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Indigo vs Mawile


groove out!
they or she
[for Mewtini]

2vs2 single
DQ: a week
Damage Cap: none~
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: A boat

A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica.

Indigo's active squad:
Pichu Elektrizität the female Pichu (Static)
Snivy Mintleaf the female Snivy (Overgrow)
Joltik Staticspidera the female Joltik (Compoundeyes)
Geodude Stoneralla the female Geodude (Sturdy)
Rattata Quickflash the female Rattata (Run Away)
Poliwag Aquaggle the female Poliwag (Water Absorb)
Taillow Swift the female Taillow (Guts)
Zubat Blind Echo the female Zubat (Inner Focus)
Scyther Mia the male Scyther (Technician)
Rasqueon Warrior the female Rasqueon (Battle Armor)

Mawile's active squad:
Ninetales Aureus the male Ninetales (Flash Fire)
Kirlia Leo the male Kirlia (Trace) @ Dawn Stone
Emolga Tavros the male Emolga (Motor Drive)
Oshawott Terezi the female Oshawott (Torrent)
Zorua Vriska the female Zorua (Illusion)
Growlithe Becquerel the male Growlithe (Flash Fire)
Scraggy Dave the male Scraggy (Moxie) @ Expert Belt
Litwick Rose the female Litwick (Flame Body)
Sentret John the male Sentret (Keen Eye)

Mawile sends out first, Indigo sends out and issues her commands, Mawile issues commands, and then I ref.
Round One

Mawile (2/2)
Ability: Trace
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Protect ~ Encore ~ Psychic
Status: Relatively calm for now, but finding Elektrizität's energy infectious.

Indigo (2/2)

Ability: Static
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Thunderbolt ~ Pound ~ Charm
Status: Overflowing with excitement, barely able to contain her electricity.


We find ourselves today standing in a boat: a simple flat-bottomed rowboat made of wood, the sort of craft you might imagine when you think "rowboat". From the bow, the boat widens quickly, and it gradually narrows again only slightly before ending in a squarish stern. But despite its simplicity, this boat is also a mystery, for, quite simply, this boat is big. So big its very existence is bewildering. Its steep walls tower all around, blocking everything outside from view except for the sky. Stretching across that sky are two planks to serve as seats; they might have been carved from some mythological world tree, and whatever bum they're made to seat could probably flatten a house. Furthermore, this vessel is floating just fifty miles off an unknown point on Antarctica's coast. Although there's no way to see the shore from the boat, the frigid air makes this point hard to ignore. Of course, the cold doesn't hamper either side's enthusiasm one bit—it's not too far below freezing for a Pokémon battle!

Both trainers stand behind the Pokémon they've chosen, relatively close to the center of the rowship. A few metres towards the bow, Elektrizität, a bright pink Pichu, is bouncing around in excitement, brilliant blue sparks flying from her paler turquoise cheeks. Her opponent Leo stands opposite her, a regular-looking Kirlia with a Dawn Stone hung around his neck. He looks very calm in comparison, though his stone may be a sign that he has something bigger than this battle to be anxious about. But in any case, he's busy focusing on Elektrizität, extending his mind to copy her special ability: namely, her characteristic static charge. And being the empathic species he is, he can't help but take on her playful mood along with her ability. As he builds up his own charge, his skirt begins to stick up around him as if he were blooming, but when he realizes what the Pichu has begun laughing at, he only laughs along at how ridiculous he looks. A minute later, after figuring out how to assert some control over this new energy, he's letting his horns spark like Elektrizität's cheeks.

Seeing this, Elektrizität eagerly makes her first move. She can't wait to see just how amazing a bolt of lightning she can fire. What she doesn't see in her hurry, however, is that Leo has created a barrier of energy around himself in anticipation, though it's so nearly invisible that it would be hard to notice anyway. Without hesitating, she launches her electricity! Her attack cuts through the dry air with an impressive crackling sound... and tickles the surface of the shield for a moment before fizzling out. She pulls herself to her feet and shakes her head clear, the shock from her Thunderbolt having left her a little dazed. She didn't manage to get a good look at her lightning strike, but she's excited to see the impact it must have had. Instead, she sees Leo wearing an unbelievable smirk, showing no sign that her attack fazed him at all.

