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Squornshellous Beta vs. Crazy Linoone

In all fairness, that's how I interpreted it anyway. I mean, she complained about it earlier in the battle anyway.

Also, Linoone, how old are you? Sometimes I get the gist that you're like 13, when other times you seem like you're 19 instead.
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct recovery moves limited to 2 per Pokemon
Arena: An Extremely Large Cup of Mint Tea

Nobody's quite sure what's Linoone's sudden interest in food-themed battlefields, but here is her second arena of choice (though I've been given the pleasure of writing it out): a, well, extremely large cup of mint tea. The cup in question is, yes, extremely large -- two Wailord long in diameter at its largest and one and a half Wailord deep. So, yes, you actually can battle with a Wailord in this arena, the only problem being that it'll be hard for a Wailord to maneuver in here. The tea cup is a regular shaped tea cup, which means that it's wider on top than on the bottom, with a curved, porcelain handle coming out from one side. Made from white porcelain, the tea cup has been strengthened with a secret formula so that it will not break even under the most powerful attacks.

Now, what's the fun of battling in an empty tea cup? The cup has been filled to almost the rim with delicious, freshly brewed mint tea, made from the most high-quality tea leaves grown on the mystical mountain of Codter. The tea is refreshing and delicious, and will restore 5% health to whatever pokemon that decides to take an action and drink it 50% of the time. However, because of the caffeine and the sheer awesomeness of battling in tea, all attacks deal an extra 2% damage without extra energy costs.

Because it's mint tea instead of regular water, electricity conducts as well as it does in air.

A total of five cod live at the bottom of the tea cup. They're regular cod-sized, about 1.5 meters long, and don't do anything. If a pokemon manages to kill a cod, cook it, and eat it, it can gain 15% HP and 30% energy, although the cod are ridiculously fast and ridiculously hard to catch. Imagine them as level 100 Magikarp with Splash, Tackle, and 200 speed if you will.

Eating raw cod is not advised because it will cause food poisoning.

Other: Have a picture of the tea cup, if it helps.

Also, all pokemon that cannot breath underwater will get a air bubble mask over their face that gives them air to prevent drowning at a cost of -1 speed.

Round Four Begin!

Team BetaOO

[Han Tang] Bronzor
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Move Swap
Health: 41%
Energy: 54%
Condition: “Oh for Arceus’s sake NOT AGAIN!” Move Swap disabled permanently.
Status: Paralyzed (Severe; 30% chance of full paralysis and extra energy on all attacks requiring movement). Can use Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, and Nightmare(4 more rounds). Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Natural Gift all disabled(4 more rounds).

Team LinooneOO
[Death Canyon] Porygon2
Ability: Download
Health: 52%
Energy: 48%
Condition: “WARNING: LEVEL 1 IMMATERIAL DEFENSE NODES DISABLED” Special Attack +1 (permanent). Can use Hypnosis.
Status: Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, Tri-Attack, Nightmare, Lock On all disabled(4 more rounds). Special Defense -1.​

Death Canyon examines his opponent. It is likely that the red mirror is going to try to hypnotize it again. Maybe it can retaliate for that… The Porygon2 immediately sets up a temporary reflective energy shield for just the opportunity; but instead of another Hypnosis Han Tang decides to go with the direct assault instead. He hones in on Death Canyon’s CPU again and mentally strikes the center of the cyberduck’s CPU. Canyon recoils; that was NOT supposed to happen.

