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ASB Halloween Mafia 2011

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beep beep coming through
At first the trainers of Asber are disappointed by the news: the annual Halloween party, fast becoming a favorite tradition of the community, will not be held this year. The usual forest of orange and black streamers is absent from the event hall in ASB Central; the offices are not abuzz with calls to caterers and entertainers and party suppliers. There is no extra activity around the underground Lacuna Labs, and the relative silence of its ominous machines can only mean that no batch of rare candy treats is being produced for any revelers.

Perhaps most glaring is the peace that prevails over Asber in the wake of Negrek's announcement. No furtive whispers can be heard coming from the back alleys, citizens are not stalked by shadows when they hurry home at night, and not one person has disappeared only to be partially recovered out in a field bearing evidence of recent dining by the wild pokémon population. No errant fire blasts streak down out of thin air to immolate innocent bystanders. The local mafia has not once reared its head to strike fear into the people of Asber all month, and the manic devotees of the Random Number Gods have not been seen since last year's event. (Granted, neither have any of the partygoers they imprisoned and attacked, but then again no one really knows what happened to them after a chance trick room whisked them off into that indecipherable realm of twisted time. Mostly people have just stopped talking about it.) Without the promise of a gathering of helpless, unwitting victims and sacrifices, it seems as though Asber's more unsavory elements have opted to take this Halloween off.

As such the October day begins much like any other, those trainers who are not currently in battle running errands in the busy business district. They almost don't notice when the first few meteors come screaming down from the sky and punch holes in the bank and in the Dragon's Den building. Or, rather, they are not altogether surprised—it's hard not to notice when there's a gaping crater in the floor and several of the bank tellers are on fire—as most of them figured it was only a matter of time before the recent metronome battle craze made its way into ASB Central proper. The trainers instinctively dive for shelter and watch the match from relative safety, wanting to see how far the three cloaked battlers on the street and their baby pokémon get before Negrek arrives to give them hell. It's probably as exciting as Halloween 2011 is going to get.

Then the togepi lets out an ear-splitting roar that shatters what glass is left in the vicinity. One of the two cleffa swings its arm down, finger still waving merrily, and rips a hole in the air itself just as the second cleffa vanishes in a puff of purple smoke. The street and the buildings lining it warp, contort and buckle, time and space whirling out of whack and colliding directly under a traffic light to be joined by a shadowy explosion upon the second cleffa's return. There is a horrible lurch, the world around the bystanders seems to stretch out and compress together all at once, and then there is darkness and silence.

Negrek emerges from the Sunnenrain Berry Mart just in time to see a number of trainers vanish in the aftermath of the legendary collision, and in her anger drops the bag of snacks she'd purchased. Isn't it just like those three troublemakers to tear up her perfectly good ASB Central and obliterate a whole group of people for their sick, destructive games? And her plans for a surprise Halloween gathering, kept well under wraps to avoid just this sort of thing, had been going so well, too. She doesn't have time to worry about them now, though—if they're not yet dead, they'll just have to fend for themselves until she's taken care of this blasted metronome battle. As soon as she gets done putting out the porygon and wrangling all the ones that got away, she'll be going out there to fuck up those hooligans' shit.


Time does not flow in the Distortion World, and for all they know only seconds have gone by since their sudden disappearance, but to the trainers trapped in the darkness it feels as though ages have passed. The group wanders aimlessly between stands of alien plantlife and waterfalls that cascade in both directions, lost, disoriented and trying their hardest not to stare too long into the murky, unfathomable abyss that swirls all around them.

Unfortunately, not all of them are able to avoid a glance or two. And when the abyss finally draws their gaze, it stares right back.

They find the first one strangled, a length of vine from the strange plants wrapped tightly around his neck. The next is trapped under a heavy boulder, bones crushed and organs flattened by its ponderous weight. Bits and pieces of the third, bearing clawmarks from some unidentifiable pokémon, float briefly in a lake before being carried up into the darkness by a waterfall. This last, some of the group realize with a shudder, is uncannily familiar. Perhaps the murderous trainers, in the spirit of the Halloween festivities being prepared back at home, are giving the rest of their companions a taste of the events of two years past. Or perhaps the Distortion has simply given them a passion for the same sort of brutal handiwork on its own.

Either way, it looks like they won't be missing the party after all. They don't even have to invite the mafia—what need for them when madness is already consuming the group from within?

ASB Halloween Mafia 2011

And you thought the annual Halloween mafia wasn't happening this year. Shame on you.

That's right, it's back, and since Negrek's got her hands full with school and stopping certain people from tearing Asber apart the 2011 tourney I'll be hosting this year's game. Just post here to sign up, and we should be able to start in a week or so.

