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Byrus VS thunder

Shadow Serenity


2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves/restrictions: OHKOs, weather moves, attract, leech seed, 3 chills per Pokémon, two recovery moves per Pokémon. This includes absorption moves such as giga drain. The first two uses of those moves will restore health, but after that they will only do damage (They also count towards the recovery limit).
Arena: Survivor's beach

An rather abandoned looking beach. The sky overhead is gloomy and dark, with some weak sunlight attempting to filter through the blackened clouds. Random chunks of debris from past shipwrecks litter the sand, such as splintered wood and supplies long lost. There is plenty of room to move on the sprawling area of sand, and the debris may present either a hazard or an advantage, depending on how the battlers use it.
The sea is calm, with water gently lapping up against the shore, however it's probably best you don't go out too far, you never know what beasties are lurking there.

Byrus's Team
[Yami] Houndour (F)
Ability: Flash fire

[Ruaig] Stunky (M)
Ability: Stench

[Freezie] Piplup (M)
Ability: Torrent

[Zoltan] Starly (F)
Ability: Keen eye

[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Ability: Pressure

[Drann] Gyarados (F)
Ability: Intimidate

thunder's Team
Magnemite (x)
Ability: Magnet Pull

Vulpix (M)
Ability: Flash Fire

Gastly (F)
Ability: Levitate

[Squirt] Squirtle (F)
ability: Torrent

Diglett (M)
Ability: Sand Veil

The order stands thus:
-Byrus sends out
-thunder sends out and attacks
-Byrus attacks
-I earn more money

Oh, and if anyone has a problem reading the arena details, let me know. I just figured it would save space.
Oh hey, I didn't expect to get a ref so fast, thanks!

I think I'll start with my Spiritomb, Tak.
I choose magnemite.
First use rain dance but if you are taunted use thunderbolt, then if it's raining use thunder but if it isn't use magnet bomb, finally use thunder wave but if you are taunted or it uses magic coat/safeguard use metal sound
rain dance/thunderbolt~thunder/magnet bomb~thunder wave/ metal sound
Okay, let's start by setting up a small substitute. Follow up with confuse ray, then scramble him some more with a water pulse.

Substitute (10%) ~ Confuse ray ~ Water pulse
2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves/restrictions: OHKOs, weather moves, attract, leech seed, 3 chills per Pokémon, two recovery moves per Pokémon. This includes absorption moves such as giga drain. The first two uses of those moves will restore health, but after that they will only do damage (They also count towards the recovery limit).
Arena: Survivor's beach

An rather abandoned looking beach. The sky overhead is gloomy and dark, with some weak sunlight attempting to filter through the blackened clouds. Random chunks of debris from past shipwrecks litter the sand, such as splintered wood and supplies long lost. There is plenty of room to move on the sprawling area of sand, and the debris may present either a hazard or an advantage, depending on how the battlers use it.
The sea is calm, with water gently lapping up against the shore, however it's probably best you don't go out too far, you never know what beasties are lurking there.

The sun shines weakly through the dark clouds overhead despite it being the middle of the day, only slightly illuminating the beach in which two trainers have chosen as a battlefield. After picking a seemingly random spot to duke it out, the battlers face each other. Byrus chooses his Pokémon first, releasing a… rock with a face. Upon realizing that there is very little sunlight to annoy him, Tak the Spiritomb reveals the rest of his ghostly, purple body by emerging from the rock that he is eternally bound to. Meanwhile, thunder calls upon his Magnemite to combat. The commands are given and the ref, also grateful for the lack of sunlight, calls for the senseless beatings to proceed.

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Substitute (10%) ~ Confuse ray ~ Water pulse
Status: Eyeing his opponent wearily. Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
rain dance/thunderbolt ~ thunder/magnet bomb ~ thunder wave/ metal sound
Status: Floating lazily above the sand. Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

Round 1

Magnemite starts things off by quickly charging electricity in the magnets on its sides and sending the electrical energy pulsing towards Tak. The Spiritomb is none too pleased with the shock to his system, and is eager to prevent such a thing from happening again. Using his eerie ghost powers, he shapes some surrounding sand into the form of his keystone (complete with sandy-Spiritomb), then proceeds to send some ghostly energy into his would-be award-winning sand sculpture, whose eyes take on the same glow as its master.

