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Kratos Aurion vs. Espeon (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Hm. Let's just go for broke, then. Do whatever first and get that out of the way, then let fly with a few hi jump kicks. If the random move that comes up is rest, chill for as long as you're asleep.

~random~ ~ Hi Jump Kick/Chill ~ Hi Jump Kick/Chill
3 vs 3 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: None
Bans/Restrictions: No single-stage or fully-evolved pokémon, 1 direct healing move and 3 chills per trainer

Arena: Doctor Kaminko's Experimental Stadium, Arena #17

Any claims that Doctor Kaminko does not test his Pokémon-related inventions before revealing them to the public (a public that is obviously too simple to appreciate their sheer genius) are, of course, entirely false. In fact, the Doctor has a dedicated space beneath his secret laboratory for just this purpose—his experimental stadium. At first glance it appears to be a fairly plain arena, with the standard clay floor, small pool for Water-types and a weather generator that will respond to any weather-inducing commands. A few button presses and switch flips, however, and the Doctor can produce anything from a plethora of his newest battle-based creations to make things more... interesting. Kaminko regularly invites trainers down to his facility to help him test his new experiments, assuring them that of course their Pokémon will be perfectly safe and that of course there will be ample compensation for their time. Most of the Orrean trainers know better than to take his claims at face value, but there's no reason for a few gullible eager outsiders not to trust him, right? Besides! Shiny new toys! Who could possibly resist?

Today the trainers will be battling in arena configuration seventeen of sixty-three. Number seventeen is intended to test Kaminko's new Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™. The client who requested the Baldorfish wanted some traps for his Water-type gym in Germany, something mine-like that would detonate at regular intervals and provide an extra hazard that his challengers would have to work around. But that, Dr. Kaminko decided, was silly. What's the point of mines that explode at regular intervals? Regular intervals are predictable and a great deal less likely to be hazardous to anyone. He made sure to fix that part, yes sir.

Twenty-five Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™, ominous, spiked spheres that resemble tailless Qwilfish in size and coloration, are scattered around the otherwise unremarkable arena. Ten are half-buried in the clay floor, ten are hovering about 5 ft/1.5 m off of the ground and five float in the small central pool. Most, aside from those in the pool, are spaced about 8-10 ft/2.4-3 meters apart, and theoretically are easy enough to step around if moving at a reasonable pace. At the beginning of every action there is a 50% chance that a random Baldorfish anywhere on the field will explode (the ref can decide on the Baldorfish locations beforehand and randomize from there, or just wing it and decide whether it's near a battler or not). Exploding Baldorfish immediately cause 5% typeless damage to any battler in the blast radius, which is usually 5 ft/1.5 m in diameter (but see below) and then disintegrate, leaving no notable shrapnel or other remains behind. The client asked that the Baldorfish simply explode, but Kaminko has taken it upon himself to doll them up with even more interesting and unpredictable effects as noted in the list below. All effects are in addition to the 5% typeless damage, and the effect that happens should be randomized according to the numbers below.

-5 Baldorfish cause the 5% typeless damage and nothing else.
-5 Baldorfish spray a poisonous mist, causing light poisoning to any Pokémon in the blast radius. Being caught in multiple poison explosions will increase the severity of the poisoning by one stage, culminating in toxic poisoning if a Pokémon is hit by all five.
-5 Baldorfish release a wave of water energy when they explode, causing 5% Water-type damage.
-5 Baldorfish have an especially loud explosion that will temporary deafen all Pokémon in the arena; they will remember whatever commands they were given for the remainder of the round and carry them out, but they will be unable to hear the first command given to them for the next round and will perform a random attack from their legal movepools instead (akin to Sleep Talk). They will also be unable to hear sound-based moves until after that randomized move (and so effectively have Soundproof in addition to all other abilities until that time). Multiple deafening blasts in one round do not stack. Pokémon that naturally have Soundproof are immune to this effect, but not the damage if they're within the blast radius.
-3 Baldorfish will cause any Pokémon caught in the blast radius to flinch and lose their next action.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with impressive force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Selfdestruct as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 15 ft/4.6 m blast radius.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with extreme force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Explosion as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 20 ft/6 m blast radius.

Additionally, the Baldorfish are very sensitive to any external stimuli. A Baldorfish hit by an attack with a base power of 50 or more, or by any impact/stimulus the ref considers equally damaging, will explode on the spot and cause its effect immediately on whatever is in the blast radius. Exploding Baldorfish will set off any intact Baldorfish in their range.

