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sreservoir vs. Lirris

Get tyt band back, bite for a flinch, and Rock Smash for the defense crush.

Thief ~ Bite ~ Rock Smash
1v1 single
dq: 1 week
damage cap: 33%
banned: none; ohko moves are subject to damage cap.
arena: On an gravity-defying platform, irresponsibly hovering over a densely-populated area


sreservoir (O)
aipom @ Muscle Band
[Pom-pon] F <Pickup>
Health: 58%
Energy: 63%
Status: Completely relaxed.

Lirris (O)
[Onikami] M <Run Away>
Health: 99%
Energy: 35%
Status: Bristling with anger.
+1 Attack. Crunch is Spited (12% extra energy to use). Taunted (3 more actions).

As Onikami crouches low and bristles, Pom-pon gets off her tail and takes a defensive stance. Still grinning, she beckons him forwards with a paw and gets ready to stand against whatever he throws her tail. The gesture makes Onikami go off, and he takes a second to let the energy of his anger leak into the air around him. The air around him takes on a dark purple aura as he lunges forwards, clawing at Pom-pon's throat. She raises her arms and yells as his hind paws slam into her belly, and the Muscle Band around her neck is roughly pulled up over her head. As she looks up, Pom-pon sees that the Muscle Band has returned to its original owner and in that short time, Onikami's somehow managed to get it back around his neck.

With a look of disdain, Pom-pon draws a single paw through the air and leaves a trail of light, keeping the other paw on her chest where Onikami kicked her. The pentacle of light begins to spin in the air, and with a small huff Pom-pon blows it towards Onikami. He growls and snaps at it as it appears to sink into the air and disappear, before turning his eyes back to Pom-pon.

The Poochyena charges at Pom-pon again, sinking his teeth into the soft part of her tail and biting down as hard as he can. She howls in pain and thrashes around in an effort to dislodge him, though Onikami finds it quite easy to hold on. Scrunching up his face, he lets go of her tail and leaps away. Pom-pon has a decently-sized bite mark in her tail, and she probably isn't going to be balancing on it for a while now.

Grimacing, Pom-pon draws both paws through the air, tail quivering slightly. The familiar pentacle quickly takes shape and begins to spin as she draws her paws back, and with a small huff it goes flying towards Onikami. He tries to back away from the shape as it advances towards him, but finds he can't really avoid it as he reaches the edge of the platform. It disappears in front of his face, and Onikami makes an annoyed noise before stepping towards the middle of the platform.

Onikami's shaking a bit now, though he pushes through his fatigue and charges at Pom-pon one more time. He leaps into the air and sticks a paw out, slamming it into the Aipom's chest as he races by. He has the satisfaction of hearing the air go out of her as he turns about quickly to avoid falling off the platform, getting a full view of the town over the edge before he whips around sharply and bounds past Pom-pon. She's muttering something, but Onikami dashes by before he can hear what she's saying. Probably wasn't important.

Pom-pon takes a deep breath before raising her paws and tracing the rather familiar pentacle through the air, and pulls her paws away to send it spinning. With a motion of her paw it goes flying, and disappears into the air in front of Onikami. It's a familiar sight by now, though he can't help but paw at it and try to send it away or something. Onikami snaps obscenities at Pom-pon. Was that all she was going to do? Draw in the air? The Aipom only grins at his taunts, putting her paws behind her head and not really listening to him.

Onikami's barks fade away, and he suddenly feels a lot calmer than before. He definitely has a clearer head now, and blinking, he looks over Pom-pon. He... Could probably do this. It wouldn't take too much effort to knock her out now, right? Crouching low to the ground, Onikami takes a few deep breaths to prepare himself for his Trainer's commands.

sreservoir (O)
[Pom-pon] F <Pickup>
Health: 38%
Energy: 51%
Status: Favouring her new bruises.

Lirris (O)
poochyena @ Muscle Band
[Onikami] M <Run Away>
Health: 99%
Energy: 24%
Status: Rather pleased with himself, but finding it hard to catch his breath.
+1 Attack. Crunch, Thief, Bite and Rock Smash are Spited (12%, 4%, 4%, 4% extra energy to use respectively).​

-Lirris commands first
Ok...ok...lets see...Taunt, but if she Taunts you, use super fang, then bite, then rock smash. If she doesn't taunt you, sucker punch her every effort to attack. If taunt misses, pick it up until it hits, provided you are not taunted.

