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[11] Ampharos vs Grass King (ref: Squornshellous Beta)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, attacks that require terrain resources (e.g. water, rocks, or plants), weather attacks
Terrain: Nimbasa City Music Hall

As the TCoD League championship moves on from Castelia City, the next stop is Unova's recreation hotspot, Nimbasa City. There are all kinds of attractions to choose from: the ferris wheel, the sports domes, and even the battle subway, perhaps a natural choice for a pokémon tournament. But let's be serious--these all pale into comparison to the real reason you'd want to visit Nimbasa City. After all, you haven't really lived until you've stuck a moustache on your Arceus and then chuckled to yourself as you watched the creator of the pokémon world prancing and rolling across the stage next to a patrat wearing cowboy boots.

Yes, the league is taking to the stage and setting its next round of battle to music. The battle takes place on one of the four Music Hall stages (Stardom, Forest Stroll, A Sweet Soiree, or Exciting Nimbasa), selected at random. The different backdrops have no effect on the battle. In addition, trainers may dress their pokémon up in any way that they wish, although costumes will also have no effect on the battle (even if they include things like weapons or props that would ordinarily be useful in a fight). However, they can also choose the music that will play during each round, and different tunes will have different effects on the pokémon battling.

Battles for this round will begin with the posting of each player's active squad as usual. After that, however, each player PM's their choice of pokémon, a description of that pokémon's costume, and their selection of songs and their effects to the referee. Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round. Once the pokémon and songs have been received from both players, the referee will randomize which player gives commands first, then posts what pokémon each player will be using and the song (and the effects it will have on the battle) that will play for the first round--the first song on the list for the player who orders first in the first round. From that point forward, commands proceed as normal, with the referee posting the next song and its effects at the end of each round. If neither pokémon has been knocked out at the end of ten rounds, the winner will be determined by totaling each pokémon's health and energy, the same way it was during the previous round.

Any sort of music can be specified as the song for a given round, but please don't pick something offensive. Don't make me regret not restricting you to songs without lyrics, that is. A song can have a variety of effects on the battlefield, whether raising the power of some kinds of attacks for that round to healing status ailments. However, they must affect both pokémon equally--you can't have only your pokémon get an attack boost, for example. However, it's fine if you specify an effect that, due to the nature of your pokémon, will not affect the opponent the same as your pokémon; for example, if you specify that both pokémon will become severely poisoned but send out a steel-type, then your pokémon will not be poisoned even though your opponent's might. Effects that would ordinarily last multiple rounds (like trick room, weather attacks, or status conditions), if caused by a song, will last only for that round, and you can ask for weather effects even though pokémon won't be able to create them with their attacks. Effects always come into play at the beginning of the round, before either pokémon has the opportunity to act; thus, if a song will cause both pokémon to be burned, they will start out the round burned, and the burn can't be prevented by any of their attacks (i.e. you can't block a first-action burn with a safeguard).

Songs are restricted to causing damage/energy swings of no more than 3% (e.g. "All fire attacks cause 3% more damage after all effects" or "All fire attacks cost 3% less energy after all effects) and causing stat boosts/reductions of no more than two levels. They may also have only one effect: they cause hail to come into play or they increase fire-type attack damage by 3% or they cause both pokémon to fall asleep or they cause both pokémon to become paralyzed, etc., not any combination thereof. They also may not prevent the pokémon from acting in a round, e.g. "neither pokémon can use damaging attacks this round" or "neither pokémon can act this round", ban one or more attacks for the round, or alter the pokémon's movepools.

If you don't want to go to the trouble to figure out a set of songs for yourself and/or don't want your pokémon to fight in costume, then just let your referee know when you choose which pokémon to send out. They will come up with a list of randomly-selected pokémon-related songs with associated effects and then PM them back to you, so that you retain the advantage of knowing what will happen on each one of "your" song rounds. (Or, if the referee doesn't want to do that either, they can PM me and I'll provide the music for that player instead.)

