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I liek Squirtles vs. Dazel

I liek Squirtles (oOo)
Fisticuffs (m) <Regenerator>
Health: 59%
Energy: 79%
Currently: Maniacal. +4 Attack.
Commands: Acrobatics / Feint / Aura Sphere x3
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.

Dazel (oOo)
Firethorn (m) <Blaze>
Health: 46% (capped)
Energy: 84%
Currently: In a considerable amount of pain.
Commands: Dig (down) ~ Lava Plume ~ Dig (up)
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 2.

Round 6

Scarcely has the referee lowered her flags than Fisticuffs leaps eagerly into the air and backflips cleanly onto Firethorn's back, squishing the Cyndaquil into the pavement. The Mienfoo hops off Firethorn with a smirk and gives him a mock bow, but Firethorn doesn't look like he'll be joking around when he retaliates. Glowing the deep, ominous red of his ancestors' Fire energy, Firethorn roars and takes a battle stance as streamers of fire stoked by his inner flame crackle around him. They're not as close to volcanic lava-geysers as the Cyndaquil would like them to be, but they have the same effect: suddenly nervous, Fisticuffs steps back a few feet, ready to guard himself against whatever attack his opponent is about to unleash.

And then Firethorn turns to the ground, his tiny paws and feet suddenly surrounded with a whirl of energy. The Legos underneath him don't yield as much as the soft soil he's practiced Digging through, and he's forced to summon more Ground energy than normal. Still glowing red, he burrows deeper and deeper through the plastic pavement, barely caring that the SWAT team has let loose a burst of gunfire aimed in his direction.

Fisticuffs prepares to launch another Acrobatics somehow into the hole… or something… Unsure of himself, the puzzled Mienfoo takes a few seconds to decide on the best course of action—but then Firethorn yells a battle cry from below. Fisticuffs has barely a second to react before a roaring wave of white-hot magma bursts from his opponent's hole and swamps the entire plaza. Several flaming stones gash and sear the Mienfoo's arms and legs, making his attempts to pick himself up more painful than he'd like. Around him, a grassy park-like area has proved effective fuel for the now-raging fire, and the SWAT team and referee are coughing from the acrid smoke.

Firethorn is informed indirectly of his attack's results when a SWAT team member manages to gather their wits and fire into his hole before quickly retreating. But above him, his opponent has finally figured out what he should bring about with his next attack: More arena destruction! Trying to ignore the pain in his legs, Fisticuffs gets to his feet and flings himself bodily at a nearby tree, which topples with a satisfying crack and shortly catches fire. The SWATs fire on him again, but it was so worth it.

Firethorn is reluctant to leave the safety of his hole for the chaos above, but he angles himself slightly upward and continues to dig. He pierces the pavement surface and strikes his opponent's underside, barely missing one of the burns he inflicted earlier. Yelling wordlessly in anger, Fisticuffs bull-rushes Firethorn, tackling him to the ground before leaping quickly backwards, but the poor Cyndaquil, fired upon yet again by the SWAT team, seems to have had enough for the round.

I liek Squirtles (oOo)
Fisticuffs (m) <Regenerator>
Health: 31%
Energy: 58%
Currently: Nursing his burns, angrily. Burned (severe: 1% damage/action, -3% physical damage). +4 Attack.
Used: Acrobatics ~ Acrobatics (missed) ~ Acrobatics
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.

Dazel (oOo)
Firethorn (m) <Blaze>
Health: 16% (capped)
Energy: 76%
Currently: Not giving up yet. Blaze activated.
Used: Dig (down) ~ Lava Plume ~ Dig (up)
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and is moving towards the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 6.

