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That awkward moment when...


Active member
You want to post a thread about discussing awkward moments but you can't think of anything awkward to post even though your life is full of awkward.

EDIT: Thought of one.

A few months ago, my gym class had to merge with study hall, as both places that were used for both classes were being used for something else. We were going to have a study hall in our preforming arts center. While we were waiting for the teachers to unlock the doors, I was awkwardly standing next to some study hall people, as my gym friends were nowhere to be found. I was looking around, trying to find someone to talk to, when I heard a voice from behind.

"Hey, are you new?"

I have been going to the school the entire year (I was a freshmen). In a way, I felt accomplished because it was the perfect socially awkward penguin moment
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That awkward moment when your friend starts singing "Turn Back O Man" from Godspell (this song, by the way, is the only known example of "slutty Jesus music") and winds up being very awkward to the person next to her.

That even more awkward moment when you're always the one next to her when this happens.

(That hilarious moment when your other friend turns around as this is happening and just says "Whooooooooooooooooa!")
Also, that awkward moment when you thought of an awkward moment before you post a thread about awkward moments (holy shit, Inception) but you decide to post the thread and edit it into it to make it look like an awkward moment.
..when you asked a girl to go to a dance with you, her saying yes and then saying she couldn't go, and then seeing her at said dance.

When that hot girl/guy waves at the girl/guy behind you, and you wave... ><
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that awkward moment when you say "It's a pair of kinky boot beasts!" and your bff/former crush thinks you said "It's a pair of kinky boobies!"

that awkward moment when a freshman accidentally gropes your boob in an attempt to push you away

that awkward moment when a freshman asks if you're a freshman
(you're a senior)

that awkward moment when you once wanted to post a "that awkward moment" thread but didn't
That awkward moment when...

...you come upstairs just in time to hear your mother say that Neil Patrick Harris could take his pants off for her any day.

...you come upstairs later that night to find her watching a show about RealDoll fetishes.

...you forget to lock the stall in the public bathroom and your best friend and/or teacher doesn't pay attention and walks in on you.

...the above happens more than once.

...your mother walks in on you watching My Little Pony. Twice.

...you misspell Abomasnow as Obamasnow and your best friend thinks it's some weird political commentary
your friend brings over his friend he hasn't seen since 3rd grade because she wants to meet his friends. Mom lets them in and sends them up to your messy room, that hasn't been changed much since just after elementary school, where you were playing a video game. And then everyone just stands there in the longest awkward silence ever as no one has anything to talk about.
My god. That was horrible.
...When someone misinterprets your FTFY as Fuck That Fuck You.

...And you had never even heard of that form. σ_σ
that awkward moment when somebody misinterprets your sarcasm and they post about it in a thread.
... you're sitting at the computer naked because you're too lazy to put clothes on and your mom walks in. THEY WILL ASSUME THE WORST
That moment when someone was not clear enough in their sarcasm and they comment on your comment about their unclearly sarcastic comment.
That awkward moment when you're friend stumbles and she grabs on to you to keep stable but she grabs your boob by accident

That awkward moment when someone is calling you name, and you don't know them but you awkwardly walk towards them, until you realize they're calling for someone by the same name behind you

The awkward moment when your friend's mom thinks you and your friend since second grade are going out, but we're really not

That awkward moment when a guy asks you out, and you later find out that it was because his mom wanted him too. The awkward thing was that the kid was 17 at the time.
When you and a male friend are messing around and when he went to grab my scarf he grabbed my shirt and it ripped and my bra fell out((it was still on thank god))
-Your mum gives a McChicken Burger to your best friend who doesn't eat burgers, then to the other friend who's a vegetarian.

-One of the girls in the common room bitches about someone else while sat on the back of the sofa, not realizing the girl she's bitching about is sat on that sofa.
I saw my friend that I hadn't seen in years and we had nothing to talk about. Worse, I was with all my other friends.
When you wake up and see a cat in your face

When you sneeze during the middle of a test, and everyone looks at you

When some kid asks you if he can sit inside your locker (I later let him, though)

When the cat just stares at you while you type, and then jumps up behind you and starts licking your head and-OH GAWD CAT, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM
When you try not to sneeze in a silent classroom by pinching your nose and it makes a really loud squeak noise.

When you're talking maturely about racist phrases on the internet, and you accidentally delete everything except for said phrases. And then you post it and can't edit it.

When you're in elementary school and you unwittingly have diarrhea and... you know what? I'll spare you. *shudder*

When you're staring into space and don't realize it's at a girls chest.
When you trip on flat ground, falling headfirst into your friend's boobs.

When someone asks you if you're dating the person next to you when you are certainly not.
when you're trying to watch the Boondock Saints and your friend's dog is like I FUCKING LOVE YOUR EAR and won't stop licking it ever

when the kid who's rode your bus for a year and a half asks you if you and the girl you're talking to are dating when *le gasp* she's your sister
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