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Nanabshuckle8 vs. Land Shark

The Omskivar

chah, dude
Quite possibly the greatest combination of names I've had thus far.

Alright, so this'll be my first battle, so yeah, let's do this!
2vs.2 single for anyone.
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned moves: Umm, OHKOs, Direct healing? Yeah, sounds reasonable.
Let's throw this party at The Pirate Ship "Dark Plague"
This is a ghostly ship, risen from the abyssal seas. It seems to be hundreds of years old, as some parts of it are rotting. It looks empty, but you can feel a ghostly presence, as if someone was staring at you with bloodlust in their eyes. It is said that this ship only appears in the most horrible of storms and only at full moon nights. The scarred masts with the black, shredded sails sends a shiver down your back. In the howling wind you hear a murmur, no, rather a muffled scream from far away. Only those brave or mad enough dare board this ship. Let's go.

It's raining.The ship is made of wood so dig can't be used. Pokemon requiring water to be in can use the ocean.In the storm the ship is rocking like a crazed beast so the speed of grounded pokemon is lowered by 1 and accuracy is lowered by 5% for all moves due to the rocking and the storm. Flying pokemon have speed lowered by 2 due to the harsh winds. There's a 5% chance for grounded pokemon to get struck by lightning per action, causing a 10% damage electric attack, the same applies for flying pokemon but with a 10% chance to get struck. Additionally there's a 10% chance per action for grounded pokemon to step through rotted wood causing the action to be cancelled as it gets up, consuming 10 energy, in return flying pokemon can get blown away, giving the same results. As if that wasn't bad enough there's a 10% chance that Kraken appears at the end of a round and breaks the ship in half. If that happens the match continues with the trainers standing on the two slowly sinking halves of the ship, their pokemon battling on the floating debris.

To summarize: We're on a boat!, Night, raining, -1 to speed and -5% accuracy from moves for grounded pokemon. -2 speed for flying pokemon. 5/10% chance to get hit by 10% damage electric attack for grounded/flying pokemon per action. 10% chance per action for grounded and flying pokemon to get "hindered", using up 10 energy to get back. 10% chance for Kraken to show up each round. Hope it's not too complicated, anything's "skippable".

Nanabshuckle8's Active Squad

Bob the Boss the Male Mudkip
Ability: Torrent

Steven Thunderclaw the Male Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin

The Bitter End the Male Nidoranm
Ability: Poison Point

Land Shark's Active Squad

Sir Suave the Male Treecko
Ability: Overgrow

Nora the Female Gible
Ability: Sand Veil

Felix the Male Lotad
Ability: Rain Dish

Welcome to ASB! This is the first battle for both of you and while the arena is a bit busy, it should be a smooth ride since there's not a whole lot to worry about. I'm The Omskivar, or just Omski, I don't have too much battle experience but I've reffed quite a bit so if you have questions feel free to ask, or post in the ASB Rules thread or the Attacks& Abilities guide. Now please keep your hands and feet inside the ship at all times and enjoy the ride.

Referee's notes:
-This is a 2v2 single, but you each have three Pokemon; if you both want to, I can make it a 3v3, but it's up to you.
-The mighty RNG decided that this is the order of the next round:
-Land Shark sends out a Pokemon.
-Nanabshuckle8 sends out a Pokemon and commands.
-Land Shark commands.
-I referee.
Alright, let's do this! I'll go with Steven! First use a thunder wave as a little welcoming gift, then set up a light screen and hmm, I guess a dragon dance wouldn't be so bad.
Thunder Wave~Light Screen~Dragon Dance
Alright, Felix. Since we don't want you paralyzed, open up with a Protect to block the thunder wave. Then, support yourself with a Leech Seed. Between that and your Rain Dish, you should be healing plenty. Lastly, slow Steven down with an Icy Wind.

Protect~Leech Seed~Icy Wind
Round seven over

Why do I always sign up for these lethal arenas, thought The Omskivar, straddling the top point of his Staryu as the two first-time battlers selected their Pokemon. The rain soaked his jean jacket and ruined his carefully styled completely awesome hair, though the Staryu seemed to enjoy it. An ominous wail was heard below, but ignored for the most part, as the battle went underway.

Team Nanabshuckle8

Steven Thunderclaw – male
<Shed Skin>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Glistening in the downpour.

Team Land Shark

Felix – male
<Rain Dish>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Enjoying the rain.

Round One
Steven Thunderclaw, arguably the coolest name in Dragon-type ASB, sent a wave of electricity pulsing from the cream-colred dot on his forehead. It jumped from raindrop to raindrop, making a cool pattern in the air as it weaved its way towards Felix and promptly fizzled out against his green translucent Protect shield. Grinning, Felix dropped the shield as Steven conjured one of his own, his eyes glowing orange as energy from the air around him rearranged the water droplets to fall around a sort of invisible bubble, refracting the light to form a shimmering barrier of light to offer some protection.