Elektrizität scowls, very much displeased that something, some trick, prevented her no doubt awe-inspiring attack from striking her foe properly. Confident as ever, though, she contemplates her next command. Pound! She likes the sound of that. She's not sure just what to do, though—it sounds pretty straightforward, dishing out a pounding, but she doesn't actually know a move like that. She sits herself down and puts on her most pensive face. This might take a while to figure out.

This inaction leaves Leo somewhat bemused. His opponent's supposed to do something so that he can call for an encore. But it doesn't look like that's going to happen, so, nonplussed, he decides to go ahead with his move. He cheers for Elektrizität, twirling and applauding, though he's not sure exactly what for. Elektrizität perks up. She immediately understands! He must like her pondering! After all, she does look very wise. There can't be any harm in it, so she decides to humour him with some more of her best intelligent-looking poses. She knows her trainer told her to look charming next, not philosophical, but, well, she's not the one giving her applause.

So she continues her pondering as dramatically as she can—folding her arms and staring distractedly into space, scratching her head while looking vexed, stroking her chin and furrowing her little brow. She's in the middle of trying to figure out how to tent her fingers—she doesn't have the fingers for it, of course, but she's sure it would look particularly genius-like—when a sudden blunt blow of energy, like some ethereal bludgeon, knocks her flying in a vivid flash of blue. She recovers to see Leo staring intently in her direction, his eyes, horns, and Dawn Stone all glowing the same vivid blue. Elektrizität is hurt—being bashed like that was painful, but more than anything, she's offended. There's no way he could've thought that was a bad performance, let alone that bad! He must not have even been paying attention. She is not falling for that again. Leo can really feel how upset she is, and it leaves him a little shaken himself, though he only absorbs the emotion; he doesn't know why she's so hurt. But, well, it is a battle, and he figures he'll just have to keep in mind that in a battle, someone might end up upset.


Mawile (2/2)
Ability: Static
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 100%
Energy: 84%
Actions: Protect ~ Encore ~ Psychic
Status: Trying not to let this influx of emotion from Elektrizität unnerve him.

Indigo (2/2)

Ability: Static
Health: 86%
Energy: 100%
Actions: Thunderbolt ~ Chill ~ Chill
Status: Upset beyond belief at the nerve of her audience.


  • Writing is haaaard. Some parts of this are more rushed than others; I don't know how much it shows. If anyone better at writing has any feedback, I'd love to hear it.
  • Just to be entirely clear, Elektrizität's electric backlash isn't causing her any actual damage; it's too mild. It's just there for flavour.
  • Pichu does not learn Pound, and I don't see any mention of an event Pichu with Pound on Bulbapedia, so she chilled instead.
  • Encore did indeed affect the chill. "Chill" is listed as an attack in the Attacks and Abilities guide, and the rules refer to it as a "special ASB-only attack", so I figured I should treat it like any other.
  • I know that's not at all how the Attacks and Abilities Guide describes Psychic, but it's how I've always imagined it, and it lines up better with the games' flavour text.
  • The Encore is broken.
  • Mawile posts commands first next round.

Energy and Damage:
(I'm going to list all this as long as I'm still forming a solid feel for it)
  • Thunderbolt: 6% energy (4 base + 2 power - 1 type match + 1 baby)
  • Protect: 6% energy (4 base + 2 for Thunderbolt's power)
  • Chill: Regain that 6% energy
  • Encore: By its PP it would cost 5% energy by the Energy and Damage Guide or 6% by Kratos's scale, but that seems high so I bumped it down to 4%
  • Psychic: 6% energy (5 base + 2 power - 1 type match); 14% damage (9 base + 2 STAB + 1 stage difference + 2 Dawn Stone)
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Use Psychic three times, but if you are unable to attack her, use Calm Mind.

Psychic/Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Calm Mind
Round Two

Mawile (2/2)
Ability: Static
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 100%
Energy: 84%
Commands: Psychic/Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Calm Mind
Status: Trying to resolve himself to keep battling, no matter how cute a foe he's up against.