There are currently twelve roles; I have some more waiting in the wings that I'll add as people sign up. For the sake of my sanity I'll probably be capping this game at 20 players, which will give us enough power roles to be getting on with and a few vanilla townies. There are no particularly fancy mechanics, and the first twelve roles given are pretty standard; the additional roles might be a bit more interesting because there're some things I want to experiment with, but the game shouldn't be complicated. If you're not familiar with the way mafia is played, see Butterfree's general rules here.

And, as always, any players who manage to crawl out of the Distortion World alive at the end of the game will receive one rare candy (since Negrek totally prepared some in secret back in August). Given all the recent shenanigans in the Black Market I know you'd all like to get your hands on one of those, so if you're interested and don't mind a little murder then sign up and give it a shot!

Game Rules:

-No discussion outside of the day thread unless your role permits it.

-Roleclaiming/fakeclaiming is fine; quoting/screenshotting/otherwise posting infallible proof of communication from the GM is not fine.

-Players who do not show me some signs of life in 192 hours, a.k.a. two game days and two game nights, will be modkilled. You can PM me to tell me you're still paying attention if you really don't want to post or use an action, but it would be awesome if you actually made an effort to participate. You may submit an action in advance if you think you're going to be away, and I'll give you credit for it.

-Modkilled players are considered to have automatically lost the game, even if the rest of their faction later goes on to win.

-Flavor text may or may not be relevant, primarily depending on my mood. Pay attention, but get hung up on it at your own risk. Anything that's definitely important (e.g. the names of any dead players) will be summarized in bold at the bottom of my posts.

-Lynches and night actions are not required and will not be randomized, but do be mindful of that rule about activity. Note that it is possible to lynch a player with only one vote if no other lynch votes have been placed. You should probably speak up if you don't want the mafia to swoop in and ninja-vote their way to victory.

-I will ask the last non-modkilled player to die to break any lynch vote ties, and they'd better not post before I tell them to do it (I may ask them to PM their vote to me anyway). If there is no suitable dead player I will randomize the tiebreaking vote.

-I will be locking the game thread at night to prevent any of the stupid nighttime posting that's been going on. I can't really "lock" dead players out of the thread, but I will not tolerate deadposting and anyone who does it will be retroactively modkilled as well as infracted. If you have something to say to me at night or after you're dead, PM me and stay the hell out of my thread.

-Have fun, and good luck!

Role List:

The Distorted (Mafia)

sreservoir - sreservoir has a reputation as a calculating and efficient battler, a trainer with an intimidating presence on the battlefield and a great deal of ambition. It's little wonder that it would take control of the small group of Distorted trainers before moving on to the commission of grisly murders. Each night sreservoir can choose one other player to kill.

Mawile - Already known as a tenacious, aggressive and no-nonsense battler, Mawile has the potential to do a lot of damage and entirely without mercy now that it has lost its mind to the Distortion. For now it is content to defer to sreservoir's mad ambitions, but should something happen to its charismatic leader it is more than happy to pick up the slack and tear innocents apart on its own initiative.

RespectTheBlade - He may be a bit more subtle than his fellow Distorted, but RespectTheBlade loves him some swords. For the time being he keeps them sheathed, settling for sitting back and reveling in his victims' terror while sreservoir or Mawile does its deadly work. If both sreservoir and Mawile are dead, however, he'll take on their murderous mantle himself and show the Lost trainers his stabs.

Byrus - There are those who wouldn't be surprised that Byrus was so easily corrupted by the Distortion—one has only to look at his stable full of insidious dark- and poison-types to tell that he has a taste for the cruel and macabre. The Distorted would probably be thrilled to welcome him into their ranks if only they could recall who he was, and vice-versa. In the meantime Byrus is content to sit back and watch, hoping to pick up any clues the mafia might be dropping to tip him off. And if he feels as though things aren't going their way, all he has to do is call on his trusty stunky, Ruaig, who will happily detonate on whomever his trainer chooses. Ruaig's exuberant explosion has a very wide range, however, and is very likely to catch his trainer in its blast radius. During the day Byrus can choose to have Ruaig explode on one other player, although it is highly unlikely that he himself will survive. If ultraviolet checks his IP he will come up as not mafia, but will revealed as mafia upon death.

The Omskivar - The Omskivar is among the greenest of the referees who was dragged into the Distortion World, and perhaps that explains just how easily he was corrupted. In his state of confusion he has been unable to locate the rest of the Distorted, but hell if that's going to stop him trying to keep their killing spree going for as long as possible. He can lay damage caps like the more experienced referees, and just like them can potentially cause them to backfire on his target if the other refs have the same idea. Unless he manages to figure out who his fellow Distorted are, though, "failing" to protect another trainer might not always be a bad thing... If ultraviolet checks his IP he will come up mafia and will be revealed as mafia upon death.

