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[11] Windragon vs Zhorken (ref: Blastoise Fortooate)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healers limited to 1/pokémon, chills to 3/pokémon
Terrain: Tree of Dreams

Many of the TCoD League's trainers are taking a protracted vacation to Unova, traveling around the region and dropping into different cities to watch or battle in the ongoing league championship. There's one group that's been taking a vacation of a different sort, though--a select few who elected to venture into Unova's Dream World rather than take the normal route around the Unova region, with the promise of a battle at the end of their excursion and a place in the league championship if they should emerge victorious.

There are many paths through the Dream World, but they all end at the same location: the Tree of Dreams, an incrediblly ancient plant whose boughs are draped with the dreams of pokémon from all around the world. It is thought that those who bring an offering to the tree's base may be able to change their dreams into reality, but there will be none of that today. No, today there will be only battling, the opportunity to change dreams of glory into reality for those who were unlucky enough to miss the earlier championship registration period.

The area around the base of the Tree of Dreams is a simple grassy field, offering nothing in particular to help or hinder any battler. However, since this is, after all, the Dream World, pokémon will have no trouble accomplishing astonishing feats like conjuring tidal waves from nowhere or dropping spectral rocks on their foe. There are no restrictions on the kinds of attacks that can be used here, save those imposed by the league.

While the battle is fairly simple, there has been one complication--the machine that brought the trainers and their pokémon to the Dream World have somehow separated the two, leaving the humans without the protection and, most importantly, battle prowess of their partners.

Fortunately, the league has generously provided each of the trainers with a full complement of berries with which to attract the wild pokémon inhabiting the Dream World in order to make up for this deficit. Initially, each trainer will be issued one of each of the following:

Oran, Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Oran, Persim, Lum, and Sitrus berries.

In addition, each player will be issued one type-resist berry of their choice.

How many berries are required to attract a pokémon depends on its rarity, as per the following list:

R1: Sitrus
R2: Sitrus, Chesto, Pecha, Cheri
R3: Sitrus, Lum
R4: Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Persim, Lum
R5: Oran, Lum, Cheri, Chesto, Pecha
R6: Oran, Sitrus, Lum, type-resist
R7: Oran, Sitrus, Lum, type-resist, Chesto, Pecha
R8: All berries

An evolved pokémon costs the rarity of its base stage + 1 for each evolution it has undergone, up to a maximum of eight. A base-stage pokémon that cannot evolve costs its normal rarity plus two, again up to the cap of r8. The pokémon that appears will have its Dream World ability, if any, and its sex will be randomized. Only pokémon appearing on this list may be chosen.

However, these berries are useful for more than simply calling forth a battling partner! Any berry not spent on attracting a pokémon can either be attached to that pokémon as its held item or kept in reserve. Any berries in reserve can be used, at the cost of an action, at any point during the battle. The effects of all berries are the same as usual and detailed on Sunnenrain Berry Mart's Complete Berry Information Sheet, a copy of which has been helpfully included in each trainer's resource pack in addition to the berries of themselves.

The league will reclaim any berries not used either to pay for pokémon or during the battle, so there's no point in hoarding them--yes, I'm talking to you, suspicious guy in the hoodie don't make me ask you to turn out your pockets after the battle.

The battle will proceed as follows:

1. Windragon chooses a pokémon, chooses a berry to attach to that pokémon if desired (if any remain), and chooses their type resist berry (if it was not spent)
2. Zhorken does the same and also posts attacks
3. Windragon attacks
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Oh man I'm going to lose aren't I D: Well, better make it hard, anyways >:[

Let's try something ridiculous and spend all my berries on a Sableye. Yay Sableyes :3
Okay! I'll use a Buneary, because if there's one thing I've learned about ASB, it's that these bunnies are badass.

Let's call you Angel if you're a boy, or Destroyer if you're a girl. You can hold this Colbur Berry! (Which is my choice of type-resistance berry, by the by; it resists Dark moves.)

First off, use Magic Coat to bounce back any Taunts, Confuse Rays, Swaggers, Flattery, or Will-o-Wisps coming your way. If that Sableye is of the attractive sex, bounce back Attract and Captivate, too.