Ampharos's Active Squad

Caber the Male Timburr
Ability: Sheer Force

Hohner the Male Chingling
Ability: Levitate
Item: Soothe Bell

Iron Tooth the Male Axew
Ability: Rivalry
Item: Lucky Egg

Iisa the Female Cubone
Ability: Rock Head

Romero Diazi the Male Buneary
Ability: Run Away

Preveza the Female Horsea
Ability: Sniper
Item: Dragon Scale

Dēng Lóng Yú the Male Chinchou
Ability: Illuminate

Chelsae the Female Skorupi
Ability: Sniper

Doppelgäng'd the Male Mareep
Ability: Static

Deity the Male Bidoof
Ability: Simple

Grass King's Active Squad

Ectoplasm the Male Haunter
Ability: Levitate
Item: Black Sludge

Red Lightning the Male Scizor
Ability: Swarm
Item: Dragon Scale

Dr. Crane the Male Cacnea
Ability: Sand Veil
Item: Lucky Egg

Kitsune the Female Vulpix
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone

Gargoyle the Male Druddigon
Ability: Rough Skin
Item: Metal Coat

Monopole the Unknown Metagross
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Leftovers

Oyster the Male Shellder
Ability: Skill Link
Item: Water Stone

Tournament Defeat the Male Sneasel
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: Razor Claw

Espionage the Female Kecleon
Ability: Color Change
Item: Blackglasses

Remoraid the Female Remoraid
Ability: Hustle
Item: Wide Lens

Both players should PM their pokémon, dress-up, and music choices to the referee. Once this has been done, the turn order and song for the first round will be posted and commands can be made as normal.
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Okay, the Pokémon and accessories have been chosen. The choices are as follows:

Team Ampharos
Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away
Accessories: White cape; white top hat; black bow tie.

Team Grass King
Monopole (Genderless)
Ability: Clear Body
Accessories: Superman cape; claws painted red; red "S" painted on head.
Item: Leftovers

And the first round order is as follows:
- Grass King attacks
- Ampharos attacks
- I ref
Oops, my bad.
The song for this round is as follows.
Save Me by Remy Zero - There is a 10% chance on each action that someone will swoop in to defend a battler from an attack targeted at them. Each Pokémon can only be protected once.
Okay Monopole, lets start off with a Rock Smash, then follow up with a Defence Curl, and finish up with Hone Claws. If he protects (not via the song) then use Light Screen. If he protects and you've already used Light Screen, then use Stealth Rock

Rock Smash / Light Screen ~ Defence Curl / Light Screen / Stealth Rock ~ Hone Claws / Light Screen / Stealth Rock
Alright Romero, start with a Fake Out, then try to paralyze him with a Thunder Wave. Finally, use Fire Punch. If Thunder Wave failed on the second action try it again on the third.

Fake Out ~ Thunder Wave ~ Fire Punch/Thunder Wave
[size]1 vs 1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, attacks that require terrain resources (e.g. water, rocks, or plants), weather attacks
Terrain: Nimbasa City Music Hall

As the TCoD League championship moves on from Castelia City, the next stop is Unova's recreation hotspot, Nimbasa City. There are all kinds of attractions to choose from: the ferris wheel, the sports domes, and even the battle subway, perhaps a natural choice for a pokémon tournament. But let's be serious--these all pale into comparison to the real reason you'd want to visit Nimbasa City. After all, you haven't really lived until you've stuck a moustache on your Arceus and then chuckled to yourself as you watched the creator of the pokémon world prancing and rolling across the stage next to a patrat wearing cowboy boots.

Yes, the league is taking to the stage and setting its next round of battle to music. The battle takes place on one of the four Music Hall stages (Stardom, Forest Stroll, A Sweet Soiree, or Exciting Nimbasa), selected at random. The different backdrops have no effect on the battle. In addition, trainers may dress their pokémon up in any way that they wish, although costumes will also have no effect on the battle (even if they include things like weapons or props that would ordinarily be useful in a fight). However, they can also choose the music that will play during each round, and different tunes will have different effects on the pokémon battling.

Battles for this round will begin with the posting of each player's active squad as usual. After that, however, each player PM's their choice of pokémon, a description of that pokémon's costume, and their selection of songs and their effects to the referee. Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round. Once the pokémon and songs have been received from both players, the referee will randomize which player gives commands first, then posts what pokémon each player will be using and the song (and the effects it will have on the battle) that will play for the first round--the first song on the list for the player who orders first in the first round. From that point forward, commands proceed as normal, with the referee posting the next song and its effects at the end of each round. If neither pokémon has been knocked out at the end of ten rounds, the winner will be determined by totaling each pokémon's health and energy, the same way it was during the previous round.