No matter, though. The Porygon2 is sure that his opponent will do it again this time. After all, there’s still a 58% chance of it according to its records. For the second time in a row the computer sets up a reflective shield. And once again Han Tang decides to use a mental assault instead. Canyon recoils again as a searing pain erupts inside his CPU. BELOW ONE-THIRD VITALITY, its internal computer is saying, REPAIR RECOMMENDED. Well, that will have to wait until after the battle. Shouldn’t take too long, hopefully…

…if that Bronzor would just use his stupid Hypnosis again! Though it is starting to lose faith, Death Canyon follows its trainer’s orders once more, making its third reflective shield of the round. PLEASE, ARCEUS…, it thinks, sending a help signal upwards and out of the teacup. But Arceus doesn’t provide any help this time, as Han Tang is once again preparing for a mental assault. This time, his Psychic manages to destroy more defense nodes in the Porygon’s CPU; and its power bar is dropping dangerously low. Hopefully it can fix this soon.

Round Four End!

Team BetaOO

[Han Tang] Bronzor
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Move Swap
Health: 41%
Energy: 33%
Condition: “Finally, things are going my way!” Move Swap disabled permanently.
Status: Paralyzed (Light; 10% chance of full paralysis and extra energy on all attacks requiring movement). Can use Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, and Nightmare(3 more rounds). Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Natural Gift all disabled(3 more rounds).

Team LinooneOO
[Death Canyon] Porygon2
Ability: Download
Health: 19%
Energy: 33%
Condition: “WARNING: VITALITY BELOW 20%. REPAIR REQUESTED.” Special Attack +1 (permanent). Can use Hypnosis.
Status: Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, Tri-Attack, Nightmare, Lock On all disabled(3 more rounds). Special Defense -2.​

Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary~

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Magic Coat: 5% energy
•Psychic: 11% damage, 7% energy
•Magic Coat: 5% energy
•Psychic: 11% damage, 7% energy
•Magic Coat: 5% energy
•Psychic: 11% damage, 7% energy

•Linoone, I hate to say this, but unfortunately Death Canyon was stuck Magic Coat-ing all round. And again, Beta’s clarification was what I was assuming all along for this set of commands.
•The third Psychic lowered Canyon’s Special Defense.
•Three reffings a day…Ah, the old Superbird is back! Hopefully this time without any mistakes.

Next Round:
•Linoone attacks
•Beta attacks
•I ref

Uh, my apparent maturity seems to vary directly with the amount of sleep I got the night before. It's my hypothesis anyway, although I can't seem to find a way of accurately testing this without bias.


Well, that didn't end up well. Pain Split if your opponent can be hit by Pain Split; otherwise, Psych Up so your annoying Sp.Def failure goes away.

After that, Pain Split if your opponent attacked you with some damaging attack last action or haven't already and you can do so. Otherwise, Psych Up.

Finish with a Pain Split if you haven't done so already or if your opponent attacked you with some damaging attack last action. Make sure your opponent can be hit by Pain Split if you were to use it. Otherwise, Chill.

Pain Split/Psych Up ~ Pain Split/Psych Up ~ Pain Split/Chill
So we can't do damaging attacks without being hit by Pain Split? Ah well.
Hypnosis till it works, then Psychic a lot.

Hypnosis ~ Hypnosis / Psychic ~ Hypnosis / Psychic

(Also yes sorry I just wanted to make sure, won't happen again)
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct recovery moves limited to 2 per Pokemon
Arena: An Extremely Large Cup of Mint Tea

Nobody's quite sure what's Linoone's sudden interest in food-themed battlefields, but here is her second arena of choice (though I've been given the pleasure of writing it out): a, well, extremely large cup of mint tea. The cup in question is, yes, extremely large -- two Wailord long in diameter at its largest and one and a half Wailord deep. So, yes, you actually can battle with a Wailord in this arena, the only problem being that it'll be hard for a Wailord to maneuver in here. The tea cup is a regular shaped tea cup, which means that it's wider on top than on the bottom, with a curved, porcelain handle coming out from one side. Made from white porcelain, the tea cup has been strengthened with a secret formula so that it will not break even under the most powerful attacks.