Magnemite responds by attracting the nearest piece of metal to him from the rubbish half-buried in the sand; after all, that second opponent is nothing but a fancy sandcastle, is it not? The Magnemite then thrusts the scrap of metal forward, controlling its movement through the air until it blasts straight through Tak’s substitute. The one-eyed sandy creature remains in tact however, despite the huge hole in the middle of it, which seems to melt away as grains of sand rebuild its body. Tak responds by creating a yellow ball of light in front of him and shooing it away, which it does obediently, hovering around Magnemite instead, who finds the yellow light most distracting.

In fact, the light is so distracting that Magnemite completely forgets about Tak, instead turning to the light below him. For reasons known only to Magnemite, the floating magnet seems to decide that ramming the light is a good idea, and launches downwards towards it. The light, however, slips aside just in time, leaving Magnemite to crash into a wooden board instead. Tak grins in amusement before continuing. Again using his ghostly abilities, he lifts a ball of water from the nearby ocean and hurls it at Magnemite, who is caught completely unaware and is pushed through the air a bit. It turns its attention back to Tak, having now remembered his presence.

Round 1 Results

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 87%
Substitute (10%) ~ Confuse Ray ~ Water Pulse
Status: Rather content. Has a Substitute (4% Health). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 92%
Energy: 84%
Thunderbolt ~ Magnet Bomb ~ Thunder Wave
Status: Can’t believe the sand-Spiritomb is still standing. Confused (Severe). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3​

Arena Notes
-Scraps of metal, wood, various random lost possessions, and other general debris are half buried in the sand, and the sky is incredibly dark. In other words, there’s no change.

Round 1 Notes
-For the record, Magnemite is faster than Spiritomb by a whopping 10 points.
-Since weather moves were banned for this battle, Magnemite just did Thunderbolt on action 1.
-Magnemite confusionfailed on action 3. Reffing that was uncreative.
-Spiritomb can use Water Pulse whut? I guess I’ve seen worse, but that’s definitely on my “why the hell can it learn this?” list.
-Byrus is to attack first.
If Magnemite uses thunderbolt, discharge or flash cannon, use spite. Otherwise, use water pulse.

Spite/water pulse x3
First use rest, then if rest worked sleep talk but if not rest finally if you are asleep sleep talk if rest failed try again. if you wake up use charge beam

rest~sleep talk/rest/charge beam~sleep talk/rest/charge beam
2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves/restrictions: OHKOs, weather moves, attract, leech seed, 3 chills per Pokémon, two recovery moves per Pokémon. This includes absorption moves such as giga drain. The first two uses of those moves will restore health, but after that they will only do damage (They also count towards the recovery limit).
Arena: Survivor's beach

An rather abandoned looking beach. The sky overhead is gloomy and dark, with some weak sunlight attempting to filter through the blackened clouds. Random chunks of debris from past shipwrecks litter the sand, such as splintered wood and supplies long lost. There is plenty of room to move on the sprawling area of sand, and the debris may present either a hazard or an advantage, depending on how the battlers use it.
The sea is calm, with water gently lapping up against the shore, however it's probably best you don't go out too far, you never know what beasties are lurking there.

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 87%
Commands: Spite/water pulse ~ Spite/water pulse ~ Spite/water pulse
Status: Rather content. Has a Substitute (4% Health). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 92%
Energy: 84%
Commands: rest~sleep talk/rest/charge beam~sleep talk/rest/charge beam
Status: Can’t believe the sand-Spiritomb is still standing. Confused (Severe). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

Round 2

It seems as though Magnemite simply can’t ignore the tiny, annoying, floating yellow light. However, instead of ramming it, the magnet sends a tiny bolt of electricity at it. The light shines extremely bright as the bolt passes through it, blinding Magnemite, who loses its focus for a second and falls to the sand. Tak chuckles, sparing no sympathy for the Magnemite. He pulls another water ball out of the ocean with his psychic-ghostly powers and sends it crashing into Magnemite with a splash.

Magnemite ignores this, however, rage building inside at the ball of light. Magnemite tries to launch a light of its own at the floating light, but its attack is somehow rebounded and blinds it once again. Tak continues to stare with amusement at Magnemite’s failed attempts to defeat the ball of light. He again pulls a water ball up and out of the ocean, which proceeds to soak Magnemite even further.

Still, Magnemite refuses to give up on the light. Again trying to ram it, Magnemite charges at the light, a bit too harshly, losing control as the light, now looking quite a bit paler, dances just out of reach, leaving Magnemite to drift into the sand once again. And as before, Tak shows no mercy, kicking Magnemite while it’s down by bombarding it with another pulsing ball of water.