Any sort of music can be specified as the song for a given round, but please don't pick something offensive. Don't make me regret not restricting you to songs without lyrics, that is. A song can have a variety of effects on the battlefield, whether raising the power of some kinds of attacks for that round to healing status ailments. However, they must affect both pokémon equally--you can't have only your pokémon get an attack boost, for example. However, it's fine if you specify an effect that, due to the nature of your pokémon, will not affect the opponent the same as your pokémon; for example, if you specify that both pokémon will become severely poisoned but send out a steel-type, then your pokémon will not be poisoned even though your opponent's might. Effects that would ordinarily last multiple rounds (like trick room, weather attacks, or status conditions), if caused by a song, will last only for that round, and you can ask for weather effects even though pokémon won't be able to create them with their attacks. Effects always come into play at the beginning of the round, before either pokémon has the opportunity to act; thus, if a song will cause both pokémon to be burned, they will start out the round burned, and the burn can't be prevented by any of their attacks (i.e. you can't block a first-action burn with a safeguard).

Songs are restricted to causing damage/energy swings of no more than 3% (e.g. "All fire attacks cause 3% more damage after all effects" or "All fire attacks cost 3% less energy after all effects) and causing stat boosts/reductions of no more than two levels. They may also have only one effect: they cause hail to come into play or they increase fire-type attack damage by 3% or they cause both pokémon to fall asleep or they cause both pokémon to become paralyzed, etc., not any combination thereof. They also may not prevent the pokémon from acting in a round, e.g. "neither pokémon can use damaging attacks this round" or "neither pokémon can act this round", ban one or more attacks for the round, or alter the pokémon's movepools.

If you don't want to go to the trouble to figure out a set of songs for yourself and/or don't want your pokémon to fight in costume, then just let your referee know when you choose which pokémon to send out. They will come up with a list of randomly-selected pokémon-related songs with associated effects and then PM them back to you, so that you retain the advantage of knowing what will happen on each one of "your" song rounds. (Or, if the referee doesn't want to do that either, they can PM me and I'll provide the music for that player instead.)[/size]
Pre-round Notes
The tournament continues. These two trainers have been skilled enough - or perhaps lucky, or against weaker opponents - but whatever the case, they've advanced past the first round, and now they have come to the wonderfully beautiful Nimbasa City. They've entered the Music Hall, specially booked for the occasion, and a referee has taken place on stage. The lights dim, the audience become still and quiet, and the curtains at either end suddenly lift, to reveal the trainers at either end; one trainer has behind him a small, fluffy brown creature, wearing a terribly dignified outfit of a fine white cape, a white top hat and a black bow tie; the other trainer has a much larger, quadrupedal, metallic creature, wearing a silly-looking costume: a Superman cape, its claws painted bright red, and a red "S" painted on the top of its head. It also has some manner of sunglasses over its eyes, but the trainer carefully removes them, allowing the creature to see in the dim stage lights. The audience giggles, seeing such an imposing creature in a cartoonish outfit, but quickly falls silent again as the referee raises a flag to the sky and, with a clearly-rehearsed ease, shouts "battle begin!"

Team Ampharos

Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I feel dignified. Yus.
Accessories: White cape; white top hat; black bow tie.
Commands: Fake Out ~ Thunder Wave ~ Fire Punch / Thunder Wave

Team Grass King

Monopole (Genderless)
Ability: Clear Body
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Here to save the day: SuperMetagross.
Accessories: Superman cape; claws painted red; red "S" painted on head.
Commands: Rock Smash / Light Screen ~ Defense Curl / Light Screen / Stealth Rock ~ Hone Claws / Light Screen / Stealth Rock
Item: Leftovers

Round 1 Begin!

Before anything can actually happen, though, the music system set around the room kicks into life. A song suddenly begins playing in the background, booming around the arena; the referee grins, knowing what effects it will have, but otherwise it seems to go mostly unregarded. It is, after all, the Music Hall; presumably it's fairly routine.

As the enormous Metagross walks slowly forward, the much more agile Buneary leaps into the air, high bounds taking him quickly towards his opponent. His fist, as he goes, becomes enveloped in a crackling, dark energy. He lands right in front of his massive foe, smiling a dignified smile as he makes an enormous show of going in for a punch - but at the very last moment, he stops, pulls his fist back, dives underneath Monopole and delivers a blow to its underside, wincing as he bruises his fist on the metal form. He leaps out from beneath Monopole, emerging behind it, and watches in amusement as the creature's supercomputer-like brain struggles to comprehend what's going on.

