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Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

The Omskivar

chah, dude
2v2 Single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 35%
Move Limits: OHKO moves, perish song, direct healing moves, and weather moves, limit 3 Chills/Pokemon
Arena: Forecast Forest

The Forecast Forest is a type of forest similar to a rainforest, only the weather can be anything from sunny to sandstorms. The battle will take place in a clearing near the center of the forest. The weather changes every 3 rounds, with a 25% chance for Sun, Rain, Hail and Sand. Moonlight cannot be used when its sunny.

(By the way to whoever accepts this you're probably likely to win. This is my first ASB battle.)

Dark Koala's Active Squad:

Katrina the Female Absol
Ability: Pressure

Rex the Male Sandile
Ability: Moxie

Drake the Male Seedot
Ability: Chlorophyll

Mad MOAI's Active Squad:

Lust the Female Weavile
Ability: Pressure

Maria Ross the Female Plusle
Ability: Plus

Luminas the Male Nosepass
Ability: Magnet Pull

Drill Grip the Female Onix
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Metal Coat

Solas the Male Volbeat
Ability: Swarm

Ohoshihire the Male Horsea
Ability: Sniper

Dragon Spin the Male Squirtle
Ability: Torrent

Lioness the Female Rhyhorn
Ability: Rock Head

Tan-yu the Male Ducklett
Ability: Big Pecks

Next Round:
-Mad MOAI sends out
-Dark Koala sends out and attacks
-Mad MOAI attacks
-I ref and try not to spell it Mad MOAT anymore
I think I'll use Oohoshihire, my Horsea. If that's too hard to type, you can just call him Hoshi if you'd like.
How bout Drake first? Hm, its probably best to use a couple status moves, and getting them confused isnt bad either. So lets use Swagger first. We really should get an attack in there, so use Energy Ball, and then finish with a Flash.

Swagger~Energy Ball~ Flash
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Judging by the moveset, I'll assume you're using Seedot, although for reference people specify which Pokemon they're using when they send it out.

As for Horsea, I'll start out with Bounce, coming down on the second turn, and then going ahead with Scald.
Bounce (2 turns) ~ Scald

You'll get to mess up my commands next turn. Experience tells me that you're allowed to look at your opponent's commands and counteract them; since the turns alternate (if I remember correctly), I could be commanding first next turn, and you get to mess them up however you like.
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Herp derp derp

Mad MOAI sent out a HORSEA


Mad MOAI's HORSEA evolved into a SQUIRTLE

Dearie me I'm confused. Clearly the only thing with those moves in Dark Koala's Active Squad is the Seedot I just used to basically steal a barter for his Snivy. As for Mad MOAI, I'm fairly certain that Horsea can't learn Fake Out, and I'm positive it can't learn Bite. Please reorder.

Also Dark Koala make sure you specify which Pokemon you're using when you begin a battle/send out after one of your Pokemon faints, because honestly that could've been a Hoppip or a Cottonee or anything else you might have happened to be carrying around in your acive squad
oh sorry. I'll remember on my next pokemon. and edits made |3
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The Omskivar's Ralts teleported him to the Forecast Forest, where the two Trainers waited for him in a clearing, having already been transported by a League Abra. He delegated to them their positions, and they assumed them, sending out their Pokemon and issuing commands. The referee waved his flag, and the show began.

Team Dark Koala

Drake – male
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “Whoa!” Spinning slowly on its rump to view the arena.

Team Mad MOAI

Hoshi – male
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “There's no water here...” Trying to maintain a sense of balance.

Round One

Hoshi the Horsea coiled his tail in as tightly as possible, then snapped it out, propelling himself high into the air. Drake began to strut up and down the battlefield, boasting of his great feats of strength as he swayed his acorny hips back and forth. Coming to an eventual instant of immobility, Hoshi looked down and smirked at the obvious efforts to confuse him, that he couldn't hear for his height. Swinging his pelvis forward a little so as to agle his body downward, Hoshi began his descent, soaring downward to smash into Drake with all the force of a rubbery, scaly meteor. The Seedot recoiled a little from the attack, then shook his head and hopped back into position.

