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Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Squornshellous Beta

Active member
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills
Arena: Twilight Cathedral

Once, the Twilight Cathedral was a peaceful place, devoted to the honoring of Gods. Now, all Gods have left, and it is home only to Tiamut, the freakish Bat Queen, spawn of Hell. The Cathedral itself is a massive, open air room, with plenty of room to fly in. In the center is a large pool, ample room for housing even the largest of Pokémon. It is acidic to all but Poison-Type Pokémon, and will cost 1% Health per action for those in it. The ground is warn and cracked, and the remenants of stone Church pews are littered around, as are the scratched remains of great statues.

At the end of the room is a large spiral staircase, leading up to the top of the Cathedral's Spire. At the top is Tiamut, the Bat Queen herself, who eagerly watches the fight. Anyone who strays to near her will find themselves attacked by her jaws. If anyone attacks the Bat Queen, she is liable to send down her children, who will deal a massive 30% damage to anyone they can reach before flying back to their mother.

Coroxn's Active Squad
Happy Feet (Male)
Ability: Torrent

The Fence (Male)
Ability: Shell Armor
Held Item: Water Stone

Kevin (Male)
Ability: Keen Eye
Held Item: item

Uri Geller (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus

Lostprophet (Female)
Ability: Keen Eye

Dory's Almost-Pet (Male)
Ability: Cursed Body

Speedy (Female)
Ability: Sticky Hold

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace

Ampharos's Active Squad
Caber (Male)
Ability: Sheer Force

Hohner (Male)
Ability: Levitate
Held Item: Soothe Bell

Axew (Male)
Ability: Rivalry
Held Item: Lucky Egg

Iisa (Female)
Ability: Rock Head

Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away

Preveza (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Held Item: Dragon Scale

Knossos (Male)
Ability: Storm Drain

Deng Lóng Yú (Male)
Ability: Illuminate

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Held Item: Lucky Egg

Doppelgäng'd (Male)
Ability: Static

First Round
- Coroxn sends out
- Ampharos sends out and attacks
- Coroxn attacks
- I ref
Note to self: Get a better Psychic counter. Against my better judgement, I'll go with our dear friend Chelsae.

Now my snappy little buddy, let's have some fun with or opponent. Start off with a Confuse Ray to help ourselves along. Next try a Screech, unless Confuse Ray failed for some reason, then try it again. Finish off with an X-Scissor.

Confuse Ray ~ Screech/Confuse Ray ~ X-Scissor
Safeguard~Hypnosis~Hypnosis/Dream Eater

Use Safeguard to Negate Confusion and Screech. If the first Hypnosis fails, try again in action three. If it succeeds, Dream Eater. Simples!
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills
Arena: Twilight Cathedral

Once, the Twilight Cathedral was a peaceful place, devoted to the honoring of Gods. Now, all Gods have left, and it is home only to Tiamut, the freakish Bat Queen, spawn of Hell. The Cathedral itself is a massive, open air room, with plenty of room to fly in. In the center is a large pool, ample room for housing even the largest of Pokémon. It is acidic to all but Poison-Type Pokémon, and will cost 1% Health per action for those in it. The ground is worn and cracked, and the remenants of stone Church pews are littered around, as are the scratched remains of great statues.

At the end of the room is a large spiral staircase, leading up to the top of the Cathedral's Spire. At the top is Tiamut, the Bat Queen herself, who eagerly watches the fight. Anyone who strays to near her will find themselves attacked by her jaws. If anyone attacks the Bat Queen, she is liable to send down her children, who will deal a massive 30% damage to anyone they can reach before flying back to their mother.
Pre-round Notes
These people are fools. For what other reason would they come to this accursed place? This was a beautiful place once, a place of worship and of joy, with a clear sparkling pool in the centre; now it has been abandoned, a demon has taken over, and this place is now one of fear and misery. The pool is now a horrible, caustic acid, and the demon herself lives in a tower at one end.

