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Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [TOWN WIN]

I liek Squirtles

sobble squad
Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [TOWN WIN]

RED wanders aimlessly throughout the KANTO region, unaware of the dangerous game his POKéMON are playing...

OAK is in his LAB, sitting on a chair, head in hands. On his desk, a FLASK filled with NONDESCRIPT ALCOHOL. He is sick and tired of having to call RED so he can put down his HELIX FOSSIL or his MOON STONE or his NUGGET whatever item he's decided to idolatrize. Calling RED a lost cause, he's decided there is only one way to resolve this.

Release all of RED's POKéMON.

He will accomplish this by any means necessary; spies in RED's team, even among his closest companions.

Instead of Town and Mafia, the two bands are RED and OAK (plural, OAKiosi).


1. Each phase is 48 hours, excepting Night 0, which lasts 72 hours.
2. You cannot mention your POKéMON in any way or form. Not paraphrasing, not saying it directly, not at all.
3. No outside of thread communication, unless your PM states you can.
4. You must send a PM unless you have no action (ie Lover, Townie, etc). If you do have an action and don't send your PM, your action won't be counted.
5. Have fun, broskis.

All PMs sent.

Time has begun. 72 hours for PMs/scheming/whatever.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

RED clumsily stumbles near the DAY CARE in his quest for ZAPDOS. His POKéMON's buttholes unclench; they are are grateful for the peace, no matter how long it lasts.

No one has been released.
48 hours for discussion.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Well then, that's good.

The problem is, it also means that we have absolutely no leads here. Since there are eight of us, there are probably only two OAKiosi among us. But who, is the question. Anyone got any ideas?
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Not the foggiest. Without any deaths, there's not much to talk about.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

No deaths could be doctor, alien, roleblocked.... basically no leads whatsoever as others have said above :( ILS, is the mafia/OAKiosi allowed to abstain from killing? If they were, that would be a possibility too.

Although, we probably wouldn't have any leads anyway if someone /was/ released last night, unless flavor hints. So.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Albeit a very unlikely one, eh - it risks them being outed for very little gain, unless they wanted to make a statement/use the lack of killing to drive the game.

In any case, it's kind of nice to have no death, even though the discussion is kind of frustrating because of it! At least there's no one unable to speak from the start, so if anyone has anything to say it would be helpful.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Well I'm going to have to say Abstain. It was nice not to have any deaths, but we can't hope to gain much from just throwing votes around. It would also be a bad idea if there's any potential of an alien being activated. I think this is just a very good opportunity to allow the info roles to gather more information.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Yeah, it's definitely a bad idea to risk having an alien win on day one... I'll abstain as well. BORING NIGHT ZERO. :(
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

oh whoops hi sorry for not replying earlier. it was a long night.

i agree that we should abstain! nothing to go off of, really.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

As RED wanders around the POKéMON MANSION, his team reaches a consensus. No one should leave.

No one has been released.
48 hours for night actions.

(I know what happened on Bloody Sunday, but for the sake of the game, let's just make this an AU)
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

The team awoke after an exceptionally long night. Thankfully, no one was released, although it seems there was some commotion last night.

No one was released.
48 hours for discussion.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Well, "commotion" could plausibly be construed as pretty much anything besides everyone abstaining, which was very unlikely.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Maybe mafia trying a release and doctor healing?

Once again though, we don't have anything to act on.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Hmm. 'Commotion' is a very odd piece of flavour text. Neh. OK, I'm going to bite because otherwise this is gonna be really boring - I'm the doctor, feel free to inspect me to prove my innocence, obviously. I protected myself N0 and N1, so I have the feeling the Mafia might have been targeting me, although obviously I can't know for sure since there may well be two doctors... and I really wouldn't be surprised if there was an alien in this game, given it's Twitch Plays Pokemon themed.

The town can't get anywhere unless we do some proper aimed snooping so [shrug] if anyone has any kind of tracking powers I'd see who's been targeting me, if anyone. It's not exactly concrete, but it's a start.

I'd say we should continue to abstain, though.
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