After a good five seconds, Romero turns back to Monopole, which is only now beginning to heave its enormous form to face him. Quickly, he begins building up the static electricity in his fluffly coat, amplifying and concentrating it as best he can. He quickly touches a paw to the metallic shell, a zapping sound ringing forth as they both feel the jolt; the electricity runs through the titan's figure, quickly messing up the complicated systems that allow it to move. It keeps turning, but at a significantly reduced capability now; its speed is probably fully a quarter of its usual. It growls menacingly, and at the same time its immense brain flips between options for the best one: it begins to perform complex operations, quickly infusing its shell with an even harder metal, leaving itself significantly more solid.

Still ever-so-dignified, Romero leaps into the air again, once more prompting Monopole to begin slowly heaving itself around. As he jumps, though, he begins to gather his energy, and suddenly his entire hand bursts into flames; he makes very sure to keep it away from his classy suit, not wanting to catch fire, and lands on the top of Monopole's head. His entire body twists round as he punches his moving platform, the fire briefly searing its hard form; as he jumps clear of Monopole, the song in the background reaches a high point; suddenly, out of the shadows near the ceiling, a shadowy form drops, landing on the stage in front of the Buneary; he gasps, but the form doesn't seem hostile. When the trainers see that the referee makes no move to remove the interloper, they relax somewhat, though still wary. Monopole, meanwhile, pays the form no mind, instead raising each of his legs in turn and beginning to grind his claws against his body, sharpening and toughening them and, interestingly, revealing that the red dye seems to go all the way through, since the newly exposed areas of metal are still red, rather than the silver one would expect.

As the song draws to an end, the shadowy figure - still unidentified - leaps away into the shadows at the side of the arena. The battlers - well, one of them at least - stares curiously at its retreating form, but doesn't pay it too much heed, while Monopole continues staring into the air, calculating many millions of things at once.

Round 1 End!

Team Ampharos

Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: I still feel dignified. That interloper will not take that from me.
Accessories: White cape; white top hat; black bow tie.
Commands: Fake Out ~ Thunder Wave ~ Fire Punch

Team Grass King

Monopole (Genderless)
Ability: Clear Body
Health: 90%
Energy: 95%
Status: Figure analyzed: no match in data banks. Attack +1, defense +1, accuracy +1; paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis).
Accessories: Superman cape; claws painted red; red "S" painted on head.
Commands: [flinch] ~ Defense Curl ~ Hone Claws
Item: Leftovers

Damage / Energy Calculations
Fake Out - 4% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 8, needed 100 to miss)
Thunder Wave - 3% energy (accuracy roll 61, needed 100 to miss)
Defense Curl - 2% energy
Fire Punch - 9% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 84, needed 100 to miss)
Hone Claws - 3% energy

- I cannot imagine Defense Curl functioning at all as described, so I hope you guys like Harden-esque description.
- Fire Punch did not inflict a burn.

Arena Notes
- The stage is Exciting Nimbasa.
- This round, the song was Save Me. There was a 10% chance on each action that a battler would be protected from an attack, though to a maximum of once each. This came into effect for Romero on the third action, but was rendered useless because Monopole was not using a damaging attack.
- Next round, the song will be Stop! In The Name of Love. Each Pokemon's Attack and Sp. Attack will be lowered by one stage for the round.

Next Round
- Ampharos attacks
- Grass King attacks
- I ref
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Alright Romero, good work so far.

I want you to start off with Sweet Kiss for more status fun. Next up try a Charm, counteracting that Hone Claws from last round. Finish with another Fire Punch. I can't be bothered for conditionals with this lovely speed advantage.

Sweet Kiss ~ Charm ~ Fire Punch
Okay, throw up a Protect to stop that confusion, even if it does have 75% accuracy. Then we can use Hone Claws again to boost are accuracy even more, and our ability will stop him lowering our attack. Then we can finish off with a Hammer Arm to do some real damage to her.

Protect ~ Hone Claws ~ Hammer Arm

(Also Monopole didn't appear to regain any health from his Leftovers)
Stat Modifier: This attack causes one of a pokémon's six statistics--accuracy, attack, defense, special attack, special defense, and speed--to rise or fall. The stat altered is indicated after the stat modifier class in parentheses. The description explains both whether the stat is increased or decreased and the magnitude of that increase or decrease. Each of a pokémon's stats, with the exception of accuracy, can be raised to a level of +6 and lowered to a level of -6. Accuracy can only be increased up to zero, or neutral, or be lowered to a minimum of -6. If the attack description says that the attack raises or lowers an attack "slightly," it improves or harms that stat by one level. If it says that the stat is "greatly" increased or decreased, then that stat rises or falls by two levels.