And now people have returned here, for the first time since the demon took over. They don't seem hesitant at all to intrude on her domain, entering the building confidently and quickly taking up positions at opposite ends of the great hall - one even coming dangerously close to the stairs leading up to her tower. Two of them hurl forward Pokéballs, one sending out a Ralts and the other - the one who is in greatest danger from her - calling forth a Skorupi. The girl sits warily on the shattered remains of a seat and, when it doesn't collapse beneath her, relaxes somewhat; she signals for the battle to begin.

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I don't like this place...
Commands: Safeguard ~ Hypnosis ~ Hypnosis / Dream Eater

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Ooh, lovely and dark! :3
Commands: Confuse Ray ~ Screech / Confuse Ray ~ X-Scissor
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 1 Begin!

The Skorupi moves first, coughing a couple of times as though she has something stuck in her throat. She coughs one final time and vomits up a bizarre, glowing orb; it floats over to Raven, who looks at it curiously, but at the last moment it jags wildly in its course, hurling itself into the pool and snuffing itself out. Raven looks at it with interest, but quickly looks away; her eyes take on a pale green glow as she concentrates her energy, conjuring up a shimmering, translucent green shield around herself. She grins, safe from any further attempts at addling her brain.

Chelsae begins hiccuping, suddenly choking up another glowing orb. It floats towards Raven, bouncing off of her shield a couple of times before fading away. She grins again, and suddenly looks Chelsae in the eyes, coming as something of a surprise to her. Raven concentrates, and her eyes take on a bright red glow; Chelsae suddenly slumps down to the ground, her exoskeleton clicking against the floor.

Grinning widely now, Raven closes his eyes and begins expanding his mind out towards Chelsae. He batters down the feeble resistance the Skorupi offers, and begins invading the Skorupi's brain; most specifically, he attacks the pain-central areas, causing his opponent to twist and contort in pain before returning to the privacy of his own brain.

Round 1 End!

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 100%
Energy: 83%
Status: This is going well so far. Safeguard in effect (three more rounds).
Attacks Used: Safeguard ~ Hypnosis ~ Dream Eater

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 83%
Energy: 90%
Status: zzzzzzzzzz Asleep (moderate; one more round).
Attacks Used: Confuse Ray ~ Confuse Ray ~ [asleep]
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Confuse Ray - 5% energy (accuracy roll 100, needed 100 to miss - missed)
Safeguard - 3% energy, 1% per action
Confuse Ray - 5% energy (accuracy roll 46, needed 100 to miss)
Hypnosis - 5% energy (accuracy roll 44, needed 100 to miss)
Dream Eater - 17% damage, 7% energy (accuracy roll 56, needed 100 to miss)

- Ralts are slower than Skorupi and Safeguard doesn't block Screech. If that 1% chance of missing hadn't happened, you'd have been confused and -2 defense.

Arena Notes
- Nothing has changed.

Next Round
- Coroxn attacks
- Ampharos attacks
- I ref
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Calm Mind~Dream Eater (Energy)~Psychic (mental intrusion)
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What is this I don't even

That's the second time in three rounds that I've been in that a one-hundred roll has made a 99% accuracy move miss. Just bloody lovely

Alright Chelsae, you don't have many options, so a couple of Sleep Talks followed by a Chill. Not much else we can do.

Sleep Talk x2 ~ Chill
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills
Arena: Twilight Cathedral

Once, the Twilight Cathedral was a peaceful place, devoted to the honoring of Gods. Now, all Gods have left, and it is home only to Tiamut, the freakish Bat Queen, spawn of Hell. The Cathedral itself is a massive, open air room, with plenty of room to fly in. In the center is a large pool, ample room for housing even the largest of Pokémon. It is acidic to all but Poison-Type Pokémon, and will cost 1% Health per action for those in it. The ground is worn and cracked, and the remenants of stone Church pews are littered around, as are the scratched remains of great statues.