Round 2 Results

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 75%
Commands: Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse
Status: Rather pleased with himself. Has a Substitute (4% Health). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 68%
Energy: 84%
Commands: Rest ~ Rest ~ Rest
Status: Really hating the floating ball of light. Confused (Mild). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3​

Arena Notes
-Scraps of metal, wood, various random lost possessions, and other general debris are half buried in the sand, and the sky is incredibly dark. Also, the sand around Magnemite is rather wet, but otherwise, there’s no drastic change.

Round 2 Notes
-Magnemite hit himself all three actions (ouch… RNG is brutal today), but the confusion was greatly reduced because of that.
-Fast round is fast.
-thunder attacks first next round.
Aff, I'm sorry guys. x.x This is a late DQ warning for thunder. You have about a day to post commands, give or take a few hours depending on when I can get back on.
Sorry I didn't realise the reffing had been posted I thought I'd subscribed but I hadn't
I'll try again
First use rest, then if rest worked sleep talk if not charge beam, finally sleep talk if rest worked otherwise charge beam.

rest~sleep talk/charge beam~sleep talk/charge beam
Ok, that last round was odd and definitely not what I was expecting. I pretty much never get lucky with confusion, ha ha.

Hmm. Let's use a dream eater while Magnemite is sleeping to drain his energy. If he isn't sleeping for whatever reason, use confuse ray to get him muddled again, then follow up with more water pulses. I'm kinda sick of that move, but your move pool is annoyingly limited when it comes to steel types.

Dream eater (drain energy)/Confuse ray ~ Dream eater (drain energy)/Water pulse x2
2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves/restrictions: OHKOs, weather moves, attract, leech seed, 3 chills per Pokémon, two recovery moves per Pokémon. This includes absorption moves such as giga drain. The first two uses of those moves will restore health, but after that they will only do damage (They also count towards the recovery limit).
Arena: Survivor's beach

An rather abandoned looking beach. The sky overhead is gloomy and dark, with some weak sunlight attempting to filter through the blackened clouds. Random chunks of debris from past shipwrecks litter the sand, such as splintered wood and supplies long lost. There is plenty of room to move on the sprawling area of sand, and the debris may present either a hazard or an advantage, depending on how the battlers use it.
The sea is calm, with water gently lapping up against the shore, however it's probably best you don't go out too far, you never know what beasties are lurking there.

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 75%
Commands: Dream eater (drain energy)/Confuse ray ~ Dream eater (drain energy)/Water pulse ~ Dream eater (drain energy)/Water pulse
Status: Rather pleased with himself. Has a Substitute (4% Health). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 68%
Energy: 84%
Commands: rest ~ sleep talk/charge beam ~ sleep talk/charge beam
Status: Really hating the floating ball of light. Confused (Mild). Recoveries remaining: 2/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

Round 3

Though it doesn’t exactly feel too tired yet, Magnemite turns its attention away from the ball of fading light and closes its one eye. It allows sleep to come, along with a healing blue aura that surrounds the Magnemite. Meanwhile, Tak decides to take advantage of the situation. He dives into Magnemite’s mind. The image before him prompts a quick chuckle from the Spiritomb as he watches Magnemite sending sparks into the sky while spinning in a circle with several others. Tak begins to chew on the scene, unnoticed by Magnemite. Out on the beach, several pink orbs separate from the pink aura that is currently overlapping with the Rest’s blue one, and drift across the field and into Tak, restoring much of the energy he just spent.

A strange buzzing sound emits from Magnemite. Suddenly, a piece of steel is sucked towards it and clings to its body. Just as before, Magnemite pushes the metal from him and sends it soaring towards Tak. However, just before it strikes, Tak’s sandy protector drifts in front of him and absorbs the steel. The substitute shatters into dust upon impact, bit it did manage to protect Tak. The Spiritomb himself is still nibbling on Magnemite’s dreams. Likewise, the pink aura continues to send bubbles of energy in Tak’s direction.

Magnemite begins to buzz again. This time, its body cackles with tiny electrical sparks, which eventually leap through the air and strike Tak. The jolt of electricity instantly slows him down, and cuts off his energy-draining attack. Unsure of what just happened, the Spiritomb simply stares at Magnemite, who appears to have just awakened.

Round 3 Results

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 71%
Commands: Dream Eater (Energy) ~ Dream Eater (Energy) ~ Nothing
Status: Feeling pretty good. Paralyzed (Severe). Substitute destroyed (0% Health). Recoveries remaining: 0/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 100%
Energy: 25%
Commands: Rest ~ Sleep Talk (Magnet Bomb) ~ Sleep Talk (Thunder Wave)
Status: Strangely tired, considering having just slept. Confused (Mild). Recoveries remaining: 1/2, Chills remaining: 3/3​

Arena Notes
-Scraps of metal, wood, various random lost possessions, and other general debris are half buried in the sand, and the sky is incredibly dark. Also, the sand around Magnemite is rather wet, but otherwise, there’s no drastic change.

