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Pwnemon vs ole_schooler(Ref: Skyman)


Well, it's been a while hasn't it?
ARENA: The streets of Baltimore (Substitute with whatever seedy place is near you)

1vs1 Single
Style: Set (hurr)
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: NONE
Banned Moves: OHKOes
Arena effects: You're in fricking Baltimore. What does this mean? Why, of course, it means that anything goes! There are no limits as to what you can do in this arena (OHKO was banned to boost fun value) Be creative! You're on the street of a boarded-up ghetto, so think outside the box.

Pwnemon's Active Squad


Asphyxia the Male Gastly
Ability: Levitate
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RAWR the Female Aerodactyl
Ability: Pressure
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Molestation the Female Diglett
Ability: Arena Trap
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Candlestine the Male Litwick
Ability: Flame Body
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Aerotoxin the Male Gligar
Ability: Sand Veil
Item: Razor Fang
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ole_schooler's Active Squad


Donna the Female Arcanine
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Heat Rock
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Angel the Male Houndoom
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone
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Sabriel the Female Poochyena
Ability: Run Away
Item: Dusk Stone
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Tomas the Male Electrike
Ability: Static
Item: Brightpowder
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Daniel the Male Snubbull
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Metal Coat
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Dawg the Male Riolu
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Soothe Bell
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Jekyll the Male Absol
Ability: Pressure
Item: Dusk Stone
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Ace the Female Lillipup
Ability: Run Away
Item: Moon Stone
More info...

The RNG gods dictate that

-Pwnemon sends out
-Ole_schooler sends out and attacks
-Pwnemon attacks
-I ref
Hrm. Alright, Daniel, you're up. See if you can freak your opponent out with a Scary Face right off the bat. Hawk a Toxic at him, then chill his bones with an Ice Fang. If you're taunted out of your non-attacking moves, go for an Ice Fang and a Fire Fang, in that order. If you can't hit him (due to Protect, Substitute, Double Team, or the like), swap out the given move with Bulk Up.

Scary Face/Ice Fang/Bulk Up~Toxic/Fire Fang/Bulk Up~Ice Fang/Bulk Up
Hrml well I'm not used to playing against cunning strategists, what a pain.

First things first, I think the best option would be to Take that scary face like a man. he would have to literally take more than half of your speed to outspeed you, and I think not even the ASB description allows for that.

So what, asks the noble Gligar, should I do? Why, Substitute (20%) how else?

Following that, you should Taunt him. Seeing how you're safe and happy behind a sub, that will either cause a fire fang without the ability to do much, or a Taunted bulk up, which should make him struggle. Either way.

Finally, Toxic. By his commands, he should Bulk Up, but he'll be taunted. Best comes to best, he struggles, worst to worst, ice fang. Either is acceptable.

EDIT FOR CLARITY: I mean for Gligar to have negative priority on that Sub, so that Snubbull will go for Scary Face instead of Bulking Up.
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ARENA: The streets of Baltimore (Substitute with whatever seedy place is near you)

1vs1 Single
Style: Set (hurr)
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: NONE
Banned Moves: OHKOes
Arena effects: You're in fricking Baltimore. What does this mean? Why, of course, it means that anything goes! There are no limits as to what you can do in this arena (OHKO was banned to boost fun value) Be creative! You're on the street of a boarded-up ghetto, so think outside the box.


ASBers seem to have run out of reasonable locations. Everything from a hole in the universe, to a flying pizza in the sky, to a infinitely high tower that punches physics in the face with its impossibility have been used. None of those places, though, match the stupidity of battling at today's locations. Seated at the seediest location possible in an extremely seedy place, the ref delayed coming to the site of the battle for as long as possible to guarantee his safety for as long as possible. Eventually, though, he got up, and had his Gardevoir teleport him to the battle location. Seeing that both of the trainers were long ready, he nodded and threw up the official flag, signaling for the round to begin.

Pwnemon's Team


Aerotoxin (M)
Ability: Sand Veil
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I dare somebody to try and mug me. Holding Razor Fang
Commands: Substitute 20%(wait)~Taunt~Toxin

ole_schooler's Team


Daniel (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I better not get shot up. Holding Metal Coat
Commands: Scary Face/Ice Fang/Bulk Up~Toxic/Fire Fang/Bulk Up~Ice Fang/Bulk Up

Round 1 Begins!

Staying on the ground, Aerotoxin obeyed his trainer and waited for Daniel to make his move. Seeing this "golden opportunity", Daniel decided to take it. Turning around for a moment, he distorted and crunched up his face until he thought it was frightening enough, then turned around and triumphantly(in a scary way, of course) stared into Aerotoxin's face. However, it had an effect he didn't expect: Aerotoxin just started to laugh! The face wasn't actually that scary, and was instead quite comical. As a result, besides Aerotoxin laughing and Daniel being distraught and very mad, nothing actually happened.

