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Rarity vs Cubone


disaster pigeon
2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage
Driftveil City's very own Cold Storage. The floor is iced over and crates are stacked high up in piles, some touching the roof. Some crates are even iced over.

Throwing Stars' Active Squad
Mudkipper the Male Mudkip
Ability: Torrent

Creeper the Male Spiritomb
Ability: Pressure

Dopey the Male Slowpoke
Ability: Oblivious

Spiky the Male Zigzagoon
Ability: Pickup

Cubone's Active Squad
Katrina the Female Absol
Ability: Pressure

Rex the Male Sandile
Ability: Moxie

Drake the Male Seedot
Ability: Chlorophyll

-Cubone sends out first
-Throwing Stars sends out and commands
-Cubone commands
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Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

(I will probably lose, but, for the fun and the money)

Come out, Dopey.

Let's go with Headbutt first. Follow that up with a Water Gun, and straight after that use Confusion.

Headbutt~Water Gun~Confusion
Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

Okay, it's always good to get a status problem in there, so how 'bout a Toxic? Then, how about a Swords Dance for good measures. Then, finish it with a Megahorn.

Toxic~Swords Dance~Megahorn
Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage

Sunlight streams into the Cold Storage through the open door as Cubone and Throwing Stars enter at the same time, looking around at the tall stacks of crates and ice lining the floor. They're surprised to find the referee already there, though it isn't obvious at first. Unbeknownst to them, she is always late to matches. Or the Trainers are. Timeliness is not a virtue in Asber. Though she isn't found right away; the Trainers need to follow the sound of shouts and explosions to the League's Championship battles, where their referee sits perched on a stack of crates watching the battles. She notices them standing there with a start after a few moments, and leaps down from the crates. The terms of the battle are quickly gone over, and the three scurry away from the intense rotation battles deep in the heart of the Cold Storage before they're hit with a stray Silver Wind or a bunch of crates fall on them or something.

The Trainers and referee move closer to the entrance where it's presumably warmer, and they won't have to wear so many layers just to stand in one area. The referee moves about the open area, toeing arbitrary lines into the snow on the ground and moving Cubone and Throwing Stars opposite each other. Cubone is chosen to send out a Pokemon first, and he makes a quick decision, tossing a Pokeball high into the air. It opens and red light streams out, forming into a white quadruped shape on the ground below. The Pokeball lands back in Cubone's hand unnoticed as Katrina the Absol looks around herself expectantly, and Throwing Stars steps forwards. He rifles through his small collection of Pokeballs before choosing one with a nod, and throws it forwards. The red light that explodes out of it is nothing similar to the pink Pokemon that forms from it. The aptly named Slowpoke, Dopey forms with a yawn and looks about himself sluggishly. The referee looks around at the Trainers and their Pokemon and nods, and signals the battle to begin with a wave to the Trainers.


Throwing Stars (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Shivering slightly in the cold.

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status:Fascinated that she can see her breath.​

Katrina's head snaps forwards as she turns to look at Dopey. The confused Slowpoke looks around for a few moments before he looks up and locks gazes with Katrina. They stand there staring at each other for a moment, before Katrina shakes her head and leaps at the Slowpoke. She makes a digusting hacking sound deep in her throat, and coughs up a nasty blob of slime and phlegm, spraying it all over Dopey as she sails past him. The Slowpoke blinks at it hits him in the face and wails as it realizes exactly what just splattered all over his face. Dopey blinks the fluid out of his eyes, and makes a grumbling noise. He felt sick already. Katrina lands with a smirk and trots away, rather pleased with herself.

Gathering up all his energy, Dopey ignores the slime dripping down his face and focuses all his attention on the Absol in front of him. Mumbling something that could be interpreted as a battle cry under his breath, he charges at Katrina headlong and leaps at her. Katrina is completely caught off guard by the sudden burst of speed and has to take a few hasty steps backwards to regain her balance as Dopey slams into her side. The Slowpoke lands back on the icy ground with a plop, and looks up at his opponent lazily. He hoped she didn't expect him to move, because he wasn't going to.