Exploded Baldorfish are not replaced, so the battle continues as normal (a.k.a. boring) when all twenty-five have detonated.
Team Kratos Aurion

Mantis (Female)
Ability: Regenerator
Health: 49%
Energy: 48%
Status: My floaty friend! Attack +3, special attack +2, speed -1, defense +1, poisoned (mild; 2% per round).
Commands: ~ Hi Jump Kick / Chill ~ Hi Jump Kick / Chill
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Team Espeon

Pisaster (Genderless)
Ability: Natural Cure
Health: 35%
Energy: 25%
Status: Outcome: satisfactory. Defense +2, special defense +2, poisoned (mild; 2% per round).
Commands: ~ Brine / Psychic / Reflect ~ Brine / Reflect / Rain Dance
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Round 5 Begin!

After a few seconds' flashing, another floating Baldorfish detonates, though it seems to have no major effects besides its explosion. At the same time, the intensified gravity suddenly returns to normal, Mantis jarring herself uncomfortably as she snaps up, the resistance suddenly gone.

Pisaster is first to move, a strange, rippling aura spreading out from it; it looks like it's going to be quite damaging, in fact. That is, until it fizzles out before ever reaching Mantis, who suddenly breaks down and begins laughing hysterically. After a few seconds of maniacal laughter, she pulls herself together enough to attack; she swipes at Pisaster in a small slash, simeltaneously cloaking her hand in dark energy. Pisaster, though, seems mostly unaffected by it.

Turning to face Mantis, Pisaster emits what is actually intended to be a warning cry. Since no-one understands the Staryu tongue, though, it sounds more like... well, no-one can tell what it really sounds like, beyond a high-pitched screaming interspersed with harsh grating sounds. As Mantis is contemplating this, Pisaster shoots a jet of water out of its core; it splashes all over Mantis and, as it sears and burns the wounds that she already had, she realizes that it must be salty. She screams, and after what seems like far too long, the jet ceases; she immediately leaps high into the air, then comes hurtling down at Pisaster, leg outstretched to deal concentrated damage. Pisaster, though, suddenly displays an uncharacteristic movement, rotating sideways to allow Mantis to smash into the ground behind it and, in fact, nearly break her leg.

Staring at its prone opponent, Pisaster launches another jet of salt-filled water at her; she screams, and lies immobile for a while. Just before the referee declares her unable to battle, though, she struggles to her feet; she leaps into the air, not reaching nearly as high now, and then launches at Pisaster. Once again, Pisaster moves aside, and Mantis keeps on going; she smashes straight into a Baldorfish, and it explodes on her. When the smoke clears, Mantis is lying there, unconscious. The round ends with Kratos Aurion recalling her Pokémon and considering what to send out next.

Round 5 End!

Team Kratos Aurion

Mantis (Female)
Ability: Regenerator
Health: 0%
Energy: 27%
Status: Knocked out!
Attacks Used: Knock Off ~ Hi Jump Kick ~ Hi Jump Kick
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Team Espeon

Pisaster (Genderless)
Ability: Natural Cure
Health: 28%
Energy: 9%
Status: Victory attained. Defense +2, special defense +2, poisoned (mild; 2% per round).
Attacks Used: Psywave ~ Brine ~ Brine
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Damage / Energy Calculations
Psywave - failed
Knock Off - 5% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 18, needed 100 to miss)
Brine - 16% damage, 9% energy (accuracy roll 44, needed 100 to miss)
Hi Jump Kick - 5% damage (Mantis), 8% energy (accuracy roll 98, needed 90 or above to miss)
Brine - 16% damage, 9% energy (accuracy roll 100, needed 100 to miss)
Hi Jump Kick - 5% damage (Mantis), 8% energy (accuracy roll 91, needed 90 or above to miss)

- Told you you wouldn't energyfaint. See I was right. Mwahaha.
- Because Psywave fails if used with no experience.
- Both Hi Jump Kicks missed. Ouch.
- And Mantis smashed into a Baldorfish with her second Hi Jump Kick. Don't blame me; Indigo gave me a number and it was the one I had assigned to hitting the fish.

Arena Notes
- The battlefield started out like this, these Baldorfish have exploded, and now the battlefield is like this.
- We still have 7 Baldorfish left. One is normal damage, two poison, two water damage, one sound, and one flinch.