I didn't see that the first Hone Claws raised accuracy in the end of round summary, but according to that quote, it shouldn't have. I think Grass King should get to re-order then.

Sorry for being so nit-picky Squorn
That's an old rule from before there were accuracy-increasing moves. Hone claws should raise accuracy.
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, attacks that require terrain resources (e.g. water, rocks, or plants), weather attacks
Terrain: Nimbasa City Music Hall

As the TCoD League championship moves on from Castelia City, the next stop is Unova's recreation hotspot, Nimbasa City. There are all kinds of attractions to choose from: the ferris wheel, the sports domes, and even the battle subway, perhaps a natural choice for a pokémon tournament. But let's be serious--these all pale into comparison to the real reason you'd want to visit Nimbasa City. After all, you haven't really lived until you've stuck a moustache on your Arceus and then chuckled to yourself as you watched the creator of the pokémon world prancing and rolling across the stage next to a patrat wearing cowboy boots.

Yes, the league is taking to the stage and setting its next round of battle to music. The battle takes place on one of the four Music Hall stages (Stardom, Forest Stroll, A Sweet Soiree, or Exciting Nimbasa), selected at random. The different backdrops have no effect on the battle. In addition, trainers may dress their pokémon up in any way that they wish, although costumes will also have no effect on the battle (even if they include things like weapons or props that would ordinarily be useful in a fight). However, they can also choose the music that will play during each round, and different tunes will have different effects on the pokémon battling.

Battles for this round will begin with the posting of each player's active squad as usual. After that, however, each player PM's their choice of pokémon, a description of that pokémon's costume, and their selection of songs and their effects to the referee. Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round. Once the pokémon and songs have been received from both players, the referee will randomize which player gives commands first, then posts what pokémon each player will be using and the song (and the effects it will have on the battle) that will play for the first round--the first song on the list for the player who orders first in the first round. From that point forward, commands proceed as normal, with the referee posting the next song and its effects at the end of each round. If neither pokémon has been knocked out at the end of ten rounds, the winner will be determined by totaling each pokémon's health and energy, the same way it was during the previous round.

Any sort of music can be specified as the song for a given round, but please don't pick something offensive. Don't make me regret not restricting you to songs without lyrics, that is. A song can have a variety of effects on the battlefield, whether raising the power of some kinds of attacks for that round to healing status ailments. However, they must affect both pokémon equally--you can't have only your pokémon get an attack boost, for example. However, it's fine if you specify an effect that, due to the nature of your pokémon, will not affect the opponent the same as your pokémon; for example, if you specify that both pokémon will become severely poisoned but send out a steel-type, then your pokémon will not be poisoned even though your opponent's might. Effects that would ordinarily last multiple rounds (like trick room, weather attacks, or status conditions), if caused by a song, will last only for that round, and you can ask for weather effects even though pokémon won't be able to create them with their attacks. Effects always come into play at the beginning of the round, before either pokémon has the opportunity to act; thus, if a song will cause both pokémon to be burned, they will start out the round burned, and the burn can't be prevented by any of their attacks (i.e. you can't block a first-action burn with a safeguard).

Songs are restricted to causing damage/energy swings of no more than 3% (e.g. "All fire attacks cause 3% more damage after all effects" or "All fire attacks cost 3% less energy after all effects) and causing stat boosts/reductions of no more than two levels. They may also have only one effect: they cause hail to come into play or they increase fire-type attack damage by 3% or they cause both pokémon to fall asleep or they cause both pokémon to become paralyzed, etc., not any combination thereof. They also may not prevent the pokémon from acting in a round, e.g. "neither pokémon can use damaging attacks this round" or "neither pokémon can act this round", ban one or more attacks for the round, or alter the pokémon's movepools.

If you don't want to go to the trouble to figure out a set of songs for yourself and/or don't want your pokémon to fight in costume, then just let your referee know when you choose which pokémon to send out. They will come up with a list of randomly-selected pokémon-related songs with associated effects and then PM them back to you, so that you retain the advantage of knowing what will happen on each one of "your" song rounds. (Or, if the referee doesn't want to do that either, they can PM me and I'll provide the music for that player instead.)

