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Rarity vs Cubone

Re: Luxcario vs Cubone

2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


Rarity (Oo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 42%
Energy: 1%
Status: Knocked Ou- wait a second. Basically unconscious, though.
-1 Accuracy

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 30%
Energy: 41%
Status:Unbelievably frustrated.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

Katrina growls and shakes her head as Dopey yawns loudly. Could that stupid pink thing not give up already? He was basically defeated anyways, and was putting up more of a fight than he was worth, honestly. If Dopey wasn't going to just fall over and die she'd help him along the way, then. Katrina raises a paw and shakes it, grinning slightly at the black energy that flares up on her claws. She jumps and lands at Dopey's side, slashing the Slowpoke across his rather thickly scarred back and wheeling around to leap away. Dopey howls and tries to look at his back with teary eyes. That really stung!

Gathering up the last drops of his energy, Dopey opens his mouth and inhales deeply, ready to leave a great last impression on his opponent. Though, instead of a roaring jet of fire all Dopey manages to produce is a few flames that arc towards Katrina and burst on her chest, slightly singing her fur. Katrina narrows her eyes at Dopey. Was this some kind of trick? A joke? She's about to go over to the Slowpoke and give him a good kick for not taking this battle seriously, when she notices his shallow breathing and closed eyes. Was that it, then? Was he actually knocked out?

Katrina is about to go over and poke Dopey when the referee pre-empts her and sort of jabs at the Slowpoke with her flag. Dopey stays silent this time, and the referee nods to his Trainer, raising her flag. Katrina makes a sort of tired whooping sound as the referee announces that Dopey's been knocked out, and the Slowpoke's Trainer recalls him into his Pokeball with a few muttered words of gratitude. While she's too tired to do victorious backflips or something ridiculous, she can't help but be excited and celebrate with her Trainer. They were halfway there!

Rarity (Xo)
[Dopey] M <Oblivious>
Health: 20%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked Out!

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 28%
Energy: 37%
Status: Grinning weakly.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

-Flamethrower would normally cost 5% energy, but since Dopey only had 1% his Flamethrower was treated like an Ember.

-Rarity sends out and commands
-Cubone commands
Er, no. You'll have to choose one of the Pokemon in the first post. That was your active squad at the time the thread was created, so those are the only Pokemon you can use.

Fine, I'll delete the post and use Spiky the Zigzagoon.[/angry]

I'm very tired, and Dopey's gone to sleep for this battle, but I hope you're awake as ever. We're still going to whack the Absol so hard she [data expunged].


Okay, that random YES was because I went to Marriland and found a good move for attacking Dork Dark-types for mah Zigzaggy, Rocky Smashy. Use that once, then how about a *goes to Marriland* Whoa, er, Charge Beam, then, er, how about a...Pin Missile. That's good.

Rock Smash~Charge Beam~Pin Missile
Okay, Katrina doesnt exactly have any moves that are good against a Zigzagoon (except for one, I guess) so start with a Megahorn. After that use a Psycho Cut and a Sucker Punch.

Megahorn~Psycho Cut~Sucker Punch
2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


With a small hmph Rarity goes through his Pokeballs and chooses one after a bit of confusion over the ASB space-time continuity and he's good to go. He lobs the Pokeball just in front of Katrina and it opens on impact, revealing an excited Zigzagoon who looks up at his opponent and yaps a greeting. Katrina gives Spiky an odd look as he blinks and pauses all of a sudden and begins to shiver in the cold and whine as if he only just noticed it. Ridiculous peppy vermin. He would die soon anyways. The Absol was getting tired of these ridiculous opponents, and growls a warning to Spiky. The Zigzagoon closes his mouth. Someone wasn't in a good mood. Well, Katrina looked pretty beat up anyways. He could probably end this quickly, and then he'd have time to play around!

Rarity (xO)
[Spiky] M <Pickup>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Shivering in the cold.

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 28%
Energy: 37%
Status: Glaring at her new opponent.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

Much to Katrina's surprise, Spiky is the first to react and leaps at her with a yelp. Katrina snarls and flinches back, though Spiky still comes crashing down on her head with both front paws outstretched in a chopping motion. The Absol winces as Spiky's paws bounce off her head, though the weight of the Zigzagoon and his general clumsiness make the attack a lot less effective than it probably could be. Katrina shakes her head as Spiky dashes away from her, barking a smug little taunt.

As soon as Spiky turns around to face Katrina again, he finds her right in his face, head-blade glowing an odd yellowish-green colour. He yelps as Katrina hisses and slashes at him with the blade, sending him flying at least six feet into the air. Spiky howls and lands painfully on his side, groaning as the Absol moves to stand over him with a smirk. And that was how the big kids fought battles! He could just.. go home now.