Indigo (2/2)

Ability: Static
Health: 86%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Attract ~ Quick Attack ~ ThunderShock
Status: Confident after a rough start! She has a plan.


Elektrizität bounces around as she listens to her orders. She likes her commands this round! Leo may have bamboozled her, but if he thinks she can't toy with him just as well, he's got another think coming. She knows how these things work; she learned from TV, the same way she learned how to look like a genius. In any case, she needs to attract him. She struts up to Leo with her best sly grin and proceeds to wink at him, lowering the open eyelid halfway while wiggling it to flutter the eyelashes she doesn't have.

These ocular antics bemuse Leo a little, but he gets the picture. He saw something like this once on a television. He's tried to watch a few times, but the box never relayed emotions along with the images and sound, so he never really got the point; he figured it was just one of those things he'd never understand about humans, at least the ones who aren't empaths like him. But he remembers seeing someone doing funny things with her eyelids, and when he asked what that was supposed to be, he was told she was trying to look attractive. (He wrote that off as another bit of non-empath weirdness.) So that must be it. Elektrizität is being attractive. And he thinks it's kind of cute that this kid likes him! But, well, she's a kid. So that won't do.

Nevertheless, the move is working in a way: Leo finds her absolutely adorable right now. He's not sure he can bring himself to spurn what might just be the cutest-ever misguided display of affection. And he just steeled himself up to attack the little thing, too! He figures he'll attack, but hold back, at least for now, and see if she gets the idea. He prepares his second telekinetic blast, but this time, he gives Elektrizität time to notice his blue glow, and she manages to brace herself a little before the shockwave forms and slams forward. It's a much less solid blow this time; it hits her more like a dodgeball thrown too enthusiastically than a bludgeon.

But Elektrizität is still vexed by this. She's not sure whether her wiles are working or not! That was considerably less of a blow, but it still happened. Leo oviously needs to know just how unacceptable that was, so she gives him a glare as she dashes forward for her next attack. She gains as much momentum as she can in the split second before she leaps forward to strike him. But the instant before she makes contact, Leo's borrowed static charge jumps from his skin to equalize itself with the Pichu's fur. A sudden crack! echoes through the boat, followed by a squeak of surprise, and both Pokémon end up tumbling to the floor. A winded Elektrizität picks herself up a few moments later and totters away with a scowl much worse than her pout.

Leo, still befuddled in his attraction, feels just awful now. He didn't mean to hurt little Elek! She was obviously just trying to give him a hug, and he ruined it. Now he just doesn't know what to do, so he decides to hold off on attacking to think this through. Despite his best efforts, it just doesn't seem to him like his adorable opponent understands that this is a battle. It involves roughhousing, but it's supposed to be fun! It seems like it'd be right up the playful little thing's alley. But here she is getting upset when he tries to attack and then trying to hug him. Perhaps if he just keeps it up she'll get it? After all, she did try to shock him once...

So he recovers his poise and begins to glow again, making sure to give Elektrizität time to brace herself this time, too. He restrains his psychic blast a little less than last time; a dodgeball like that probably would've earned Leo a detention. Afterwards, Leo watches anxiously to see how Elektrizität reacts, hoping she might even retaliate.

And that's just what she plans to do! She may be having trouble with her muscles, but that won't stop her from doing what 'chus do best: zapping. (Personally, she thinks she's best at eating Oran Berries, but that's not important right now.) She charges herself up to unleash another burst of electricity, sparks spitting from her cheeks again. This time, however, she fires a quicker, less powerful bolt—she doesn't want Leo to feel too betrayed yet, after all. The other difference from her first attack is that when this bolt cuts towards Leo, nothing stops it from striking. When it connects with the Kirlia, engulfing him momentarily in a bright yellow flash, a burning sensation sweeps through him, and he recoils, twitching a little. Elektrizität topples over after that; the weaker discharge hasn't left her too dizzy, but she can't keep her balance very well with her body in the state it's in. Of course, she's standing again in an instant, grinning like mad over finally having achieved some success with her lightning. Some of that pep has spread to Leo, too, and on top of that, he finally sees that Elektrizität is treating the battle like a battle!


