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DarkAura vs. Phantom

OK, so, as promised, the battle will enter into a state of dormancy, during which Phantom may claim $3 and 1 EXP for Blitz, and use her battle slot. This will neither count as a win nor a loss for any records for any party. If DarkAura should ever come back on, the battle will continue as usual.
Thanks so much for not DQing me. Yes, i did just move, and didnt even have a choice to get on the internet, but then i got grounded for weeks, and now i'm back regularry. Thank you!

Let's see.

Dig straight under that water and dig straiht to the ground, therefore, phantom would have to use protect!

While staying under, use rest for your remaining two actions.

Wait, does rest sleep for two actions or rounds?
A full two actions after the one in which Rest is used. Unless something extreme happens.
Ok, so Dig on the higher ground(the higher roung which there isnt the trench) and stay under. Use rest and rest.

Dig on higher ground and stay under~Rest~(SLEEP)

Oh, and Artemis is out of the water, so manetric'll HAVE to use protect the entire round, X3!
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The dog and the turtle sat in the trenched island, one waiting patiently with an agonizing slowness, the other shaking with anticipation. One smiled lazily while the other growled nervously. And when the referee waved his flags, one looked disappointed while the other grinned and got ready for what was to come ahead.


DarkAura (O)
Tirtouga with ability Sturdy
Status: Yawning lazily
Condition: Special Attack -1, Severely Paralyzed (25%)
Dig (down)~Rest~(nothing)

Phantom (O)
Manectric with ability Lightningrod
Status: Ready, as always, for the next round
Condition: 6 Double Team evasion clones

Round 3 begin!

Blitz decided that even with the arena hindering her, a Thunder would be a great choice. She called out a bolt from the sky; this was not as strong as one would anticipate it to be, but still dealt a respectable amount of damage to the ancient turtle. This turtle glared at her opponent, but then put focus into her own action. It wouldn't be a good idea to use an Earthquake while in the middle of the ocean and below sea level, and so, Artemis decided against that strategy and dug straight into the ground, boring a hole from higher ground so that water would not seep into it. She burrowed quite a ways into the ground, before she decided that the opening was deep enough.

With Artemis out of his sight, Blitz decided that she would be better off safe than sorry. She immediately set up a Protect shield, waiting vigilantly for any attacks that may come. Unfortunately, they didn't, but Blitz held the shield anyway, just in case.

Artemis suddenly felt tired. She could use a nap, just about now. And why not heal herself in the process? She closed her eyes and let herself drift off, forcing her body into a tiring but accelerated healing process.

Above the ground, Blitz strained to keep her shield up, but couldn't sustain it any longer. She reluctantly let it down, and braced herself for the attack that was to inevitably come. It never did come, though, and she scratched her head, confused.

The earth shook slightly and the water disappeared. The sand turned into a stabler, richer soil. The arena was elevated by a couple of meters, and finally, the ditch around the arena was filled with soil.

Meanwhile, underground, Artemis slept on, not noticing the change in the composition or the moisture content of the soil around her. She twitched a little in her sleep, but that soon stopped.

Round 3 end!

Damage and Energy Calculations

Action 1
Thunder: 16% damage, 7% energy
Dig: 5% energy

Action 2
Protect: 4% energy
Rest: +27% health, -14% energy

Action 3
Attempt at Protect: 4% energy
Rest: +10% health, -5% energy


DarkAura (O)
Tirtouga with ability Sturdy
Status: Having a restful sleep
Condition: Special Attack -1, Moderately Paralyzed (20%),Asleep (1 more action)
Dig (down)~Rest~Nothing

Phantom (O)
Manectric with ability Lightningrod
Status: Examining her surroundings
Condition: 6 Double Team evasion clones

  • No critical hits
  • Arena was Trench this round; will be Default (Ground) next round
  • Although the restoring values for Rest seem random, they are specific. I won't bore you with the details.

Arena Notes:
  • Ground. The terrain is of fertile dirt, mysteriously absent of vegetation. The soil is soft and loamy, though.

Next round:
  1. DarkAura commands
  2. Phantom commands
  3. I ref
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Hmm...Might wanna watch out for those energy.

Ok, keep on resting for another action. Then, once you awaken, get some dirt from the hole your in and cover the opening on the top, making the hole your in a bigger space with a closed top, thereby protecting yourself from being attacked.

After that action, chill only your energy.

wait, how much energy will this cost before i put my action officially in?
"Keep resting for another turn" costs 2% energy
Covering the hole is, let's say, 5% energy if the hole is covered from the top, and 4%, if it's from the bottom.
I guess they don't know they can chill while sleeping... anyways.

Well since you're speedy you get to attack while they are in they're little hole, how bout that? While they're asleep jump in that hole and chill if you can, then they will then try to cover the hole, when he's covering his little hole get underneath (behind him) and use Thunder Fang twice.