At the end of the room is a large spiral staircase, leading up to the top of the Cathedral's Spire. At the top is Tiamut, the Bat Queen herself, who eagerly watches the fight. Anyone who strays to near her will find themselves attacked by her jaws. If anyone attacks the Bat Queen, she is liable to send down her children, who will deal a massive 30% damage to anyone they can reach before flying back to their mother.

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 100%
Energy: 83%
Status: This is going well so far. Safeguard in effect (three more rounds).
Commands: Calm Mind ~ Dream Eater ~ Psychic

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 83%
Energy: 90%
Status: zzzzzzzzzz Asleep (moderate; one more round).
Commands: Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Chill
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 2 Begin!

Suddenly, Chelsae begins muttering vaguely under her breath in her sleep. Suddenly, she pulls herself upright, still snoring gently; scuttling quickly towards Raven, she raises her claws high, and a purple aura begins to form around them. She charges right through the shield, slicing into Raven's body in a horrible cross shape. Raven screams, the attack having left a significant wound in his body, and drops to the ground, trembling; at the same time, he does her absolute best to empty his mind, clearing away as many unnecessary thoughts as he can. It takes a couple of minutes, but he manages; he stands shakily up, wincing as he aggravates the x-shaped wound in his side.

Still muttering, Chelsae raises one claw, this time summoning a flickering black energy while the referee wonders just how there's such a thing as black light. She brings it down in another fierce slash, carving yet another wound into his side. Wincing, he shuffles away from the Skorupi, now with wounds in both of his sides, and at the same time casts his mind once more towards Chelsae's, this time specifically targetting her life-force. She tears away a portion of it, returning it to her own mind and feeling it replenishing her.

Now done with attacking, Chelsae slumps to the ground, still snoring. Raven, meanwhile, switches targets, moving to the pain centres once more and dealing as much damage as he can. Chelsae screams, suddenly and rudely jolted out of her sleep. She looks around, sees her opponent, and scuttles away, sure that he's the reason for the pain that's stinging her all over.

Round 2 End!

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 70% (CAPPED)
Energy: 71%
Status: This is going SIGNIFICANTLY LESS WELL. Safeguard in effect (two more rounds).
Attacks Used: Calm Mind ~ Dream Eater ~ Psychic

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 66%
Energy: 59%
Status: Okay have I been dipped in acid or something?
Attacks Used: Sleep Talk (Cross Poison) ~ Sleep Talk (Night Slash) ~ Chill (failed)
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Sleep Talk (Cross Poison) - 15% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 31, needed 100 to miss)
Calm Mind - 4% energy
Sleep Talk (Night Slash) - 17% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 7, needed 100 to miss)
Dream Eater - 17% energy (Chelsae), restored 1% energy (accuracy roll 67, needed 100 to miss)
Chill - failed
Psychic - 17% damage, 9% energy (accuracy roll 35, needed 100 to miss)

- Cross Poison was a critical hit. It also would have poisoned Raven but for Safeguard's protection.
- Night Slash was also a critical hit.
- Psychic did not lower special defense.
- Coroxn the RNG hated you this round.
- Chills are banned.

Arena Notes
- Nothing has changed.

Next Round
- Ampharos attacks
- Coroxn attacks
- I ref
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Another note to self: Remember that some people use different banned moves than you do Mmgrrhhfflmmfuu...

Anyways, good job Chelsae, you're clawing your way back *shot* Start off with a good ole Taunt. I don't want him sending you back to sleep anytime soon. Next up try Screech, as it's long overdue. Finish off with X-Scissor. Do these commands sound familiar? Yes, yes they do. Oh, if Taunt fails for some reason and you're asleep at some point, Sleep Talk.

Taunt ~ Screech/Sleep Talk ~ X-Scissor/Sleep Talk
Psychic Thrice
Knock the Skorupi into the pool, and use all your actions holding him under the water. Make sure he doesn't escape, and there'll be an extra Pesto berry for dinner. Screw it, an extra twelve Pesto Berries. You deserve it.
Psychic Thrice
Knock the Skorupi into the pool, and use all your actions holding him under the water. Make sure he doesn't escape, and there'll be an extra Pesto berry for dinner. Screw it, an extra twelve Pesto Berries. You deserve it.