Action Notes
-SWATs fired on Firethorn all three actions for damaging the ground, and on Fisticuffs on action two for his missed acrobatics.
-Firethorn's Dig took a bit more energy because the ground was made of plastic.
-Firethorn's Blaze activated on action one.
-Firethorn's Lava Plume burned Fisticuffs.
-Fisticuffs's second Acrobatics was a critical hit, but Firethorn was already at the cap—he hit it after the SWAT team fired on him for Digging up.
-This round, Fisticuffs moved first on the first action, and Firethorn moved first on the last two actions.
-I think that's it? A lot happened this round, let me know if you have any questions.
Fisticuffs: 59 - 13 (Lava Plume) - 5 (BFGs) - 1 (burn) - 8 (Dig) - 1 (burn) = 31
79 - 7 (Acrobatics) - 7 (Acrobatics) - 7 (Acrobatics) = 58
Firethorn: 46 - 15 (Acrobatics) - 5 (BFGs) - 5 (BFGs) - 5 (BFGs) - 17 (Acrobatics) = 16 (capped)
84 - 3 (Dig down) - 3 (Lava Plume) - 2 (Dig up) = 76

Dazel commands next.
hello I am now here yes


Well, you can start off by using reversal. Use aerial ace for the next few turns. If your health drops below eight percent, use endure as quickly as possible; use detect the first time Fisticuffs tries acrobatics, but not after that.

Reversal / endure / detect ~ aerial ace / endure / detect ~ aerial ace / endure / detect
I liek Squirtles (oOo)
Fisticuffs (m) <Regenerator>
Health: 31%
Energy: 58%
Currently: Nursing his burns, angrily. Burned (severe: 1% damage/action, -3% physical damage). +4 Attack.
Commands: Protect ~ Acrobatics + Feint
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.

Dazel (oOo)
Firethorn (m) <Blaze>
Health: 16% (capped)
Energy: 76%
Currently: Not giving up yet. Blaze activated.
Commands: Reversal / Endure / Detect ~ Aerial Ace / Endure / Detect ~ Aerial Ace / Endure / Detect
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and is moving towards the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 6.

Round 7

During the short break between rounds, Fisticuffs is mostly trying to keep his weight off his burn, sometimes scowling at his opponent, but Firethorn is much busier. Still glowing red, the Cyndaquil gathers all of his vengeful thoughts, his desperation, anger, fear, and pain, into a blaze of Fighting energy double his height. With a yell, he barrels straight into Fisticuffs as the flags come down, the amber energy flowing off his paws and feet in rolling waves, only to slam straight into a transparent Protect shield that the Mienfoo formed just in time. Firethorn flails uselessly at the shield for a few more seconds, but his blows are absorbed by the dome and he hops off, glaring at Fisticuffs.

The Mienfoo, sweating with exertion though he is, snickers before lowering his shield. Then Fisticuffs closes the distance between the two Pokemon incredibly fast, coming to a halt just before tackling Firethorn. Leaning into the hit he thought was coming, the Cyndaquil is stunned for a moment by the odd… non-attack, and doesn't quite manage to gather his wits when Fisticuffs runs back at him for a weak hit-and-run tackle before dancing around him like the many times before.

Firethorn doesn't remember to summon the uncanny focus of Detect until Fisticuffs has already twirled around him thrice and leaped away, dealing heavy blows every time despite his burns, and by then the Cyndaquil figures he's under eight percent, whatever that means. In any case, his inner flame feels stronger than ever, fueled by his instinctual desire to live. Firethorn curls up into the most defensible position he knows of, a tight ball with his back-flame burning bright, and focuses solely on surviving the hit he knows is coming. The SWAT team, the trainers, the buildings around him and the plastic below—everything else disappears, and all that matters right now is himself and his opponent.

Fisticuffs stares confusedly at the Cyndaquil, who is glowing a soft blue that overlaps in places with the crimson hue that was already there. It does look like he needs just one more hit to take down, but the Mienfoo feels so tired… And lo, no attack comes. The blue aura fades as Firethorn uncurls, surprised. Well, there's no looking a gift non-attack in the mouth—so he leaps straight at the Mienfoo with all the force he can muster, dealing a Flying energy-laced blow with a suddenly sharpened claw. As the round ends, the battlers take full advantage of the short respite they're given, both of them breathing hard.

