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Windragon vs. blazheirio889

Thank god for ridiculous capping. Alright, this is not going well. Let's see, more circular commands?

Er actually no. Let's mess around I guess since there isn't really much you can do but make it easier for the next guy? Just... use a Dragon Tail+Low Sweep combo and try to send her off the stage into the distance >:o Finally, switch the fuck out to Storm because I can't think of what else to do. Retreat!

Dragon Tail+Low Sweep~switch with Storm

no dragon what are you doing
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, direct recovery
Notes: The effects of held items are ignored. because no items geddit No fully evolved Pokemon; second stage Pokemon in a three stage line are fine.

Round 4

Windragon (OOO)
Currently out: Vuvuzuru
Female Scraggy
Ability: Shed Skin
Health: 39%
Energy: 73%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Speed.
Condition: Tending to the broises.
Commands: Low Sweep + Dragon Tail ~ Switch (Storm)

blazheirio889 (OOO)
Currently out: Loa
Female Cubone
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Thick Club
Health: 74%
Energy: 58%
Status: Poisoned (Badly; 1% this round).
Condition: Packing quite a punch.
Commands: Earthquake/Flamethrower/Mimic (Drain Punch) ~ Facade/Flamethrower/Mimic (Drain Punch) ~ Earthquake/Flamethrower/Mimic (Drain Punch)

Arena: Final Destination
no items, Fox only

A decently stage floating through space, passing through places that make pretty backgrounds. A pool the size of a wading pool has been installed under the main stage for this battle, though it's inaccessible. There's vents surrounding the stage where water can be drawn up from the pool for attacks.
Arena status: Unchanged.


As commands were given, the Final Destination shifted through space, reaching into a wormhole of sorts. It moved around pretty fast, requiring a degree of attention to balance in order to avoid being thrown overboard. Thankfully, it started to stabilize a little by the time the battlers got within range for their attacks.

Vuvuzuru moved fast, delivering a swift spinning kick to Loa's stubby legs, then following right up with a powerful slam, slightly attenuated by the lack of sturdiness in her tail but nonetheless potent, hurling the target across the stage and nearly off of it (thank goodness for edge hogging).

After getting up off the ledge, the Cubone leaped upwards, unleashing a massive bone whack into the platform. It wiggled around viciously, leaving all aboard to struggle for balance again, the tremors bouncing everyone up and down and causing them to hit the ground multiple times. Of course, the one most affected was the Scraggy, who had been standing by the opposite edge of the arena.

When the Earthquake settled, Windragon whipped out a Pokéball, recalling the reptile punk. Rather unusual for this ASB, but that was a Switch style battle. The replacement was a heavily armoured white Pokémon, with only a few patches of regular scaling standing out, one of them featuring yellow eyes with an intimidating glare.

Well, that surely counted as making Vuvuzuru an inacessible target. As such, the orphan Pokémon began trying to figure out what was up with those punches that sucked so much. Vitality, that is. It took a fair share of trying out motions, which frequently made her look silly before her new opponent.

Round 4 – End

Windragon (OOO)
Currently out: Storm
Female Shelgon
Ability: Rock Head
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: What the fuck am I watching?
Performed: Low Sweep+Dragon Tail ~ Switch (Storm)

(Vuvuzuru: 26%H/65%E/1+Atk, 1+Spd)

blazheirio889 (OOO)
Currently out: Loa
Female Cubone
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Thick Club
Health: 58%
Energy: 47%
Status: 1- Speed. Poisoned (Badly; 2% this round). Knows Drain Punch.
Condition: Finding this not very different from learning to Sucker Punch.
Performed: Earthquake ~ Mimic (Drain Punch)​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- Windragon attacks first next round.
Shouldn't my switch to Storm have ended the round so Loa shouldn't have Mimicked Drain Punch? that is how switch style battles work right
Shouldn't my switch to Storm have ended the round so Loa shouldn't have Mimicked Drain Punch? that is how switch style battles work right
In the action of the switch, other Pokémon can still use moves that don't target the switchee.
Well, alright.