Otherwise, use Solarbeam—the variation you charge up quickly at the cost of extra energy—switching to Shock Wave if Double Team, Protect, Detect, or Torment gets in your way, or if it has a Substitute up that doesn't need more than a Shock Wave to be brought down. Try to out-stall your opponent to avoid Payback and such.

Magic Coat/Solarbeam/Shock Wave ×3

((Remember that most sites have the Magic Coat and Role Play tutor lists reversed, so Buneary gets Magic Coat and not Role Play.))
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Alright Sableye; I think I'm going to wait to see what gender you are before I give you a nickname. :o

Wait after the first Solarbeam and Spite it, and then gimme a small Substitute, about 12%. While it's hitting that with the second Solarbeam, take the time to focus and hit it silly with a nice, solid DynamicPunch.

wait and Spite~Substitute (12%)~DynamicPunch
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct healers limited to 1/pokémon, chills to 3/pokémon
Terrain: Tree of Dreams

Many of the TCoD League's trainers are taking a protracted vacation to Unova, traveling around the region and dropping into different cities to watch or battle in the ongoing league championship. There's one group that's been taking a vacation of a different sort, though--a select few who elected to venture into Unova's Dream World rather than take the normal route around the Unova region, with the promise of a battle at the end of their excursion and a place in the league championship if they should emerge victorious.

There are many paths through the Dream World, but they all end at the same location: the Tree of Dreams, an incrediblly ancient plant whose boughs are draped with the dreams of pokémon from all around the world. It is thought that those who bring an offering to the tree's base may be able to change their dreams into reality, but there will be none of that today. No, today there will be only battling, the opportunity to change dreams of glory into reality for those who were unlucky enough to miss the earlier championship registration period.

The area around the base of the Tree of Dreams is a simple grassy field, offering nothing in particular to help or hinder any battler. However, since this is, after all, the Dream World, pokémon will have no trouble accomplishing astonishing feats like conjuring tidal waves from nowhere or dropping spectral rocks on their foe. There are no restrictions on the kinds of attacks that can be used here, save those imposed by the league.

While the battle is fairly simple, there has been one complication--the machine that brought the trainers and their pokémon to the Dream World have somehow separated the two, leaving the humans without the protection and, most importantly, battle prowess of their partners.
Leaves crunched mildly underfoot as Blastoise Fortooate, berry-seller, explorer, and recently-unretired League Referee, grumbled his way through the forest. First he had had to print off all those flyers (and supply most of the berries, too), and now he had somehow 'volunteered' himself for the late bracket of the Tournament. Note to self: don't drink anything Negrek gives you when she's looking for refs. Hefting his dusty blue-and-white referee flags of his shoulders, Blastoise parted the last bush to enter the area of the Tree.

Windragon was already there, hanging out of a low branch and inspecting her berries. Zhorken popped out from behind a tree not long after, his hair filled with insect string. He shuffled over to his own pile of berries. With a shriek, Windragon fell out of her tree and plopped to the ground; a sableye had snatched every single one of her berries out of her hands, deeming them jewel-like enough for consumption. Windragon, looking surprised but pleased, watched as the sableye popped the final pecha into its mouth and looked around for more. Meanwhile, Zhorken had been able to coax a much less chaotically-inclined buneary out of the bush, losing only a couple of berries. He affixed a spiky, oblong fruit to the rabbit's puffy hip and then sent her out. Windragon whispered a bit to the sableye, who soon realized that his opponent had a berry on and jumped into the soon-to-be-fray. Blastoise wearily waved his flags and began the battle.

Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Her fur is resplendently untouched.
Thoughts: Sniffing the berry tucked into her fur.
Orders: Magic Coat/Solarbeam/Shock Wave ×3

Male l Prankster
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Healthy and bejeweled, man.
Thoughts: Mischievously staring at the pile of berries next to Zhorken.
Orders: Spite~Substitute~DynamicPunch

For a moment, neither pokémon did anything; their temporary trainers realized quickly that, to varying degrees, they had told either creature to wait for the other to move. After several boring seconds of poké-staredown, the buneary seemed to get antsy and, deciding that a Payback was unlikely, began the match. Sunlight glittered in Destroyer's fur as she brought her paws together, and after a moment's charging a green-yellow ball appeared in her grasp. The split second after it materialized, the ball shot forward, the column of intense solar power browning the debris of the forest floor and, ultimately, burning its way into Sableye's chest. Although the move didn't physically move the creature, it left both a scorch mark and a pained look on his face. However, the mischievous grin flashed across his face once more as his claws coated themselves in dripping Ghost energy; bringing the claws to the jewel on his chest and pulling out a bit of the leftover solar energy, Sableye sent a wave of shimmering darkness roaring at the spent rabbit. Destroyer clapped her long ear over her eyes as the torrent washed over her, but was surprised to find herself undamaged. She smiled unknowingly and straightened back up.