The Lost (Innocents)

ultraviolet - As the only moderator unfortunate enough to be dragged into the Distortion World, ultraviolet is the only trainer who can attempt to find the Lost's insane enemies with her all-seeing IP check. Each night ultraviolet can check one player's IP and determine whether they are friend or foe.

Zhorken - A skilled referee and battler who has returned to Asber after some time traveling abroad, Zhorken has been called upon to protect the Lost trainers with his considerable skill. He can use his refereeing powers to protect one player a night with damage caps, saving them from lethal nighttime actions. Damage caps really aren't meant for protecting humans, however, and if both Zhorken and Squornshellous Beta attempt to save the same player their powers will backfire and kill their target.

Squornshellous Beta - Squornshellous Beta is one of Asber's most dilligent referees, always eager to help keep Asber's battles running smoothly; she's a bit newer than Zhorken but is a hard worker and so entrusted with the safety of the other trainers wandering through the Distortion World. She can use her refereeing powers to protect one player a night with damage caps, saving them from lethal nighttime actions. Damage caps really aren't meant for protecting humans, however, and if both Zhorken and Squornshellous Beta attempt to save the same player their powers will backfire and kill their target.

Denryu - A cheerful ref and battler who has developed a friendly rivalry with bulbasaur. He's normally quite agreeable but will fly into a rage if something happens to his friend, lashing out and killing a target he chose during the previous night in revenge.

bulbasaur - An up-and-coming new trainer who's fond of math and his sporting rivalry with Denryu. He's usually calm and logical but will fly into a rage if something happens to his friend, lashing out and killing a target he chose during the previous night in revenge.

Lord of the Fireflies - Another novice referee with the misfortune of being sucked into the abyss, Lord of the Fireflies doesn't have Zhorken's experience or Squorn's near-constant presence. He can utilize damage caps as well, but without a bit more practice is only capable of protecting himself, and only a few times before his powers give out. Not that that's a bad thing, necessarily—how is he supposed to help everyone find a way out of this mess if he winds up dead, right? LotF is immune to 3 lethal night actions before his powers fail; if he's attacked a fourth time, he will no longer be able to protect himself.

Blastoise Fortooate - Blastoise is perhaps best known for his generosity: he loves to grant trainers free vouchers for his handy little berry shop on special occasions, and rare is the Asberian who hasn't taken him up on his kind birthday wishes. You'd think that birthday berry vouchers would be a bit less valuable while trapped in the Distortion World, but the allure of free stuff is just too much to pass up even here... Each night Blastoise can choose one player to distract with a free berry voucher. That player's night action, if applicable, will be redirected from its original target to him.

Superbird - Rather than sit idly by as sreservoir and the Distorted decimate the innocent trainers, Superbird has been keeping a nightly eye on people that he finds suspicious. Most of the time he simply sits and watches, but if his life is in danger he won't hesitate to dispense his special brand of avian justice and take a perceived evildoer down with him. If Superbird is lynched he will kill the player he chose to keep an eye on the night before.

ole_schooler - Also known as "that one trainer with all the dogs", ole_schooler has brought their pack of puppy pokémon into the Distortion World with them. As it happens they make excellent attack dogs as well as battlers, and ole_schooler won't hesitate to sic them on anyone they suspect is Distorted in order to make it out safely. Each night they can have their pokémon attack a target of their choice in the hopes that that target is mafia.

Mai - Mai's unfortunate nidoqueen—er, I mean, nidoking—may be sort of funny looking, but he has grudgingly mastered the art of seducing (or, at least, attracting the attention and pity of) pokémon of either gender. In an effort to keep herself as safe as possible in the Distortion World Mai has asked her put-upon nidoqueenking to try the same on another trainer. Whether or not they're actually attracted to a pokémon is debatable, but they will at least pity him and be convinced to help his master out. On the first night Mai can choose another player for Azuraine to attract, and from then on the two of them will be able to communicate in secret. Should something happen to Mai, Azuraine will lash out and kill the other party for daring to allow his trainer to come to harm; if something hapens to the other party, however, he'll be liable to turn on his own trainer in his confusion and with a little nudging from the darkness. (He can only put up with all of these ridiculous bows for so long, after all!)

Other Trainers - additional unfortunates who were dragged into the Distortion World and are now doing their best to keep away from the Distorted. Whether because they're not referees or they've become separated from their pokémon they have no special abilities, so all they can do is try to band together and clear out their foes with the only power they have: their vote.