Next Round
- Kratos Aurion sends out and attacks
- Espeon attacks
- I ref
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Hi Jump Kick - 9% damage (Mantis), 8% energy (accuracy roll 98, needed 100 to miss)
Hi Jump Kick - 9% damage (Mantis), 8% energy (accuracy roll 91, needed 100 to miss)

So I'm assuming you meant to write "90 to miss", correct?

Man I have terrible luck. Like, consistently. Ugh. Well. I'm not leaving without at least one guaranteed evolution, so I guess I'll use Defibrillator.
...okay. Spam discharge, then, which should be more than enough and not too expensive thanks to the thunderstone; if it doesn't just take the hits then it's doing something that will run it out of energy anyway, and it can't torment you. Be sure you're not too close to any Baldorfish first (man, the field's going to be empty sooner than I thought :( why'd you have to use gravity, man). Use crunch if it's ever not a water-type. If it tries to hide in the water, set off the Baldorfish in the pool with moar discharge (staying back as far as you can while still able to hit them); if it's still in the pool and/or is not water-type, then crunch it, going into the pool after it if necessary. If it is water-type and is not submerged in the pool, keep up the discharges.

Discharge/Crunch x3
Since we're likely only able to get in one attack before we faint, let's make our final attack Pain Split. If for whatever reason you're not energyfainted, use Light Screen and then Reflect.

Pain Split ~ Light Screen ~ Reflect
3 vs 3 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: None
Bans/Restrictions: No single-stage or fully-evolved pokémon, 1 direct healing move and 3 chills per trainer

Arena: Doctor Kaminko's Experimental Stadium, Arena #17

Any claims that Doctor Kaminko does not test his Pokémon-related inventions before revealing them to the public (a public that is obviously too simple to appreciate their sheer genius) are, of course, entirely false. In fact, the Doctor has a dedicated space beneath his secret laboratory for just this purpose—his experimental stadium. At first glance it appears to be a fairly plain arena, with the standard clay floor, small pool for Water-types and a weather generator that will respond to any weather-inducing commands. A few button presses and switch flips, however, and the Doctor can produce anything from a plethora of his newest battle-based creations to make things more... interesting. Kaminko regularly invites trainers down to his facility to help him test his new experiments, assuring them that of course their Pokémon will be perfectly safe and that of course there will be ample compensation for their time. Most of the Orrean trainers know better than to take his claims at face value, but there's no reason for a few gullible eager outsiders not to trust him, right? Besides! Shiny new toys! Who could possibly resist?

Today the trainers will be battling in arena configuration seventeen of sixty-three. Number seventeen is intended to test Kaminko's new Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™. The client who requested the Baldorfish wanted some traps for his Water-type gym in Germany, something mine-like that would detonate at regular intervals and provide an extra hazard that his challengers would have to work around. But that, Dr. Kaminko decided, was silly. What's the point of mines that explode at regular intervals? Regular intervals are predictable and a great deal less likely to be hazardous to anyone. He made sure to fix that part, yes sir.

Twenty-five Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™, ominous, spiked spheres that resemble tailless Qwilfish in size and coloration, are scattered around the otherwise unremarkable arena. Ten are half-buried in the clay floor, ten are hovering about 5 ft/1.5 m off of the ground and five float in the small central pool. Most, aside from those in the pool, are spaced about 8-10 ft/2.4-3 meters apart, and theoretically are easy enough to step around if moving at a reasonable pace. At the beginning of every action there is a 50% chance that a random Baldorfish anywhere on the field will explode (the ref can decide on the Baldorfish locations beforehand and randomize from there, or just wing it and decide whether it's near a battler or not). Exploding Baldorfish immediately cause 5% typeless damage to any battler in the blast radius, which is usually 5 ft/1.5 m in diameter (but see below) and then disintegrate, leaving no notable shrapnel or other remains behind. The client asked that the Baldorfish simply explode, but Kaminko has taken it upon himself to doll them up with even more interesting and unpredictable effects as noted in the list below. All effects are in addition to the 5% typeless damage, and the effect that happens should be randomized according to the numbers below.