In light of a recent rules decreed by our God Negrek, I instead decree that you deal lots of damage.

Confusion~Psychic (mental intrusion kind)~Psychic (mental intrusion kind).
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills
Arena: Twilight Cathedral

Once, the Twilight Cathedral was a peaceful place, devoted to the honoring of Gods. Now, all Gods have left, and it is home only to Tiamut, the freakish Bat Queen, spawn of Hell. The Cathedral itself is a massive, open air room, with plenty of room to fly in. In the center is a large pool, ample room for housing even the largest of Pokémon. It is acidic to all but Poison-Type Pokémon, and will cost 1% Health per action for those in it. The ground is worn and cracked, and the remenants of stone Church pews are littered around, as are the scratched remains of great statues.

At the end of the room is a large spiral staircase, leading up to the top of the Cathedral's Spire. At the top is Tiamut, the Bat Queen herself, who eagerly watches the fight. Anyone who strays to near her will find themselves attacked by her jaws. If anyone attacks the Bat Queen, she is liable to send down her children, who will deal a massive 30% damage to anyone they can reach before flying back to their mother.
Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 70%
Energy: 71%
Status: This is going SIGNIFICANTLY LESS WELL. Safeguard in effect (two more rounds).
Commands: Confusion ~ Psychic ~ Psychic

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 66%
Energy: 59%
Status: Okay have I been dipped in acid or something?
Commands: Taunt ~ Screech / Sleep Talk ~ X-Scissor / Sleep Talk
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 3 Begin!

Chelsae hisses. That little creature has caused her a lot of pain! She begins to formulate a plan: carefully considering her options, she figures out the perfect sequence of insults, and suddenly begins hissing them at Raven. Quickly they take effect, and Raven feels his mind being taken over by a single goal: tearing that Skorupi limb from limb from limb from limb... or however many would be appropriate. His eyes take on a very harsh pink glow, and Chelsae's do the same: Raven's basically short-circuiting her brain, activating every pain receptor in her body at once. She gives a strangled hiss, her equivalent of a shriek, as she feels as though her entire body is on fire. While the mental assault lasts only a few seconds, it feels like hours to the unfortunate Skorupi before Raven withdraws from her mind; she staggers back, twitching.

Once she regains her balance enough to stay upright, Chelsae wobbles back towards Raven. She makes a horrible, harsh grating screech, which actually physically manifests itself as a rippling distortion in the air; it hurtles towards Raven, who steps to one side, allowing it to pass by comically. As he does, his eyes once more glow horrible pink, and Chelsae finds herself losing control of her body; slamming her head repeatedly against the wall while her nerve endings continue to sear, she tries to scream and finds she can't. As the Ralts once again pauses, regaining his strength, Chelsae wonders if the whole thing is some kind of horrible nightmare.

She staggers upright and suddenly a thought occurs to her. That cursed thing sent her to sleep before, didn't it! She must still be asleep, and that Ralts she could see was the real one, holding her asleep. She hisses, and charges towards him; shouting at him to let her wake, she slices a fresh wound into his side with her claws cloaked in energy, before another psychic blast to her mind renders her uncontrollable again. She whimpers as her legs rebel against her, carrying her away from him; at the same time as she's unceremoniously dumped on the ground, the red haze over Raven's mind fades away, leaving him once again in full control of his actions.

Round 3 End!

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 55%
Energy: 51%
Status: What just happened? Safeguard in effect (one more round).
Attacks Used: Confusion ~ Psychic ~ Psychic

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 36% (CAPPED)
Energy: 48%
Status: Let me awake, foul thing! Special defense -2.
Attacks Used: Taunt ~ Screech ~ X-Scissor
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Taunt - 3% energy (accuracy roll 51, needed 100 to miss)
Confusion - 7% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 75, needed 100 to miss)
Screech - 2% energy (accuracy roll 91, needed 85 or above to miss - missed)
Psychic - 15% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 19, needed 100 to miss)
X-Scissor - 15% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 95, needed 100 to miss)
Psychic - 17% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 76, needed 100 to miss)

- Confusion didn't inflict confusion.
- Both Psychics lowered special defense.

