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[11] Chiropter vs Aethelstan (Ref: Pathos)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills, direct healers
Terrain: Castelia City Square

Castelia City is the gateway to Unova, its port welcoming trainers from around the world. Today those trainers include a fair number from Asber, turned out to compete or spectate on the first round of the League Championship. The city square at the center of Castelia has been reserved for the first round of battle, its broad cobbled expanse providing plenty of room to fight and the central fountain offering a refuge for pokémon that would rather swim than stand. Skyscrapers rise on all sides, framing the scene with the imposing prosperity of Castelia City.

More than just Asber's own trainers have turned out for the battles, though; plenty of curious Castelia residents and tourists mill about the rim of the arena, hoping to catch a few exciting battles. To ensure that they don't go unsatisfied, the regional authorities have generously--and forcefully--provided some of Unova's most powerful pokémon for the trainers to test-drive and show off for the crowd. Unfortunately, with the number of battles that need to be run through before the TCoD League's lease on the square expires, some of the fights might have to be truncated a bit.

For this battle, you will be using a pokémon on loan from the Unova League. Your choices are below. The first player will get first pick of pokémon, and the second will make their pick and then attack as usual. This match will be capped at five rounds. If both pokémon are still standing at the end of round five, the pokémon's health and energy will be added together and the one with the most will be declared the winner.

The pokémon:

Zoroark (M) <Illusion>
Hydreigon (M) <Levitate>
Beheeyem (F) <Telepathy>
Simipour (M) <Gluttony>

1. Chiropter chooses a pokémon
2. Aethelstan chooses a pokémon and attacks
3. Chiropter attacks
I'll be taking Simipour then.

Let's start with two Nasty Plots, followed by an Ice Beam.

Nasy Plot~Nasty Plot~Ice Beam

...Good luck to you, by the way.
And to you.

Well, Hydreigon (I'm gonna call you Lerne!), distract Simipour from his plotting with some good trash talk, and follow up with a thunder wave. Protect against the ice beam unless Simipour's fully paralyzed, in which case toxic him.

Taunt ~ Thunder Wave ~ Protect/Toxic
Castelia City Square

Castelia City is the gateway to Unova, its port welcoming trainers from around the world. Today those trainers include a fair number from Asber, turned out to compete or spectate on the first round of the League Championship. The city square at the center of Castelia has been reserved for the first round of battle, its broad cobbled expanse providing plenty of room to fight and the central fountain offering a refuge for pokémon that would rather swim than stand. Skyscrapers rise on all sides, framing the scene with the imposing prosperity of Castelia City.

More than just Asber's own trainers have turned out for the battles, though; plenty of curious Castelia residents and tourists mill about the rim of the arena, hoping to catch a few exciting battles. To ensure that they don't go unsatisfied, the regional authorities have generously--and forcefully--provided some of Unova's most powerful pokémon for the trainers to test-drive and show off for the crowd. Unfortunately, with the number of battles that need to be run through before the TCoD League's lease on the square expires, some of the fights might have to be truncated a bit.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- "Sweet."

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- "Woah there, big guy."​

Before the hydreigon can get a word in, a nasty smirk spreads on the simipour's maw. It's quite obvious what's running through his mind - terrible, terrible deeds, so terrible he can't even voice them, so terrible it makes hydreigon double-take to see them play across simipour's face. Hydreigon isn't a fearful pokemon by any means, but that hatred and pure evil - it's just wrong. On a pokemon so bright and fun-looking! Creepy.

Now it's hydreigon's turn to be evil, though. He licks his lips and spits out the nastiest insult he can - a slur about just how ridiculous simipour is designed. Because, really. comparing the two? Hydreigon, a pure beast of beauty, to a simipour? It's ridiculous. Purely ridiculous. Simipour's face burns hot-red with fury - how dare that dragon boast like that, insulting simipour's beauty! He is the top of his bloodline, pure strength, and along comes a disgusting hydreigon thinking it can call him out like that? He'd - uhg - he'd show him!

Only he wasn't quite sure how. He thought over his orders for a split second before deciding, screw that, he cared little for his new trainer anyway; instead he ran at the floating dragon, jumped into the air, and slammed into the hydreigon with his side. The tackle had little impact, in fact hydreigon shrugged it off quite easily, and simipour felt the brunt of it too when he fell on the ground with a grunt; but he had to attack somehow! He couldn't let his pride be hurt like that.

Hydreigon continued his gloating, quite sure that if that's all the simipour could do, this would be an easy match. His dark fur sparked - and a bright wave of lightning streaked from him towards the grounded monkey, coating it and sinking into the simipour's muscles. Simipour twitched, uneasy, feeling something that seemed to stop him from moving occasionally and quite suddenly; as if he was an old machine that needed oiling. But he could still move, if a bit slower.

