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Mawile vs Markku


Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture.

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (F) <Illusion>
Health: 34%
Energy: 47%
- ':D' Speed +2

Markku (xO)
Melii (F) <Synchronise>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- '... o god a zorua?'​

A bit excited now that her opponent is a psychic type, Vriska gathers another black beam before her forehead and unleashes it onto the newly-released ralts. Melii yelps as she's encased in blackness; her visibility is completely shot and, even worse, it feels like her nerves are actually imploding. She whimpers, unable to even think from the pain; why in gods name did she have to fight this? And how? The blackness finally disappeared by she was burnt all over from its remains, and she felt utterly wrecked. She'd just been sent out, and already she was wishing this was over.

All she could do, though, was attempt to prevent further damage. She waved a tiny arm in front of her and formed a thin barrier; it was semi-transparent, but visible enough to send a clear message to Vriska, that the ralts was not helpless to defend herself. Or at least it would have, if Vriska cared. The zorua was just too exhausted to pay much attention. All she really wanted to do was bring down the ralts before she went down herself, or at least tire it own as much as she could for her teammate.

Which meant attacking again. More dark energy formed around her, this time creating wave of rippling darkness in a circle around her tiny form; she barked and it pulsed outwards, crashing against Melii's screen, but half of it managed to get through. Melii grimaced in pain as the dark energy burned against her already burnt skin; she really hated darkness right now. Well, she did in general, but at this point she just wanted to kill it somehow.

Or maybe just put it to sleep. She stared intently at Vriska, attempting to peer into the zorua's soul, but there seemed to be something blocking it, or maybe that damned creature didn't even have a soul. That was clearly the most realistic option, at least Melii thought so. Vriska tilted her head, wondering what Melii was doing, staring at her like that; what a strange pokemon.

Didn't matter. Though Vriska wished she could relax a bit, she instead waved her tail at the ralts tauntingly, teasing her for her inability to hurt the zorua at all. All she did was stare! Melii gaped in shock - only a soulless creature would want to be hit! She ran forwards, arm raised and prepared to strike, but she stumbled and fell on her head instead. Vriska grinned with pride at her handiwork; this was too easy.

Melii pushed herself up. Goddammit, that zorua was a pain. Melii stared at her again, still trying to find a soul somewhere in there and push it to sleep, but it was impossible. It was definitely soulless. She definitely had to kill it, then. Nothing so devilish could be allowed to live!​

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (F) <Illusion>
Health: 34%
Energy: 28%
- 'Mmm... die so I can sleep...' Speed +1

Markku (xO)
Melii (F) <Synchronise>
Health: 70% (capped)
Energy: 89%
- 'BE GONE, YE DEVIL!' Shielded by light screen (4 more actions).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Night Daze was a critical hit; Melii hit the damage cap after Dark Pulse (or midway through it, really).
- Hypnosis missed... both times, ahaha. So I didn't really edit the reffing itself. :\
- Markku next.
Last edited:
- Both Hypnosis and Imprison are psychic type moves, which don't work on dark types. :v
Non-damaging moves like hypnosis and imprison ignore type immunities. There are some exceptions (thunder wave doesn't work on ground types), but the attacks used this round aren't examples of them.
And now for something somewhat different because Markku almost pulled a stupid and he's probably about to pull another. OH WELL

Magical Leaf ~ Thunderbolt ~ Will-O-Wisp

Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture.

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (F) <Illusion>
Health: 34%
Energy: 28%
- 'Mmm... die so I can sleep...' Speed +1

Markku (xO)
Melii (F) <Synchronise>
Health: 70% (capped)
Energy: 89%
- 'BE GONE, YE DEVIL!' Shielded by light screen (4 more actions).​

As Melii prepares to attack, Vriska kicks off and before Melii knows what's happening something smacks into her face, so hard she can't even breathe. She gasps for air, tries to think, the whole world has gone black for a minute; Vriska kicks off Melii's face and tries to land on the checkered arena but slips, gets up uneasily and checks on the ralts. Melii is still gasping, unsure of what exactly happened - only after a few minutes does she realize what exactly happened. It was that demon, it hit her in the face while she was completely unprepared. That's it, she has to get it back now!