When she looked up, however, her opponent had already moved again! He was putting the last finishing touches on a small wood-and-leaf totem, black-as-night life energy pouring out of his eyes and into the doll. Destroyer raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, as she gathered more sparkling solar energy into her paws. As the buneary fired off another powerful beam, though, Ghost energy buzzed angrily around her and tore out even more power than she had already put into it. The unexpected burden caused Destroyer's knees to go weak for a moment, but the attack was successful on her end. However, the sableye's little toy leaped in front of him, absorbing the beam entirely but bursting into flames as it did so. As Sableye glared at his opponent, his once-proud creation turned into so many singed leaves and piles of ash.

Wary now of a sudden attack, Destroyer eyed her opponent. This time, however, her opponent seemed to be moving more slowly (and cradling his magic juju doll's remains). After steadying herself for a minute, Destroyer wearily pulled even more sunpower from around herself, blasting off another pillar of the Sun itself. After enduring another zap from her Spite, and blinking away a headache from all this attacking, she watched as the attack tore into Sableye's side, scorching him once more. As she stood there tiredly, the Dark/Ghost imp leaped at her, claw sparkling even more brightly than her Solar Beams. The punch went wide, but it managed to bash the bunny on the side of her head, spinning her around far too many times and leaving her dazed and Confused.

Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 89%
Energy: 68%
Status: CONFUSED (mild, will become light in one round), punch-drunk
Thoughts: That punch was preeeetty.
Performed: Solarbeam ~ Solarbeam ~ Solarbeam

Male l Prankster
Health: 66%
Energy: 85%
Status: Scorched all over.
Thoughts: Anyone got some aloe vera? Or berries?
Performed: Spite ~ Substitute (10%) ~ DynamicPunch

1. Although Sableye tried to put enough energy into the Sub to make it have 12% health, it defaulted to 10% (he also could have gone up to 15%, but RNG said no). Subs can only have 10%, 15%, or 20% health.
2. Solar Beam had 1% energy added to it for the quick charging.
3. That Dynamic Punch aaalmost missed.
4. The Substitute went immediately after Spite because of Sableye's Prankster.
5. Destroyer broke the staredown first because her 'wait' orders were less defined and urgent.
6. I have a sinking feeling that I've ruined something.
Next round:
Windragon attacks.
Zhorken attacks.
Just 1% added for quick charging Solarbeam? That seems low to me, but what do I know ugh

oh derp this isn't going as planned let's see. Start by Attracting Destroyer and then completely Captivate her with your uh.. do something attractive idk. Next, while she's she's staring at you all googly-eyed hit her full in the face with a Focus Punch. If she starts shining green with Protect lights use Nasty Plot, or if she puts up a Substitute Snatch that. Let's hope for confusionfail!

Attract/Nasty Plot/Snatch~Captivate/Nasty Plot/Snatch~Focus Punch/Nasty Plot/Snatch

/all the loopholes
Bounce back whatever weird courtship he tries to pull on you with Magic Coat. This is really important! Don't mess it up, Destroyer; just sit there and concentrate on Magic Coat. Then eat this Persim Berry.

Next, get googly-eyed like he wants—lean riiiight up in his face and use Foresight, making interested HMMM noises like you're sizing him up. Make this is as distracting as you can to throw off Focus Punch!

If you think you absolutely can't ward off confusion for long enough to use Magic Coat, then give me a sign—curl and uncurl your ears, let's say—and I'll come give you this berry right away. Use Foresight like before, except you really are going to be sizing him up if you couldn't avoid Attract. Then vent out your Frustration on him for trying to punch you, because that is just not an okay way to treat people after getting them to fall for you.