Now, what's the fun of battling in an empty tea cup? The cup has been filled to almost the rim with delicious, freshly brewed mint tea, made from the most high-quality tea leaves grown on the mystical mountain of Codter. The tea is refreshing and delicious, and will restore 5% health to whatever pokemon that decides to take an action and drink it 50% of the time. However, because of the caffeine and the sheer awesomeness of battling in tea, all attacks deal an extra 2% damage without extra energy costs.

Because it's mint tea instead of regular water, electricity conducts as well as it does in air.

A total of five cod live at the bottom of the tea cup. They're regular cod-sized, about 1.5 meters long, and don't do anything. If a pokemon manages to kill a cod, cook it, and eat it, it can gain 15% HP and 30% energy, although the cod are ridiculously fast and ridiculously hard to catch. Imagine them as level 100 Magikarp with Splash, Tackle, and 200 speed if you will.

Eating raw cod is not advised because it will cause food poisoning.

Other: Have a picture of the tea cup, if it helps.

Also, all pokemon that cannot breath underwater will get a air bubble mask over their face that gives them air to prevent drowning at a cost of -1 speed.

Round Five Begin!

Team BetaOO

[Han Tang] Bronzor
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Move Swap
Health: 41%
Energy: 33%
Condition: “Finally, things are going my way!” Move Swap disabled permanently.
Status: Paralyzed (Light; 10% chance of full paralysis and extra energy on all attacks requiring movement). Can use Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, and Nightmare(3 more rounds). Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Natural Gift all disabled(3 more rounds).

Team LinooneOO
[Death Canyon] Porygon2
Ability: Download
Health: 19%
Energy: 33%
Condition: “WARNING: VITALITY BELOW 20%. REPAIR REQUESTED.” Special Attack +1 (permanent). Can use Hypnosis.
Status: Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, Tri-Attack, Nightmare, Lock On all disabled(3 more rounds). Special Defense -2.​
Status: Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, Tri-Attack, Nightmare, Lock On all disabled(4 more rounds). Special Defense -1.[/center]

Death Canyon immediately begins by extending a presence into its opponent’s mind. Using its advanced technology it binds the two battlers’ souls together. Their vitalities combined as well, and split evenly when the Porygon2 broke the connection. It may have taken a fair bit of energy to do it, but it worked, and it is now feeling much safer with its power bar in the yellow zone instead of the red.

Han Tang, however, is not amused at his opponent’s tricks. He needs all the health he can get, and does not approve of it being stolen from him. In retaliation he sends out one more pulse of psychic energy. This one is the only one so far that actually has an effect, and Death Canyon turns out to be right in the middle of the attack. The Porygon2 finds all its own rate of calculations going down, and is in panic until its entire CPU puts itself in Sleep Mode.

Well, that’s perfect! Han Tang searches out his opponent’s CPU once more, executing his mental attack in that spot once again. It hits inside the hard drive, exploding and short-circuiting one of the minor programs—doing much more damage than it should. Finally, Han Tang extends his psychic power once again. This time, however, he doesn’t infiltrate his opponent’s mind—instead, the reddish mirror grasps its opponent telepathically and slams the Porygon2 into a wall, all the while exerting plenty of pressure with its attack. The impact is too much for the cyberduck to handle. Its systems go into lockdown, and it shuts itself down to prevent anything more from happening.

Round Five End!

Team BetaOO

[Han Tang] Bronzor
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Move Swap
Health: 30%
Energy: 15%
Condition: Tired, but victorious. Move Swap disabled permanently.
Status: Can use Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, and Nightmare(2 more rounds). Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Natural Gift all disabled(2 more rounds).

Team LinooneØO
[Death Canyon] Porygon2
Ability: Download
Health: 0%
Energy: 22%
Condition: Knocked Out!
Status: --​

Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary~

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Pain Split: 11% damage, 11% healing, 11% energy
•Hypnosis: 4% energy
•Psychic: 22% damage, 7% energy
•Psychic: 15% damage, 7% energy

•Beta, you didn’t specify whether or not the psychics were the mental-intrusion version, so I defaulted to they weren’t.
•The first Psychic was barely a Critical Hit.
•The second Psychic was enough to defeat Death Canyon.