As Hoshi righted himself on the other side of the clearing, the stem of Drake's helmet began to glow with a green energy. The glow swelled into a sphere, then shot from the Seedot and smacked into the Horsea, sending it squealing backwards. It flailed its dorsal fin frantically to stay upright as it shot a foamy, steaming blast of water from its snout; Drake seemed not to mind the water too much, recoiling only at the heat. His stem began to glow again, this time creating a sort of compressed light source, which he releasing in a searing flash of light. Hoshi screwed up his face in mental pain as he saw nothing but white in his field of vision, and the referee waved his flag to signal the end of the round.

Round One Complete

Team Dark Koala

Drake – male
Health: 83%
Energy: 83%
Status: “I think you dented my helmet...” Wishing he had hands to rub his sore head.

Team Mad MOAI

Hoshi – male
Health: 87%
Energy: 84%
Status: “MAI EYES” Blinking rapidly (-1 Accuracy).

Swagger- 4% Energy (missed)
Bounce- 11% damage, 10% energy
Energy Ball- 13% damage, 8% energy
Scald- 6% damage, 6% energy
Flash- 5% energy

-Swagger missed
-Bounce did not paralyze
-Energy Ball did not lower Special Defense
-Scald did not burn
-Just so you're aware Hoshi will eventually regain his vision
-The weather is clear until the end of the third round
-Short round is short
-Dark Koala attacks next
All right, I'll start out with Focus Energy, and then Icy Wind and Twister. Nothing too difficult, I guess.

Focus Energy ~ Icy Wind ~ Twister
Okay, i will change my moves. I'll start with Swagger, since it didnt work last time. And then Nature Power and Energy Ball.

Swagger~Nature Power~Energy Ball
Round One Complete

Team Dark Koala

Drake – male
Health: 83%
Energy: 83%
Status: “I think you dented my helmet...” Wishing he had hands to rub his sore head.

Team Mad MOAI

Hoshi – male
Health: 87%
Energy: 84%
Status: “MAI EYES” Blinking rapidly (-1 Accuracy).

Round Two

As the second round began, Drake began hopping excitedly. He expected his opponent to do something, and by golly he was ready to take on the world--but Hoshi wasn't doing much of anything. All he was doing was watching Drake, nonchalantly, casually, just watching...just then, it hit Drake what Hoshi was up to. The Horsea was analyzing him, figuring out what parts of his body he shielded subconsciously, where his weak points were. Drake was angered, but he didn't let it show; he strutted his stuff once more, bragging about his superiority while swaying his seedy hips pompously.

Hoshi was enraged; he knw the Seedot had deduced what he was doing, and he knew that he knew what that meant; why was he still insinuating he was better? It didn't make any sense! The Horsea bounded foward, ready to blast the stupid Acorn Pokemon with an Icy Wind to the face, but he put too much force into his tail and overshot it, landing on his face.

Drake laughed, then leaned back, maximizing his frontal surface area and drawing energy from his surroundings. The short grass around him twitched, then shook softly, releasing a fine yellow powder, which swirled around Drake. He closed his eyes, then leaned quickly forward and sent the golden dust at Hoshi; it settled onto his body and reacted with billions of tiny sparks, stiffening the muscles in the Water Pokemon and causing it to wince. It tried to move, but its body wasn't responding. Drake, meanwhile, took this opportunity to fire off another green ball of energy, which struck Hoshi in the stomach and sent him sliding back a foot or two. Struggling against his paralysis, Hoshi righted itself with difficulty, then fell back down as the round drew to a close.

Round Two Complete

Team Dark Koala

Drake – male
Health: 83%
Energy: 67%
Status: “Things are looking up!” Feeling pretty good about his situation.

Team Mad MOAI

Hoshi – male
Health: 67%
Energy: 79%
Status: “Ohhh my head!” Blinking rapidly (-1 Accuracy; Paralysed (severe, 25% chance to fail, -3 Speed); Confused (severe, 50% chance to fail); Focus Energy'd).