Ability: Static
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 91%
Energy: 75%
Actions: Psychic ~ nothing ~ Psychic
Status: Finally convinced (and relieved) that his opponent is willing to be an opponent. Still somewhat aflutter over her cuteness, though (moderately attracted).


Ability: Static
Health: 67%
Energy: 92%
Actions: Attract ~ Quick Attack ~ ThunderShock
Status: Ecstatic to have finally made some good thunder. Doing a loopy little dance. Having some trouble moving her limbs right (moderately paralyzed).


  • Elektrizität does understand that she's in a battle and Leo is just totally misinterpreting her actions. I'm pretty sure I got that across pretty effectively but I think it's an important detail so I'm noting it just in case.
  • Here's the model I'm using for attraction.
  • I'm using Kratos's model for paralysis. I started Elektrizität off at moderate paralysis, though; severe seemed implausible for a middle-stage Pokémon's Traced Static.
  • Indigo posts commands first next round.
  • I know you might have trouble getting on the forums, Indigo. What I could do is give you a DQ warning at the usual time if need be, but then PM you a reminder and wait until I see you've been on to start counting down the final 24 hours. (If you get on but don't have the time to do ASB stuff, you could PM/VM me and say so.) Does that work? (Also I wonder, is there already a protocol to follow here that I'm missing?)
  • Also um I'm not going to let myself take three weeks again, haha. I've discovered that I can write waaaaay more easily if I take a pad of paper and then walk away from the Internet; with that trick up my sleeve, I should be much faster. Sorry this one took so long.

Energy and Damage:
  • Attract: 3% energy (4% base, but that seemed high)
  • Psychic: Mostly the same as last round, but he's holding back due to attraction, so I'm treating it like it has 50 base power following the thing I linked under Notes. 4% energy (5% base - 1% type match); 9% damage (5% base + 1% STAB + 1% stage difference + 2% Dawn Stone)
  • Quick Attack: 3% energy (2% base + 1% baby); 4% damage (4% base)
  • Psychic (#2): Attraction fading; it effectively has 60 base power. 5% energy (5% base - 1% type match + 1% power); 10% damage (6% base + 1% STAB + 1% stage difference + 2% Dawn Stone)
  • ThunderShock: 2% energy (2% base - 1% type match + 1% baby); 5% damage (4% base + 1% STAB)
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Alright, that DQ system works for me.

Thunder Wave~ThunderShock~Charm
Round Three

Mawile (2/2)
Ability: Static
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 91%
Energy: 75%
Commands: Protect ~ Psychic ~ Psych Up
Status: Brimming with second-hand excitement, glad that Elektrzität is once again radiating it. Moderately attracted.

Indigo (2/2)

Ability: Static
Health: 67%
Energy: 92%
Commands: Thunder Wave ~ ThunderShock ~ Charm
Status: Just raring to go, energized by her success last round. Moderately paralyzed.


Elektrizität barely waits for the end of her commands before she springs into action. (So to speak. She'd have trouble literally springing right now, but that's not getting to her one bit.) She begins generating the electricity she needs for a Thunder Wave. The energy ripples across her fur, pulsing outward from the spots on her cheeks, rather than wildly sparking this time. Leo watches intently, quite curious, but makes no effort to protect himself like he's supposed to. He's doing well, and he wants to encourage the Pichu's endearing enthusiasm, so he figures he can take a hit.

Of course, it doesn't take long for him to wish he hadn't done that. Elektrizität lets her current loose, a series of wispy blue threads of electricity bridging her and Leo. They don't burn through him like her previous attacks; instead, they wreak havoc on his nervous system, flooding his body and drowning out the myriad eletrical signals giving him control over many of his muscles. (All his involuntary muscles are thankfully unfazed.) His body revolts, and he crumples to the floor, a spastic mess.

Leo's spasms calm down before long, but that gives Elektrizität, the faster Pokémon once again, time to carry out her next action. Before he can even sit up, another jolt hits him, once again the crackling, searing kind, and he curls up involuntarily. He's starting to get frustrated despite himself. He doesn't like to get angry at all, but it hurts, dammit, and he can't help but think it's kind of his own stupid fault.