This did mean that hydreigon could outspeed him, which he didn't like at all. He was glad, at least, that he could attack now. He took a deep breath and exhaled a strong, thick beam of ice; it rushed towards the floating hydreigon and - bounced harmlessly off a reflective barrier, coating it with ice but quickly melting. As simipour ran out of breath, the ice stopped coming, and the shield faded, leaving an unwounded hydreigon grinning with pride.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 94%
Energy: 90%
- "Heh."

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
- "FSDFOINSDGF" Paralyzed (severe); sp. atk +2.

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Simipour struggled on the second action, and is no longer taunted.
- Chiropter next.
(Shouldn't Simipour have taken recoil damage from Struggle?)

Good job there, Lerne! Now that you're faster, whip up a 10% Substitute right away, then hit Simipour with a Thunder Fang. Use another one if you still have the Sub; if he's already destroyed it, Fly into the air and stay there. If you've still got the Sub but have been Tormented, switch to a Charge Beam.

Substitute (10%) ~ Thunder Fang ~ Thunder Fang/Fly/Charge Beam
Hrm... let's see here.

Go with an Aqua Ring while he sets up to keep your HP high. Then use Dive into the fountain, to dodge that second Thunder Fang. See how much damage you can do to that Substitute.

Aqua Ring~Dive into fountain~Dive attack the Substitute
Castelia City Square

Castelia City is the gateway to Unova, its port welcoming trainers from around the world. Today those trainers include a fair number from Asber, turned out to compete or spectate on the first round of the League Championship. The city square at the center of Castelia has been reserved for the first round of battle, its broad cobbled expanse providing plenty of room to fight and the central fountain offering a refuge for pokémon that would rather swim than stand. Skyscrapers rise on all sides, framing the scene with the imposing prosperity of Castelia City.

More than just Asber's own trainers have turned out for the battles, though; plenty of curious Castelia residents and tourists mill about the rim of the arena, hoping to catch a few exciting battles. To ensure that they don't go unsatisfied, the regional authorities have generously--and forcefully--provided some of Unova's most powerful pokémon for the trainers to test-drive and show off for the crowd. Unfortunately, with the number of battles that need to be run through before the TCoD League's lease on the square expires, some of the fights might have to be truncated a bit.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 94%
Energy: 90%
- "Heh."

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 98%
Energy: 86%
- "FSDFOINSDGF" Paralyzed (severe); sp. atk +2.​

Hydreigon yawned and watched his opponent for a moment, pretty sure the simipour was unable to hurt him. Just in case, he breathed a blue-flame in front of him; the flame grew and shape itself into a hydreigon-like shape, flaming and petering in and out as the wind blew through it. Hydreigon blew deep, a white-hot flame flowing into the fire and it flashed white - when the flash faded, the flame was solid, a second hydreigon flapping beside the first, not as real-looking as the original but solid enough to take a hit. Hydreigon grinned, more certain than ever that this battle was his.

And to drive the point home, simipour didn't even move as a reaction to his opponents doubling up on him. He just twitched on the ground, groaning to himself as his muscles refused to respond to his internal screaming. He really would love an aqua ring, if only he could move!

Hydreigon - only the original - grins and dives down, his fangs sparking with bright thunder. Before the simipour can dash to the fountain, the hydreigon snaps his jaw down on simipour's side, thunder sparking through the water-type's sensitive skin. Simipour screeches and pushes the huge hydreigon off him, dashing towards the founting and diving into the soothing water. He has a bite mark left on him, but the water soothes it a bit at least, and washes off the blood; and, if nothing else, the hydreigon won't follow him in here.

Indeed, hydreigon floats up by his substitute, unsure of what to do. None of his commands match this situation, so he chooses to wait and see if the simipour will come out. If not, he'll... figure something out.

Luckily for him, the simipour does pop out.

He rockets from the bottom of the fountain, kicking off and exploding, at least by hydreigon's account, from the top of the water, towards the hydreigon. It's a long-shot from the water to the floating dragon, and simipour himself is pretty sure he won't make it - but the does, he slams straight into the doppelganger-hydreigon, water crashing with him as he hits the double's stomach hard, slamming off and falling to the ground. The double-hydreigon looks to be in decent shape from the hit, and simipour is more worried about himself.

He falls, only a few feet from the ground and when he hits it doesn't hurt that bad, only a small scrape, but he still sort of regrets leaving that fountain.

Especially when hydreigon dives after him.