Round 13 Notes
-Magnemite’s Sleep Talks rolled Magnet Bomb and Thunder Wave.
-Tak used his two recoveries on the first two Dream Eaters, and didn’t act on action 3 since he was only to use Water Pulse if Magnemite was awake.
-Magnemite would have woken up before the next action anyway, so I just included that at the end of this round rather than the first.
-Rest + Sleep Talk + other moves + Pressure + Dream Eater is a huge energy drain.
-Byrus attacks first.
lol, forgot my own rules

Things went mostly good, but of course, figures thunder wave would crop up just as your substitute breaks. Grrr.

Right.... Taunt if he chills, use spite if discharge, thunderbolt, magnet bomb or shock wave is used, otherwise use flash. Switch to smokescreen as your alternative on the third turn. None of those require movement, so hopefully we'll ride out the paralysis problem. Hang in there.

Flash/taunt/spite ~ Flash/Taunt/spite ~ Smokescreen/Taunt/Spite
2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves/restrictions: OHKOs, weather moves, attract, leech seed, 3 chills per Pokémon, two recovery moves per Pokémon. This includes absorption moves such as giga drain. The first two uses of those moves will restore health, but after that they will only do damage (They also count towards the recovery limit).
Arena: Survivor's beach

An rather abandoned looking beach. The sky overhead is gloomy and dark, with some weak sunlight attempting to filter through the blackened clouds. Random chunks of debris from past shipwrecks litter the sand, such as splintered wood and supplies long lost. There is plenty of room to move on the sprawling area of sand, and the debris may present either a hazard or an advantage, depending on how the battlers use it.
The sea is calm, with water gently lapping up against the shore, however it's probably best you don't go out too far, you never know what beasties are lurking there.

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 71%
Commands: Flash/taunt/spite ~ Flash/Taunt/spite ~ Smokescreen/Taunt/Spite
Status: Feeling pretty good. Paralyzed (Severe). Substitute destroyed (0% Health). Recoveries remaining: 0/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 100%
Energy: 25%
Commands: Lock on ~ Zap cannon ~ chill
Status: Strangely tired, considering having just slept. Confused (Mild). Recoveries remaining: 1/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

Round 4

As Magnemite shakes off the last of its sleepiness, the faint ball of yellow light catches its attention once again. The magnet releases a tiny bolt of electricity at the light, but somehow the light reflects the attack back to the source. Relentlessly, Tak releases a bright flash of light from his ghostly body as well, which proves quite effective in the unusual darkness of the beach.

Magnemite blinks its single eye in an attempt to regain its vision, while simultaneously charging a huge amount of electrical energy into a ball in front of its body. The large energy ball proves difficult to aim, and Magnemite makes its best attempt before releasing the electricity powerfully at Tak. The attack, however, flies right over the Spiritomb’s head. Tak responds with a second flash of light from the ghostly green spots on his body, blinding Magnemite again.

Instead of fighting to see, Magnemite closes its single eye and allows its strange magnetic force to keep it airborne as it simply floats there, trying to relax. The peaceful rest is somewhat disturbed, as Tak begins to hurl insults at Magnemite, the kindest of those jabbing at the magnet’s exhaustion. The magnet attempts to ignore Tak, but eventually the Spiritomb’s nagging hits a sore spot, and Magnemite lets off an angry warning spark.

Round 4 Results

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 62%
Commands: Flash ~ Flash ~ Taunt
Status: Feeling pretty good. Paralyzed (Severe). Recoveries remaining: 0/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 98%
Energy: 27%
Commands: Lock-On ~ Zap Cannon ~ Chill
Status: Still rather tired, and seeing lights. Accuracy –2. Taunted (3 more actions). Recoveries remaining: 1/2, Chills remaining: 2/3​

Arena Notes
-Scraps of metal, wood, various random lost possessions, and other general debris are half buried in the sand, and the sky is incredibly dark. Also, the sand around Magnemite is rather wet, but otherwise, there’s no drastic change.

Round 4 Notes
-Wow, I’m really sorry for neglecting this. Ironically, my time has been devoted to… writing Pokémon battles.
-Magnemite snapped out of confusion on action 1, after hurting itself.
-With Lock-On having not been executed, Zap Cannon rolled a miss.
-Tak’s Taunt landed after Magnemite’s Chill due to Spiritomb being slower. The Chill was disrupted slightly, but it couldn’t stop it completely.
-thunder attacks first next round.
I think you earned a bit of a break, so use up a chill. Next... Pain split to shake things up a bit. Lastly, renew that taunt status.