Arena Notes
- Nothing has changed.

Next Round
- Coroxn attacks
- Ampharos attacks
- I ref
Awesome. Hypnosis. Then Dream Eater (Health), or Hypnosis again if it failed the first time. And finally Dream Eater (Health), or Hypnosis if the Skorupi is not asleep.

Hypnosis~Dream Eater (Health)/Hypnosis~Dream Eater (Health)/Hypnosis
Wow, I fail. I ask a question in the Attacks and Abilities guide and then figure out a better strategy one second later.

OK Chelsae, small Substitute then a couple more X-Scissors.

Substitute (10%) ~ X-Scissor x2
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills
Arena: Twilight Cathedral

Once, the Twilight Cathedral was a peaceful place, devoted to the honoring of Gods. Now, all Gods have left, and it is home only to Tiamut, the freakish Bat Queen, spawn of Hell. The Cathedral itself is a massive, open air room, with plenty of room to fly in. In the center is a large pool, ample room for housing even the largest of Pokémon. It is acidic to all but Poison-Type Pokémon, and will cost 1% Health per action for those in it. The ground is worn and cracked, and the remenants of stone Church pews are littered around, as are the scratched remains of great statues.

At the end of the room is a large spiral staircase, leading up to the top of the Cathedral's Spire. At the top is Tiamut, the Bat Queen herself, who eagerly watches the fight. Anyone who strays to near her will find themselves attacked by her jaws. If anyone attacks the Bat Queen, she is liable to send down her children, who will deal a massive 30% damage to anyone they can reach before flying back to their mother.

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 55%
Energy: 51%
Status: What just happened? Safeguard in effect (one more round).
Commands: Hypnosis ~ Dream Eater / Hypnosis ~ Dream Eater / Hypnosis

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 36% (CAPPED)
Energy: 48%
Status: Let me awake, foul thing! Special defense -2.
Commands: Substitute ~ X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 4 Begin!

As the round begins, Chelsae scuttles over to the poisonous pool, dipping her tail into it and injecting it with a venom infused with her very own life energy. The water, displaying properties it never should, begins to creep out of the pool, a puddle beginning to form. It quickly begins to build itself up, a Skorupi-shaped statue of water forming, before beginning to move. The thing - with a vaguely yellowish substance floating in it, which the ref assumes to be Chelsae's venom. Raven, meanwhile, is trying to send another hypnotic impluse to Chelsae, in an attempt to put her to sleep; apparently the substitute has some bizarre properties, though, since it absorbs the psychic impulse completely, leaving nothing to affect the real thing.

Chelsae scuttles forward, dodging round her clone to get to Raven. Once more, she raises her claws high, carving yet another x-shaped wound into his side, and prompting another yell from him. He glares - surely, though, this time she can't escape his Hypnosis. Or so he thinks: as the air distorts around the psychic energy, he watches its progress... and it tears in half to go right around her, smack into the forehead of her watery duplicate. He gapes, dumbfounded, and Chelsae uses the opportunity to get in another strike: he's really getting torn up badly by now, blood dripping constantly from his many wounds and making it incredibly difficult to walk. He tries, in his desperation, one final Hypnosis attack; once more it goes right round its target and strikes the Substitute, and he hangs his head hopelessly. And, as though to add insult to injury, his Safeguard shield suddenly flickers and melts away.

Round 4 End!

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 25%
Energy: 36%
Status: This is useless.
Attacks Used: Hypnosis ~ Hypnosis ~ Hypnosis

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 26%
Energy: 31%
Status: Hah. Things are starting to go my way. Special defense -2.
Attacks Used: Substitute ~ X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Substitute - 10% health (Chelsae), 5% energy
Hypnosis - 5% energy
X-Scissor - 15% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 83, needed 100 to miss)
Hypnosis - 5% energy
X-Scissor - 15% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 55, needed 100 to miss)
Hypnosis - 5% energy

- I... can't really think of anything to say, really.