Teeth bared and electricity crackling, the hydreigon chomps down on him, thunder coursing from teeth to water-coated monkey. Simipour screeches again in pain, wriggling out of the hydreigon's toothy grip; another bloody bite mark is left on his skin to complement the other one. He whimpers in pain and wipes at the blood while hydreigon floats back up, grinning.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 84% | sub: 5%
Energy: 75%
- ":D"

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 76%
Energy: 75%
- *whimper* Paralyzed (severe); sp. atk +2.

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Added recoil damage from last round.
- Dive was weaked due to distance from the fountain, and simipour took recoil damage from hitting the ground.
- Simipour was fully paralyzed on the first action.
- Aethelstan next.
Use Waterfall until the substitute breaks. Whenever it does, use Toxic on the real Hydreigon. If all this only takes two actions, then use Rest on your last action (intend it to only last one action).

Ignore the first Waterfall and use Screech. If you've lost the Substitute after that, avoid being poisoned with another Taunt; if the Sub's still up, however, try to keep it that way by Tormenting Simipour.

Either way, we shouldn't have to worry about him resting, so finish up with another Thunder Fang.

Screech ~ Taunt/Torment ~ Thunder Fang.
Castelia City Square

Castelia City is the gateway to Unova, its port welcoming trainers from around the world. Today those trainers include a fair number from Asber, turned out to compete or spectate on the first round of the League Championship. The city square at the center of Castelia has been reserved for the first round of battle, its broad cobbled expanse providing plenty of room to fight and the central fountain offering a refuge for pokémon that would rather swim than stand. Skyscrapers rise on all sides, framing the scene with the imposing prosperity of Castelia City.

More than just Asber's own trainers have turned out for the battles, though; plenty of curious Castelia residents and tourists mill about the rim of the arena, hoping to catch a few exciting battles. To ensure that they don't go unsatisfied, the regional authorities have generously--and forcefully--provided some of Unova's most powerful pokémon for the trainers to test-drive and show off for the crowd. Unfortunately, with the number of battles that need to be run through before the TCoD League's lease on the square expires, some of the fights might have to be truncated a bit.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 84% | sub: 5%
Energy: 75%
- ":D"

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 76%
Energy: 75%
- *whimper* Paralyzed (severe); sp. atk +2.​

Before simipour could move, all of hydreigon's heads let out an ear-splitting screech, so terrible simipour actually fell down in his urge to avoid the noise. He quickly covered his ears, though they were so large and sensitive he just couldn't avoid the sound, until hydreigon closed his mouths and grinned at the damage he'd done: simipour was shaking at the noise, his nerves absolutely on end. He stared, terrified, up at the floating hydreigon, unsure what it would do next.

But simipour couldn't wait to see. He took his hands off his ears and waved them towards the fountain, and the water responded, flowing into the air like a live beast. Simipour flung a fist towards hydreigon and the water flew with it, slamming into hydreigon - or, at least, his substitute. The crash of water was more than enough to tear the dummy apart, and it simply turned to smoke under in the water, evaporating as if it had never been. Hydreigon blinked, reevaluating his opponent for a moment, but still pretty confident.

Confident enough that he was ready to make fun of the simipour. After all, it was so shook up from a little screaming. It couldn't really battle that well. Hydreigon had more than a few words to share with the monkey, and simipour enjoyed none of them. The normally-blue pokemon turned slightly red-faced, anger boiling through his guts, and he was very determined to exact revenge.

So instead of spitting toxins at the dragon, he took control of the water again, flinging some more at hydreigon. This time hydreigon had no one to defend him, and the water crashed into him, knocking him off balance and actually hurting quite a bit. It was a powerful wave, like a solid rock pounding down on him, and he shook it off, wondering if he really should have taunted the monkey into attacking.

But simipour's defenses were still shaken from that screech, and hydreigon intended to take advantage of that. He grinned and dove down, and simipour already knew what was about to happen - when hydreigon chomped down, the lightning coursed through simipour's body so much stronger, it felt like his skin was on fire and it was absolutely crippling. He couldn't even shove the hydreigon off, he just waited until hydreigon let go and curled up a bit, still shaking, for a few moments. Finally he uncurled and stood straight, wiping the blood shakily off his new bite-mark.

He'd have to get revenge, prove he wasn't as weak as the dragon had said. He waved a hand towards the fountain and the water responded readily, flying towards the hydreigon, and it slammed into him with enough impact to nearly cause him to hit the ground. He straightened himself, staying airborne, and comforted himself with the knowledge that he'd hurt simipour more in one attack than the monkey did to him an entire round.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 70%
Energy: 67%
- "I hate water."

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 61%
Energy: 60%
- *shivers* Paralyzed (moderate); sp. atk +2, def -2.