Katrina looks at her side and is relieved to see that there aren't any huge, visible bruises forming. It's not too sore, either. Stepping lightly over Dopey, Katrina pads over to his side of the arena and whips around quickly, slashing her head blade through the air and making sudden jabbing movements and kicks. Dopey watches this all with an impartial stare. The Absol weaves about, cutting through the air with her head blade and tail in a frantic dance. She slows to a stop with a few deep breaths. Now that her blood's really started to get flowing, Katrina feels more aware of her surroundings and of the battle. She crouches down, ready to take whatever Dopey throws at her.

Dopey opens his mouth as if to yawn, and to Katrina's surprise a jet of water flies out and hits her in the face. She warbles her surprise and takes a step backwards, though the jet of water only increases in pressure to hit her in the face yet again. With a hiss of discomfort, she turns around to protect her face. Dopey steps forwards to average the distance between them, still shooting water at Katrina. The jet of water fizzles to a stop, and Katrina turns around with a growl. The droplets of water on her face were already starting to freeze, and it was really uncomfortable!

Katrina snarls and crouches low to the ground. She shakes a few of the freezing droplets off of her face with a quick toss of her head, and a light green aura begins to form over her head blade. Dopey looks at it with mild confusion, making a low noise as it starts to pulse with light. The Absol tosses her head again and paws at the ground like a bull getting ready to charge. Before Dopey can even blink, Katrina is charging at him headfirst, with her head blade pointed directly at him. Dopey makes a grunting sound as Katrina rams into his belly and makes an upward scooping motion, tossing the Slowpoke a few feet up into the air. Dopey grunts as he lands hard on his belly a meter or so away, and winces at the pain of the energy coating Katrina's blade seeping into his skin. Slowpokes weren't known for their quick reaction times.

Dopey groans as Katrina trots past his prone form, rather pleased with herself. He gets to his feet somewhat shakily and shoots a death glare at the Absol. Overreacting, much? If she was going to knock him around just for spraying a bit of water in her face, he was going to be wary of her from now on! ..Though, another attack couldn't hurt. Dopey reaches out with his mind in the general direction of Katrina, and he's surprised to find no mental presence there. Katrina did have a mind, right? The Slowpoke frowns, and reaches out with a bit more power in an attempt to locate Katrina's mind. He finds nothing but air. Frustrated, Dopey recalls his power back into his own mind and grumbles something rude. Katrina can only stare in confusion as Dopey mopes about, clearly angry about something. What did she just miss?

Throwing Stars (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 77%
Energy: 89%
Status: Frustrated and a bit embarrassed.
Poisoned. (1% this round, 2% the next)

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 90%
Energy: 87%
Status:Smug, but slightly confused at Dopey's anger.
+2 Attack​

-Confusion did no damage because of Katrina's type.
-Cubone commands first.
Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

Okay, since Dopey is poisoned, it wouldn't hurt to use Hex. And, just to stick a powerhouse in there, how 'bout a Thunder? Finally, use a Flash.

Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

(I'm guessing I can command now, right?)

Okay, Dopes. We've been taking it too easy. Give them everything you've got. Hit them with Surf, then quickly get in a Grass Knot and an Ice Beam.

Surf~Grass Knot~Ice Beam
Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


Luxcario (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 77%
Energy: 89%
Status: Frustrated and a bit embarrassed.
Poisoned. (2% this round, 3% the next)

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 90%
Energy: 87%
Status:Smug, but slightly confused at Dopey's anger.
+2 Attack​

Katrina gets right back into it, raising her head high and making a high keening sound. Just in front of her face, a small point of light appears and expands into a ring of light before taking on a purple hue. She turns to face Dopey, and the ring suddenly glows brighter as she does. With a careless toss of her head, Katrina sends the ring of light flying towards Dope, and grins as it bursts on contact. Dopey makes a weird face as the energy burns into his side and dissipates, leaving a stinging sensation on his skin for a few moments.