I liek Squirtles (oOo)
Fisticuffs (m) <Regenerator>
Health: 19%
Energy: 40%
Currently: Frustrated. Burned (severe: 1% damage/action, -3% physical damage). +4 Attack.
Used: Protect ~ Acrobatics + Feint
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.

Dazel (oOo)
Firethorn (m) <Blaze>
Health: 4%
Energy: 66%
Currently: In awe that he's still conscious. Blaze activated.
Used: Reversal (blocked) ~ Endure ~ Aerial Ace
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 6.

Action Notes
-Acrobatics + Feint produced a Flying move with 5% base damage, 11% base energy, and +2 priority that breaks through Protect and Detect and has 11% base damage if the user isn't holding an item. Fisticuffs used Feint to fake a hit and make Firethorn drop any shields before moving in for a mostly normal Acrobatics, but because Firethorn was ordered to only use Detect reactively (as a response to Acrobatics), he did not have a Detect shield up.
-Pokemon don't know what their health percentages are, so Firethorn just assumed he was under 8% when he moved on the second action since the Acrobatics + Feint hurt a lot.
Fisticuffs: 31 - 1 (burn) - 1 (burn) - 9 (Aerial Ace) - 1 (burn) = 19
58 - 7 (Detect) - 11 (Acrobatics + Feint) = 40
Firethorn: 16 - 12 (Acrobatics + Feint) = 4
76 - 5 (Reversal) - 2 (Endure) - 3 (Aerial Ace) = 66

ILS commands next.
There we go!

Let's end this with an Aura Sphere. If they Protect or Detect, use Work Up. After that, Drain Punch (or Work Up) and finish with U-Turn, if he's still around (or Work Up).

Aura Sphere/Work Up~Drain Punch/Work Up~U-Turn/Work Up
luv 2 b l8

Well, we're fucked. Let's hang on just for the sake of hanging on, I guess.

First, use endure; follow up with protect; then, the big finale, flare blitz. You are almost inevitably going to faint here, so... why not go down with a bang? Try your best to do it quickly; your speed stat is even with mienfoo's for some reason, so if you really push and expend that extra bit of energy, you should be able to beat Fisticuffs to the punch.

Endure ~ protect ~ flare blitz
I liek Squirtles (oOo)
Fisticuffs (m) <Regenerator>
Health: 19%
Energy: 40%
Currently: Frustrated. Burned (severe: 1% damage/action, -3% physical damage). +4 Attack.
Commands: Aura Sphere / Work Up ~ Drain Punch / Work Up ~ U-turn / Work Up
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.

Dazel (oOo)
Firethorn (m) <Blaze>
Health: 4%
Energy: 66%
Currently: In awe that he's still conscious. Blaze activated.
Commands: Endure ~ Protect ~ Flare Blitz
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 6.

Round 8

More certain than last time that a damaging attack will be coming his way, Firethorn braces himself and focuses, the same blueish aura gradually surrounding him. When Fisticuffs's burst of Fighting aura impacts him, he stands his ground as the glow repels most of the attack. But scarcely has the Cyndaquil lowered his mental shield than his trainer calls out for him to raise a physical one, and Firethorn just can't summon the sheer energy he needs to put up a Protect quickly enough.

Seeing the opening in his opponent's defense, Fisticuffs leaps in, and Firethorn's sparking almost-dome yields easily to his approach. The nearly-a-Protect fizzles out when Fisticuffs drains away the small amount left of its creator's life energy with a quick punch, wincing somewhat as the movement irritates his burn. After a few tense moments of waiting, the referee lowers her flags to declare Firethorn unfit for further battle, and Dazel recalls their Pokemon and prepares to select another.