Felix shifted the contents of his semi-plantmatter stomach, producing a wad of parasitic seeds; he spat them from his bill, but a gust of wind blew them off course. As they unfurled and systematically connected to each other in a het, they drifted to land on the mast of the ship, about a foot from the deck. Steven considered them for a moment, then began a slow, rhythmic dance across the deck, miraculously avoiding any rotted planks as he gained speed and vigor. Felix watched him, confused, then blasted a gust of cold wind at the Dratini, who shivered and slowed down to end his dance.

Round one over

Team Nanabshuckle8

Steven Thunderclaw – male
<Shed Skin>
Health: 97%
Energy: 89%
Status: "Let me show you the dance of my people. +1 Attack. Light Screen active (seven more actions).

Team Land Shark

Felix – male
<Rain Dish>
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: "Take that!"

Thunder Wave- 4% energy
Protect- 4% energy
Light Screen- 3% energy, 2% upkeep
Leech Seed- 3% energy (missed)
Dragon Dance- 2% energy
Icy Wind- 3% damage, 4% energy

-Leech Seed missed.
-The seeds are on the base of the mast in a sort of net; if touched by a non-Grass type, they will take hold and have the normal effects.
-Miraculously, nothing extra happened this round.
-Land Shark attacks first.
-Sorry for being late; I'll try to be more timely.
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Excellent first round, Felix! Keep up the good work! Open up the next round with a Substitute--we don't want any more status attempts going through. Just a small one though. Next, let's try another Leech Seed--if you can't connect with Steven, maybe you'll still be able to push him back into the first set of seeds. Lastly, tear into him with an Ice Beam! And in the meantime, hope that the Kraken comes. Swimming battles are cool.

Substitute 10%~Leech Seed~Ice Beam

((Also, doesn't Rain Dish also heal Felix's energy? And how long does Light Screen last?))
(Oh just you wait til I post the backstory for his body mod :D) Okay, steven, since he's just gonna substitute anyway go for a dragon dance. As we don't want any of those pesky seeds use protect after that and finally, since his ice beam won't be too dangerous 'cuz of the light screen, let's crush that substitute with a mighty dragon rush!

Dragon Dance~Protect~Dragon Rush
Rain Dish does indeed restore energy, and Light Screen lasts eight actions I believe. Fixing.

Also, just so you're aware, when I have time to ref I start from the farthest back battle and ref in reverse order; this is the front-most battle, so if the other ones get commands before I get to this one this is last-priority. Since it's the most recently reffed.
Team Nanabshuckle8

Steven Thunderclaw – male
<Shed Skin>
Health: 97%
Energy: 89%
Status: "Let me show you the dance of my people. +1 Attack. Light Screen active (seven more actions).

Team Land Shark

Felix – male
<Rain Dish>
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: "Take that!"

Round Two
Steven Thunderclaw twisted his serpentine form again, his movements rising in speed and vigor as Felix looked for the most suitable material for a Mini-Me. His eyes found the net of seeds from the previous round, and he spat water at the from his bill. They sprouted in the rain and grew into a swarm of tiny interconnected Lotads, which stacked upon itself to form one large Lotad shape. The enourmous composite Lotad stood next to its creator, who gurgled happily and turned to face his opponent. He regurgitated another net of seeds, this time with dead-on accuracy, but his amusement was short-lived as they fizzled into nothingness at a last-second protective barrier conjured by his foe.

Thunderclaw too the initiative all of the sudden, and slammed his tail into Felix's lily pad--at least, he tried to, but was intercepted by the Substitute, who absorbed the impact with its face; like an awesome glowing wave, a ripple of dissipating miniature Felixes swept through the Subsitute's form until it was completely gone. Felix growled, but his eyes widened as he stepped forward to perform his attack and promptly fell to the belowdecks. With some difficulty, he climbed back up the walls; Steven laughed at him, but was punished for his Schadenfreude by a bolt of lightning from the sky, which left him writhing like half a worm on the deck.

Round two over

Team Nanabshuckle8

Steven Thunderclaw – male
<Shed Skin>
Health: 92%
Energy: 73%
Status: Yowch! +2 Attack, +1 Speed. Light Screen active (four more actions).

Team Land Shark

Felix – male
<Rain Dish>
Health: 91%
Energy: 73%
Status: Clambering slowly up to the deck.

Dragon Dance- 2% energy
Substitute- 10% health, 5% energy
Protect- 3% energy
Leech Seed- 3% energy
Dragon Rush- 14% damage, 5% energy
10% energy to climb
Light Screen Upkeep- 6% energy
Lightning- 5% damage

-The net's not there anymore.
-Lightning struck Steven on the third action. It wasn't very effective.
-Felix fell through the deck on the third action.
-Dragon Rush killed the Substitute.
-I remembered Rain Dish.
-Nanabshuckle8 attacks first.
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Since Steven was hit with Icy wind he should only have +1 speed.

Great job Steven! Though you do have the shed skin ability it's probably best if you use protect if he tries to status or leech seed you, not twice in a row, though. But anyway, dragon rush 'til you hit him and then toxic, and if that all succeeds throw in a thunder wave just for the heck of it.

Dragon Rush/Protect~ Dragon Rush/Toxic/Protect~Dragon Rush/Toxic/Thunder Wave/Protect
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