Magic Coat/[eat Persim Berry] ~ [eat Persim Berry]/Foresight ~ Foresight/Frustration

Rock on, Dessie \o/
Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 89%
Energy: 68%
Status: CONFUSED (mild, will become light in one round), punch-drunk
Thoughts: That punch was preeeetty.
Orders: Magic Coat/[eat Persim Berry] ~ [eat Persim Berry]/Foresight ~ Foresight/Frustration

Male l Prankster
Health: 66%
Energy: 85%
Status: Scorched all over.
Thoughts: Anyone got some aloe vera? Or berries?
Orders: Attract/Nasty Plot/Snatch~Captivate/Nasty Plot/Snatch~Focus Punch/Nasty Plot/Snatch

Sableye cackled gleefully and, very quickly, called to mind a number of choice compliments to charm his unwitting opponent into losing focus. Unbenounced to him, Destroyer (or rather, her trainer Zhorken) had a plan for this. Managing to calm her muddled and pounding head, the rabbit rapidly called to life her rather meager Psychic powers and surrounded herself in a transparent, reflective sheen. Oblivious to this, Sableye began crooning sweet nothings to the shiny rabbit, putting in all the romantic stops. Oddly enough, though, he began to hear similar things being whispered in his own ears, his own compliments and dirty euphemisms coiling their way slyly into his brain. Soon enough, the gem-eating pokémon was enamored with the rabbit, and convinced that she felt exactly the same as he did.

Heaving a sigh of confused relief, Destroyer settled down on her haunches and began to pat herself down for a berry she was meant to eat. She found one, but it didn't seem right... She looked around and after several moments of confusion remembered that her trainer had it. She started to turn towards him, but the rabbit was quickly distracted by the sableye that was staring at her from several yards away. He was, as some might put it, shaking what his mother gave him, and also announcing his plans to get his love and himself a mansion made out of berries. Although Destroyer remained twisted in the head throughout, she was still quite flattered and, as a result, a bit more reluctant to do any more solar-singeing for the moment. After the rather disturbing display of sloppy affection was over, Zhorken recovered himself and tossed a pale little fruit at his bunny's head; it bounced off, and she looked about dazedly for it before cramming it in her mouth hungrily. She blinked hard for a moment, and then the rather mild, firm berry worked its way through her addled mind, restoring her to a state of lucidity.

Sableye had some things to work out. His trainer wanted him to... punch the love of his life? Why? Perhaps since it was such an impressive move it would make her want to, erm, hug him? Well, he might as well give it a shot. The little imp's crystalline eyes glowed white, and as he began to focus so did his left claw. He put all of his love, all of his unending eternal passion, into the move; he would not disappoint his love by being weak.

Speaking of Destroyer, the little rabbit had moved her way closer to her Dark stalker, making sure that he wasn't going to spring anything funny on her. After ascertaining that this punch was different than the sparkly one from before (and much slower, to boot). She stared into his glowing, dopey eyes and, apologizing silently to the poor dear, allowed her eyes to bloom with red light. (She also, at her trainers insistence, began making HMM noises, although from a buneary they sounded more like EARR than anything.) The laser-like beams that shot out of her eyes, concentrated as they were, sent Sableye's concentration out the proverbial window and turned his eyes red for a moment. As the light fizzled away from either pokémon's eyes, Sableye suddenly felt much heavier, like he was completely attached to the mortal plain or something.

Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 89%
Energy: 59%
Status: -2 SP.ATK Suddenly clear-headed.
Thoughts: "The poor dear, he's just got a crush..."
Performed: Magic Coat ~ [ate persim berry] ~ Foresight

Male l Prankster
Health: 66%
Energy: 77%
Status: Mildly attracted. (will become 'light' in two actions), Foresighted (seven more actions)
Performed: Attract [rebounded] ~ Captivate ~ Focus Punch (failed)

1. Foresight, performed at close range, was plenty to disrupt Sableye's Focus.
2. No damage this round. Whoo!
3. Destroyer had a chance of not eating that berry, but it's a simple action so the chance was low.
4. That Foresight was more powerful than normal at close range, so it's gonna last an extra action.
5. Focus Punch, having been interrupted, only used half the normal amount of energy.


The grass is scorched and the sun looks put-upon. A clamperl is dreaming about being a gyarados up in the tree.

