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DarkAura vs. Phantom

Ok then.

SPAM STONE EDGE! Serebii's attack entry says that Stone edge attacks from below...so yeah! =P

If at any point, energy is drasticlly low (low enough where artemis cant use stone edge), then chill Energy ONLY!

Stone Edge/Chill x3
I don't see how Artemis can without coming to the surface- the attack is physical projectile. Also, she doesn't know where Blitz is.
ok, how about this;

make an opening in the hole (still stay down) then use stone edge twice.

At any point after action one, energy is drasticlly low, yadayada, you know. Chill if energy gets so low you cannot attack without ending the battle

Open hole~Stone Edge/Chill~Stone Edge/Chill
So how do you want Artemis to open the hole? Also, how will you ensure that Blitz will be right above the hole?
she digs the hole by going up, looks around for blitz, and then aims two stone edges at blitz.

Next round, she'll fill up the hole cause blitz isnt attacking now, so she's in no threat at the moment.

BTW, like 2 rounds ago, artemis used rest, but she's still parylized. rest also cures status conditions.
The hole dug wouldn't be vertical, and also you'll be above-ground at the end of the round, but alright. You're right about the paralysis.
Doesnt matter if i'm above ground at the end of the ground though. Blitz's only gonna chill, X3
The sprout of the volcano bubbled a bit while feeding magma to the outer trench. Gingerly stepping over the streams of lava (because, of course, convection doesn't exist), the referee waved the flags for the round to start.


DarkAura (O)
Tirtouga with ability Sturdy
Status: Readying herself
Condition: Special Attack -1
Open hole~Stone Edge/Chill~Stone Edge/Chill

Phantom (O)
Manectric with ability Lightningrod
Status: Avoiding the lava
Condition: 6 Double Team evasion clones

Round 5 begin!

Blitz decided to follow the model of her opponent and, well, Rest. She curled up, all seven of her, and was soon dozing off, ignoring all external stimuli and recovering from the sundry wounds that she had accumulated over the battle. She, however, didn't follow her opponent in that she made a conscious effort to restore her energy supplies while healing herself.

Soon after Blitz started Resting, a black snout poked out of the ground. This was quickly followed by a blue fin, and then another, and soon, the whole turtle was above the ground once again. She looked around, yawned again, and frowned when she was present with seven sleeping wolves several metres away. She took her time and picked what seemed to be the most realistic target; she aimed and then shot several shards of sharp stone from the ground. Those, however, swayed when they crossed a lava stream; the convection forced them upward, and it swooshed above the sleeping figure. Disappointed, she tried again, this time making sure to adjust for the convection. They seemed to hit - but the attack went right through the illusion, to Artemis' dismay. To further that disappointment, all six remaining wolves got up, stretched, and surveyed their surroundings.

The arena rumbled as the volcano sunk down; the lava and trench disappeared while trees sprouted in their wake, mainly pine, but some spruce trees as well. The referee took a quick look before calling the round to an end.

Round 5 end!

Damage and Energy Calculations

Action 1
Rest: +23% health, -12% energy
Open hole (Dig up): 4% energy

Action 2
Chill: +9% health, -4+10 = +6 % energy
Stone Edge: Missed completely, 8% energy

Action 3
Chill: +3% health, -2+10 = +8% energy
Stone Edge: Hit clone, 8% energy


DarkAura (O)
Tirtouga with ability Sturdy
Status: Tired and disappointed
Condition: Special Attack -1
Open hole~Missed~Missed

Phantom (O)
Manectric with ability Lightningrod
Status: A bit drowsy, but quickly recovering
Condition: 5 Double Team evasion clones

  • Arena was Volcano this round; will be Forest next round.
  • The first Stone Edge missed entirely; the second hit a clone

Arena Notes:
  • Forest: somewhat sparse boreal forest composed mainly of pine with some spruce.

Next round:
  1. DarkAura commands
  2. Phantom commands
  3. I ref
Since your in the hole, just cover the hole once again. then use rest, but only rest for ENERGY!

wait, can she rest for energy only?
No. You can chill while asleep, but that would be pointless.

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Ok then

She's in the hole, right? then chill for energy only.

Come back up, and spam Bulldoze! (which'll hit every opposing pokemon snd knock down all the trees)

If she protects, use chill FOR ENERGY!

Chill(ENERGY ONLY!)~Bulldoze/Chill(ENERGY ONLY!)~Bulldoze/Chill(ENERGY ONLY!)
Um.... OK.

Howl to pump yourself up, you OWN this. When they come out I want you to use Thunder Fang, Bulldoze? You can take that, though you might lose your clones in the process. That's ok because Bulldoze can get rid of those pesky trees so you can loose THUNDER!

Howl~Thunder Fang~THUNDER (CUE MUSIC)
I'd like to point out that Artemis isn't underground.

And there is no way Artemis is going to survive this with only 14% energy.

*waggles finger*

Need i remind you that while Thunder is super effective against water types, there are certain things to point out;

1; Artemis is STILL part rock type, there fore, it'll reduce the damage abit

2; Energy doesnt matter when getting hit, for if Artemis gets hit, then only the health will go down, and the health is on 100%

3; Artemis used chill for energy, and, if i am right, Bulldoze has 20 PP, which means it'll only waste 2% energy for 1 bulldoze (4% energy for both bulldozes)

4; This isnt over yet, ;)

Do what you will Phantom, but You CANNOT destroy Artemis this round; her ability is sturdy, and if you somehow use thunder which make all her HP go down, she'll at least have 1 HP left, and her energy isnt going far! As a matter of fact, her energy will be higher next round! So do what you will, but i'm not giving up that easily!
*waggles finger*

Need i remind you that while Thunder is super effective against water types, there are certain things to point out;

1; Artemis is STILL part rock type, there fore, it'll reduce the damage abit The Rock typing won't affect the damage at all.

2; Energy doesnt matter when getting hit, for if Artemis gets hit, then only the health will go down, and the health is on 100% If Health doesn't get you in the end, Energy will

3; Artemis used chill for energy, and, if i am right, Bulldoze has 20 PP, which means it'll only waste 2% energy for 1 bulldoze (4% energy for both bulldozes) PP isn't the only factor in Energy usage: Buldoze has 60 Power, Artemis is a first-stage Pokemon, ect.

4; This isnt over yet, ;)

Do what you will Phantom, but You CANNOT destroy Artemis this round; her ability is sturdy, and if you somehow use thunder which make all her HP go down, she'll at least have 1 HP left, and her energy isnt going far! As a matter of fact, her energy will be higher next round! So do what you will, but i'm not giving up that easily!
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