I think I had something like a strategy before but I don't remember what it was anymore! Just Dragon Pulse all the things. If she Protects/uses Substitute/Detects just Dragon Dance instead.

Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance x3

What's Vuvuzuru's current health and energy, by the way?

Hurr, okay then... Loa, use Endeavor, then switch the hell out to Always.

Endeavor ~ switch to Always ~ hurr.
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, direct recovery
Notes: The effects of held items are ignored. because no items geddit No fully evolved Pokemon; second stage Pokemon in a three stage line are fine.

Round 5

Windragon (OOO)
Currently out: Storm
Female Shelgon
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Lucky Egg
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: What the fuck am I watching?
Commands: Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance ~ Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance ~ Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance

(Vuvuzuru: 26%H/65%E/1+Atk, 1+Spd)

blazheirio889 (OOO)
Currently out: Loa
Female Cubone
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Thick Club
Health: 58%
Energy: 47%
Status: 1- Speed. Poisoned (Badly; 2% this round). Knows Drain Punch.
Condition: Finding this not very different from learning to Sucker Punch.
Commands: Endeavor ~ Switch (Always)

Arena: Final Destination
no items, Fox only

A decently stage floating through space, passing through places that make pretty backgrounds. A pool the size of a wading pool has been installed under the main stage for this battle, though it's inaccessible. There's vents surrounding the stage where water can be drawn up from the pool for attacks.
Arena status: Unchanged.


The newly sent out Shelgon held tightly onto a until then unnoticed Lucky Egg, which Metallica Fanboy belatedly noticed and, yelling "NO ITEMS", confiscated. She was mildly disappointed at the event, but still steeled (shelled?) for battle.

Faster by a wide margin in spite of all the heavy armour, Storm roared as she pumped out a crackling blast of vicious Dragon-type energy, which caused a minor explosion of green-blue fire on contact with the target's body. The forceful attack threw Loa right off her feet.

Instead of standing back up, however, the Cubone dragged herself a few ways, and then, propelling herself skywards with her bone, drawing energy from her multiple minor wounds to propel an extremely forceful blow. The loud, echoing sound that rung out with the impact was horrifying; the victim of the Endeavor attack recoiled back a few ways, which is rather unusual for her tough-scaled kind, taking upon a faint red glow as she did.

Before she could even think about retaliating, however, blazheirio889 recalled the orphan Pokémon. The next creature to take the stage was a blue-feathered bird with a remarkably awkward stare.

As the Final Destination exited the wormhole, a beautiful starry sky landscaped the arena. It was a proper signal a new beggining -- a second battery of Pokémon.

Round 5 – End

Windragon (OOO)
Currently out: Storm
Female Shelgon
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Lucky Egg
Health: 62%
Energy: 90%
Status: Stable
Condition: What the fuck did I just get hit with?
Performed: Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Pulse

(Vuvuzuru: 26%H/65%E/1+Atk, 1+Spd)

blazheirio889 (OOO)
Currently out: Always
Female Ducklett
Ability: Big Pecks
Health: 89%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: Not a single duck was given that day.
Performed: Endeavor ~ Switch (Always)

(Loa: 47%H/20%E/1-Spd, Poisoned (Badly/2%), knows Drain Punch)​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- Naturally, Endeavor hit past the damage cap.
- Since switching out isn't Protect, Detect or Substitute, Storm did not Dragon Dance at the second action.
- blazheirio889 attacks first next round.
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Much as I'd like to get away scot-free for switching, I think Storm should've Dragon Pulsed, because she was instructed to do that /unless/ Loa Protected, etc. and she didn't.
Much as I'd like to get away scot-free for switching, I think Storm should've Dragon Pulsed, because she was instructed to do that /unless/ Loa Protected, etc. and she didn't.
The only attacks that can be used in an action with a switchout are attacks that did not target the switching Pokémon.
Stupid confusing switches.

Calculations fixed; reffing proper to be revised soon.
Oh whoops, it's my turn to command isn't it.

