another brave effort to avoid it, but the orb moves too quickly for him, and he's soon gripped in another wave of electricity. It does nothing to improve the Squirtle's mood, and leaves him feeling more down and charred than ever.
Static on the other hand, looks quite a bit more upbeat, apart from the nasty feeling of the toxins in her system. The ice around her legs has melted into a puddle, leaving her free of that restriction at least.

End round eleven

Mewtini (XOO)
[Staticspidera] joltik (F) <Compound eyes>
Health: 64%
Energy: 65%
Status: Relieved to be free from the ice, but feeling a bit sick from the poison. Poisoned (Severe, 1% this round, 2% the next)
Moves used this round: Electroball ~ Chill ~ Electroball

I liek Squirtles (OOO)
[Mr. Turtle] squirtle (M) <torrent>
Health: 44%
Energy: 60%
Status: Still looking very charred and overall feeling quite down.
Moves used this round: Protect ~ Toxic ~ Dig (Failed)

In reserve:
(M) <Lightning rod>
Health: 85%
Energy: 48%

Battle notes

- Can't really imagine a Squirtle being able to dig through the bottom of a computer, so dig failed.
- I'm aware of Mewtini's situation at the moment, buuuut... I already had this half-written up so I figured I may as well post it. Mewtini's access never seems to be certain, so I'll just wait out the DQ time and see what happens.
- I liek Squirtles attacks first.​
Okay, Turtle...let's go easy on Static, since she lost her Trainer... Sub 10%, then Rapid Spin, Chill if Protect... Surf, Chill if Protect...

Sub 10%~Rapid Spin/Chill~Surf/Protect

Mewtini forever.
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