Arena Notes
- Nothing has changed.

Next Round
- Ampharos attacks
- Coroxn attacks
- I ref
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Substitute (10%) ~ X-Scissor x2

You gave her a 15% Substitute instead

OK Chelsae, we're almost out of the woods now! X-Scissor all the way. If you miraculously manage to fall asleep, Sleep Talk again.

X-Scissor/Sleep Talk x3

Now I wait while Coroxn finds a loophole that is most likely existent but I'm to lazy to look up!
Confuse the clone. If it survives, blast it with Psychic, as long as it takes. Otherwise, hypnotise Chelsea until she falls asleep. Once she is, Dream eater (health) is in order.
Confusion (on sub)~Hypnosis/Psychic if Sub survives~Hypnosis/Psychic if sub survives/Dream Eater (Health) if Chelsea is asleep.
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3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills
Arena: Twilight Cathedral

Once, the Twilight Cathedral was a peaceful place, devoted to the honoring of Gods. Now, all Gods have left, and it is home only to Tiamut, the freakish Bat Queen, spawn of Hell. The Cathedral itself is a massive, open air room, with plenty of room to fly in. In the center is a large pool, ample room for housing even the largest of Pokémon. It is acidic to all but Poison-Type Pokémon, and will cost 1% Health per action for those in it. The ground is worn and cracked, and the remenants of stone Church pews are littered around, as are the scratched remains of great statues.

At the end of the room is a large spiral staircase, leading up to the top of the Cathedral's Spire. At the top is Tiamut, the Bat Queen herself, who eagerly watches the fight. Anyone who strays to near her will find themselves attacked by her jaws. If anyone attacks the Bat Queen, she is liable to send down her children, who will deal a massive 30% damage to anyone they can reach before flying back to their mother.

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 25%
Energy: 36%
Status: This is useless.
Commands: Confusion ~ Hypnosis / Psychic ~ Hypnosis / Psychic / Dream Eater

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 26%
Energy: 31%
Status: Hah. Things are starting to go my way. Special defense -2.
Commands: X-Scissor / Sleep Talk ~ X-Scissor / Sleep Talk ~ X-Scissor / Sleep Talk
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 5 Begin!

Chelsae scuttles round her clone, darting towards Raven with her claws once again raised. She slices yet another wound into Raven's side, at the same time reflecting that the repetitive attack is becoming somewhat boring. As she scuttles away, retreating behind her Substitute, Raven once again prepares his mental energies; this time, his eyes glow with a rainbowy light, which suddenly shoots forward as a beam, striking the clone directly and exploding it in a shower of water.

Angry now, Chelsae scuttles for the final time towards Raven, splishing through her once-helpful puddle, and raises her claws high. She tackles Raven in the side, knocking him over, before slicing violently into his side once more. An enormous wound is slashed into his chest, and he screams; the attack is just too much for hin to take, and he collapses backwards, bleeding profusely from the chest. His trainer recalls him, looking quite worried, but knows that his condition is stable so long as he's in his Pokéball; he replaces the ball on his belt, considering what to replace it with.

Round 5 End!

Team Coroxn

Raven (Male)
Ability: Trace
Health: 0%
Energy: 32%
Status: Knocked out!
Attacks Used: Confusion

Team Ampharos

Chelsae (Female)
Ability: Sniper
Health: 26%
Energy: 19%
Status: That guy was starting to annoy me. Special defense -2.
Attacks Used: X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
X-Scissor - 15% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 7, needed 100 to miss)
Confusion - 11% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 46, needed 100 to miss)
X-Scissor - 15% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 7, needed 100 to miss)


Arena Notes
- There's a little puddle where Chelsae's Substitute exploded.

Next Round
- Coroxn sends out and attacks
- Ampharos attacks
- I ref
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