Jump in hole before it's covered (chill if possible)~Thunder Fangx2
............My hole is too small for your manetric.

Manectric- a huge electric dog.

Tirtouga-a small rock turtle.

Your big dog will never fit in!!!
There's only a two foot size difference, plus your little turtle will have to have room to move, so that means room for Blitz.
Tirtouga is 0.7m from tail to fin. Judging from what I've seen in Pokédex 3D, it's half as wide and a third as thick, which gets us a hole with the opening shaped like an ellipse of radii 25cm and 35cm. Add a little wiggle space (remember that Dig holes are supposed to be used once and are not dug to the standard that one could backtrack out of them) of about 10cm all around, and I see that the hole is just slightly bigger than Manectric's head. (Also, "only" a two-foot size difference?)

Feel free to reorder, though.
Gah, fine reordering.

Btw she's not a big dog... She's a wolf....

Anyways, why they insist upon burying themselves, basically makes me think they are doing out work for us, huh girl?

I would say fire pit time but that wouldn't dent their HP.... Ok since you can't get close because of that hole physical attacks won't do anything... So LIGHTNING BOLT! And drop those clones if they are taking energy, you don't need them right now. Since you're faster you have a chance to get two hits in before the hole closes. If the hole is closed your electricity won't make it through. So just chill for a bit and ready yourself for next round.

Might I just say that the bolts have a high chance of getting grounded before they reach Artemis? Feel free to reorder around that.
(The clones aren't taking energy)
The scene was incredibly still; the only Pokémon visible was just standing there, while both trainers were immobile, giving orders to their Pokémon (Artemis could hear DarkAura even though she was asleep and a few metres under the ground. Seeing as nothing more would happen, the referee waved his flags and sat back to watch the show.


DarkAura (O)
Tirtouga with ability Sturdy
Status: Stirring from her sleep
Condition: Special Attack -1, Moderately Paralyzed (20%),Asleep (1 more action)
Nothing~Cover hole~Chill

Phantom (O)
Manectric with ability Lightningrod
Status: Impatient
Condition: 6 Double Team evasion clones

Round 4 begin!

Blitz judged that she would not be able to crawl into Artemis' hole, nor would she be able to shoot a thunderbolt into it with any degree of accuracy. So she tried to calm herself down, no small task. She felt her energy reserves go up by an appreciable amount, then scanned her surroundings again. There was no change anywhere in the scene, and she went back to being in a half-conscious energy-conserving state.

But underground, Artemis woke up. She stretched, and recalled dreaming of her trainer giving orders. On her second action, she was to cover her hole, so that's what she did. Going back the way she came in was no easy task, and in many places she had to regrade and widen the hole, but she got back up eventually and created a makeshift barricade of dirt; it wouldn't the survive impact of any reasonably strong attack, but it was good enough and would serve the purpose of blocking electric attacks. Satisfied, Artemis crawled back down into her quarters and relaxed, replenishing her energy supplies. Blitz did likewise.

All parties were jerked back into alertness when the arena suddenly changed. The soil became hard and brittle and considerably more rocky, a ring of magma surrounded the arena, and, most noticeable of all, a volcano sprouted in the center of the arena, feeding the outer ring of magma with little streams. The referee called an end to the uneventful round, and brought out hotdogs to roast.

Round 4 end!

Damage and Energy Calculations

Action 1
Chill: +10% energy
Rest: +4% health, -2% energy

Action 2
Chill: +10% energy
Cover hole: 5% energy

Action 3
Chill: +10% energy
Chill: +10% energy


DarkAura (O)
Tirtouga with ability Sturdy
Status: Relaxed
Condition: Special Attack -1
Dig (down)~Rest~Nothing

Phantom (O)
Manectric with ability Lightningrod
Status: Dangerously impatient
Condition: 6 Double Team evasion clones

  • Arena was Default (Ground) this round; will be Volcano next round.

Arena Notes:
  • Volcano. A volcano, maybe 8 meters high, stands in the centre of the arena. It feeds a ring of magma on the perimeter through little streams.

Next round:
  1. Phantom commands
  2. DarkAura commands
  3. I ref
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Artemis might be buried on the ground next to it.

but i dont knoe.

EDIT: wait, on the last round, Artemis dug into a hole on the sidelines of the trench. Since the trench was in the middle, Artemis was not anywhere near the middle when the volcano grew straight in the middle. In all likelyhood, Artemis should still be under a hole.
Must be a tiny volcano...

I won't give up. Get ready to wait Blitz...

Might as well. Use Rest, that's two actions right? Chill while sleeping. The air has to get thin in there at some point.

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If at any point, Artemis's energy gets DRASTICLLY low (like low enough where she can't use another earthquake) use Chill on energy.

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