Next Round:
•Linoone sends out
•Beta attacks
•Linoone attacks
•I ref
It seems like I didn't build enough RNGod shrines... Forgive me, oh great mighty RNG! *RNGod shrine* *RNGod shrine* *RNGod shrine*

And go go go, Death Cannon! (Why yes it's another one of those pesky Porygon things)

Body mod: Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection
Description: Porygon are known as the virtual pokemon -- besides being the first pokemon created by humans, they basically live their lives in electronic equipment and can even turn themselves into data. Because of their special ability to work in cyberspace, porygons are widely used to help write programs, fight viruses, and even hack into other computers. However, the most common usage for porygon is actually as a browser for the internet. A porygon can connect itself (provided that it has the permission to) to the internet and access the numerous data in many different servers around the world, obtaining information otherwise inaccessible, chat with people in the other side of the globe, or perhaps just play online flash games. However the cheaper or free connections are usually flooded with porygon, all trying to get to the internet without paying. This cause the information flow to slow down, causing most porygon to be extremely sluggish and slow.

However, Death Cannon's owner had decided to spend some cash and bought some broad band high-speed internet connection for its porygon. Death Cannon can now access the internet faster than ever, giving it an edge in battle as well as the ability to load The Cave of Dragonflies Forums in under a second. Death Cannon's owner isn't the only one who decided to buy broad band connection though; sometimes, too many people will decide to go on the internet at once and cause clogging, thus lowering Death Cannon's speed.

After spending its cash on an Up-Grade and crashing its way through a battle, Death Cannon's trainer finally evolved its Porygon into a Porygon2. With its new awesome powers, Death Cannon now moves faster than ever and can smash other Porygons in the way of its internet highway with its powered-up attacks.
Effects: Death Cannon's base speed is 91; however, at the end of every round, there is a 13% chance of that its speed will go down by a modifier of 1. The speed decrease is not permanent, meaning that attacks such as Agility can raise it, although it still cannot reach past the +- 6 limit.
Hypnosis until it works, then Psychic some more. If Hypnosis wouldn't work for whatever reason (MAGIC COAT INCLUDEDDDDD) Psychic. If you can't do that for some reason, Extrasensory.

Hypnosis / Psychic / Extrasensory ~ Hypnosis / Psychic / Extrasensory ~ Hypnosis / Psychic / Extrasensory

PSYCHIC MENTAL INTRUSION, I forgot to specify last time.
*RNGod shrine*
*RNGod shrine*
*RNGod shrine*

Oh great RNGods! Please accept my offering of the arena and let the next round go smoothly for Cannon!

Alright, Cannon, this isn't how I usually prefer to do things, but it's our last resort, really. Pray to the RNGods and Substitute (15%). The Substitute is to make sure the bronzor doesn't put you to sleep, because it wouldn't be a happy ending for all of us if it did. With the Sub up, the bronzor should spam Psychic at you, but according to my calculations, this sub should survive one Psychic attack.

After that, Conversion to Dark Type via Thief and Magnet Rise. The Psychics should deal no damage to you now that you're a Dark type, and, according to my calculations, the bronzor should energyfaint after all those psychics. You can do this, Cannon!

Substitute (15%) ~ Conversion to Dark type via Thief ~ Magnet Rise
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct recovery moves limited to 2 per Pokemon
Arena: An Extremely Large Cup of Mint Tea

Nobody's quite sure what's Linoone's sudden interest in food-themed battlefields, but here is her second arena of choice (though I've been given the pleasure of writing it out): a, well, extremely large cup of mint tea. The cup in question is, yes, extremely large -- two Wailord long in diameter at its largest and one and a half Wailord deep. So, yes, you actually can battle with a Wailord in this arena, the only problem being that it'll be hard for a Wailord to maneuver in here. The tea cup is a regular shaped tea cup, which means that it's wider on top than on the bottom, with a curved, porcelain handle coming out from one side. Made from white porcelain, the tea cup has been strengthened with a secret formula so that it will not break even under the most powerful attacks.

