Blastoise Fortooate
It's sunset.
You might be religious. You're probably not; let's face it, the reigning opinion of this land is that the Almighty Gods are just pokémon. Awesome, rare, fantastic pokémon, but, in the end, pokémon just like all the others. Is this true? Dunno. It apparently didn't stop whoever made this little church you've happened upon.
It's a spindly thing, all stained glass and curving iron. It sits on a little hill, looking almost like an angular, benevolent spider with a double door. You decide to approach, I don't know exactly why. Maybe you are religious, and tired of your halfhearted little prayers on the road. Or maybe (you're walking up the steps) you're interested in the architecture. More likely you want to find any rare pokémon and, failing that, steal a chair. You dirty thief, you.
The door is in front of you now. It's black iron, but so much of the door is dominated by colorful glass that you don't really notice that first aspect. This is the case with much of the outside of the building; the hundreds of windowpanes, not neon or rainbow or even really specifically pastel in color, nevertheless cover the modest chapel with a flowing, subtle range of colors, spread over a multitude of little scenes featuring pokémon-human harmony. It's quite enchanting, rather like a hand-drawn, glass picture-book that's been splayed across a house of worship. Or something. Don't break it.
You tentatively (or brazenly, or nakedly, whatever) open the chapel doors. The slide, not all that smoothly, but with the small amount of frictionlessness that can be expected from most decent doors. They close behind you with a little click and a swirl of dust sent up around you. Do you have allergies? Well, it might not be much of a problem, as the dust is only very lightly spread about, and only really seems to have settled on the little pews up front and the many candles about.
You might consider lighting said candles, but it's not particularly necessary right now. The setting sun glares through the higher-up windows and sets what is very nearly an orange spotlight on– what's this now? At the very front of the small chapel, arranged in a square, are four stained-glass panes. Starting from the bottom left and going clockwise:
One is a sharp blue, and it reflects very little; despite being glass, it doesn't show much besides the bloated, navy designs inscribed upon it.
The next is umber and, while more reflective than the last, gives only murky reflections; its tan images wrap around each other in a mass.
After that comes one the same sunset-orange as the current lighting; its reflections are blindingly white and often obscure the writhing yellow characters upon it from your view.
The last glass pane is white, and reflects things with surprising clarity; through these, one can see swirled yellow shapes.
You have to get closer to see anymore, but go ahead and leave if you want!
Welcome to the Chapel Matryoshka. Gods know what you'll find, but they won't tell. So go and find out yourself!
◘ You must roleplay in order to get anywhere in this zone. I may ignore you completely or kill you spectacularly if you don't.
◘ Posts don't need to be long, but quality is key. Don't just type 'I look for rare pokémon'.
◘ Relatedly, I'll be responding in second-person. You can use whatever tense you want, but keep this in mind.
◘ You may take a single pokémon with you.
◘ Currently, this zone is free-of-charge.
Have fun.
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