Coughing a bit, Spiky gets to his feet and shakes himself off. That.. was pretty painful, he couldn't deny that. He'd have to match that, then! There was no way he was just going to get Katrina get away with throwing him around like that! An electrical charge begins to build up on his fur, and with a sudden bark the sparks building up on his fur fly forwards in a drawn-out beam shape towards Katrina. She yelps as the electricity bites into her fur, and shakes the stray sparks from her pelt. That stung more than anything, to be honest. It was still sort of painful, though! Spiky seems to have a few sparks still running over him, as Katrina looks over. They were probably leftover bits from his beam attack, Katrina decided. Though why were they just hanging around on his fur and not fading away?

Might as well take advantage of his smugness, and scare him a good one. Katrina closes her eyes and her head blade takes on a shimmering pink aura, floating an inch away from the actual blade. She flicks her head almost casually and the energy flies off in a crescent shape, slamming into Spiky's side. Spiky barks in surprise as the energy knocks him onto his back and dissipates, leaving a faint burn mark on the side of his pelt. What was that? Katrina's eyes open and she grins at the Zigzagoon. Was there a problem?

Spikey barks and steps forwards, getting ready to give the Absol a piece of his mind when she dashes forwards and flashes a paw at his face. Spiky can't help but squeak at the sudden movement and ridiculous speed of his opponent, though before the blow can land the referee puts on a burst of speed even faster than Katrina's, and turns the Absol's paw aside slightly with her referee flag. Katrina growls at the interruption of the referee, though she still manages to give Spiky a nice bruise just below his eye and dashes away. The referee says something about the damage cap under her breath, only barely audible by the Trainers. Katrina's nose twitches. Fine. Fair enough.

Spiky huffs and continues on with his attack, free from interruptions by the referee and his opponent. He tenses his entire body and the fur along his back spikes up to small but sharp looking points. The Zigzagoon turns to get his side closer to Katrina, and squeezes his eyes shut tightly. With a sound like a rubber band snapping, a tiny point of fur goes flying towards Katrina and embeds in her side, to her annoyance. Spiky is shaking with the effort of keeping himself tense, but he manages to shoot another needle of fur at Katrina with the same rubber band snapping sound before letting his fur fall back in place normally. Battling was tiring, and he didn't seem to have done much damage to Katrina! In fact, he seemed to have taken a lot more damage than he had dealt. It was only his first battle, you know! Katrina should go easy on him.

Rarity (xO)
[Spiky] M <Pickup>
Health: 65% (capped)
Energy: 91%
Status: Bruised all over.
+1 Special Attack

Cubone (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 18%
Energy: 22%
Status: Sneering at Spiky.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

-Rock Smash resulted in a Defense drop.
-Charge Beam resulted in a Special Attack increase.
-Sucker Punch hit the damage cap.
-Pin Missile hit twice.

-Cubone commands first
Okay, to start off use Superpower, and then use Sucker Punch, and then Chill. I can't really find any reason why.

Superpower~Sucker Punch~Chill
Ooookay... We're not looking very good at the moment, Spiky? (His name is now Really Annoying Spiky Thing, but just call him Spiky.)

Well, how about some SPAMMING?

Rock Smash x3

PS: Windy, don't bother changing the title again. I change my username all the time.
Yeah, I wasn't going to anyways.

2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


Luxcario (xO)
[Spiky] M <Pickup>
Health: 65%
Energy: 91%
Status: Bruised all over.
+1 Special Attack

Dar (Oo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 18%
Energy: 22%
Status: Sneering at Spiky.
+3 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed​

Spiky steels himself with a sort of grimace, and charges towards Katrina. The tired Absol looks at him wearily and braces herself as the Zigzagoon leaps into the air high above her, and brings a paw down over her head. Katrina grunts slightly as her head is forced down, but that's the extent of her pain. She shakes her head slightly to clear the faint ringing, and gives Spiky an odd look. Her head.. wasn't a rock. He wasn't going to crack her skull open, if that's what he was trying to do. Though the ringing in her ears seemed to be getting louder..

..Speaking of breaking Pokemon open, Katrina might as well show him how it was done. The Absol shivers and shakes for a moment, making herself seem smaller as she tries to keep an unknown force locked up in her body. With a sudden twist, Katrina flies towards Spiky with her paws outstretched, and slams into the Zigzagoon at top speed. Katrina's speed makes her trip and forces her into a roll (made a bit awkward by her head blade), while Spiky is thrown into a frozen-over crate a meter or so in front of Katrina. He groans as he gets to his feet. He's in too much pain to shake the dust and flecks of ice out of his fur.

When he looks up, he's slightly surprised to see how worked up Katrina is. It's obvious she's on an adrenaline high, and is leaving herself quite open to attack. ..All the better for him. With a little bark, he runs towards Katrina and leaps impossibly high into the air again, coming down with a paw outstretched over Katrina's head. She grins at the sight, totally expecting that. The Absol quickly lashes out with a paw, knocking the wind out of the Zigzagoon and throwing him off balance. Spiky lands harmlessly to the side with a grunt, limbs askew and panting. How could Katrina have expected that? The referee shoots Katrina a warning glance, mostly going unnoticed by the Pokemon.