Now, what's the fun of battling in an empty tea cup? The cup has been filled to almost the rim with delicious, freshly brewed mint tea, made from the most high-quality tea leaves grown on the mystical mountain of Codter. The tea is refreshing and delicious, and will restore 5% health to whatever pokemon that decides to take an action and drink it 50% of the time. However, because of the caffeine and the sheer awesomeness of battling in tea, all attacks deal an extra 2% damage without extra energy costs.

Because it's mint tea instead of regular water, electricity conducts as well as it does in air.

A total of five cod live at the bottom of the tea cup. They're regular cod-sized, about 1.5 meters long, and don't do anything. If a pokemon manages to kill a cod, cook it, and eat it, it can gain 15% HP and 30% energy, although the cod are ridiculously fast and ridiculously hard to catch. Imagine them as level 100 Magikarp with Splash, Tackle, and 200 speed if you will.

Eating raw cod is not advised because it will cause food poisoning.

Other: Have a picture of the tea cup, if it helps.

Also, all pokemon that cannot breath underwater will get a air bubble mask over their face that gives them air to prevent drowning at a cost of -1 speed.

Crazy Linoone recalls its Pokémon, then thinks for a while. Soon, it pulls out another Premier Ball, tossing it into the teacup. Han Tang wonders eagerly what he’s going to face next—something interesting, maybe? Aerodactyl? Crocanaw? Gible? He waits in excitement as the premier ball bursts open to reveal…another Porygon2. The battlers abovewater soon hear a muffled “fffffFFFFFFFFUUUUUU…” coming from the teacup.

Round Six Begin!

Team BetaOO

[Han Tang] Bronzor
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Move Swap
Health: 30%
Energy: 15%
Condition: Tired, but victorious. Move Swap disabled permanently.
Status: Can use Hyper Beam, Shock Wave, and Nightmare(2 more rounds). Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Natural Gift all disabled(2 more rounds).

Team LinooneØO
[Death Cannon] Porygon2
Ability: Download
Body Mod: Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Condition: “…A TEACUP. STRANGE INDEED.” Special Attack +1.
Status: --​

Death Cannon surveys his surroundings somewhat curiously. So, a teacup. This could have its advantages. The Porygon2 keeps that in mind as it withdraws energy and vitality from its storage banks, condensing it in front of itself. The discarded memory immediately combines into a green-and-white, lifeless dinosaur doll. Han Tang, meanwhile, ignores his tiredness, looking deep into the mental spectrum. He aims his attack, but when he opens his eyes all he sees is the shuddering and now-battered Substitute.

But Death Cannon is nowhere near done. It still has plenty of tricks lined up in its hard drive—It starts with a basic one, one that’s been installed in its programming ever since it was created. It looks through its type database, and selects one that will be suitable against the opponent, altering its molecular structure to become the Dark-type. Han Tang again tries to make its psychic powers work—except that this time it launches its attack, which bounces right off. Han Tang stares, bewildered. How did that happen?

Now it’s time for one of Death Cannon’s last preparations. The Porygon2 suddenly begins to levitate a little, electromagnetic waves emanating from below it. After executing the attack the cyberduck begins to wonder what its purpose was, but eventually decides not to question its commands. Meanwhile, Han Tang can barely keep his eyes open. He can only try one more time…he launches his last Psychic attack, only to see it bounce off before his eyes. That’s the last thing he sees before his eyes close and his body begins to sink to the bottom of the cup.

Round Six End!

