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[Event] Battle for Asber

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if not sent out first, do we use the pokémon's state when everything starts, or when they're sent out?
When they're sent out, so you can last-minute item juggle or add a signature move between now and then if you'd like.

tbh I think it would be best if both sides sent in commands via PM, and for the moves used to be announced at the end of each round.
Yes, we'll go all-PM for this battle, and hopefully it will work out better than it did for the Mosh Pit Battle, since people are presumably going to be communicating with one another this time around.

My Sableye and a Cottonee are undergoing a levitation course that'll finish a day after the deadline. Does that make them ineligible?
If you end up being one of the first five players to go in, they'll be KO'd immediately upon release; if otherwise, then they'll finish the course before you need to send them into battle, and they'll be fine.

Edit: Added a little bit about absence/DQ's to the first post.

Each player has seven days from when the last round was posted to send commands; if you fail to give commands within that time window, you will be disqualified. There are no provisions for absence sheet posts in this battle, but if you're going to be away, you may allow one of the other players on your team currently in the battle to control your pokémon for the round. If you abuse this privilege, I'll stop letting people do that and just disqualify you unconditionally if you don't send in commands.
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If a pokemon is normally unable to support themselves (due to something like an unfinished levitation course), could you send out a reasonable pokemon below them to break their fall and manage their weight? To keep them in the battle, I mean.
You can have another pokémon try to catch one that's falling, sure. And you could have other pokémon hang around underneath them in hopes of just having them land there, but the size difference would have to be quite large for that to not be a total crapshoot if the pokémon wasn't taking an action to specifically try and catch the falling one.
I'll stick with Sableye then. Also, how'll beat up work? Do the +2 boosts the legendary pokemon get count for damage calculations for punishment and foul play?
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Beat up will count all the pokémon on your team currently on the field.

The legendary's +2 stats are not stat boosts, so they do nothing for punishment and foul play.
Why wouldn't they work for Foul Play? Doesn't Foul Play work with the target's attacking power as a whole, not just their attack boosts/drops?
Right, it does, but since they have the same baseline attack and defense, it works out to not doing anything more than normal. +2 for them is just "neutral."
I'm applying for colleges now, so I can't be online for all of the next two hours, but if anyone posts a Vespiquen that they're lending/gifting to me, I'm using it. If not, my Beedrill.

*hopes this works as a blanket*

EDIT: Here's the link for Buzzcomb.

That's an awesome name by the way.
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You've had a day by my clock, so all pokémon choices are locked. If you're not yet in battle, you can continue to mess with items up until the point that you're sent in, and any pending body or move mods you have that get added to your pokémon may be used once your turn on the field comes up.

The first five trainers will be Grass King, ole_schooler, The Omskivar, Mawile, and Superbird. The thread will be up in a few minutes. PM your commands at any time; you have one week.

Good luck, everyone!
Some notes:

First, I'll be posting rounds for this battle the same way I've been doing for the mosh pit battle: each post will be a single action, rather than a full round. Unlike the mosh pit battle, I'll be posting each as I write it, rather than waiting until I have the entire round prepared.

Second, your pokémon will enter battle at whatever evolutionary stage will be had when the battle began. Evolutions after that point will be ignored. Additionally, you might be wise to remember the considerable displeasure I register over battles that are clearly designed to finish very quickly for the purpose of, say, evolving a certain pokémon. Let's try to keep our preparations aboveboard, please.
Some notes:

First, I'll be posting rounds for this battle the same way I've been doing for the mosh pit battle: each post will be a single action, rather than a full round. Unlike the mosh pit battle, I'll be posting each as I write it, rather than waiting until I have the entire round prepared.

Second, your pokémon will enter battle at whatever evolutionary stage it had when the battle thread was posted. Evolutions after that point will be ignored. Additionally, you might be wise to remember the considerable displeasure I register over battles that are clearly designed to finish very quickly for the purpose of, say, evolving a certain pokémon. Let's try to keep our preparations aboveboard, please.
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Since I have many other better things to be doing with my time, may as well put up a round index for easier perusal.

Prologue: Part 1, Part 2

Round 1: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [Buzzcomb, Meta, Monopole, Fisher, Leo]
Round 2: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [Buzzcomb, Meta, Monopole, Fisher, Leo]
Round 3: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [Meta, Monopole, China, Aries, Ptah]
Round 4: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [Monopole, Aries, Ptah, Ventus, Mr. Wonderful]
Round 5: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [Aries, Ptah, Ventus, Mr. Wonderful, Lurline]
Round 6: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [Aries, Ptah, Ventus, Mr. Wonderful, Death Canyon]
Round 7: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [Aries, Ptah, Ventus, Mr. Wonderful, Umbra]
Round 8: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 [L'arc-en-Ciel, Kupo; Aries, Mr. Wonderful, Umbra, Frost, Medusa, Mort, Jet]
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