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Mawile vs Zhorken

shy ♡

whispers in gay
Battle Format: 2 vs. 2 single battle
Battle Style: Switch
DQ Time: 7 days
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song

Arena: Sea Route 230

A small island of rich earth, about twenty metres in diameter, surrounded by the sea. Most of the island is taken up by a plateau covered in shaggy grass, with some higher parts sporting neater blankets of grass with some flowers. There are a few crumbling rocks here and there around the edges, which drop off sharply to the water about four metres down. At the south end, someone has built a set of steps leading down to the water, so anyone who falls off the island (and can swim) can clamber back up.

Additional Rules: No fully-evolved Pokémon, including evolutionary singletons

Zhorken's team
Enver the Male Buneary
Ability: Klutz

Keigh the Female Buizel
Ability: Swift Swim

Zal the Female Trapinch
Ability: Arena Trap

Zylinth the Male Shinx
Ability: Intimidate

Vivaldeer the Female Deerling
Ability: Serene Grace

Djalène the Female Vulpix
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone

Valicorth the Male Venipede
Ability: Poison Point
Item: Lucky Egg

Mawile's team

Knives the Female Charmander
Ability: Blaze

Scratch the Unknown Porygon
Ability: Trace
Item: Up-Grade

Terezi the Female Oshawott
Ability: Torrent

Vriska the Female Zorua
Ability: Illusion

Dave the Male Scraggy
Ability: Moxie
Item: Expert Belt

Rose the Female Litwick
Ability: Flame Body

John the Male Sentret
Ability: Keen Eye

Sollux the Male Duosion
Ability: Magic Guard

Karkat the Male Archen
Ability: Defeatist

Marty the Male Mime Jr.
Ability: Filter

Zhorken sends out, Mawile sends out and attacks, Zhorken attacks.
Sending out Keigh! (Also I just moved the Lucky Egg to her because I'd like her to have it in this battle; is that alright?)
Negrek said it's fine.

Anyway... let's go Knives. You need some EXP.

Use Aerial Ace three times. If you're Status'd, use Facade instead. If you take any damage, switch to Payback instead of both Aerial Ace or Facade.

Aerial Ace/Facade/Payback x3
Right so first set up an Aqua Ring, then use Scald, and then Surf if the first Scald burns and another Scald if it doesn't. Be slow about the Scald/Surf so as to avoid powered-up Paybacks.

Aqua Ring ~ Scald ~ Surf/Scald
Sea Route 230

A small island of rich earth, about twenty metres in diameter, surrounded by the sea. Most of the island is taken up by a plateau covered in shaggy grass, with some higher parts sporting neater blankets of grass with some flowers. There are a few crumbling rocks here and there around the edges, which drop off sharply to the water about four metres down. At the south end, someone has built a set of steps leading down to the water, so anyone who falls off the island (and can swim) can clamber back up.​

Zhorken (Oo)
Keigh (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- "Oooh... fun!"

Mawile (Oo)
Knives (f) <Blaze>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- "... water D:"​

Keigh starts off the battle, dribbling water out of her mouth and onto her paws. The water floats midair somehow, and she quickly wraps it around her body by twirling around and around, using her twin-tails to wrap the water even further, and dribbling out even more water, slowly, slowly. When she stops the water keeps spinning around her, and it has a somewhat comforting effect on the buizel, who after all does prefer to stay in water, what with her sensitive skin and all. She smiles, prepared for battle.

Knives stretches her claws, wary of fighting a water type, but doesn't hesitate on her commands; she runs at the buizel and slashes her across the chest, opening up a thin, sharp wound. It barely bleeds, but it stings, and Keigh is grateful as the water ring surrounding her, which quickly soothes the wound.

And now the two pokemon glare at each other, but do nothing else, simply waiting for the other to move. Their commands rely on out-waiting the other, and they're determined to do so. Minutes pass, the sun beats down on the pokemon, and finally Keigh is the first to break; she's an impatient pokemon, really. She spits out more water, this one scalding-hot, on the charmander right in front of her. Knives gasps as the water covers her and, like watercolours, the red of her scaly skin fades and reveals black; she falls to all fours, and her skin becomes fluffy, and in place of the charmander stands a zorua. Vriska grins at Keigh's shock and takes the damage and anger she felt from the scald, glowering darkly, and slams Keigh with her paws and even bites onto her, releasing a dark energy with the blows. Keigh doubles back, taking the hit somewhat badly and again grateful for her aqua ring.