-5 Baldorfish cause the 5% typeless damage and nothing else.
-5 Baldorfish spray a poisonous mist, causing light poisoning to any Pokémon in the blast radius. Being caught in multiple poison explosions will increase the severity of the poisoning by one stage, culminating in toxic poisoning if a Pokémon is hit by all five.
-5 Baldorfish release a wave of water energy when they explode, causing 5% Water-type damage.
-5 Baldorfish have an especially loud explosion that will temporary deafen all Pokémon in the arena; they will remember whatever commands they were given for the remainder of the round and carry them out, but they will be unable to hear the first command given to them for the next round and will perform a random attack from their legal movepools instead (akin to Sleep Talk). They will also be unable to hear sound-based moves until after that randomized move (and so effectively have Soundproof in addition to all other abilities until that time). Multiple deafening blasts in one round do not stack. Pokémon that naturally have Soundproof are immune to this effect, but not the damage if they're within the blast radius.
-3 Baldorfish will cause any Pokémon caught in the blast radius to flinch and lose their next action.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with impressive force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Selfdestruct as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 15 ft/4.6 m blast radius.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with extreme force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Explosion as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 20 ft/6 m blast radius.

Additionally, the Baldorfish are very sensitive to any external stimuli. A Baldorfish hit by an attack with a base power of 50 or more, or by any impact/stimulus the ref considers equally damaging, will explode on the spot and cause its effect immediately on whatever is in the blast radius. Exploding Baldorfish will set off any intact Baldorfish in their range.

Exploded Baldorfish are not replaced, so the battle continues as normal (a.k.a. boring) when all twenty-five have detonated.

Team Kratos Aurion

Defibrillator (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: So. What's this place?
Commands: Discharge / Crunch ~ Discharge / Crunch ~ Discharge / Crunch
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Thunderstone

Team Espeon

Pisaster (Genderless)
Ability: Natural Cure
Health: 28%
Energy: 9%
Status: Victory attained. Defense +2, special defense +2, poisoned (mild; 2% per round).
Commands: Pain Split ~ Light Screen ~ Reflect
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Round 6 Begin!

Pisaster has grown to expect a Baldorfish detonation by now. It maintains careful attention to its surroundings, ready to flee if one should be too near to it; oddly, though, none of them explode. After a few tense seconds, it transfers its attention to its new foe, an Eelektrik. It extends its mind out to enclose that of Defibrillator, tearing a portion of his health away and transferring it to itself. Unfortunately, the effort proves too much for it, and it collapses onto its front, even more immobile than before. Espeon recalls his Pokémon and considers what to send out in replacement.

Round 6 End!

Team Kratos Aurion

Defibrillator (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 91%
Energy: 100%
Status: That was an easy win.
Attacks Used: [nothing]
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Thunderstone

Team Espeon

Pisaster (Genderless)
Ability: Natural Cure
Health: 37%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked out!
Attacks Used: Pain Split
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Damage / Energy Calculations
Pain Split - set both battlers' health to 64%, 36% energy

- That was a panic! Negrek responded to say that Hi Jump Kick dealt half the recoil I had been told it did, so I was fearful I would have to overturn the last round's results. But then I realized that with the Baldorfish and the poison, Mantis lost exactly the amount of health she had remaining. So.
- Oddly, this is the first round in which the 50% chance of a Baldorfish not going boom actually happened.
- Okay, so I recalculated. Apparently, in perfect proportion to the amount of energy remaining, Defibrillator ended up losing 9% health, while Pisaster gained 9%.

Arena Notes
- The battlefield started out like this, no Baldorfish have exploded, and now the battlefield is like this.
- We still have 7 Baldorfish left. One is normal damage, two poison, two water damage, one sound, and one flinch.

Next Round
- Espeon sends out and attacks
- Kratos Aurion attacks
- I ref
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Generally speaking, a pokémon that can't devote the full amount of energy to an attack should not be able to use that attack at full effectiveness (if at all; a few refs would've had it fail outright). Negrek might have something different to say about it in this particular case, I dunno, but realistically pain split should only have taken/added however much health it could get for expending 9% energy.
I thought of that, but had a hard time imagining that a Pain Split would be able to work halfway. I'll recalculate and fix it, though it obviously doesn't change the command order.
Well, I'm assuming the stuff's been sorted out, then?

Sending out Mars the Charmander.

Initially go for a Swords Dance to raise attack significantly. Afterwards, use Hone Claws if they're using a move which doesn't target or damage you, otherwise use Crunch. For the third action, if Hone Claws was used, use Fury Cutter. If not, use Crunch. In the event that you get hit by a major status effect after using Swords Dance, use Facade.