Right... Ducklett has such a tiny movepool ): Ice Beam would be our move of choice here. Use Rain Dance if there are clones or the first time you cannot hit Storm with Ice Beam due to Protect, Detect, etc. After that, Double Team for three clones if Storm Protects, Detects, etc. (unreachable or unhittable, basically, though kill substitutes on sight).

If Storm uses Rollout or Rock Tomb, then try to fly out of range before you are hit.

Ice Beam/Rain Dance/Double Team x3
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, direct recovery
Notes: The effects of held items are ignored. because no items geddit No fully evolved Pokemon; second stage Pokemon in a three stage line are fine.

Round 6

Windragon (OOO)
Currently out: Storm
Female Shelgon
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Lucky Egg
Health: 62%
Energy: 90%
Status: Stable
Condition: What the fuck did I just get hit with?
Commands: Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Rush ~ Draco Meteor

(Vuvuzuru: 26%H/65%E/1+Atk, 1+Spd)

blazheirio889 (OOO)
Currently out: Always
Female Ducklett
Ability: Big Pecks
Health: 89%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: Not a single duck was given that day.
Commands: Ice Beam/Rain Dance/Double Team ~ Ice Beam/Rain Dance/Double Team ~ Ice Beam/Rain Dance/Double Team

(Loa: 47%H/20%E/1-Spd, Poisoned (Badly/2%), knows Drain Punch)​

Arena: Final Destination
no items, Fox only

A decently stage floating through space, passing through places that make pretty backgrounds. A pool the size of a wading pool has been installed under the main stage for this battle, though it's inaccessible. There's vents surrounding the stage where water can be drawn up from the pool for attacks.
Arena status: Unchanged.


The stars illuminated the arena and the battlers, giving them an exceptional shade. They both looked different, although their behavoir this round would prove rather typical.

As previously, Storm pumped out a blast of Dragon-type energy, crackling with blue sparks as it shot across the air and into its targed. Always quickly retaliated by firing a beam of frost from her beak.

That attack highly irritated the Shelgon. Any dragon (well, except Kingdra and a few legendaries) utterly despises the cold. Their scales protect against heat, energy, and many things, but not cold. With a rough equivalent of "YOU HAVE FOUND MY KRYPTONITE", Storm let a green-blue fire sprout around her body, then leapt and dove at her opponent... Too hard, and missed her by half a Final Destination. And then got struck by another Ice Beam.

That did it. Thoroughly infuriated, the future Salamence unleashed a roar about galaxy-wide, releasing a massive surge of Dragon-type energy. One of the stars in the background started to get bigger. The Ducklett wondered what that was about... And then it hit her. Literally.

The Draco Meteor's landing plew the platform a couple of meters down, Nearly causing everyone on it (save for the trampled duck) to be sent flying off. It took a few minutes for everybody to regain equilibrum, and a little longer for any part of Always to even dare sticking out from under the fallen star.

And then she fired another Ice Beam.

Round 6 – End

Windragon (OOO)
Currently out: Storm
Female Shelgon
Ability: Rock Head
Item: Lucky Egg
Health: 26%
Energy: 70%
Status: 2- Special Attack.
Performed: Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Rush (missed) ~ Draco Meteor

(Vuvuzuru: 26%H/65%E/1+Atk, 1+Spd)

blazheirio889 (OOO)
Currently out: Always
Female Ducklett
Ability: Big Pecks
Health: 60%
Energy: 82%
Status: Stable
Condition: This never happens.
Performed: Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice beam

(Loa: 47%H/20%E/1-Spd, Poisoned (Badly/2%), knows Drain Punch)​

Arena status: A star has fallen on the center of the platform.

Additional notes:
- Windragon attacks first next round.
fuck, how do battle lets just

Use Frustration, then switch to Java. If you can still move, Java, use Thunderbolt. If she Protects/Detects/Double Teams/has clones, Storm use Dragon Dance, and Java, use Hone Claws. :V

Frustration/Dragon Dance~switch to Java~Thunderbolt/Hone Claws
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