Taunt/Super Fang ~ Sucker Punch/Taunt/Bite ~ Sucker Punch/Taunt/Rock Smash
someone's eager to ref this battle

1v1 single
dq: 1 week
damage cap: 33%
banned: none; ohko moves are subject to damage cap.
arena: On an gravity-defying platform, irresponsibly hovering over a densely-populated area


sreservoir (O)
[Pom-pon] F <Pickup>
Health: 38%
Energy: 51%
Status: Favouring her new bruises.

Lirris (O)
poochyena @ Muscle Band
[Onikami] M <Run Away>
Health: 99%
Energy: 24%
Status: Rather pleased with himself, but finding it hard to catch his breath.
+1 Attack. Crunch, Thief, Bite and Rock Smash are Spited (12%, 4%, 4%, 4% extra energy to use respectively).

Pom-pon claps and shouts to get Onikami's attention, jumping from foot to foot. Did he forget about her or something? Hey, look over here! Onikami's head snaps up as she continues to insult his family, intelligence, and even his Trainer. Onikami's glad he can't understand what she's saying, as the Aipom leaps around with that stupid grin of hers. His previous attempt to calm down completely forgotten, Onikami snaps back a few insults of his own before bounding towards Pom-pon with gleaming jaws.

He bites down sharply on Pom-pon's tail again, holding on as tightly as he can and moving his jaw slightly to make the wound bigger. Pom-pon wails and tries to squirm away from him, which only causes Onikami to bite down harder. As he feels his jaw start to get sore he lets go, watching Pom-pon scamper away with a rather wounded pride. Yeah, that's right, he barks. You better run!

Pom-pon holds her tail in both paws, inspecting the rows of throbbing teeth marks and glaring at Onikami. She decides it's way too much for her to handle and curls up near the center of the platform, tail held to her tightly. Her eyes shut and a light blue aura expands from her chest, covering her completely and pulsing slightly. Onikami can hear her breathing quietly and can tell she's fallen asleep rather deeply.

Crouching down, Onikami stalks towards Pom-pon quietly, and having made sure she's really asleep and not tricking him or anything, he bites down on one of her ears, pulling slightly. Pom-pon flinches away from him in her sleep, but hardly stirs as he gnaws roughly on her ear. Onikami gets bored of it quickly; with no reaction from Pom-pon it's not as fun to attack her.

Pom-pon makes a sudden noise, making Onikami twitch and look at her sharply, trying to breathe quietly so he can hear her breaths. She doesn't seem to have woken up, though the Aipom is in a much more comfortable looking position, lying with her head on her tail and breathing a bit quicker now. Onikami regards her closely, but she doesn't seem to really be doing much of anything. He dashes towards her, sure he can end this battle now.

Onikami takes short shallow breaths as he lifts a paw and brings it down over Pom-pon's head rather weakly, making her mumble something in her sleep. Onikami whines as the simple motion takes the breath out of him, and too late, he remembers the pentacle Pom-pon drew in the air that made him so tired before. The Poochyena drops to the platform heavily, too exhausted to move, before he flops onto his side and passes out, unconscious as Pom-pon. A few pokes from his Trainer verifies that he's in no condition to fight, and Pom-pon is declared the winner!

sreservoir (O)
[Pom-pon] F <Pickup>
Health: 60%
Energy: 18%
Status: Would probably be elated if she was awake.
Asleep (moderate).

Lirris (O)
poochyena @ Muscle Band
[Onikami] M <Run Away>
Health: 99%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked out!​

The League Reuniclus waves its hands around and brings the platform back to the hill outside of the town, before disappearing away to the League headquarters, presumably. Congratulations and prizes are exchanged, and sreservoir, Lirris and the referee leave as soon as they can, irresponsibly leaving the platform where it is to be someone else's problem, before the townspeople come after them for being disruptive or something.

-Pom-pon and sreservoir win!
-Lirris gets $3, I get $5 and sreservoir gets $8.
-Pom-pon gets 2 EXP and Onikami gets 1 EXP. Good game you two, and good luck next time for that energy-only KO, sres?

Oh well, my fault for choosing him. But now I'm certain he can evolve....
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