Swords Dance ~ Hone Claws/Crunch/Facade ~ Fury Cutter/Crunch/Facade
Hrm. I was going to go for some fancy shenanigans, but you know what? Being direct will probably serve us a bit better. Join in his dancing with a little rain dance, then call down the thunder.

Rain Dance ~ Thunder ~ Thunder
3 vs 3 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: None
Bans/Restrictions: No single-stage or fully-evolved pokémon, 1 direct healing move and 3 chills per trainer

Arena: Doctor Kaminko's Experimental Stadium, Arena #17

Any claims that Doctor Kaminko does not test his Pokémon-related inventions before revealing them to the public (a public that is obviously too simple to appreciate their sheer genius) are, of course, entirely false. In fact, the Doctor has a dedicated space beneath his secret laboratory for just this purpose—his experimental stadium. At first glance it appears to be a fairly plain arena, with the standard clay floor, small pool for Water-types and a weather generator that will respond to any weather-inducing commands. A few button presses and switch flips, however, and the Doctor can produce anything from a plethora of his newest battle-based creations to make things more... interesting. Kaminko regularly invites trainers down to his facility to help him test his new experiments, assuring them that of course their Pokémon will be perfectly safe and that of course there will be ample compensation for their time. Most of the Orrean trainers know better than to take his claims at face value, but there's no reason for a few gullible eager outsiders not to trust him, right? Besides! Shiny new toys! Who could possibly resist?

Today the trainers will be battling in arena configuration seventeen of sixty-three. Number seventeen is intended to test Kaminko's new Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™. The client who requested the Baldorfish wanted some traps for his Water-type gym in Germany, something mine-like that would detonate at regular intervals and provide an extra hazard that his challengers would have to work around. But that, Dr. Kaminko decided, was silly. What's the point of mines that explode at regular intervals? Regular intervals are predictable and a great deal less likely to be hazardous to anyone. He made sure to fix that part, yes sir.

Twenty-five Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™, ominous, spiked spheres that resemble tailless Qwilfish in size and coloration, are scattered around the otherwise unremarkable arena. Ten are half-buried in the clay floor, ten are hovering about 5 ft/1.5 m off of the ground and five float in the small central pool. Most, aside from those in the pool, are spaced about 8-10 ft/2.4-3 meters apart, and theoretically are easy enough to step around if moving at a reasonable pace. At the beginning of every action there is a 50% chance that a random Baldorfish anywhere on the field will explode (the ref can decide on the Baldorfish locations beforehand and randomize from there, or just wing it and decide whether it's near a battler or not). Exploding Baldorfish immediately cause 5% typeless damage to any battler in the blast radius, which is usually 5 ft/1.5 m in diameter (but see below) and then disintegrate, leaving no notable shrapnel or other remains behind. The client asked that the Baldorfish simply explode, but Kaminko has taken it upon himself to doll them up with even more interesting and unpredictable effects as noted in the list below. All effects are in addition to the 5% typeless damage, and the effect that happens should be randomized according to the numbers below.

-5 Baldorfish cause the 5% typeless damage and nothing else.
-5 Baldorfish spray a poisonous mist, causing light poisoning to any Pokémon in the blast radius. Being caught in multiple poison explosions will increase the severity of the poisoning by one stage, culminating in toxic poisoning if a Pokémon is hit by all five.
-5 Baldorfish release a wave of water energy when they explode, causing 5% Water-type damage.
-5 Baldorfish have an especially loud explosion that will temporary deafen all Pokémon in the arena; they will remember whatever commands they were given for the remainder of the round and carry them out, but they will be unable to hear the first command given to them for the next round and will perform a random attack from their legal movepools instead (akin to Sleep Talk). They will also be unable to hear sound-based moves until after that randomized move (and so effectively have Soundproof in addition to all other abilities until that time). Multiple deafening blasts in one round do not stack. Pokémon that naturally have Soundproof are immune to this effect, but not the damage if they're within the blast radius.
-3 Baldorfish will cause any Pokémon caught in the blast radius to flinch and lose their next action.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with impressive force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Selfdestruct as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 15 ft/4.6 m blast radius.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with extreme force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Explosion as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 20 ft/6 m blast radius.

