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Negrek vs moon-panther

Atta pile of sentient sludge, Phyto! Let's see if we can't wrap this thing up.

Flamethrower if Halan's position remains obvious to you; otherwise shock wave.

Flamethower / Shock Wave x 3
Oh Halan...I'm so sorry dear. We know this isn't going to end well, but we can at least give them something to remember us by.

Use Extremespeed to move first before his attack, coupled with a Reversal to add to the hurt. If you are still standing after their attack, use another Reversal

Extremespeed + Reversal ~ Reversal
Backtract Cataract

High up among Asber's eastern mountains a glacier-fed waterfall plunges over a hundred feet down a sheer rock face, tracing rainbows in the air and setting up a din that echoes back a hundredfold from the surrounding peaks. It is considered one of the region's greatest natural treasures, and it no doubt would draw a considerable bounty of tourists if it weren't high up in the middle of pokémon-infested nowhere.

The area directly below the falls is quite pleasant, though. The river branches and breaks across the uneven ground, trickling down into a spreading network of streams and pools, all colonized by enterprising mountain fish and pokémon. It is a particularly fine one of these that the trainers have found, nestled in a gravelly dip overflowing with flowering bracken and stunted pines. The falls' roar still reverberates in the air, but the water, though cold, is calm and bitingly clear, forming a pool about two meters wide and a meter deep at its deepest point. Overall, it is the picture of tranquility at the heart of the wilderness--which, of course, makes it prime territory to utterly wreck with a pokémon battle.

The noise of the waterfall will overwhelm sound-based moves, so damaging sound-based moves have their base power reduced by 50, while non-damaging sound-based moves have their accuracy/success rate reduced by 30%.

Negrek (xO)
Phytophthora (m) <sticky hold>
Health: 100% (capped)
Energy: 100%
- "You look tasty."

moon-panther (xO)
Halan (m) <Steadfast>
Health: 38%
Energy: 59%
- "Guh..." Paralyzed (severe), confused (moderate) atk +6.​

Halan gets up slowly, resting on all four paws, and then dashes towards where he senses - and indeed knows, thakns to those flamethrowers. He runs through the mud, getting gross and sweaty and near breaking point, but all his exhaustion is pulled into his attack when he finally reaches Phyto. He slams head-first into the pile of sewage, all his rage at this battle released in one huge burst of energy, and an actual hole opens up in Phyto's sludge-y body from the impact. Phyto gapes wide, slowly integrating back together, as Halan falls backwards into the mud, panting from exhaustion.

And relief comes soon, but not in a way he'd appreciate. From Phyto's reformed body, the grimer releases another torrent of flames unto his target, such close range meaning there is no chance of missing even in the fog. The fire envelopes the metal type and Halan has little power even to whimper; he lasts too long under the brunt of the attack, only fading out when the flames themselves do as well.

Phyto breathes in, fire extinguished, and pokes Halan to make sure he's onconscious - and he is. Phyto grins. He won! That was easy! Halan is returned to his ball with a flash of red, and Phyto raises his muddy arms in victory, quite proud.​

Negrek (xO)
Phytophthora (m) <sticky hold>
Health: 52%
Energy: 80%
- "Byeee~"

moon-panther (xO)
Halan (m) <Steadfast>
Health: 0%
Energy: 34%
- Fainted.

Arena Notes:
There's a small tunnel going down and back up near Roy.

Final Notes:
- Okay! Eelektrik gets 2 exp, Roy gets 1; Halan gets 2 exp, Phyto gets 2 exp. Negrek gets $16, I get $10 and m-p gets $6.
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