Arena Notes:
The ground is covered in water.

Final Notes:
- Simipour waterfall'd on all actions due to being taunted. He's also no longer taunted.
- Two more rounds.
- Chiropter next.
Doing good, Lerne. Now use Double Team, then Sunny Day. Follow with another Thunder Fang, unless Simipour uses another weather move, in which case repeat Sunny Day.

Double Team ~ Sunny Day ~ Thunder Fang/Sunny Day
Let's Rest while he's using Double Team to try and get rid of that nasty paralysis, hopefully that should only take one action. Use Surf on the clones, see if you can hit more than one. If you know for sure which is the real Hydreigon, then use Brick Break on him. If not, then use Surf again and try to narrow it down further.

Rest (1 action)~Surf~Brick Break/Surf
Castelia City Square

Castelia City is the gateway to Unova, its port welcoming trainers from around the world. Today those trainers include a fair number from Asber, turned out to compete or spectate on the first round of the League Championship. The city square at the center of Castelia has been reserved for the first round of battle, its broad cobbled expanse providing plenty of room to fight and the central fountain offering a refuge for pokémon that would rather swim than stand. Skyscrapers rise on all sides, framing the scene with the imposing prosperity of Castelia City.

More than just Asber's own trainers have turned out for the battles, though; plenty of curious Castelia residents and tourists mill about the rim of the arena, hoping to catch a few exciting battles. To ensure that they don't go unsatisfied, the regional authorities have generously--and forcefully--provided some of Unova's most powerful pokémon for the trainers to test-drive and show off for the crowd. Unfortunately, with the number of battles that need to be run through before the TCoD League's lease on the square expires, some of the fights might have to be truncated a bit.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 70%
Energy: 67%
- "I hate water."

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 61%
Energy: 60%
- *shivers* Paralyzed (moderate); sp. atk +2, def -2.​

Hydreigon leered at simipour, watching carefully, before zipping across the city square with all his speed. He flew so fast he became a blur, shades of blue and black, zooming around the shivering simipour with ease. Soon enough the hydreigon began to slow down, but shockingly enough, there appeared to be several hydreigon following him - the blur behind him split into doubles, triples, and finally it appeared there were six hydreigon floating menacingly above the simipour. Simipour gave a final shiver, pretty sure this was the signal that he was about to die.

He curled up, closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep and ignore the floating devils above him - but something blocked that part of his brain that connected to sleep. It was enormously unsettling, and he feared that for the rest of his life he would be an insomniac; and even worse, his muscles tensed up and froze him in the fetal position he was already laying in.

Up above, hydreigon roared to the sun with all three heads, the clones surrounding him mimicing his actions. The clouds in the sky parted slowly, revealing a harshly-bright sun; it burned bright, beginning to evaporate the water that lay across the arena's ground.

Simipour uncurled, muscles relaxing, and rose to his unsteady feet. He raised both arms, gathering the water surrounding him and all that still remained in the fountain; it rose to his call, rising up in a solid wave. And as simipour swung his arms towards the hydreigon above, even with the sun bearing down, the wave rose, enormous, and covered all the floating hydreigon; all but one flickered into nonexistence, the remaining dragon falling to the ground under the pressure of the water. He hit the ground, water pouring over him, and glared daggers at simipour both due to the pain and the loss of his clones. He would pay.

Not bothering to float back into the sky, hydreigon jumped towards simipour, fangs bared once more and electricity flickering - he bit down hard and more blood dripped from the simipour's battle-scarred body. The water-type screeched in pain, curling up as the electricity scoured through his body, until hydreigon backed away with a grin.

It didn't last, though. Shaky as he was, simipour was still intent on doing damage. He made a fist and walked steadily towards the dragon, gathering energy in his balled hand; hydreigon's face grew wary before simipour reached him and slammed a heavy hand on the dragon's chest, dealing so much damage hydreigon roared in shock and pain, immediately jumping into the sky to rid himself of the monkey. Simipour grinned, proud that he finally got some revenge, while up above, hydreigon felt a new bruise forming on his chest - and a new determination to wreck that damned monkey once and for all.​

Chiropter (O)
(m) <levitate>
Health: 52%
Energy: 51%
- "I will destroy you."

Aethelstan (O)
(m) <gluttony>
Health: 46%
Energy: 47%
- "... ehehe..." Paralyzed (moderate); sp. atk +2, def -2.

Arena Notes:
The ground is covered in water. The sun is shining harshly (5 more rounds).

Final Notes:
- Rest does not take only one action, and it is banned under the rules of this battle. Simipour was also fully paralyzed on that action.
- One more round.
- Aethelstan next.
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