With a tiny growl, he gets to his feet and shakes himself off. Well, that was embarrassing and pretty painful too. Spiky winces and leaps at Katrina again, paw outstretched. He brings it down over her head with a grunt, staggering away from Katrina as he lands back on the ground. Katrina is reeling as well. She's not sure how much more of this she can take, weak as Spiky's attacks might be. It was probably time.. to take a break.

She flops down onto her belly on the ground and gets ready to relax, when Spiky whips around and flies at her again. Katrina hardly has time to react as Spiky brings his paw down over her head again with a small battle cry. This time, as Spiky's paw comes down on her head her eyelids close as well and Katrina slumps to the ground, overwhelmed. A quick vitals check and prodding from the referee confirms the Zigzagoon and his Trainer's suspicions; Katrina's out for good. Spiky races over to his Trainer and yelps a victory cry, his Trainer joining in on his celebration. Dar recalls Katrina with a small grin, and thanks her under his breath for her effort.

Luxcario (xO)
[Spiky] M <Pickup>
Health: 30% (capped)
Energy: 79%
Status: Rather proud of himself.
+1 Special Attack

Dar (Xo)
[Katrina] F <Pressure>
Health: 0%
Energy: 7%
Status: Knocked Out!​

-The first Rock Smash lowered Katrina's Defense.
-Sucker Punch hit the damage cap exactly. Huh.
-Dar sends out
-Luxcario commands
-Dar commands
Okay, so he's using alot of supereffevtive moves. So we have to be evasive. Start out with a Protect, and follow up with a Dig.

Protect~Dig (2 Turns)
2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Cold Storage


Dar frowns and goes through the few Pokeballs he has at hand. Who should come out next? He stares at Spiky for a moment as he tries to make up his mind, and nods as he settles on one Pokemon. Dar's hand flies to his Pokeball belt and picks one out, throwing it forwards with a determined look. The Pokemon that forms from the red light is a Seedot, a rather average looking member of the species who gets right to work focusing his attention on Spiky standing across from him. Drake gives a little shiver in the cold as the referee waves her flag around for the battle to continue. Time to get to work.

Luxcario (xO)
[Spiky] M <Pickup>
Health: 30%
Energy: 79%
Status: Rather proud of himself.
+1 Special Attack

Dar (xO)
[Drake] M <Chlorophyll>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Swaying back and forth gently.​

Drake immediately sends his mental energy outwards and forms a faint green shield of energy around himself, eyes tightly shut. Spiky can't help but be surprised at the speed his new opponent reacted at, and barks in confusion. Well, Drake was just standing there.. might as well attack him. Spiky opens his mouth and a thin strand of icy blue energy flies from it, bouncing harmlessly off Drake's green shield and dissipating into the air. Spiky keeps the energy flowing for a few more seconds, before recognizing this as futile and stopping.

Drake lets the green barrier fade around him and opens his eyes, blinking in the light. That worked, right? The slightly disappointed look on Spiky's face tells him what he wants to know. Drake makes a rattling sound that could be taken as laughter, though before he can start to work on his next orders a thin stream of energy comes flying at him from Spiky. The Seedot winces against the cold energy bouncing off the top of his head, and huddles into himself in an effort to bear the cold. Spiky closes his mouth and grins at the shivering Seedot. How'd he like that?

Spiky watches carefully as his opponent shakes himself off and kicks at the ground, quickly boring through the thin layer of ice on the ground but having a rough time trying to dig through the concrete floor below. The Zigzagoon watches in amusement as Drake kicks at the floor in frustration, before giving up and hunching low to the ground in embarrassment.

With a grin, he opens his mouth again and spits out another icy blue thread of energy, striking Drake square between the eyes. The Seedot winces and shuffles away from the energy, but can't really escape from Spiky, who simply turns his head slightly to make up for Drake's erratic movement. He sighs as the beam finally peters out and leaves him shivering in the cold.

Well, he's not going to waste time digging at the concrete again. Drake is standing in a small iceless indent in the ground, feet flat on concrete. What's the point of trying to dig through that when he knows he's just going to bruise his feet? Might as well sit there and not do anything.

Luxcario (xO)
[Spiky] M <Pickup>
Health: 30%
Energy: 64%
Status:Feeling smug.
+1 Special Attack

Dar (xO)
[Drake] M <Chlorophyll>
Health: 76%
Energy: 91%
Status: Embarrassed.​

-Dig failed due to the concrete floor. An Onix or similar might be able to break through concrete, but I doubt a Seedot would be able to.
-Consequently, Drake did nothing on the third action.
-Dar commands
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