The anger doesn't last, though. Leo sits up stiffly, clears his mind, and repeats his mantra: It's a battle. If it's silly for Elektrizität to take it to heart, then it's silly for him too. And if the kid can get past that, so can he! Besides, he is having fun, all in all. So, with a slightly strained smile, he begins to channel his spirit into another attack, shining as blue as ever... upon which his body seizes up again, throwing his concentration. Right after he reminded himself to be patient; it's as if the universe is testing him. Is he even going to get to do anything this round?

It doesn't look like it. His last move is only worth using if his Elektrizität messes with his stats, but she's having a hard time moving, herself. Her own paralysis has finally caught up with her. That last Thundershock ended with her on the floor again, and she just doesn't have it in her at the moment to get up and act charming. In fact, she doesn't even want to rush the getting up part. So she doesn't! And since there's point wigging her out with his weird mind-linking powers for nothing, Leo follows suit.


Ability: Static
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 86%
Energy: 75%
Actions: [infatuated] ~ [paralyzed] ~ [infatuated]
Status: Cheerful once again. It's hard to stay mad around Elektrizität. Lightly attracted; severely paralyzed.


Ability: Static
Health: 67%
Energy: 87%
Actions: Thunder Wave ~ ThunderShock ~ [paralyzed]
Status: Rolling around idly, trying to coax her muscles into perking back up a little. Moderately paralyzed.


  • Wow RNG.
  • Least interesting writeup so far, I think, but I didn't have much to work with.
  • Oh, the other part of Kratos's attraction model that I decided to do differently was the bottom stage of attraction. It'll pass like any other stage—two actions or 10% damage in one hit—the only difference being that attraction fades entirely from there.
  • Mawile posts commands first this round.

Energy and Damage:
  • Thunder Wave: 3% energy (3% base - 1% type match + 1% baby)
  • ThunderShock: 2% energy (2% base - 1% type match + 1% baby); 5% damage (5% base w/ STAB)
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Round Four

Mawile (2/2)
Ability: Static
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 86%
Energy: 75%
Commands: Safeguard ~ Rest ~ Snore
Status: Anxious for a chance to recover, even though he's barely damaged. Lightly attracted (two more actions); severely paralyzed (four more actions at this stage).

Indigo (2/2)

Ability: Static
Health: 67%
Energy: 87%
Commands: Volt Tackle ~ Thunderbolt ~ Chill
Status: Stoking herself for a grand finale. Moderately paralyzed (two more actions at this stage).


Elektrizität stands up straight with as much determination on her face as she can muster. That's enough playing around, she decides. She has to double-cross Leo before he really catches onto her game. But this is going to be way better than the TV show! She's got a real spectacle planned. She gets down on all fours, abandoning her perfect posture, takes a deep breath, and charges at Leo, putting in the extra effort to overcome her paralysis. Electricity streams from all over her body and envelops her like the coma of a comet. Then, less than a metre away, she leaps through the air at her target. She smashes into Leo and cries out, rebounding a short distance, but the impact sends Leo flying several metres.

Leo sits up, dazed and grinning. He really didn't need to worry about the kid. On the contrary, he shouldn't have underestimated her. Not that he isn't holding up pretty well—he can tell he's still got most of his health—but he still feels as if the rowship were on top of him rather than him being on the boat. He's grateful for his commands now. He just needs to make sure this can't go and happen all over again, and then he can conk out for a bit. But just as he begins to form his protective green veil, his body clenches up again and he loses his grip on the barrier as he falls. He pushes himself to his knees, but he doesn't think he can easily start again, so, with a sigh, he decides to go without it and hope for the best.

While Leo winds down, Elektrizität is fired up despite the icy air. She's ready to make some lightning again, and not just a flicker or two this time. She wants to finish off her performance with a real boom, like what she tried at the beginning before Leo messed it up. She charges up until sparks are spilling from her electric pouches and she doesn't think she can even hold any more. Then, a marvellous flash of lightning crashes forth with such thunder that the boat begins to sway a little. The Pichu loses her footing almost immediately, and Leo, usually excellent at keeping his balance, can't even keep himself on his knees.