In response, Dopey opens his mouth as if to yawn again, and Katrina tenses as she expects another spray of water to the face. This time, he actually does yawn, or so it seems. Not too far away, there's a metallic clang and a rattling sound and something silver that resembles a holding tank goes flying into the air followed by a stream of water. Katrina looks up in surprise as the stream arcs up over a stack of crates and comes crashing down on her, pressing her low to the ground with its pressure. The Absol makes an angry warbling noise and pushes back against the water and quickly finds herself standing in the middle of a huge puddle of water, soaking wet. Now she really was going to freeze. That was it.

Katrina raises her head high yet again, and an unnatural wind ruffles her fur. She makes a quiet hissing noise and paws the ground, smirking slightly as a faint grey shape forms high above Dopey's head. The Slowpoke follows Katrina's gaze to the small cloud far above it, and yelps as Katrina stamps suddenly and a yellow streak of light falls from overhead. The bolt of lightning hits Dopey with a loud crack and flash of light, leaving the Slowpoke with an impressive scorch mark on his back and wailing with pain. Katrina only smirks at her struggling opponent, though it's hard to feel smug while being soaked to the bone.

Dopey gets back on his feet shakily, shooting Katrina his best death glare. It's not very intimidating, to say the least, and Katrina can't help but make an indignant noise at his expression. Dopey blinks and looks away. If he can't scare her that way, he'd just have to show her how well he could fight, then! He closes his eyes and sends his mental energy out, searching for plants with green energy he could tap into and finds.. nothing. Dopey opens his eyes and blinks, before realizing exactly why that didn't work. Cold storages weren't exactly known for their abundant flora. Right.

Katrina gives Dopey another odd look. He kept doing that, pausing for a few moments and then looking really angry and embarrassed after. If he was going to be confused for no reason, she'd give him one. Another spark of light forms in front of Katrina's face, and as Dopey looks up to see what Katrina's up to the spark explodes with a bright flash. The Slowpoke yelps as the light sears his eyes, and throws a paw up in an effort to shield his eyes as the light fades. Katrina opens her eyes, having shut them tightly and paws the ground. Watching Dopey squirm around got boring after a while.

Dopey rubs at his eyes, and mumbles something rude under his breath. He squints up at Katrina and opens his mouth again, baring his short teeth in her general direction. Katrina blinks as a thin beam of pale blue energy streams from his mouth, completely missing her by nearly a meter. She snorts in derision and flicks her head. The sudden movement is all Dopey needs to pinpoint where she is, and he tilts his head slightly to catch Katrina in the beam, taking pride in her sudden screech as the water droplets on her side freeze, along with her general size, before falling from her fur and shattering on the ground. Heheh. That was right, she better be uncomfortable.

Luxcario (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 40%
Energy: 80%
Status: Starting to get tired.
Poisoned. (2% this round, 3% the next) -1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 73%
Energy: 72%
Status: Very cold.
+2 Attack​

-Thunder brushed the damage cap.
-Grass Knot failed, because there were no plants that could be used for it.
-Luxcario commands first.
Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

Dopey, come on! She didn't like Surf, so follow up with two more of them. Your health isn't in a good state, so have a hard-earned Rest.

Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

Okay, so I clearly have to do something to Dopey before he uses rest. It looks like our best option is to paralyze him, so use Thunder Wave. In case that doesnt work, use Calm Mind to power up a Thunder.

Thunder Wave~Calm Mind~Thunder
Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone

2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


Luxcario (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 40%
Energy: 80%
Status: Starting to get tired.
Poisoned. (3% this round, 4% the next) -1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 73%
Energy: 72%
Status: Very cold.
+2 Attack​

Katrina is still shivering in the cold. Her wet fur is doing absolutely nothing to keep her insulated, and she's utterly miserable. Might as well share that misery. The Absol begins to shiver even more, her body shaking at a speed almost definitely not from the cold anymore. Katrina twitches a final time and a thin layer of sparks fly away from her towards Dopey. The Slowpoke grits his teeth as the sparks sink into his thick skin with a slight numbing sensation and make his body seize up. Like he really needed to move slower. Dopey frowns as the numbness fades. It wasn't that he was moving slower, actually. He was finding it difficult to move at all.