I liek Squirtles (oOo)
Fisticuffs (m) <Regenerator>
Health: 18%
Energy: 33%
Currently: Glad Firethorn didn't put up too much of a fight. Burned (severe: 1% damage/action, -3% physical damage). +4 Attack.
Used: Aura Sphere ~ Drain Punch
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.

Dazel (oxo)
Firethorn (m) <Blaze>
Health: 0%
Energy: 60%
Currently: Fainted.
Used: Endure ~ Protect (failed)
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 6.

Action Notes
-Endure and Protect run off the same failure roll thingy

Fisticuffs: 19 - 1 (burn) + 1 (Drain Punch) - 1 (burn) = 18
40 - 4 (Aura Sphere) - 3 (Drain Punch) = 33
Firethorn: 4 - 3 (Aura Sphere) - 9 (Drain Punch) = 0
66 - 6 (Endure) = 60
Dazel sends out and commands next.
Action Notes
-Endure and Protect run off the same failure roll thingy.
...Well, fuck.

All right, well, we're getting out the knives, now. Rock 'em, Mercuria!

This will be kind of anticlimactic seeing as we're commanding first, so, uh... just spam psychic! :D!! If Fisticuffs protects/detects, use calm mind instead.

Psychic / calm mind x3

U-Turn out of there, Fisticuffs, into Von Chosais, and if he can attack, then Leech Seed and Seed Bomb.

U-Turn (into Von Chosais)~Leech Seed~Seed Bomb
Dazel decides on and throws down a Poke Ball, making everyone present cover their eyes to avoid the sudden burst of white light. After they recover, they give commands to their Pokemon, a dazed-looking Slowpoke who nods and slowly turns to face her opponent. Though Fisticuffs is in a much worse state than she is, he returns the glare anyway, and the referee lowers her flags to begin a new round.

I liek Squirtles (oOo)
Fisticuffs (m) <Regenerator>
Health: 18%
Energy: 33%
Currently: Glad Firethorn didn't put up too much of a fight. Burned (severe: 1% damage/action, -3% physical damage). +4 Attack.
Commands: U-turn (Von Chosais)
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Currently: Staring blankly into space.
Commands: Psychic / Calm Mind x3
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 6.

Round 9

With a desperate roar, Fisticuffs sprints towards Mercuria, gritting his teeth as the sudden spurt of activity irritates the burns on his legs. A whiplike jolt of Bug energy lashes out at the Slowpoke as Fisticuffs makes contact and then leaps backwards, somersaulting into I liek Squirtles's waiting Poke Ball. Instead of reaching for Cuckoo's Poke Ball, the trainer chooses one that he hadn't used yet, releasing an eager-looking Chespin with a flash. Von Chosais looks around, approvingly at the unharmed buildings and somewhat disapprovingly at the multiple holes and char marks on the roadway, before facing down his opponent in a battle stance.

All the while, said opponent hasn't moved, exhibiting her species's trademark (lack of) speed. A little worried, Von Chosais suddenly throws his arms up in defense as Mercuria's mouth opens a little more, but the movement is of no consequence. The Slowpoke soon seems to decide on a course of action, and levels a stare at the Chespin before lifting him into the air with psychic power and banging him around, first against the jutting plastic left by Firethorn's Dig, then in wider and wider circles against the buildings. Mercuria's mouth curves into nearly a smirk as she lifts the struggling Von Chosais high in the air and withdraws her telekinetic influence all at once. The Chespin hits the ground just as the SWAT team, resigned to Main Plaza's inevitable fate of destruction, fires a few times in Mercuria's direction.

I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 89%
Energy: 100%
Currently: Displeased by the rough welcome.
Used: (switched in)
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 17% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo>
Health: 82%
Energy: 96%
Currently: Still staring blankly into space. Her eyes are wider, maybe?
Used: Psychic
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Action Notes
-Dazel didn't specify which way they wanted Psychic to be used. Because it would influence the results, I rolled for it, and got the tossing-around kind, making the SWAT team fire at Mercuria.