The Troubled (Variable)

Chief Zackrai - Ever since he was sucked into the Distortion World, Chief Zackrai has been feeling a bit... off-kilter. He could cling to his sanity or dissolve into madness at any moment, depending entirely on who manages to catch his ear first. Given the wide range of special signature moves and abilities he has access to, he'd be a useful asset to either side. At the beginning of the game Zackrai can choose whether he wants to side with the Lost (innocents) or the Corrupted (mafia), and will be considered part of that faction for the rest of the game. He can also choose one of the following abilities:

Randomizer - If Chief Zackrai creates a sig move with this power, he may choose to activate it on one night only. Drawing on his own ties to the RNG gods, he can reroll the dice and hope for a better outcome. This power will cause the targets of all night actions to be randomized to anything not the user's chosen target. When the trainers wake up, they will realize that their targets were scrambled, but they will not know who they really targeted. Night actions without a specific target will go through as normal.

Disabler - If Chief Zackrai creates a sig move with this power, every night, he may strike a player with a strange, immobilizing energy, causing the target to become paralyzed. That player's night action, if any, will then not happen.

Cancellation - If Chief Zackrai creates a sig move with this power, one night during the course of the game he may choose to end the night early at whatever point he chooses during the Midnight stage. Any night actions that happen after this point (see the order of night actions in the Mafia rules thread; this is not a question of when the night actions are sent in) will be skipped, and instead the dead are simply rounded up and the next day starts.

Duplicator - If Chief Zackrai creates a sig move with this power, every night, he picks a player to mimic. Instead of being targeted by whatever targeted him that night (excluding ultraviolet’s IP check and Blastoise Fortooate's distraction), he will be targeted by whatever was used on the player he targeted during that night.

Immunity - If Chief Zackrai creates a sig move with this power, on any given night he may choose activate his immunity towards what goes on in Asber. This protects him from nighttime assaults of any kind - and better yet, it does not clash with the healers' damage caps if they are used on him. However, if he uses immunity any one night, he can not use it again the next night, and he is of course always vulnerable to execution during the day.

Hypnosis - If Chief Zackrai creates a sig move with this power, every night he may choose to target a player with hypnosis. That player will then sleep through the next day and be unable to participate in discussion and voting. That a player is sleeping through the day will be noted in the morning.

Vanishing Act - If Chief Zackrai creates a sig move with this power, he drops out of sight entirely, mimicking his recent hiatus. While in this stealth form he is very difficult to see during the night. If any lethal attack targets him, it has a 50% chance of missing him altogether.

The Corrupted (Third-Party)

Metallica Fanboy - Metallica Fanboy is a big fan of metronome battles and follower of the RNG, though he has not yet reached the same level of fanaticism that the cultists responsible for the last party's fireworks had—until now, anyway. What composure he had left has happily gone out the window with just a little nudging from the Distortion, and he's ready to help the other Lost trainers get into the same holiday spirit his fellow devotees ushered in last year. A little metronome murder at the hands of the Random Number Gods is just what the doctor ordered, even if he has to bring it down all by himself. If ultraviolet checks his IP he will come up as not mafia, but will be revealed as mafia upon death.

Player List

1. HighMoon
2. Pathos
3. Phantom
4. Grass King
5. Kusarigamaitachi
6. Metallica Fanboy
7. Crazy Linoone
8. Effercon
9. Dark Aura
10. The Omskivar
11. Mai
12. Littlestream
13. Lord of the Fireflies
14. Mawile
15. Skylark
16. Denryu
17. Legendaryseeker99
18. Superbird
19. bulbasaur
20. Zhorken
21. RespectTheBlade
22. blazheirio889
23. Clover
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ultraviolet - As the only moderator unfortunate enough to be dragged into the Distortion World, ultraviolet is the only trainer who can attempt to find the Lost's insane enemies with her all-seeing IP check. Each night ultraviolet can check one player's IP and determine whether they are friend or foe.
posting to say :D that is adorable

I maaay join, depending on when this thing's going to get started. I've got shitloads due this week, but it's also my last week, so. hrrrm what to do what to do

don't reserve me a spot, I'm undecided.
Just in time! I am definitely here before signups close.

Superbird - Rather than sit idly by as sreservoir and the Distorted decimate the innocent trainers, Superbird has been keeping a nightly eye on people that he finds suspicious. Most of the time he simply sits and watches, but if his life is in danger he won't hesitate to dispense his special brand of avian justice and take a perceived evildoer down with him. If Superbird is lynched he will kill the player he chose to keep an eye on the night before.
And that is amazing.
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