With a great amount of effort, Dopey opens his mouth and yawns again. There's a familiar rumbling in the distance, and the sound of rushing water is faintly heard over it. Katrina knows what's going to happen. She growls as a torrent of water appears overhead, arching over the crates and metal shipping containers to come crashing down on her head. The pressure of the water pushes her flat against the ground, until it eases up and leaves a soaked, pissed off Katrina in a huge puddle. That was it.

Katrina shakes herself off, her fur fluffing up and making her look rather non-threatening. She couldn't deal with this. She wanted to rip that stupid Slowpoke in half and other violent things and she was honestly on the verge of just running over there and running him through with her head blade, but that was against her orders. Katrina growls low in her throat, and takes a step away from Dopey. Instead, she retreats deep inside herself and blocks out the real world, closing her eyes and breathing slower. No. Katrina was going to calm down and think this through before doing anything rash. The cold and her anger melted away, and as Katrina opened her eyes she couldn't help but feel a lot better.

Dopey gives Katrina a weird look. She was so angry a few seconds ago, but now she.. was just okay with everything. With a half shrug made somewhat difficult by his uncooperative muscles, the Slowpoke yawns again. Katrina seemed to expect the rumbling sound in the background. When the stream of water came arcing back over the containers and crashing down on her head, Katrina didn't react much except for a few splutters, and a half-glare at Dopey. The pool of water around her feel was already starting to freeze, and while she could hold her anger in she couldn't stop feeling cold.

Well, she didn't have to hold her anger in anymore. With a screech to the sky, a grey cloud begins to take shape high above Dopey. As Dopey looks up, following Katrina's gaze, the cloud appears to drop lower and become a darker shade of grey. Dopey narrows his eyes at it, and yelps as Katrina claws at the air suddenly, catching him off-guard with the sudden movement. What takes him by surprise even more is the thick bolt of lightning that falls from the cloud, accompanied by a loud crack of thunder. Dopey jumps at the sound of the thunder, and is stricken by the bolt of lightning a second later, falling back to the ground with a wail. That really hurt! He had a new scorch mark on his back to show for it, too. At this rate, he'd just end up being one huge wound.

That was it. Dopey could hardly stand at this point, and his breathing was ragged and came in big wheezes. He wasn't going to last long at this point. Dopey closed his eyes. He'd have to fight the best way he knew how; not doing anything. With a huge yawn, Dopey settles into place and stops moving, except for the faint rise and fall of his breathing. A faint pink glow can be seen around his body as he heals quickly, the bruises on his back starting to fade. Ugh. Katrina blinks at her sleeping opponent. Well, if he wanted to just pass out in the middle of battle that was fine with her. Maybe he just wouldn't wake up.

Luxcario (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 46%
Energy: 54%
Status: Dead to the world.
Asleep (3 more actions). -1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 54%
Energy: 61%
Status: Tired.
+2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense​

-note to self; don't forget about Pressure.
-Cubone commands first.
Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

Okay I just found out you can use Curse, so use it. You could use the stat boost. Then, use Thunderbolt, since if you keep using Thunder you'll run out of energy. Then, finish it with a Shadow Claw.

Curse~Thunderbolt~Shadow Claw
Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

If we go down, we'll go down fighting!
And since you're sleeping, our best option is just to spam Snore. Let's go!

Snore x3
Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

Ooh, I'm pushing that DQ time. To make up for it, if you guys both command before Christmas I'll get the next round up extra fast!

2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


Rarity (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 46%
Energy: 54%
Status: Dead to the world.
Asleep (3 more actions). -1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 54%
Energy: 61%
Status: Tired.
+2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense​

Katrina looks at her sleeping opponent carefully, before deciding he can't really hurt her. He was just sleeping, right? No playing dead or anything. With another quick look at the Slowpoke, the Absol begins to chant in a low voice and shift her weight from paw to paw in a half-trance. She closes her eyes. Tiny points of light begin to form on her pelt before floating up into the air and disappearing into an invisible point, leaving Katrina looking somewhat drained. A few moments pass, and then a shower of dark purple and black points of light fall from the same point in the air, disappearing under Katrina's fur as they make contact with her. Katrina takes a deep breath as the mysterious energy gives her strength. She was ready to go again.