Fisticuffs: 18 - 1 (burn) = 17
33 - 4 (U-turn) = 29
Von Chosais: 100 - 11 (Psychic) = 89
100 = 100
Mercuria: 100 - 13 (U-turn) - 5 (BFGs) = 82
100 - 4 (Psychic) = 96
ILS commands next.
just as I was about to post my commands, my internet farted. >:( Y'all are getting shortened commands.

Giga Drain for health, then Leech Seed. Body Slam right after, but if you can't get close use Energy Ball. If Mercuria is out of reach or unhittable (bar Substitute), Bulk Up.

Giga Drain/Bulk Up~Leech Seed/Bulk Up~Body Slam/Energy Ball/Bulk Up
You can take a single giga drain, so kick off with a yawn. Next, protect. For your final action, use dream eater, unless yawn failed for some reason, in which case use flamethrower.

Yawn ~ protect ~ dream eater / flamethrower
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I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 89%
Energy: 100%
Currently: Displeased by the rough welcome.
Commands: Giga Drain / Bulk Up ~ Leech Seed / Bulk Up ~ Body Slam / Energy Ball / Bulk Up
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 17% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo>
Health: 82%
Energy: 96%
Currently: Still staring blankly into space. Her eyes are wider, maybe?
Commands: Yawn ~ Protect ~ Dream Eater / Flamethrower
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Round 10

Eager to get payback for Mercuria's attack, Von Chosais focuses on increasing his natural potential to perceive life. The city around him slowly disappears, replaced with glowing orbs of life-force in a field of black. Von Chosais sees the trainers, referee, and SWAT team members, as well as his teammate Cuckoo in I liek Squirtles's Poke Ball, as a vibrant green, while his opponents Mercuria and Boris are a little fainter but still in good health. The incapacitated Firethorn, safe in his Poke Ball, is a nearly invisible dull olive, while Fisticuffs's aura is barely there but getting brighter every second as his restorative abilities take hold—but Von Chosais is getting distracted, and his opportunity to attack will pass if he doesn't do anything soon. The green dots and void of black fade away, but Mercuria's aura remains as Von Chosais gives it a mental pull, forcing it towards him. Mercuria paws at her skin and squeals in annoyance as green spheres of her energy detach themselves and fly towards Von Chosais, who absorbs them into his own life-force.

But that won't do at all. Mercuria knows she won't be able to withstand too many attacks like that, but thankfully she's got a solution to that problem. Waddling slowly towards her opponent, the Slowpoke opens her mouth wide and makes eye contact with Von Chosais, implanting the smallest suggestion of sleep. Her job done, Mercuria just needs to wait for the idea to take hold. The Slowpoke lies down, then waves her stubby forelegs back and forth in the air to create a shimmering dome that expands to surround her. But Von Chosais doesn't look like he's too sleepy yet; to seal the deal, Mercuria yawns once more and blinks blearily a few times.

It's not long before Von Chosais stifles his own yawn, eyes wide. Damn, but he's tired! That attack took a lot more out of him than he thought. A glance in Mercuria's direction shows she's put up a shield, so no one's going to mind if he just takes a nap, will they? Maybe there's time for one more move. Knowing that the life-sapping seed he was planning to throw at Mercuria would just bounce right off the dome she's prepared, Von Chosais takes a deep breath and jabs a few times at an imaginary enemy to get himself battle-ready. The Chespin relaxes as the Fighting energy he summoned to pump himself up gives him a sudden growth spurt, but he simply can't resist the now overwhelming desire to sleep… And soon he's out cold, snoring peacefully on the plastic pavement.