Team BetaØO

[Han Tang] Bronzor
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Move Swap
Health: 30%
Energy: 0%
Condition: Fainted!
Status: --

Team LinooneØO
[Death Cannon] Porygon2
Ability: Download, Levitate
Body Mod: Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection
Health: 85%
Energy: 85%
Condition: “…A TEACUP. STRANGE INDEED.” Special Attack +1.
Status: --​
porygon2Substitute: 4% health

Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary~

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Substitute: -15% health, 8% energy
•Psychic: 11% damage, 7% energy
•Conversion: 3% energy
•Psychic: 0% damage, 7% energy
•Magnet Rise: 4% energy
•Psychic: 0% damage, 7% energy

•Magnet rise really didn’t have any effect, since I can’t really think of any Ground-type moves that would work on this arena. However, because of the decreased gravity it took a little less energy.
•Psychic didn’t affect Death Cannon or its Substitute past action 2 because of Conversion.
•Han Tang energyfainted on the third action.
Rejected Quotes: “Autopsy report: The subject, an inanimate object, died from overexerting itself. We are not entirely sure how.”

Next Round:
•Beta sends out
•Linoone attacks
•Beta Attacks
•I ref
Hey lookie, Cannon, it's another porygon!

Conversion to Normal type via... Tackle or something, and then start spamming Tri-Attacks if you can hit your opponent (as in there's no Protect, Detect, Diving, or whatever). If you can't, Chill.

Magic Coat all status things.

Conversion (to Normal via Tackle)/Magic Coat ~ Tri-Attack/Magic Coat/Chill ~ Tri-Attack/Magic Coat/Chill

Rushed commands are rushed.
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct recovery moves limited to 2 per Pokemon
Arena: An Extremely Large Cup of Mint Tea

Nobody's quite sure what's Linoone's sudden interest in food-themed battlefields, but here is her second arena of choice (though I've been given the pleasure of writing it out): a, well, extremely large cup of mint tea. The cup in question is, yes, extremely large -- two Wailord long in diameter at its largest and one and a half Wailord deep. So, yes, you actually can battle with a Wailord in this arena, the only problem being that it'll be hard for a Wailord to maneuver in here. The tea cup is a regular shaped tea cup, which means that it's wider on top than on the bottom, with a curved, porcelain handle coming out from one side. Made from white porcelain, the tea cup has been strengthened with a secret formula so that it will not break even under the most powerful attacks.

Now, what's the fun of battling in an empty tea cup? The cup has been filled to almost the rim with delicious, freshly brewed mint tea, made from the most high-quality tea leaves grown on the mystical mountain of Codter. The tea is refreshing and delicious, and will restore 5% health to whatever pokemon that decides to take an action and drink it 50% of the time. However, because of the caffeine and the sheer awesomeness of battling in tea, all attacks deal an extra 2% damage without extra energy costs.

Because it's mint tea instead of regular water, electricity conducts as well as it does in air.

A total of five cod live at the bottom of the tea cup. They're regular cod-sized, about 1.5 meters long, and don't do anything. If a pokemon manages to kill a cod, cook it, and eat it, it can gain 15% HP and 30% energy, although the cod are ridiculously fast and ridiculously hard to catch. Imagine them as level 100 Magikarp with Splash, Tackle, and 200 speed if you will.

Eating raw cod is not advised because it will cause food poisoning.

Other: Have a picture of the tea cup, if it helps.

Also, all pokémon that cannot breath underwater will get a air bubble mask over their face that gives them air to prevent drowning at a cost of -1 speed.

This time, it’s Squornshellous Beta’s turn to send out a Pokémon. She thinks for a few seconds, then pulls out a little Poké Ball with a little rocket on the front. She maximizes it, and then tosses it almost emotionlessly into the teacup. The Poké Ball bursts open in a flash of standard white light to reveal nothing other than…another cyberduck, a bit more blocky and less rounded than the ones seen earlier in this battle. Death Cannon recoils in surprise, seeing another computer; while the Porygon that has just been released narrows its eyes at its more advanced opponent.

Round Seven Begin!