Additionally, the Baldorfish are very sensitive to any external stimuli. A Baldorfish hit by an attack with a base power of 50 or more, or by any impact/stimulus the ref considers equally damaging, will explode on the spot and cause its effect immediately on whatever is in the blast radius. Exploding Baldorfish will set off any intact Baldorfish in their range.

Exploded Baldorfish are not replaced, so the battle continues as normal (a.k.a. boring) when all twenty-five have detonated.
Team Kratos Aurion

Defibrillator (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 91%
Energy: 100%
Status: That was an easy win.
Commands: Rain Dance ~ Thunder ~ Thunder
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Thunderstone

Team Espeon

Mars (Male)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Ooh, what are these floating things?
Commands: Swords Dance ~ Hone Claws / Crunch / Facade ~ Fury Cutter / Crunch / Facade
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Round 7 Begin!

Espeon's replacement Pokémon is a Charmander, who is sent out right next to a Baldorfish, as it happens. He looks at it curiously, transfixed by its flashing glow; he pokes it gently with a claw, and it blows up in his face. It's a particularly loud one, too; Mars screeches as the explosion engulfs her, and Defibrillator hisses as his eardrums are assaulted by the sound.

Inside the cloud of smoke, swirls and distortions become visible, along with the vague shadow of a swirling Charmander. The smoke begins to distort and twirl, and it becomes clear that the source of it is the Charmander inside - he's performing a strange, twirling dance, and pulling the smoke around with him (he's a natural for contests, thinks the ref). Defibrillator observes this too, and decides to follow suit: he begins twisting and twirling in the air, nearly tying himself in knots many times over. As their respective dances come to an end, Mars feels ready to fight; Defibrillator, on the other hand, has triggered the room's weather generator, causing rainclouds to form under the ceiling. The drizzle begins to fall, causing Mars' tail flame to sputter fitfully.

Mars growls - this is pretty painful, after all. He darts towards Defibrillator on all fours, leaping into the air in order to reach him. He bares his fangs, which elongate and shine (another move that would work excellently in a contest, the ref notes) before he clamps down on the Eelektrik's tail, biting deeply and hanging on tight. Defibrillator struggles and thrashes madly, attempting to dislodge the Charmander; He has little success, so he stops suddenly and holds still. He concentrates, calling forth the storm-clouds' power, and at the last second he thrashes around suddenly; Mars is dislodged at last, and thrown to the ground, a second before the lightning strikes, throwing Mars clean away from the site.

Mars roars in sheer anger, then charges towards his opponent. He clamps his jaw down on Defibrillator's tail once more, and hangs on until the Eelektrik finally dislodges him, before calling forth another thunderbolt. Mars simply lays there, steaming faintly, as the round draws to a close.

Round 7 End!

Team Kratos Aurion

Defibrillator (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 69%
Energy: 81%
Status: My tail!
Attacks Used: Rain Dance ~ Thunder ~ Thunder
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Thunderstone

Team Espeon

Mars (Male)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 63%
Energy: 76%
Status: So don't touch them then. Attack +2.
Attacks Used: Swords Dance ~ Crunch ~ Crunch
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Damage / Energy Calculations
Swords Dance - 4% energy
Rain Dance - 5% energy
Crunch - 11% damage, 10% energy (accuracy roll 26, needed 100 to miss)
Thunder - 16% damage, 7% energy
Crunch - 11% damage, 10% energy (accuracy roll 31, needed 100 to miss)
Thunder - 16% damage, 7% energy

- It all got fixed, yeah.
- Neither Thunder caused paralysis.

Arena Notes
- The battlefield started out like this, these Baldorfish have exploded, and now the battlefield is like this.
- We still have 6 Baldorfish left. One is normal damage, two poison, two water damage, and one flinch.
- The rain is pouring (three more rounds).

Next Round
- Kratos Aurion attacks
- Espeon attacks
- I ref
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Keep up the thunders as long as it's raining and Mars is hittable (including substitute). If you can't damage him/his sub on any given action, coil. If it stops raining, discharge.

Thunder/Coil/Discharge ~ Thunder/Coil/Discharge ~ Thunder/Coil/Discharge
I suppose those thunders are quite deadly, and I'd much prefer the lower damage ratio of the discharge attacks, so begin with Sunny Day. Following on from that, set up a 10% substitute and then take advantage of the boost given to you by swords dance and the sunny day boost -- use Flare Blitz.