Team Ampharos

Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: I still feel dignified. That interloper will not take that from me.
Accessories: White cape; white top hat; black bow tie.
Commands: Sweet Kiss ~ Charm ~ Fire Punch

Team Grass King

Monopole (Genderless)
Ability: Clear Body
Health: 90%
Energy: 95%
Status: Figure analyzed: no match in data banks. Attack +1, defense +1, accuracy +1; paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis).
Accessories: Superman cape; claws painted red; red "S" painted on head.
Commands: Protect ~ Hone Claws ~ Hammer Arm
Item: Leftovers

Round 2 Begin!

A few seconds later, another song comes on the speakers; both Pokémon feel themselves preparing to weaken their blows, to their surprise.

Monopole quickly manipulates its energy, its eyes a shimmering green as a translucent shield of the same color materializes around its enormous frame. Romero, leaping towards it, looks for an opening, but finds nothing; with no real option, he simply blows a kiss to the Metagross before leaping back once more. With no further use for the shield, Monopole lets it drop, and it flickers for a brief second before vanishing.

Romero puts on his best pout, looking as sad as he can and calling out to Monopole. "What's the matter? Don't you like me? I was, was only trying to give you a little kiss... I don't mean anything bad, and you..." he continues in this vein for a minute more, all while Monopole stares on, emotionless. Eventually his tirade ends, and Monopole is visibly unmoved; suddenly, he turns away, beginning to once more sharpen his claws against one another and leaving them now razor-pointed.

Now Romero is beginning to become angry. He bounds forward, leaping high, and cloaks his fist once again in fire; he dives into Monopole, doing his best to melt the Metagross' metallic hide - to no avail, it seems, since the armor is significantly heat-resistant. As Romero winces, his fist now aching quite badly, Monopole makes its most significant movement so far: raising its leg high, it moves startlingly fast and smashes its foot down on Romero, with such significant force that the entire arena quakes, a network of cracks rafiates outwards from the spot, and the heavy armor even buckles slightly. After a few seconds of holding its opponent in place, it removes its leg to reveal a very hurt-looking Buneary, and Monopole winces slightly as its damaged armor hinders its movement.

At the same time, the song ends; the Pokémon can now return their blows to normal strength, thankfully.

Round 2 End!

Team Ampharos

Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 82%
Energy: 76%
Status: I say, that's a bit rude.
Accessories: White cape; white top hat; black bow tie.
Commands: Sweet Kiss ~ Charm ~ Fire Punch

Team Grass King

Monopole (Genderless)
Ability: Clear Body
Health: 86%
Energy: 80%
Status: Armor integrity compromised. Attack +2, defense +1, speed -1, accuracy +2; paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis).
Accessories: Superman cape; claws painted red; red "S" painted on head.
Commands: Protect ~ Hone Claws ~ Hammer Arm
Item: Leftovers

Damage / Energy Calculations
Protect - 4% energy
Sweet Kiss - 5% energy (accuracy roll 27, needed 75 or above to miss)
Charm - 3% energy (accuracy roll 33, needed 100 to miss)
Hone Claws - 3% energy
Fire Punch - 7% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 97, needed 100 to miss)
Hammer Arm - 18% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 60, needed 100 to miss)

- Clear Body negated Charm.
- Fire Punch did not inflict a burn.

Arena Notes
- The stage is Exciting Nimbasa.
- There is a significant network of cracks where Hammer Arm struck.
- This round, the song was Stop! In The Name of Love. Each Pokemon's Attack and Sp. Attack will be lowered by one stage for the round.
- Next round, the song will be Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. Both Pokémon will gain Insomnia in addition to all other abilities.

Next Round
- Grass King attacks
- Ampharos attacks
- I ref
Okay Monopole, now we're getting into it. Start off with Toxic since it will work great with your increased accuracy. Then go in for another Hammer Arm. Finish off with a Brick Break. If he uses Protect at any point, then use Hone Claws.

Toxic/Hone Claws ~ Hammer Arm/Hone Claws ~ Brick Break/Hone Claws
Gah, now I forget about Clear Body. OK, not to worry Romero.

Start off with a Switcheroo to grab those Leftovers off of him. Next up, Dig down before he can hit you with that Hammer Arm. Finally, wait until you think he's made his move before coming up with Dig. If you don't think you can time this right, just use a Work Up underground.