The Absol jumps up suddenly as a loud, quite unexpected snore comes from Dopey. She crouches low to the ground and growls at her opponent, though her unworded threat is drowned out by the sound of Dopey's snoring. She winces as the sound rumbles through her ears. How long could a Pokemon snore for, anyways? The Slowpoke's snores break off into incoherent mumbles and lipsmacking as he drifts into a deeper sleep again, and Katrina raises her head. That thing was so annoying, squirting tiny jets of water everywhere, flailing around and going to sleep randomly. She couldn't have a proper battle.

And what better way to show how frustrated she was than full out attacking him? Katrina growls and sparks of electricity begin to run over her body. The electricity builds up until Katrina is visibly crackling with the energy, and she points her head blade towards Dopey. With a sharp crack, the electricity flies off of Katrina towards Dopey, hitting the Slowpoke full in the face and sending him tumbling. Dopey half-grumbles in pain as he comes to rest on his side, still completely asleep despite the attack. That was some pretty deep sleep.

The Slowpoke makes an odd snorting sound as he subconsciously tries to breathe normally again. His weird noises quickly transforming into loud snores once again, and Katrina has to cover her ears with a paw. Ridiculous. How could such a simple-minded Pokemon make so much noise? She growls and lowers the paw to her head, clawing at the ground angrily as Dopey's snores die down to mumbles again.

This was seriously annoying now. Making a low rumbling sound at the back of her throat, Katrina lifts a paw and sends dark energy over it. Her paw bursts into black flame, and with a single leap she rushes at Dopey and scores him across his exposed back. The Slowpoke moans quietly as the dark fire burns him, and Katrina smirks as the black energy fades from her paw. His pain was all she really wanted from this battle.

Dopey's groans once again twist into loud snores, and Katrina just closes her eyes tightly and tries to block the sound from her ears. She couldn't handle this. How was Dopey still asleep, anyways? She hit him with a bolt of lightning and clawed him pretty well, but he still managed to sleep through that? To her surprise, Dopey snorts and sputters like he's choking on his spit, and the Slowpoke rolls back onto his legs with a drowsy look. He looks up wearily at Katrina. Why did he feel more tired than when he went to sleep? Why was there a huge burn on his back? Under Katrina's watchful eye, the Slowpoke shakes himself from head to tail tip and yawns, just wanting to get this battle over with.

Rarity (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 76%
Energy: 16%
Status: Dead tired.
-1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 46%
Energy: 50%
Status: Frustrated and wheezing.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

-Rarity commands first.
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Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

Oh yes. Thanks, Windyragon! Although I have a post in the Absence Sheet, I'll just command now.

Yay, Dopey! You woke up! That's no excuse for not trying your hardest, so let's give that Absol a right old beating with Ice Beam. Hey hey, you can use Fire Blast? God. Let's give that a try, and finish off with Scald.

Ice Beam~Fire Blast~Scald
Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

Okay, to start it off, use Sucker Punch. Afterwards, use Night Slash. Finally, use Arial Ace. And I believe that Rarity overlooked one little thing. Also, Windyragon made a typo sig-worthy.

Sucker Punch~Night Slash~Arial Ace
Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

wham I can type quickly when I want to

2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


Rarity (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 76%
Energy: 16%
Status: Dead tired.
-1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 46%
Energy: 50%
Status: Frustrated and wheezing.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

Dopey opens his mouth, presumably to spit something weird at Katrina when the Absol suddenly jumps up and slaps the Slowpoke in the face with her paw. Dopey sputters and closes his mouth. What was that for? Where'd that come from, all of a sudden? He raises a paw to rub at the new bruise on his face while Katrina trots away, putting what seems like a safe distance between the two Pokemon.