Team BetaØO
[N-Gon] Porygon
Ability: Trace Download, Levitate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: --

Team LinooneØO
[Death Cannon] Porygon2
Ability: Download, Levitate
Body Mod: Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection
Health: 85%
Energy: 85%
Condition: “EPIC WI—OH HEY A PORYGON.” Special Attack +1.
Status: Paralyzed (severe; 30% chance of full paralysis and extra energy on all attacks requiring movement)
Substitute: 4% health​

Noting his opponent, Death Canyon immediately starts flipping through it internal Pokédex. Porygon…Porygon…Ah, there it is. The Porygon2 soon decides that the wisest type for it to be is Normal-type. It takes the Normal-type energy from his database and changes it molecular composition to match. Meanwhile, its opponent is doing the same thing—except the more blocky cyberduck is changing itself away from Normal-type. It has discovered that its opponent has a wide variety of Normal-type moves, and it wishes to avoid them. Soon, the Porygon’s body has become translucent.

Death Cannon analyzes its opponent. Well, it’s become a Ghost-type…why did it not see that coming? Well, anyway, that means that there is no point in using the Normal-type move it has planned, so instead it rests and lets its processors naturally charge up power. Meanwhile, its opponent is using its advanced targetting programs to lock onto its opponent; its next move is going to be very powerful but very inaccurate, and this is the way to fix that.

But Death Cannon is still floating in the tea motionless, replenishing the last of its lost energy. Just as its energy meter bings to the ‘full’ mark, it notices its opponent with as evil a grin as a Porygon can successfully produce. N-Gon has readied its final attack, and intends to release it with force! It opens its power hatch, letting the raw electricity flow in a focused blast toward its opponent. Thanks to its targetting system there is no room for doubt that the Zap Cannon will hit Death Cannon…until N-Gon notices the green-and-white dinosaur doll that has just jumped in the way of the attack. The Substitute acts as a perfect shield, but it disintegrates in the process.

Round Seven End!

Team BetaØO
[N-Gon] Porygon
Ability: Trace Download, Levitate
Health: 100%
Energy: 79%
Condition: Quite frustrated. Attack +1.
Status: Ghost-Typed.

Team LinooneØO
[Death Cannon] Porygon2
Ability: Download, Levitate
Body Mod: Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection
Health: 85%
Energy: 100%
Condition: “ALL PROCESSORS AT FULL POWER.” Special Attack +1.
Status: --​

Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary~

Damage and Energy Calculations
•Conversion: 4% energy
•Conversion: 3% energy
•Chill: restored 10% energy
•Lock On: 7% energy
•Chill: restored 10% energy
•Zap Cannon: 12% damage, 11% energy

•Download raised N-Gon’s Attack stat.
•I decided to be merciful today. Instead of wasting his energy, Death Cannon realized that Tri-Attack would go right through his opponent—as in it wouldn’t actually hit. So he chilled on actions 2 and 3.
•…Unfortunately, due to the fact that a Substitute still existed, Zap Cannon was kinda useless.

Next Round:
•Beta Attacks
•Linoone Attacks
•I ref
Oh, of friggin' course. Stupid lack of strategic ability.
Right. If he tries to use a move super-effective against you, Conversion to something that resists it - I'll trust you have that information in your databanks. If not, Toxic, Psyshock, Signal Beam. If they can't work for any reason, Chill.

Conversion / Toxic / Chill ~ Conversion / Psyshock / Chill ~ Conversion / Signal Beam / Chill
...I really hate to have to do this, since Linoone hasn't even logged on for five days, but...

Crazy Linoone is Disqualified, unless Beta has an objection and wishes to extend the DQ time. Beta gets $16 and I get $10. Death Canyon and N-Gon get 1 EXP each, and Death Cannon and Han Tang each get 2 EXP.

Sorry to do this...
Just wanna derail this for a bit, but it's somewhat related.

Squornshellous Beta...

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