Chill ~ Pain split ~ Taunt
2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves/restrictions: OHKOs, weather moves, attract, leech seed, 3 chills per Pokémon, two recovery moves per Pokémon. This includes absorption moves such as giga drain. The first two uses of those moves will restore health, but after that they will only do damage (They also count towards the recovery limit).
Arena: Survivor's beach

An rather abandoned looking beach. The sky overhead is gloomy and dark, with some weak sunlight attempting to filter through the blackened clouds. Random chunks of debris from past shipwrecks litter the sand, such as splintered wood and supplies long lost. There is plenty of room to move on the sprawling area of sand, and the debris may present either a hazard or an advantage, depending on how the battlers use it.
The sea is calm, with water gently lapping up against the shore, however it's probably best you don't go out too far, you never know what beasties are lurking there.

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 80%
Energy: 62%
Commands: Chill ~ Pain Split ~ Taunt
Status: Feeling pretty good. Paralyzed (Severe). Recoveries remaining: 0/2, Chills remaining: 3/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 98%
Energy: 27%
Commands: Shock Wave ~ Magnet Bomb ~ Thundershock
Status: Still rather tired, and seeing lights. Accuracy –2. Taunted (3 more actions). Recoveries remaining: 1/2, Chills remaining: 2/3

Round 5

Magnemite is all too willing to obey its orders, given Tak’s cocky taunting. Electricity cackles in its magnets, which the Magnemite, after charging a sufficient amount, releases in a wave in all directions from its body. Take has no way to avoid the deadly blast and is caught within the surge. He sighs in relief as the electricity leaves his body, and decides that a tiny rest couldn’t hurt. He retreats into his keystone and allows his ghostly form to relax for a while.

Magnemite takes the chance to launch another offensive. This time, the magnet Pokémon attracts another piece of scrap steel, which bursts out of the sand and clings to its body. After charging the metal, Magnemite forces the scrap from its body. The chunk of steel flies through the air and strikes Tak’s keystone dead center. Though Tak is inside resting, the steel does manage to cause plenty of discomfort through striking the object to which the Spiritomb is bound. The attack causes Tak to reemerge from the keystone, eyeing Magnemite spitefully. Both Pokémon begin to take on an eerie purple aura, and Magnemite feels health draining away. Tak, strangely, feels nothing besides the exhaustion of keeping up the bond. Eventually he lets it drop, having accomplished its task.

Almost immediately, Magnemite begins charging electricity for a counter attack. It only gathers a small charge, however, and aims it in the direction of its target. The small bolt of energy strikes the sand just in front of Tak, who feels a slight tingling sensation, but otherwise remains unharmed. Tak grins and begins immediately insulting Magnemite again, commenting on everything ranging from the missed Thundershock to the magnetic scraps of metal that cling to its body. Again, Magnemite lets off an angry warning spark, the jibes stinging the magnet Pokémon’s pride again.

Round 5 Results

Byrus (OO)
[Tak] Spiritomb (M)
Pressure Ability
Health: 68%
Energy: 59%
Commands: Chill ~ Pain Split ~ Taunt
Status: Slowly wearing down. Paralyzed (Severe). Recoveries remaining: 0/2, Chills remaining: 2/3

thunder (OO)
Magnemite (X)
Magnet Pull Ability
Health: 83%
Energy: 15%
Commands: Shock Wave ~ Magnet Bomb ~ Thundershock
Status: Very tired now. Accuracy –2. Taunted (3 more actions). Recoveries remaining: 1/2, Chills remaining: 2/3​

Arena Notes
-Scraps of metal, wood, various random lost possessions, and other general debris are half buried in the sand, and the sky is incredibly dark. Also, the sand around Magnemite is rather wet, but otherwise, there’s no drastic change.

Round 5 Notes
-Pain Split would have evened out both Pokémon’s health at 83%, but since Tak’s two recoveries were used, he didn’t heal. Magnemite still took the difference, though.
-Magnemite’s Thundershock just rolled a miss.
-I believe Byrus attacks first next round.
Spite if shock wave or magnet bomb are used. Otherwise, use flash for the first two actions, then try a calm mind.

Spite/Flash ~ Spite/Flash ~ Spite/Calm mind
Thunderbolt until taunt wheres off then psych up
thunderbolt/psych up~thunderbolt/psych up~thunderbolt/psych up
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