Next round:
Zhorken attacks.
Windragon attacks.
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((Captivate's a two-stage drop, isn't it?))

Once again, bounce back Confuse Ray, Swagger, Flatter, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, and Attract.

If he doesn't end up using a confusion move you can bounce back, call him over for a Sweet Kiss. We need his cooperation for this move, because otherwise it has terrible accuracy and there are like ten ways his trainer might try to get him to counter it. Beckon him out of Protect, ask the real one to step forward if he uses Double Team, whatever it takes. If it comes up, say you were just trying to get a deeper look into his pretty eyes (they /are/ rather pretty) and you didn't think it'd hurt him. Chances are his loyalty to his temporary trainer won't overcome his feelings for you!

Once he's confused, use Drain Punch for the rest of the round. Sneak around behind him so he doesn't realize it's you; he'll be pretty out of it by then.

Keep up the good work!

Magic Coat/Sweet Kiss ~ Magic Coat/Sweet Kiss/Drain Punch ×2
not exactly going as planned but let's just try our best alright, Sableye? Go ahead and show off your art skills with a nice old 10% Substitute and uh wow look at her making out with that she doesn't really care about you :[ Try to win her back by showing off your uh drawing skills by making nice Spite pentacles in the air? Just do that twice. Females love artistic guys! She'll totally go for that!

Substitute (10%)~Spite~Spite

Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 89%
Energy: 59%
Status: -2 SP.ATK Suddenly clear-headed.
Thoughts: "The poor dear, he's just got a crush..."
Orders: Magic Coat/Sweet Kiss ~ Magic Coat/Sweet Kiss/Drain Punch ×2

Male l Prankster
Health: 66%
Energy: 77%
Status: Mildly attracted. (will become 'light' in two actions), Foresighted (seven more actions)
Orders: Substitute (10%) ~ Spite ~ Spite

Sableye frowned slightly, despite himself. At least he'd get to make another awesome toy, and maybe he could give it to his beautiful Destroy-ey? He considered asking his trainer about this idea but, thinking better of it, began rapidly gathering some twigs. He tied them together with some grass, topped it off with a giant-acorn-head, and gave it some little claw-punctures for eyes. Black energy poured out from his chest-gem, being absorbed into the doll, which became animate immediately and stood in front of its creator. Proud of his work, Sableye glanced up at his loooove to find himself dreaming; she was asking for a kiss! He loped his way over to Destroyer, grinning widely. As he did, however, his Substitute railed against his legs, its twiggy body pushing with inordinate, urgent strength to protect him from some unseen danger. Destroyer called for him again, almost begging for him to push the thing out of the way. Sableye clutched the little doll to his side, pressing it down extremely hard in order to keep it from leaping to his aid. Destroyer then kissed him on the cheek charmingly, although the effect was rather muddled by the wiggling doppelganger. The substitute managed to break loose a second too late, smacking Destroyer on the forehead and falling to the ground.

Sableye frowned again, this time more deeply. Spite? He couldn't feel spiteful towards his honey, especially not to make it harder for her to kiss him again... But his trainer had said to! As he sat puzzling things out, a pad-footed bunny crept her way around him. She coated her fist with swirling power and plunged it towards the imp's back, striking him... in his wooden doll? The thing had been watching her even as its master hadn't and her attack had been rendered pointless. The punch had made a small noise, though, which at least attracted Sableye's attention. He grimaced, apologizing, and sent a Spite into the air, forming some wiggly stars before plunging it into his love. Wincing, he immediately sent another one in as well, to get it over with. He began to apologize profusely afterwards, hoping she had at least liked the pattern?

Affronted, and unable to be sneaky at the moment, Destroyer flung another glowing punch at her opponent, despite the crackle of purple energy that arced over her as she did, stealing some of her vitality. Once again, her paw sailed into the crumbling Substitute, destroying it finally. Sableye looked affrontedly at her, but perhaps she thought it would help their relationship? It was hard to figure out, honestly; it was difficult to keep track of things after that kiss.

Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 94%
Energy: 42%
Status: -2 SP.ATK Her arm is tired. Spited (4%) on Solar Beam and Drain Punch.
Thoughts: "...this is an odd situation, now that I think about it..."
Performed: Sweet Kiss ~ Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch

Male l Prankster
Health: 56%
Energy: 66%
Status: Confused (mild, will become light in one action) Foresighted (Four more actions) Attracted (light, disappears in two actions)
Thoughts: "Stop punching at meeee I though we had something."
Orders: Substitute (10%) ~ Spite ~ Spite

1. Sableye managed to avoid being attractfailed or confusionfailed throughout the whole round!
2. No damage this round again except for that sub.
3. Sweet Kiss was a bit muddled by the insistent Substitute, but it got through and inflicted Mild confusion. It also exacerbated Sableye's attraction and extended the Mild condition by a bit.
4. The two Spites were at half power due to the attraction. the first Spite was also unaffected by Prankster because Sableye had to figure out some moral issues. The second one happened immediately after, though.
5. Destroyer pulled some energy (5% total) from the sub before she broke it.
6. I had to rewrite the last action twice because I forgot about the Foresight and Substitute, in that order.
7. This is probably off somehow, so have at it if I've made a mistake.


The grass is scorched, and the ground is littered with punched-looking sticks. A chandelure is dreaming about a haunted time machine up in the tree.

Next round:

Windragon attacks.
Zhorken attacks.
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Wow I could have used Taunt last round, couldn't I. >:[

hfghfg fine just ugh look Sableye, you just made her a nice present and she punched it to pieces. What a bitch. You're totally not going to get anywhere with her.

Start by using Calm Mind to clear your head. Think about how she probably really feels about you! Also take the time to not be so confused, block your mind from any sounds. If you're not attracted to her any more just Taunt her. If you still think you have a chance with her, just uh draw more nice Spite shapes in the air to try to impress her or something I guess. If you managed to Taunt her last action use Will-O-Wisp now or Mega Kick if she has a Substitute, otherwise Taunt.

Calm Mind~Taunt/Spite~Will-O-wisp/Mega Kick/Taunt
This is really good! Focus Punch him; we don't really need to keep playing with him. Actually, we need to stop, because we need him to use Taunt. Hit him hard. Make sure he knows you were just toying with him. Use your other arm if you think your usual punching arm is too tired.

Then Magic Coat away Taunt! Whoo, he can't heal. Chill if he uses Spite, but somehow? I doubt it. Oh, wait, I guess he'll be confused... so just Chill if he's not Taunting.

Finish off with... uh, let's just say Jump Kick; we can't risk him ignoring your lack of sub and defaulting to Mega Kick in his fury and you can spare the health on the off chance it misses. Use Magic Coat if he's retrying Taunt.

Focus Punch ~ Magic Coat/Chill ~ Jump Kick/Magic Coat
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Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 94%
Energy: 42%
Status: -2 SP.ATK Her arm is tired. Spited (4%) on Solar Beam and Drain Punch.
Thoughts: "...this is an odd situation, now that I think about it..."
Orders: Focus Punch ~ Magic Coat/Chill ~ Jump Kick/Magic Coat

Male l Prankster
Health: 56%
Energy: 66%
Status: Confused (mild, will become light in one action) Foresighted (Four more actions) Attracted (light, disappears in two actions)
Thoughts: "Stop punching at meeee I though we had something."
Orders: Calm Mind~Taunt/Spite~Will-O-wisp/Mega Kick/Taunt

The light in Sableye's crystal peepers grew dim as he 'shut' them, attempting to ignore the things around him. He felt bad about ignoring the rabbit who had held his heart for so long, but there was nothing to be done about orders. Pressing a claw to each throbbing temple, the impish pokémon concentrated, clearing his mind and producing a transparent shimmer of Psychic power around his head. A couple of wispy heart-shapes and hazy duckletts began to twist their way out of either ear and as they disappeared and Sableye opened his, well, eyes, he found himself significantly less confuzzled than before. During this whole meditation magic ritual, Destroyer had been being a good, erm, destroyer and had been doing what she apparently did best; punching! She had sidled closer to the little demon while he oohmed and chanted, her sore arm all aglow (even sore it was stronger than her other one). As he finished chanting the very last of his nonsense phrases and babbleonian prayers, the bunny struck; her glowing paw slammed into the recently-cleared head of her opponent, knocking him end-over-end into a nearby bush. That attack had hurt in a way that no one had ever hurt Sableye before; it was almost as if the attack had been superbly effective somehow. The mighty thump on the head, as Sableye pulled himself gingerly out of the plant's inner reaches, would have removed whatever remaining veil of attraction that had lain between himself and his long-eared opponent, if he hadn't have worked it all oit for himself anyway.