Mercuria smirks as her opponent continues to sleep, a perfect target for her to practice her Dream Eating technique. She extends her telekinetic influence and shoves herself into Von Chosais's unguarded mind; in the real world, the Chespin shifts and snorts at the intrusion, but doesn't wake. Inside his dream, a surreal landscape expands temptingly in every direction, but Mercuria has done this enough times that she knows she can't afford to lose herself here. Purposefully pushing past alien brambles and bizarre fruit-shrubs, the Slowpoke soon finds Von Chosais's dream version of himself cheering on his teammates in a peaceful meadow as they attack dummies shaped strangely like Slowpokes. Mercuria takes a moment to roll her eyes in exasperation before tightening her psychic hold on the landscape and then twisting. Soon, the dream begins to deform: the trees and grass morphing into nightmarish phantoms, the dummies becoming leering monsters that overpower Von Chosais's teammates before turning on him. Before the dream becomes too unstable, Mercuria retreats back into Main Plaza, where a pink aura is feeding from the Chespin towards her in an eerie echo of his earlier Giga Drain. As the referee lowers her flags to end the round, Von Chosais cries out and pounds at the ground, but still he doesn't awaken…

I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 83%
Energy: 95%
Currently: Snorfling in his sleep. Asleep (moderate: 4 or fewer actions remaining). +1 Attack, +1 Defense.
Used: Giga Drain ~ Bulk Up ~ (asleep)
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 22% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo>
Health: 76%
Energy: 86%
Currently: Licking her lips. That dream was pretty good!
Used: Yawn ~ Protect ~ Dream Eater
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Fisticuffs: 17 + 5 (Regenerator) = 22
29 = 29
Von Chosais: 89 + 6 (Giga Drain) - 12 (Dream Eater) = 83
100 - 3 (Giga Drain) - 2 (Bulk Up) = 95
Mercuria: 82 - 12 (Giga Drain) + 6 (Dream Eater) = 76
96 - 4 (Yawn) - 2 (Protect) - 4 (Dream Eater) = 86
Dazel commands next.
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Well, I guess we'll be using dream eater until he wakes up, in which case, flamethrower, I guess. Use protect the first time he tries to use a super-effective move, but not after that.

Dream eater / flamethrower / protect x3
Snorfling. That's funny.

I guess Sleep Talk and Snore are our only options right now. Let's cross our fingers and hope for flinch hax!

If you somehow manage to wake up, use Leech Seed on the second action and Vine Whip on the third to use up his Protect. If it's already been used up (if you can even notice), Giga Drain in its place.

Sleep Talk~Snore/Leech Seed~Sleep Talk/Vine Whip/Giga Drain
I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 83%
Energy: 95%
Currently: Snorfling in his sleep. Asleep (moderate: 4 or fewer actions remaining). +1 Attack, +1 Defense.
Commands: Sleep Talk ~ Snore / Leech Seed ~ Sleep Talk / Vine Whip / Giga Drain
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 22% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 76%
Energy: 86%
Currently: Licking her lips. That dream was pretty good!
Commands: Dream Eater / Flamethrower / Protect ~ Dream Eater / Flamethrower / Protect ~ Dream Eater / Flamethrower / Protect
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Round 11

Somehow conscious of the round's beginning, Von Chosais murmurs the words to an arcane ritual, used in olden days to animate the unconscious. The Chespin's body begins to glow with a soft white light as he stands up with the jerky motions of a sleepwalker, eyes still closed. Suddenly, he stops muttering, the ritual complete, and the white aura turns a sparking amber and seeps into one of his arms. Von Chosais sways slowly in the direction of his unnerved opponent and draws his fist back before tripping over himself, his energy-laced hand shooting forward as he careens towards Mercuria. The Slowpoke, now intimidated as well as confused, winces as the Chespin falls onto her head with a crack of Fighting energy, but once Mercuria extricates herself, Von Chosais falls to the pavement as if nothing has happened, still sound asleep. A full minute goes by as Mercuria stares warily at Von Chosais, wondering whether he's going to make another move like that.