Once he stopped laughing, Aerotoxin looked around for something suitable to make a servant out of. Seeing a trash can, he flew over and dumped it out. Once he had done that, he began to shape the trashcan into what was roughly the shape of a Gligar. Once he was finished, he grabbed a gun that was dumped out of the trashcan with his claws rather awkwardly, and managed to, after a lot of difficulty, fire it twice to make two holes for eyes in the substitute. Of course, he would regret this in two weeks when the cops would arrest him for using a weapon that was used in a murder, but that's not important! What is that after he made the eyes, he breathed some of his life force into the substitute, which immediately sprung to life and moved to be on the ready to protect his creator.

Moving on, Aerotoxin decided that now was a good time to be hurling insults at his opponent. After getting Daniel's attention, he began to yell that he(meaning Daniel) was horrible at battling, could not scare a fly, was going to be forever alone(the ref noted that that particular insult seemed to be a favorite among Pokemon), and so on. Absolutely infuriated by this, Daniel decided Screw bulking up, that thing dies NOW. Getting ready to attack with fangs of fire, he was about to lunge when he remembered that his trainer told him to NOT attack if his opponent had a substitute. Grumbling to himself, he just sat down and stared menacingly at Aerotoxin while trying to think how much it would cost to have his trainer be taught a lesson.

Grinning a little, Aerotoxin remembered his last command and stopped grinning. Sighing, he built up the toxins within his bodies within his mouth. After a few seconds, he couldn't bear the vile substances anymore, and flew over to Daniel and spat it on his face. 100% pissed at this, Daniel began to feel the toxins sink into his bloodstream. This made him feel woozy, which only made him even angrier. Yet again, he could do absolutely nothing due to his trainers stupid commands. Grumbling many curses, Daniel just sat there as the referee signaled the end of the round just as somebody came up and started to take both of the trainer's money.

Pwnemon's Team


Aerotoxin (M)
Ability: Sand Veil
Health: 80%
Energy: 83%
Status: You mad, bro? Has a substitute with 20% health. Holding Razor Fang
Commands: Substitute 20%(wait)~Taunt~Toxin

ole_schooler's Team


Daniel (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 99%
Energy: 97%
Status: I MAD, BRO. Taunted(1 more action), Toxicpoisoned(1% this round, 2% next round) Holding Metal Coat
Commands: Scary Face~nothing~nothing

Damage/Energy calculations:

-Scary Face: 3% energy(rolled 91, needed 90+ to miss)
-Substitute: 20% health, 10% energy
-Taunt: 3% energy(rolled 3, needed 100 to miss)
-Toxic: 4% energy(rolled 23, needed 85+ to miss)


-Sorry for the lateness!
-Scary Face just barely missed. Not that it really mattered, since a Gligar will only be slower than a Snubbull if it has -6 speed. Still, you better up your RNG god sacrifices, ole_schooler, before it gets really bad.
-Daniel did nothing on actions two and three due to the fact that he was ordered to not attack should there be a substitute, and instead to use bulk up. He was taunted, however, and thus the command to attack should he be taunted conflicted with the command to not attack if there was a substitute, so he did nothing.

Arena Notes:

-There is a pile of trash near some scraps of metal that used to be a trashcan
-A gun is near that pile of trash with two used cartridges near it. It has no bullets left, but it can be used to bash somebody for 5% steel-type damage.

Next round:

-Pwnemon orders and gives up his wallet.
-ole_schooler orders and gives his car keys up to the muggers.
-I ref while being thankful that I have protection.
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The mugger was displeased with how long it was taking Pwnemon to give up his wallet. Eventually, he became so impatient, he took out his gun and threatened Pwnemon with it. Even then, Pwnemon didn't move fast enough, and so the mugger decided to hurry things up and shoot him in the leg. Screaming in pain, he finally got the wallet out before bringing out one of his flying pokemon and fleeing. Ole_schooler, seeing this, decided that that was a good idea as well, so he threw his car keys away before flying away. The ref, of course, stuck around for a few seconds to grab the two Pokemon left behind, declare the battle over, and then having his Gardevoir teleport him away. The mugger, although surprised, just simply shrugged it off and walked away with what he got.


Due to Pwnemon being banned, this battle has been ended by DQ.

Daniel and Aerotoxin both receive 1 exp

ole_schooler receives $8, I receive $5, and Pwnemon gets nothing.
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