Switcheroo ~ Dig (down) ~ Dig (up)/Work Up
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, attacks that require terrain resources (e.g. water, rocks, or plants), weather attacks
Terrain: Nimbasa City Music Hall

As the TCoD League championship moves on from Castelia City, the next stop is Unova's recreation hotspot, Nimbasa City. There are all kinds of attractions to choose from: the ferris wheel, the sports domes, and even the battle subway, perhaps a natural choice for a pokémon tournament. But let's be serious--these all pale into comparison to the real reason you'd want to visit Nimbasa City. After all, you haven't really lived until you've stuck a moustache on your Arceus and then chuckled to yourself as you watched the creator of the pokémon world prancing and rolling across the stage next to a patrat wearing cowboy boots.

Yes, the league is taking to the stage and setting its next round of battle to music. The battle takes place on one of the four Music Hall stages (Stardom, Forest Stroll, A Sweet Soiree, or Exciting Nimbasa), selected at random. The different backdrops have no effect on the battle. In addition, trainers may dress their pokémon up in any way that they wish, although costumes will also have no effect on the battle (even if they include things like weapons or props that would ordinarily be useful in a fight). However, they can also choose the music that will play during each round, and different tunes will have different effects on the pokémon battling.

Battles for this round will begin with the posting of each player's active squad as usual. After that, however, each player PM's their choice of pokémon, a description of that pokémon's costume, and their selection of songs and their effects to the referee. Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round. Once the pokémon and songs have been received from both players, the referee will randomize which player gives commands first, then posts what pokémon each player will be using and the song (and the effects it will have on the battle) that will play for the first round--the first song on the list for the player who orders first in the first round. From that point forward, commands proceed as normal, with the referee posting the next song and its effects at the end of each round. If neither pokémon has been knocked out at the end of ten rounds, the winner will be determined by totaling each pokémon's health and energy, the same way it was during the previous round.

Any sort of music can be specified as the song for a given round, but please don't pick something offensive. Don't make me regret not restricting you to songs without lyrics, that is. A song can have a variety of effects on the battlefield, whether raising the power of some kinds of attacks for that round to healing status ailments. However, they must affect both pokémon equally--you can't have only your pokémon get an attack boost, for example. However, it's fine if you specify an effect that, due to the nature of your pokémon, will not affect the opponent the same as your pokémon; for example, if you specify that both pokémon will become severely poisoned but send out a steel-type, then your pokémon will not be poisoned even though your opponent's might. Effects that would ordinarily last multiple rounds (like trick room, weather attacks, or status conditions), if caused by a song, will last only for that round, and you can ask for weather effects even though pokémon won't be able to create them with their attacks. Effects always come into play at the beginning of the round, before either pokémon has the opportunity to act; thus, if a song will cause both pokémon to be burned, they will start out the round burned, and the burn can't be prevented by any of their attacks (i.e. you can't block a first-action burn with a safeguard).

Songs are restricted to causing damage/energy swings of no more than 3% (e.g. "All fire attacks cause 3% more damage after all effects" or "All fire attacks cost 3% less energy after all effects) and causing stat boosts/reductions of no more than two levels. They may also have only one effect: they cause hail to come into play or they increase fire-type attack damage by 3% or they cause both pokémon to fall asleep or they cause both pokémon to become paralyzed, etc., not any combination thereof. They also may not prevent the pokémon from acting in a round, e.g. "neither pokémon can use damaging attacks this round" or "neither pokémon can act this round", ban one or more attacks for the round, or alter the pokémon's movepools.

If you don't want to go to the trouble to figure out a set of songs for yourself and/or don't want your pokémon to fight in costume, then just let your referee know when you choose which pokémon to send out. They will come up with a list of randomly-selected pokémon-related songs with associated effects and then PM them back to you, so that you retain the advantage of knowing what will happen on each one of "your" song rounds. (Or, if the referee doesn't want to do that either, they can PM me and I'll provide the music for that player instead.)

Team Ampharos

Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 82%
Energy: 76%
Status: I say, that's a bit rude.
Accessories: White cape; white top hat; black bow tie.
Commands: Switcheroo ~ Dig ~ Dig / Work Up

Team Grass King

Monopole (Genderless)
Ability: Clear Body
Health: 86%
Energy: 80%
Status: Armor integrity compromised. Attack +2, defense +1, speed -1, accuracy +2; paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis).
Accessories: Superman cape; claws painted red; red "S" painted on head.
Commands: Toxic / Hone Claws ~ Hammer Arm / Hone Claws ~ Brick Break / Hone Claws
Item: Leftovers

Round 3 Begin!