She waves her arms in the air and bright green leaves materialize from her body; she points arms towards Vriska and the leaves dash towards the zorua. Vriska underestimates how much they'll hurt - the leaves dig into her body, disappearing upon contact, and god they really hurt, like tiny thorns digging in deep. Each one finds just the right place to point itself and Vriska yowls in pain; she can't keep up with this much damage, she's scared she'll go down soon, from exhaustion and her collective wounds.

But not yet. She has to prove her worth first, do as much as she can. She gets up shakily and kicks off again, slamming into Melii's face fist-first. Melii screams in shock, but she seems a bit more prepared this time - not that it's enough to stop the punch from hurting like hell. Vriska lands heavily on the floor, rolls away tiredly, while Melii grips her injured face in agony.

She's still holding her face protectively when bright sparks erupt from her tiny body and flash outwards toward the fallen Vriska, swallowing the zorua in a bolt of electricity. Unfortunately the bolt is pretty small; Melii can't bring forth that much power towards her electrical attacks, being so little herself. Still, it isn't exactly fun for Vriska - the zorua shivers in pain under the weight of the attack, and she feels she's only inches away from fainting.

So she really doesn't mind waiting a bit for Melii to attack. Melii waits too, fully expecting another punch, but she breathes a sigh of relief when it doesn't come. Instead she breathes deep and exhales a bright blue flame from her mouth; the flame dashes around jaggedly, as if it were drunk, not aiming itself towards anything directly. It zigzags around, nearly missing Vriska - but it lands directly on her butt, searing her fur a deep, stinky black. Vriska gasps in pain; the spot she was burnt on hurts terribly whenever she moves it.

But now she has to use that to her advantage. She stumbles towards Melii, grimacing in pain each times she takes a step, and then snarls and attacks the ralts savagely with tooth, claw, fists, whatever she can. The attack is considerably weakened by her burn - whenever she moves, it hurts - and the fact that she's so exhausted, but Melii is still whimpering in fear and pain. Vriska staggers away and stares at Melii, exhausted, and Melii stares back. Both of them are pretty damn tired.​

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (F) <Illusion>
Health: 14%
Energy: 9%
- 'Hngngrgr...' Speed +1, burned (severe, attack is halved, 1hp/action)

Markku (xO)
Melii (F) <Synchronise>
Health: 40% (capped)
Energy: 69%
- *Hides face* Shielded by light screen (1 more action).

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- The first Sucker Punch and Magical Leaf were both critical hits.
- Facade was weakened by burn and by Vriska being so tired. The second Sucker Punch hit the damage cap anyhow, though.
- Mawile next.

Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture.

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (F) <Illusion>
Health: 14%
Energy: 9%
- 'Hngngrgr...' Speed +1, burned (severe, attack is halved, 1hp/action)

Markku (xO)
Melii (F) <Synchronise>
Health: 40% (capped)
Energy: 69%
- *Hides face* Shielded by light screen (1 more action).​

Vriska grins wide as a red light swallows her, returning her to her pokeball swiftly. There's only a moment for Melii to blink in confusion, wondering what exactly is going on, before another pokeball is tossed into the arena; the ball splits open in a flash of white, releasing a pokemon that would be recognizable to all -

A litwick.

The pokeball bounces back to its trainer, while the litwick grins in complete oblivion at the trouble it had caused. Melii tilts her head in bewilderment, but shrugs - better a ghost than a dark type, as far as she's concerned.

Oh well - while all that was happening, Melii did get a chance to relax, at least. Strangest break she's had so far, but also the easiest, since no one was attacking her. She's not complaining.​

Mawile (oO)
Rose (F) <Flame Body>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- 'What a weird arena...'

In Reserve:
Vriska (F) <Illusion>
Health: 14%
Energy: 9%
- Status: burned (severe, attack is halved, 1hp/action)

Markku (xO)
Melii (F) <Synchronise>
Health: 40%
Energy: 79%
- 'Well, hello there...'

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Round ends after switch, jsyk.
- Markku next.
Markku is DQ'd. Mawile gets $16, I get $10, Markku gets $6. Rose, Melii, and Smirk get 1 exp; Vriska gets 2 exp.
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