Destroyer, shaking her paw and dancing triumphantly from foot to foot, quickly calmed and allowed the familiar reflective coating to soak into her fur, readying herself for what may come. Meanwhile, shaking his skull slightly and tamping down the pain, Sableye allowed himself a grin, this time not dopey with twue wuv but dripping with tricksy malice. Although it took him a fraction of a second longer to work up some workable insults when she had, to be frank, just owned his ass, Sableye the Prankster quickly tossed out some choice questions about her mother's whereabouts last halloween and if it had been her dressed as the ugly playboy bunny? Oily, Dark energy poured from his mouth as he said this and also several other things about her hygiene, mixing with his words and drifting over to Destroyer's big ol' ears. Her big ol'... shiny ears? The potted plant Sableye had just enough time to think Oh no, not again before his Taunt rebounded, wiggling its way into his brain and making him irrationally ANGRY. Destroyer, meanwhile, was wondering just how much of an improvement this could be for her...

While Sableye howled with absolute rage, Destroyer backed up a few feet. Finding herself near a tree, she began her little maneuver; vaulting backwards, the rabbit landed with her feet parallel to the tree's trunk. She immediately pushed off, one leg sweeping around to point at her opponent. The attack struck him in his gut, sending the Sableye sliding across the grass behind him before he woozily regained his footing. This was getting painful. The kick, however, had rather forcibly planted an idea in his head! He wasn't going to do magic fire like some wuss, but hadn't his trainer said something about kicking her..? In his hazy state of anger, it was hard to remember what exactly the conditions had to be for him to do it, but this was as good a time as any. The imp charged up to the panting rabbit, growling menacingly, and delivered a kick that made the referee shout something about this being Sparta. As the round ended, Sableye cackled as his old flame crashed to the ground. Not so high and mighty now, eh!?! Then he clutched his chest in pain.


Destroyer l Female l Limber
Health: 81%
Energy: 28%
Status: -2 SP.ATK Spited (4%) on Solar Beam and Drain Punch. Her arm is tired.
Thoughts: "Since when am I the one getting beat up?"
Performed: Focus Punch ~ Magic Coat ~ Jump Kick

Male l Prankster
Health: 19%
Energy: 53%
Status: +1 SP.ATK +1 SP.DEF Foresighted (one more action), Taunted (two more actions)
Thoughts: "[click] + ow"
Performed: Calm Mind ~ Taunt (bounced) ~ Mega Kick


1. Calm Mind cleared away the last vestiges of confusion and attract.
2. This is what battling is, you guys. Punching and kicking.
3. Those Fighting-type moves did supereffective damage to Sableye due to his loss of immunity to Fighting type moves and the resulting weakness from his Dark type.
2. There was more I wanted to write here but I'm tired so like ask I guess if something needs to be explained.


The grass is scorched, and the ground is littered with punched-looking sticks. A bush is rather damaged and a kadabra was dreaming about mint chocolate chip ice cream, but now he's watching this really close battle.

Next round:

Zhorken attacks.
Windragon attacks.
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Use Jump Kick and... I suppose Dig is your best option... to take him out. Dig is purely for attacking, so put your all into actually hitting him and don't worry about dodging. Furious as he is, he might still have some of his wits about him, so keep your big ol' ears perked, 'cause he might not stay put while you're down there.

Be on the lookout for Fake Out, too—if he rushes in to attack before you can, assume he's trying to throw you off and just don't let it get to you if it's at all within your power to avoid it. And on the off-chance you end up confused or something, do your best to plow through that, too; this is a critical point! You're about to win if all goes well!

If you haven't won at that point, Chill and we'll figure out what to do next round. However, if he uses Sing or Taunt, use Magic Coat; and if he uses Rest, Pain Split, Moonlight, or Recover, or he's preparing to use Snatch, use Foresight again.

Jump Kick ~ Dig ~ Chill/Magic Coat/Foresight
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