Still bemused by the sudden attack from Katrina, Dopey opens his mouth and starts again. A tiny thin beam of light blue energy streams from his open mouth, and the Absol across from him flinches away as it strikes her square in the chest, leaving an interesting pattern of ice crystals where it touches. Katrina growls and takes a step back to get away from the beam, though Dopey matches her distance by taking a step forwards. The Slowpoke can't keep the energy flowing for long, however, and eventually closes his mouth and cuts off the flow of energy. That was good enough.

Katrina shakes off as many of the ice crystals on her chest as she can, too tired to really make a fuss about it. She takes a few steps forwards to close the distance between her and Dopey, and crouches down as if she's about to leap at him. Dopey looks up sharply and the two Pokemon make eye contact, before Katrina's rushing at Dopey and flashes a paw burning with a black aura out at him as she passes. The Absol scores three marks into Dopey's side, the Slowpoke howling as she cuts through his hide. Katrina smirks and wheels about, trotting back to her side of the field smugly.

Dopey looks back at his rather scarred back with a sigh, and faces forwards again. After this battle, his Trainer would be able to drop rocks on his back and he wouldn't feel it at this rate. The best he could do would be to pay Katrina back, right? Opening his mouth yet again, Dopey turns his head towards Katrina and concentrates his energy into a small point in his mouth, forming a tiny point of red-orange light and sending it forwards with a flick of his mental energy. It explodes into a huge five pointed star not unlike an asterisk, and blows Katrina across the warehouse, leaving her as a tiny speck of ash at the center of a burn mark on a stack of crates half a kilometre away!

..Or at least, that's what Dopey wished had happened. Instead, the five pointed star of fire that explodes out of his mouth misses Katrina by a meter or two, melting a stack of frozen shipping containers a few feet to her right. His vision was still off from being asleep, it seemed. Or maybe it was just difficult to aim attacks of that power. Dopey frowns and looks down, away from Katrina. He meant to do that. Of course.

The Absol gives Dopey a curious look, before deciding that was just another one of the weird things he did sometimes. ..Firing huge fire attacks at crates beside her head. Yeah. With a sort of impartial shrug and glance at the water dripping off the containers to her right, Katrina bounds forwards with her head down and head blade pointed directly at Dopey. The Slowpoke can't even blink before Katrina has him at the end of her head blade, and she slashes it down as she races past, leaving a matching slash to the three on his other side. Dopey doesn't even have time to shout in pain as Katrina wheels around and charges back to her spot across from him as quick as a diving falcon, seemingly disappointed with her opponent's lack of reaction to the new wound on his side.

At this point, Dopey is so exhausted it's a huge effort to gather up his mental energy and pool it around his feet. The only thing that motivated him was the idea of the great nap he'd have at the end of this battle. The water around his feet from numerous water typed attacks had already froze a few minutes ago, though now that same ice begins to steam and melt under Dopey's feet until it's too hot for him to even stand on. Closing his eyes, Dopey gathers the water up into an steaming, bubbling orb hovering in the air a foot in front of him, and sends it flying towards Katrina with a tiny breath. Katrina yelps as the orb explodes as it hits her, splashing hot, boiling water all over her. It was an odd temperature, so hot that it should cause at least second-degree burns but still sort of invigorating at the temperature they were battling at. The sudden changes in temperature couldn't be good for her fur. With all the abuse it'd taken, she'd probably go bald after this battle.

Meanwhile, Dopey still has his eyes closed, and it looks like he isn't going to be opening them again. With a curious look towards his Trainer, the referee goes over to the Slowpoke and pokes him in the back with the tip of her referee flag. The sort of mumbling moan she gets in response is all she needs to determine that he's still hanging on to consciousness, if only by the thinnest of threads. That was some determination he had! Unlike the determination of the referee.

Rarity (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 42%
Energy: 1%
Status: Knocked Ou- wait a second. Basically unconscious, though.
-1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 30%
Energy: 41%
Status:Unbelievably frustrated.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

-Fire Blast missed.
-Aerial Ace hit the damage cap exactly.
-Cubone commands first.
Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

Use Night Slash three times. I want to end this.

Night Slash~Night Slash~Night Slash
Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

Okay. Your last attack, Dopey, will be...

Flamethrower (x3 if necessary)
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