Sunny Day ~ 10% Substitute ~ Flare Blitz
3 vs 3 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: None
Bans/Restrictions: No single-stage or fully-evolved pokémon, 1 direct healing move and 3 chills per trainer

Arena: Doctor Kaminko's Experimental Stadium, Arena #17

Any claims that Doctor Kaminko does not test his Pokémon-related inventions before revealing them to the public (a public that is obviously too simple to appreciate their sheer genius) are, of course, entirely false. In fact, the Doctor has a dedicated space beneath his secret laboratory for just this purpose—his experimental stadium. At first glance it appears to be a fairly plain arena, with the standard clay floor, small pool for Water-types and a weather generator that will respond to any weather-inducing commands. A few button presses and switch flips, however, and the Doctor can produce anything from a plethora of his newest battle-based creations to make things more... interesting. Kaminko regularly invites trainers down to his facility to help him test his new experiments, assuring them that of course their Pokémon will be perfectly safe and that of course there will be ample compensation for their time. Most of the Orrean trainers know better than to take his claims at face value, but there's no reason for a few gullible eager outsiders not to trust him, right? Besides! Shiny new toys! Who could possibly resist?

Today the trainers will be battling in arena configuration seventeen of sixty-three. Number seventeen is intended to test Kaminko's new Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™. The client who requested the Baldorfish wanted some traps for his Water-type gym in Germany, something mine-like that would detonate at regular intervals and provide an extra hazard that his challengers would have to work around. But that, Dr. Kaminko decided, was silly. What's the point of mines that explode at regular intervals? Regular intervals are predictable and a great deal less likely to be hazardous to anyone. He made sure to fix that part, yes sir.

Twenty-five Bewildering Ballistic Baldorfish™, ominous, spiked spheres that resemble tailless Qwilfish in size and coloration, are scattered around the otherwise unremarkable arena. Ten are half-buried in the clay floor, ten are hovering about 5 ft/1.5 m off of the ground and five float in the small central pool. Most, aside from those in the pool, are spaced about 8-10 ft/2.4-3 meters apart, and theoretically are easy enough to step around if moving at a reasonable pace. At the beginning of every action there is a 50% chance that a random Baldorfish anywhere on the field will explode (the ref can decide on the Baldorfish locations beforehand and randomize from there, or just wing it and decide whether it's near a battler or not). Exploding Baldorfish immediately cause 5% typeless damage to any battler in the blast radius, which is usually 5 ft/1.5 m in diameter (but see below) and then disintegrate, leaving no notable shrapnel or other remains behind. The client asked that the Baldorfish simply explode, but Kaminko has taken it upon himself to doll them up with even more interesting and unpredictable effects as noted in the list below. All effects are in addition to the 5% typeless damage, and the effect that happens should be randomized according to the numbers below.

-5 Baldorfish cause the 5% typeless damage and nothing else.
-5 Baldorfish spray a poisonous mist, causing light poisoning to any Pokémon in the blast radius. Being caught in multiple poison explosions will increase the severity of the poisoning by one stage, culminating in toxic poisoning if a Pokémon is hit by all five.
-5 Baldorfish release a wave of water energy when they explode, causing 5% Water-type damage.
-5 Baldorfish have an especially loud explosion that will temporary deafen all Pokémon in the arena; they will remember whatever commands they were given for the remainder of the round and carry them out, but they will be unable to hear the first command given to them for the next round and will perform a random attack from their legal movepools instead (akin to Sleep Talk). They will also be unable to hear sound-based moves until after that randomized move (and so effectively have Soundproof in addition to all other abilities until that time). Multiple deafening blasts in one round do not stack. Pokémon that naturally have Soundproof are immune to this effect, but not the damage if they're within the blast radius.
-3 Baldorfish will cause any Pokémon caught in the blast radius to flinch and lose their next action.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with impressive force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Selfdestruct as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 15 ft/4.6 m blast radius.
-1 Baldorfish detonates with extreme force and does damage equal in power and type to one use of the move Explosion as used by a Qwilfish. It has a 20 ft/6 m blast radius.

Additionally, the Baldorfish are very sensitive to any external stimuli. A Baldorfish hit by an attack with a base power of 50 or more, or by any impact/stimulus the ref considers equally damaging, will explode on the spot and cause its effect immediately on whatever is in the blast radius. Exploding Baldorfish will set off any intact Baldorfish in their range.