Well, that suits Leo fine. He needed to lie down anyway. Without any further ado, he shuts his eyes, slipping into a heavy, trance-like sleep. A wave of healing energy sweeps over him. His twitching calms down and finally stops, while all the tissue damaged by Elektrizität's electric attacks repairs itself in an instant. He looks very calm as he sleeps away on the wooden floor.

Elektrizität stares at Leo intently. She's been watching him for over a minute now, but he's not getting up. That must mean... he's out! She did it! She won, she won! She flops over to mull over her victory. That wasn't so hard after all. She'd gone into the battle confident, of course, but she hadn't expected to win in just a few hits. Maybe she's some kind of prodigy! An ear-splitting thunder tears her from her daydream, and this time it's not hers. She bolts upright. Is the boat sinking? Another rumble pounds against her eardrums, and she flails around, ears folded down, trying to pinpoint the noise. Her eyes pass over Leo just as the third snort assails her ears. Is that him? Is he snoring? Elektrizität is dumbfounded. Did she not win after all?

... Nah. No way. She's a prodigy, after all. She tunes out Leo's cacophony, with some difficulty, and returns to her fantasy. A genius schemer at her age. Maybe they'll even make a TV show about her someday!


Ability: Static
Item: Dawn Stone
Health: 100%
Energy: 48%
Actions: [paralyzed] ~ Rest ~ Snore
Status: Sawing logs. He doesn't appear to have a nose, but he sure can snore all the same. Asleep (one more action).


Ability: Static
Health: 57%
Energy: 79%
Actions: Volt Tackle ~ ThunderShock ~ Chill [flinch]
Status: Deftly ignoring Leo's noise in order to continue letting success go to her head. Mildly paralyzed (five more actions at this stage).


  • Well, um, Mawile PMed me to say he and Indigo agreed to end the match in a draw from here, so I'll go figure out how closing a battle works when no Pokémon have fainted, I guess.
  • The Attacks and Abilities Guide says flinching only makes most things "less accurate and weaker than they otherwise would be". I'm not sure exactly how/if I'll interpret that for regular moves—a quick search of the ASB forum for "flinch" suggests that most refs ignore that entirely and make flinching work as it does in the games—but I definitely don't think it should prevent a Chill entirely.
  • My new, tentative ruling on status healing is that it costs 1.5% energy per stage of severity per ailment, with the total rounded up. So healing severe paralysis (fourth stage) raised Rest's energy cost by 6%.
  • I think the way I'm going to handle Rest is that it heals up to 50% health immediately for half as much energy (as well as healing status), and then up to 25% per action for the other two actions (again for half as much energy) if it's still missing health. But Leo was only missing 40% health and didn't take any further damage, so it didn't make a difference here.
  • I'm thinking I was overzealous in assigning paralysis severities. Static should've started Elektrizität at mild paralysis, and Thunder Wave should've only managed moderate paralysis. What's done is done, but for future reference, don't expect such heavy paralysis to be so easy to inflict from now on.
  • Usually I'd probably ref sleep more or less by Kratos's scale, but Rest's sleep is special and lasts exactly two actions after the action it's used on.
  • I should start compiling all this...

Energy and Damage:
  • Volt Tackle: 9% energy (4% base + 3% power - 1% type match + 1% baby + 2% paralysis); 15% damage (15% base w/ STAB); 5% recoil (damage * 1/3)
  • Thunderbolt: 6% energy (4% base + 2% power - 1% type match + 1% baby); 11% damage (11% base w/ STAB)
  • Rest: 26% energy (20% for health + 6% for paralysis); 40% recovery
  • Snore: 1% energy (1% base); 5% damage (4% base + 1% stage difference)
  • Chill: Only recovered 7% energy due to the flinch
Right. Closing this in a draw as requested. Leo and Elek both get 1 exp, and Mawile and Indigo get $4 each. Here's hoping Indigo gets to make use of her prize eventually.

EDIT: Also I get five bucks.
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