The next song begins to play over the stereo system - peppy, cheerful, if somewhat loud.

Romero quickly leaps towards Monopole again, a flickering, dark energy cloaking his paw. He raises his paw and makes a fist, and suddenly what looks like an old apple core materializes in it. He grins, and puts the core in his fluffiest fur for safekeeping; at the same time, Monopole looks for the apple core it had hidden on its person, but finds no trace of it. It growls, and begins to synthesize a horrible substance within its body; opening its mouth wide, it coughs the foul muck over Romero, who frantically tries to shake it off - to no avail, since some of it has already soaked into his fur and through his skin.

Suddeny feeling very sick, Romero doubles over and nearly vomits on the stage. It takes him a good few seconds to recover, and when he does his dignified appearance is ruined; he glares at the Metagross with tears in his eyes before suddenly dropping to the ground and scrabbling madly. It takes him only a few seconds to create a hole in the stage, and quickly he disappears down the tunnel he makes as he goes; when he reaches what he hopes to be a deep enough place, he stops, waiting. On the surface, meanwhile, Monopole finds itself with no viable target for its only available command: it's only to use Hone Claws if Romero Protects. In its frustration, it raises its leg high and slams it down on the stage, making the entire thing quake and, again, leaving its armor slightly buckled; when it removes its leg a very distinct footprint is seen, along with a horribly wide network of cracks. The referee winces; one guess whose paycheck that's coming out of.

Another couple of minutes pass, with no move from either side. Monopole suddenly growls again: the paralysis, which had seemingly been mostly dormant until now, suddenly rears its head, and the Metagross' complex motor systems suddenly lock up; it makes no move, and everyone waits tensely for something to happen. And their wish is granted: Romero, having decided that the Metagross must have made its move by now, begins to dig upwards again; he emerges directly underneath one of Monopole's legs, and that leg therefore collapses to the ground. The entire, enormous structure of the Metagross slowly topples, crashing to the ground with a metallic crashing. Romero grins, having successfully wreaked destruction; that'll teach that lumbering brute to ruin his dignity.

As Monopole slowly heaves itself upright once more, the song and its unsettling loudness suddenly come to an end, the echoes quickly dying away as well.

Round 3 End!

Team Ampharos

Romero Diazi (Male)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 83%
Energy: 64%
Status: My diiiignity D: Badly poisoned (2% this round, 3% next)
Accessories: Muddy white cape; muddy white top hat; black bow tie.
Attacks Used: Switcheroo ~ Dig ~ Dig
Item: Leftovers

Team Grass King

Monopole (Genderless)
Ability: Clear Body
Health: 76%
Energy: 80%
Status: [Untranslatable] Attack +2, defense +1, speed -2, accuracy +2; paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis).
Accessories: Superman cape; claws painted red; red "S" painted on head.
Attacks Used: Toxic ~ Hammer Arm ~ [paralyzed]

Damage / Energy Calculations
Switcheroo - 4% energy (accuracy roll 1, needed 100 to miss)
Toxic - 4% energy (accuracy roll 99, needed 100 to miss)
Dig - 4% energy
Hammer Arm - 9% energy
Dig - 10% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 13, needed 100 to miss)

- I can't think of much to note, actually. Except that I'm having way too much fun describing them smashing the stage.

Arena Notes
- The stage is Exciting Nimbasa.
- There are two Buneary-sized holes in the stage, connected by a tunnel.
- There is a significant network of cracks where the first Hammer Arm struck.
- There is a very clear and distinct Metagross footprint where the second stuck, along with very large cracks around it.
- This round, the song was Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. Both Pokémon gained Insomnia in addition to all other abilities.
- Next round, the song will be Lucky. Each damaging attack used by a Pokemon will have its Critical Hit domain increased by 1.

Next Round
- Ampharos attacks
- Grass King attacks
- I ref
Alright Romero, this is getting serious. Keep firing off Fire Punches until you cause a burn. Once he's burned switch to Low Kick. If for some reason he uses Earthquake and you've burned him with Fire Punch already use Copycat on the next action instead of Low Kick.

Fire Punch ~ Fire Punch/Low Kick/Copycat x2

Is it OK if I refer to Monopole as a "he"?
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