Exploded Baldorfish are not replaced, so the battle continues as normal (a.k.a. boring) when all twenty-five have detonated.
Team Kratos Aurion

Defibrillator (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 69%
Energy: 81%
Status: My tail!
Commands: Thunder / Coil / Discharge ~ Thunder / Coil / Discharge ~ Thunder / Coil / Discharge
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Thunderstone

Team Espeon

Mars (Male)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 63%
Energy: 76%
Status: So don't touch them then. Attack +2.
Commands: Sunny Day ~ Substitute (10%) ~ Flare Blitz
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Round 8 Begin!

After a brief few seconds of flashing, one of the Baldorfish floating in the pool detonates, a cloud of purple gas being released but quickly fading away, to no visible effect.

Finding the pouring rain to be significantly unpleasant, Mars decides to do something about it. His tail-flame suddenly doubles in size as he begins manipulating the environment, which ends up simply meaning that the weather-control machines around the room cause the rainclouds to dissipate and, instead, raise the ambient temperature to an astonishing degree. Defibrillator hisses, already beginning to dehydrate in the strong sun, and looses a blast of electricity at Mars; it hits, and suddenly all of the Charmander's muscles try to contract at once. For a few, terrifying seconds, he can't move at all, but then he finally regains some control of his body.

He growls, and decides he should do something to protect himself. He breathes deeply for a couple of seconds, then exhales a stream of fire into the air in front of him. He keeps going until the flame is larger than himself, then ceases; it remains a simple, formless clump of fire for a few seconds, but then suddenly moulds into a Charmander-shape. The outer layer cools and hardens, and soon enough it has a thin, rubbery skin enclosing a large flame. He grins, just as Defibrillator launches another bolt of electricity; the clone leaps in the way, taking the hit. Its skin blackens and chars under the assualt, then suddenly the entire thing combusts in one go, leaving nothing to show where it once was.

Growling at the loss of his protector, Mars begins cloaking himself in fire. The flame on his tail grows drastically and suddenly his skin catches light; this temperature is uncomfortable even to him, but he can't think about that. He charges at Defibrillator, hitting in a swirling, burning mass of fire and claws; he attakcs with suck reckless abandon that he even ends up injuring himself. Defibrillator begins charging up again, then before Mars can get away, he pumps a massive jolt of electricity into him. Mars is unceremoniously thrown a short distance away, where he lies, panting and trying to get his body temperature back down to something bearable.

Round 8 End!

Team Kratos Aurion

Defibrillator (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 47%
Energy: 66%
Status: FFFSSSSS! Stupid clone!
Attacks Used: Discharge ~ Discharge ~ Discharge
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1
Item: Thunderstone

Team Espeon

Mars (Male)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 24%
Energy: 57%
Status: Aaaagh, hottttt. Attack +2, parlayzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis).
Attacks Used: Sunny Day ~ Substitute (10%) ~ Flare Blitz
Chills: 1/3
Healings: 0/1

Damage / Energy Calculations
Sunny Day - 4% energy
Discharge - 11% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 70, needed 100 to miss)
Substitute - 10% health (Mars), 5% energy
Discharge - 11% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 80, needed 100 to miss)
Flare Blitz - 22% damage, 7% damage (Mars), 10% energy (accuracy roll 9, needed 100 to miss)
Discharge - 11% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 15, needed 100 to miss)

- Flare Blitz did not inflict a burn.
- Discharge paralysed Mars.

Arena Notes
- The battlefield started out like this, these Baldorfish have exploded, and now the battlefield is like this.
- We still have 5 Baldorfish left. One is normal damage, one poison, two water damage, and one flinch.
- The sun is harsh (three more rounds).

Next Round
- Espeon attacks
- Kratos Aurion attacks
- I ref
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Out of curiosity, how did you get discharge doing 9%/hit? I know you don't use my scale exactly as is, but I was under the assumption that it would do at least 10%, or really 11% considering the thunderstone. Kinda surprised it didn't get rid of the sub in one hit, is all.

Additionally, Mars's paralysis isn't noted in his end stats, and I just realized you never removed Mantis and Pisaster's chills from the stats so it looks like Defibrillator and Mars have used a chill when neither one actually has.
I'm not quite sure how I got that, but 11% is right. And I fixed it.

I fixed the paralysis too, but the arena says that the healing and chills are per trainer, and so they aren't getting removed.
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Ah, you're right. Sorry, I misremembered it as being per pokémon. Never mind, then!

...how did Mars's health go up, though?
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