The two pokemon stare each other down again, Keigh desperately hoping Vriska would move first this time and even somewhat hesitant to go near the strange changeling. But like before, or not so like before, the zorua is more patient of the two, and Keigh ends up groaning and releasing another torrent of boiling water. Though Vriska looks terribly pained by the water and heat, there is no burn left from the attack, and Keigh groans again in annoyance.

Especially when Vriska jumps on her in revenge, dark energy surronding the little pup as she slams Keigh to the ground, paws going wild. Vriska jumps back, and the water quickly moves to heal Keigh's new wounds, as the buizel gets up, determined to burn the the demon.​

Zhorken (Oo)
Keigh (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 70%
Energy: 85%
- "BURN DAMN YOU." Surrounded by an aqua ring (1% health/actions).

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (f) <Illusion>
Health: 80%
Energy: 80%
- "... >D"

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Since both pokemon were given if-clauses that relied on waiting to see what the other pokemon did, I randomized to see who went first on those actions.
- Zhorken next.
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Three more Scalds, unless she uses Torment in which case replace one with a Brick Break. If she uses Double Team, use Rain Dance and then pay attention to which one is actually solid. (And, of course, stall to try and avoid any Paybacks.)

Scald/Rain Dance ~ Scald/Brick Break/Rain Dance ~ Scald/Brick Break/Rain Dance
Sea Route 230

A small island of rich earth, about twenty metres in diameter, surrounded by the sea. Most of the island is taken up by a plateau covered in shaggy grass, with some higher parts sporting neater blankets of grass with some flowers. There are a few crumbling rocks here and there around the edges, which drop off sharply to the water about four metres down. At the south end, someone has built a set of steps leading down to the water, so anyone who falls off the island (and can swim) can clamber back up.​

Zhorken (Oo)
Keigh (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 70%
Energy: 85%
- "BURN DAMN YOU." Surrounded by an aqua ring (1% health/actions).

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (f) <Illusion>
Health: 80%
Energy: 80%
- "... >D"​

Keigh takes in a breath and unleashes another stream of scalding water unto Vriska, and again despite the clear pain of the attack, the pup shakes off the water and appears only temporarily harmed - not burned. Instead she taunts the buizel on how easily she was fooled by Vriska's illusion, and the repeated failure to burn her, and Keigh can't help but become enraged; she runs at Vriska, but the zorua easily dodges the attack, coating Keigh with a dark energy and forcing her to trip on herself hard. Keigh yelps and gets quickly to her feet, but she's bleeding from her nose and appears both shocked and hurt.

She despondently takes in another deep breath, hoping it will do the trick, and releases another stream of water at the zorua. The continuous attacks are jarring, Vriska's fur is all soaked through and she doesn't look good at all, but she is definitely not burnt. She even grins, despite the pain, and suddenly Keigh's vision goes black - she can't see a thing - and she feels an enormous sort of pain, a sort of burning, and she lets out a tiny whimper until her vision clears again and the pain stops. That is, her vision is mostly clear; she blinks and... Vriska is there, but she's sort of blurry, dark spots covering her occasionally, and Keigh has to keep blinking to keep her vision clear.

She can still mostly see, though, and feels confident enough to attack. She lets out one more stream of hot water, and it hits its mark, as Vriska lets out a yelp - but only because she's being so worn down by the repeated attacks, and not because she is hindered by a burn. In fact she seems, strangely, to be immune, though that's probably just in Keigh's head, because she's growing repeatedly frustrated at the stupid zorua. Her frustration grows so strong that she just leaps forwards, trying to smack Vriska or punch her or something and she doesn't notice the darkness enveloping her and pulling her feet back until she's fallen on her face once more, her closed nose-wound opening up and streaming blood all over her face. She lets out another tiny whimper as she pushes herself to her feet; she feels utterly wrecked and is actually shaking, blinking the blurry vision out of her eyes and holding a paw to her nose to try and stop the blood, but she's only comforted by the idea that Vriska looks just slightly better. Her fur is sagging and wet, and she has bruise marks through the fur where the water's hit her, but still - no burn - and that's what Keigh keeps thinking frustratedly.​

Zhorken (Oo)
Keigh (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 44%
Energy: 67%
- "My nose. :[" Surrounded by an aqua ring (1% health/action), -1 accuracy.

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (f) <Illusion>
Health: 50%
Energy: 61%
- "My fur. :["

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Mawile next.
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Use Dark Pulse three times. If Keigh uses a Physical attack, Counter it back- unless it's Focus Punch. In that case, just use Dark Pulse. If you're status'd, use Facade.