Now confident he won't retaliate, Mercuria focuses before glowing faintly pink as she infiltrates her opponent's mind again. This time, his dream takes place in a bustling city not unlike the one they're in right now; Von Chosais is taking a peaceful walk with some of his teammates and a dream version of his trainer. Once she's pinpointed Von Chosais's location, the Slowpoke pulls down and away on the cobblestones underneath him. The dream-Chespin falls into a bottomless black abyss, while Mercuria exits the dream, chunk of sidewalk in hand. Satisfied with her work so far, Mercuria chews absently on the pinkish dream-concrete, enjoying the nourishing feeling it gives her.

But then Von Chosais rolls over until he faces directly towards her. Mercuria pauses mid-chew, unnerved. Could he stop that? It's scary. In response, the Chespin mumbles again in his sleep, this time very loudly and reminiscently of what people who have never heard real pigs imagine a honking pig to sound like, and Mercuria winces as the sound pierces her ears and echoes through her skull—but she doesn't lose focus, charging headlong into Von Chosais's head. The Chespin is still falling through the hole she made in his cityscape, and Mercuria tears a piece out of the dot of light above him to join her scrumptious bit of sidewalk. At this pace, she thinks, he'll provide her a three-course meal with dessert; but alas, it was not to be. Jolting awake with a start, Von Chosais goes through the unnerving sensation of falling onto something solid that was already underneath him. He takes a few seconds to orient himself to the surroundings before turning on Mercuria with a low snarl. He'll get her back for that…

Waving his arms about in a suitably dramatic fashion, Von Chosais conjures thorny vines made purely of glowing green energy and lashes out at the Slowpoke, but right before the vines hit her, they appear to shatter on impact. Von Chosais is both weirded out and frightened—what was that?! (Mercuria tries not to show how much it took out of her to block those hits so quickly; the more frightened her opponent is, the better.)

I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 59%
Energy: 79%
Currently: Ready for some payback, but a little unsure of himself. +1 Attack, +1 Defense.
Used: Sleep Talk (Focus Punch) ~ Snore ~ Vine Whip (blocked)
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 27% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 73%
Energy: 73%
Currently: Wondering how exactly Von Chosais did the punchy thing.
Used: Dream Eater ~ Dream Eater ~ Protect
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-Movement order: Von Chosais (38) > Mercuria (15).
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Action Notes
-So I totally forgot that Mercuria's King's Rock existed and am retconning that into the previous round's stats. Normally this would make a big difference because potential flinches, but since she's slower than Von Chosais, this affects nothing that's already happened, and didn't affect anything this round. Sorry about that!!
-I added a minimal (2%) energy cost for the use of Sleep Talk itself, in addition to Focus Punch's normal energy cost.
-Von Chosais woke up after the second action.
-I will probably prioritize the tournament battle I'm reffing over this one if both have unreffed commands up at the same time, since the tourney has a shorter DQ time… If you feel inconvenienced by this, feel free to ask for an e-ref.

Fisticuffs: 22 + 5 (Regenerator) = 27
29 = 29
Von Chosais: 83 - 12 (Dream Eater) - 12 (Dream Eater) = 59
95 - 11 (Sleep Talk [Focus Punch]) - 4 (Snore) - 1 (Vine Whip) = 79
Mercuria: 76 - 10 (Sleep Talk [Focus Punch]) + 6 (Dream Eater) - 5 (Snore) + 6 (Dream Eater) = 73
86 - 4 (Dream Eater) - 4 (Dream Eater) - 5 (Protect) = 73
ILS (actually) commands next.
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Alright, you woke up!
Let's see now...

I think it would be best if you could Taunt Mercuria, hmm? If that was bounced back, follow up with Endeavor. If the Taunt went through, I want a Sunny Day up, and after a Solar Beam. If it didn't, substitute this last command with an Energy Ball.

If she protects during any turn (after you Taunt), Bulk Up. If the Taunt failed because of Protect, push it back an action.

Taunt/Bulk Up~Endeavor/Sunny Day/Taunt~Solar Beam/Energy Ball/Taunt
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