3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Outside the Battle Arena
The battle takes place right outside the Battle Frontier's Battle Arena facility, out in the open air. The immediate area is covered in nicely manicured grass and a few flowers. The Arena building itself is surrounded on three sides by water and a small pond sits on the other side of the battlers, so water moves can be used and Water-types that need to swim can do so. The battlers cannot move away from the immediate area, so heading towards the plaza or another facility is forbidden. Maps of the general area can be found on this page.
Since this match is happening so close to the Arena, it seems such a shame not to follow Greta's rules... or, at least, a variation on them. As such, both battlers will send out their Pokémon and attack for three battle rounds (a total of 9 attacks per Pokémon) before the ref calls a halt. After the three rounds both Pokémon are recalled and unable to continue in the current battle, and their current health, energy and status are noted for later. Both trainers will then send out their next Pokémon and continue for the next three rounds. At the end (which should be nine total rounds), the health and energy of all Pokémon is totaled and whichever trainer has the highest score wins.
The following rules also apply:
-If a Pokémon has fainted, either due to HP loss OR energy loss, the battle stops right where it is (even if it has not yet been three rounds) and both Pokémon are recalled. Fainted Pokémon DO still count toward the final score, but as either their health or their energy is at 0% they won't add anywhere near as much.
-If, at the end of the three rounds, a battler is afflicted with a status condition, that condition detracts from their final score as follows:
Paralyzed, Burned, Confused: -10 points
Poisoned, Attracted: -15 points
Asleep, Frozen: -20 points
If the Pokémon has more than one status condition, only the first one they were afflicted with detracts full points; all others afterwards only detract five, no matter what they are.
As an example of how scoring works: Trainer A sends out a Treecko and Trainer B sends out a Turtwig. Treecko and Turtwig battle for three rounds; Treecko finishes with 64% HP and 72% energy and Turtwig finishes with 71% HP and 59% energy. Treecko has also been poisoned by Toxic. Both Pokémon stop battling and so their scores would look like this: Turtwig (71H + 59E = 130), Treecko (64H + 72E - 15 [poison] = 121). Therefore, Trainer B (Turtwig's trainer) would have the lead with 130 points over 121.
As far as TCoDASB battles are concerned, experience is determined like this: all Pokémon get the usual 1 experience point for being sent into battle, and if one Pokémon actually knocks another out it will get the 1 experience point as normal. If neither Pokémon faints at the end of three rounds, the one with the lower score (Treecko in the above example) is considered knocked out for the purposes of experience, so Turtwig would get the extra 1 exp.
Other: Only first stage/baby pokemon may be used (no non-evolving pokemon).
Round Four End!
Team Pathos (Points: 135)

Edyta (F)
Ability: Clear body
Health: 90%
Energy: 81%
Status: This went well enough.
Item: Wise glasses.
Commands: Acid spray / Mirror coat / Giga drain ~ Mirror coat / Giga drain / Skull bash x2
Team Ampharos (Points: 134)

Zbrka (F)
Ability: Cloud nine
Health: 84%
Energy: 89%
Status: Ugh, I don't feel so good... +1 Special attack, +1 special defense, poisoned.
Item: None.
Commands: Psychic ~ Encore ~ Zen headbutt
Round Five Begin!
Ampharos's commands were very bittersweet to Zbrka. Sure, after a good buttering up that stupid tentacool would be stuck firing off useless mirror coats, but first he'd have to use psychic (which wasn't that bad itself) and then later
take that hit. Her headache would grow even worse! If that was even possible…
She had to do it, so she might as well get over it. Swallowing her fears, the little duck concentrated on Edyta. Already glowing in a vivid array of colors, the psychic tinted the jellyfish slightly purple as it slammed her into buildings, benches and the like. Although the super effective attack took quite a bit of health from Edyta, it didn’t destroy the terrain that much; this was much to the relief of many trainers who were still in the building. However,
there were slight tentacool-shaped dents in the wall, and also a few indents in the ground. Things were not exactly the same as before.
After all the pain of getting thrown around like a ragdoll, Edyta was ready to retaliate. She was still glowing, even after the psychic left her; it was actually the mirror coat she had prepared all along. Shining in all the colors of the rainbow, the poison type unleashed a glowing pulse of psychic energy with twice the power of Zbrka’s at said platypus. Expecting the hit, Zbrka could do nothing but cringe as the huge beam of light hit her.
I have to compliment this?! The psyduck thought, scowling as the pounding headache induced by the counterattack of her opponent’s assaulted her mind. She was still glowing, and asking for more of that horrid attack would be suicide!
Nevertheless, she listened to her trainer’s command (stupid Ampharos!) and began to ramble on about how smart her enemy was. “Wow, that was a really smart move…” she started, faking a blush to look convincing. “That really hurt! I’m impressed, actually. Mind giving me an encore?” Winking at Edyta, she employed a psychic suggestion saying that it
really would be a good idea. Hopefully it would work, and at least she obeyed orders…
Well, she tried. The jellyfish showed no notable reaction. Staring at the psyduck unnervingly, Edyta sucked a vibrant green substance off of her. The aura surrounding Zbrka was actually a giga drain, and the green blobs that were being leeched off of her was her life force. This was not as painful as the mirror coat, thankfully, but the duck was still ready for vengeance. And if it went well, it wouldn’t activate magic coat!
Entering into a state of calm, Zbrka inhaled and exhaled. In and out, in and out, the deep breathing helped her concentration and get ready for her attack. Her headache would not stop this headbutt; it would not do anything to hinder it and that was that. Her skull shining with psychic energy, she ran across the fountain and slammed into Edyta. And while the jellyfish was
supposed to hit back, she was so startled by the powerful hit that she ended up not doing anything at all.
Round Five End!
Team Pathos (Points: 135)

Edyta (F)
Ability: Clear body
Health: 69%
Energy: 60%
Status: ... What was that?! Oh well, at least I'm winning.
Item: Wise glasses.
Commands: Mirror coat~ Giga drain~ Nothing (Flinch)
Team Ampharos (Points: 134)

Zbrka (F)
Ability: Cloud nine
Health: 41%
Energy: 62%
Status: ... Did I do it right? +1 Special attack, +1 special defense, toxic poisoned (2% this round, 3% next).
Item: None.
Commands: Psychic~ Encore (Miss)~Zen headbutt
So sorry this is terrible, everyone. This is my first real reffing, and... yeah.
I figured the fountain wasn't so big that it would take an action to get to. I tacked on an extra two points of energy to show that it did effect things, though.
The zen headbutt flinched, and the encore missed.
I'm using Kratos' calculator, so feel free to tell me if I got something wrong.
Ampharos attacks first next round.
Psychic- Hit= 15% damage, 8% energy and 75 accuracy roll (needed 100 to miss). The critical hit roll was 48, needed 6 or under to activate. I guessed because you didn't specify mental intrusion that you would want it physical; doing it that way means there can't be a drop in special defense. It doesn't matter anyway because Edyta has clear body, though.
Mirror coat- Hit= 30% damage, 15% energy and 72 accuracy roll (needed 100 to miss).
Encore- Miss= 0% damage, 6% energy and 100 accuracy roll (needed 100 to miss).
Giga drain- Hit= 13% damage, 6% energy and 19 accuracy roll (needed 100 to miss). It restored 6% health, because I think you're supposed to round down in damage. The critical hit roll was 93, needed 6 or under to activate.
Zen headbutt- Hit= 12% damage, 8% energy and 35 accuracy roll (needed 90 or above to miss). The roll for flinching was 80 (needed 80 or above to activate). The critical roll was 24.