Dark Pulse/Counter/Facade x3
Well, this isn't quite going right, so I'm switching to Zal. (That means Mawile redoes her commands if she wants now and then I post commands, right?)
I... don't know. This is my first switch battle. I'll assume that yes, again unless Negrek says otherwise.
You can switch on the first action, and if you are the person ordering first, you just post that you're swiching X for Y, then give Y's three attacks for the round. If you're posting second, you post that you're switching and what you're switching to; the first player is then given the opportunity to re-order based on your switch, and you would post orders for the second pokémon after that point. If you're going to switch on your first action but are ordering second (or later if in a battle with multiple people), it would be best for you to post out of turn to say that you'll be switching and what you'll be switching to, so that no re-ordering is necessary.
This is the most recent word I can find on the matter, from March 2009. (I didn't know what my plan was right away, or I'd've announced my switch earlier.)
Use Foul Play three times. If Zal uses a Physical attack, Counter it back instead. If she Protects, use Nasty Plot.

Foul Play/Counter/Nasty Plot x3
Sea Route 230

A small island of rich earth, about twenty metres in diameter, surrounded by the sea. Most of the island is taken up by a plateau covered in shaggy grass, with some higher parts sporting neater blankets of grass with some flowers. There are a few crumbling rocks here and there around the edges, which drop off sharply to the water about four metres down. At the south end, someone has built a set of steps leading down to the water, so anyone who falls off the island (and can swim) can clamber back up.​

Zhorken (oO)
Zal (f) <Arena Trap>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- "Wooo!"

Keigh (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 41%
Energy: 67%

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (f) <Illusion>
Health: 50%
Energy: 61%
- "My fur. :["​

Keigh is quickly returned in a flash of red and replaced by her teammate, Zal, the trapinch. Zal looks excited to battle the already-weakened and revealed zorua, but her ego is a tad bruised when the zorua laughs at how Zal's teammate fled so quickly - is Vriska really that scary? Keigh was so afraiiiid! Zal puffs up, annoyed, and runs towards the zorua, dark energy coating the trapinch's tiny legs and twisting them up together until she trips and falls on her face. Vriska laughs madly while Zal gets up, shaking off the dirt; how rude.

Zal raises a tiny leg and slams it as hard as she can into the island's ground, and the island shakes in reply quite powerfully. A sudden burst of boiling-hot sand erupts beneath Vriska, tossing the pup into the air only to be knocked by another burst of hot sand, and she falls wildly unto the ground again, whimpering and crawling quickly back to her feet. She shakes the sand off her, cursing; she's really sick of all this heat by now.

But she smiles wickedly at Zal, taunting her again, and Zal falls for it, rushing at the zorua like before. And like before, dark energy swirls around her and trips her up, tossing her forwards unto her face quite hard. She gets up, groaning, realizing she should stop falling for the trick but that something keeps making her go after Vriska despite herself.

Instead, though, she steadies herself and hits the ground with all her might. And again sand erupts under Vriska, tossing her up, and she lands quite hard, a sharp bruise building where she hit the ground; that'll hurt later. But right now she's already hurting, and she slowly gets to her paws, shaking from pain and heat. She's really weakening, Zal can tell, and she hopes the zorua will go down soon.

Not soon enough. Again, though it's happened before, Zal can't help but fall for Vriska's taunts; she rushes at her foe and tripes and falls and skids forwards, tiny scrapes building on her rough skin and bleeding droplets into the sand. She shakes herself off; she's pretty tired herself, so fast, taking so much damage, but she's determined to take the zorua down.

She slams the earth again, and when the sand erupts and tosses Vriska up her bruised area makes it hit extra hard; she whimpers loudly as she hits the ground, taking a while to get back up. And when she does, she shaking visibly, barely able to stand steady.​

Zhorken (oO)
Zal (f) <Arena Trap>
Health: 67%
Energy: 76%
- "Oww!"

Keigh (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 41%
Energy: 67%

Mawile (Oo)
Vriska (f) <Illusion>
Health: 18%
Energy: 43%
- "I'm... okay..." -1 sp. def.

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- The second earth power lowered Vriska's sp. defense.
- Zhorken next.
Earth Power her down. If you end up Tormented or something, Signal Beam works too. If she uses Rest, use Giga Drain to target her energy.

Earth Power/Signal Beam/Giga Drain ×3
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