Focus Energy- 3% energy
Swagger- 4% energy
Confusefail- 7% damage, 2% energy
Nature Power (Stun Spore)- 4% energy
Energy Ball- 13% damage, 8% energy

-Hoshi hit himself in his confusion on the second action, then was fully paralyzed on the third
-Here, Nature Power becomes Stun Spore.
-Energy Ball did not lower Special Defense
-Just so you're aware Hoshi will eventually regain his vision
-The weather is clear until the end of the third round
-Short round is short
-RNG Gods hate Mad MOAI
-Dark Koala attacks next. I mean it this time.
Okay, I should probably use Solarbeam since Hoshi is pretty down between his Paralysis, Confusion, and momentarily blindness. But lets use Substitute just in case.

Substitute~ Solar Beam (2 turns)
Use Flail first, and then after that use Rain Dance. On the next turn, use Protect to keep yourself from that SolarBeam, assuming Protect works of course.

Flail ~ Rain Dance ~ Protect
Dark Koala, in ASB Solarbeam can be performed in one turn, at the cost of a little extra energy. Or decreased priority, I forget. Either way you'll be moving last so you could theoretically fire off two Solarbeams. It's too late to edit your commands, but I thought I'd let you know.

Reffing later
Then they will fail in the reffing. Commands have been entered and cannot be changed.

You are eager, young grasshopper; calm yourself and observe, and you will learn much.
Team Dark Koala

Drake – male
Health: 83%
Energy: 67%
Status: “Things are looking up!” Feeling pretty good about his situation.

Team Mad MOAI

Hoshi – male
Health: 67%
Energy: 79%
Status: “Ohhh my head!” Blinking rapidly (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; Paralysed (severe, 25% chance to fail, -3 Speed); Confused (severe, 50% chance to fail); Focus Energy'd).

Round Three

As the flag was waved, Hoshi bounded over to Drake and begam to spasm wildly. Drake was hit numerous times by wild, scaly fins and tails and heads that were really only one of each, but seemed like far too many. As he landed on his solid acorny ass, he closed his eyes and concentrated
on the grass around him, channeling his own natural power into it and causing it to uproot, walk over to congregate in front of him and twist together in a half-height mobile Seedot shape. The substitute's eyes opened when Drake's did, and it hopped to stand in front of him and protect him. Hoshi the Horsea considered this for a moment, then shrugged as best as a creature without shoulders could.

Rather than preoccupy himself with the grass doll, Hoshi raised his head to the sky and did the dance of his forefathers, swaying back and forth on his tail in an effort to summon the rain; the Omskivar blew his whistle to interrupt him, shouting something about clause this, section that, article whatchamajig. Hoshi, Drake, and the battlers looked at him curiously; abandoning his manual, Omski marched over and put his finger on Hoshi's snout.


After scolding the Water Pokemon, he returned exasperatedly to his post and signalled for the battle to continue.

While the reprimand had been going on; Drake had been angling his helmet to catch the sunlight the most, absorbing the uv rays and greenhouse gases and all that good stuff until his chrome dome shone like the top of the Empire State Building. Yelling for dramatic effect, Drake released teh energy in a blinding beam of light; it washed over Hoshi, then dissipated as the energy ran out to reveal the Horsea flapping its dorsal fin, unfazed, within an impenetrable green shield. The Omskivar signalled the end of the round, and the Protect was dropped.

The sun released a blast of bright light that washed over the battlefield; Hoshi shifted uncomfortably in the sudden heat, while Drake seemed energized, hopping a little faster than before.

Round three over

Team Dark Koala

Drake – male
Health: 70%
Energy: 57%
Status: Feeling very energetic. (Chlorophyll activated)
-Substitute (10% health)

Team Mad MOAI

Hoshi – male
Health: 67%
Energy: 64%
Status: Feeling a little dried out in the sun. (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; Paralysed (moderate, 12% chance to fail, -2 Speed); Confused (moderate, 25% chance to fail); Focus Energy'd).

Flail- 3% damage, 2% energy
Substitute- 10% Sub, 5% energy
Rain Dance- 4% energy
Protect- 9% energy
Solarbeam- 21% damage (Protected), 5% energy

-Solarbeam cost less energy because of the two-turn charge.
-Weather moves are not allowed.
-No criticals.
-Hoshi will be fully vision-repaired sometime next round.
-The weather is Sunny Day.
-Short round is short, again
-I feel like I'm forgetting something but I'm not entirely sure.
-Mad MOAI attacks next.
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