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SkyAngel vs. Dragonair (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Okay. It seems I always forget something, so let's just keep it simple. Can't screw up a plan you don't really have, right?

Focus punch up first, to stack the damage. If you still have the substitute on the second action, use it again. If you don't and he attacks you, use brick break. If you don't have it but he doesn't use a damaging move, use focus punch. On the third action, use endure if he attacks you, and brick break if he doesn't.

Focus punch-Focus punch/brick break-Endure/Brick break
Stryker, dive into one of the tunnels so that Sableye won't have enough room to Focus Punch you if he comes in after you! If he does come in after you, use X-Scissor. If he doesn't come in after you, make a small substitute to block that side of the hole. Finally use Double Team!

Dive into a tunnel - X-Scissor/Substitute - Double Team
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 76%
Energy: 49%
Status: Ow. Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (severe; 75% chance of confustionfail)
Commands: Dive into a tunnel ~ X-Scissor / Substitute ~ Double Team

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 62%
Energy: 52%
Status: That didn't go too well. Has two clones.
Commands: Focus Punch ~ Focus Punch / Brick Break ~ Endure / Brick Break

Round 5 Begin!

Dia immediately begins concentrating, focussing on channeling fighting-type energy into his fist to the extent of remaiing totally motionless. Still trying to block out any thoughts of the Confuse Ray, Stryker darts towards the hole from one of his previous Dig attacks. Just before he reaches it, the light darts in front of his eyes - blinding him - he trips over the rim of the hole, and falls, dragging along the ground and scraping his skin. He picks himself up, only to see the purple wraith hurtling towards him, his fist glowing a bright red; Dia punches Stryker in the chest with such force that a sickening crack is heard and Stryker is hurled several metres backwards, landing on his back and dragging along the ground, uprooting many flowers along the way.

Dia, who contrary to the Newton's laws has not been hurled backwards to the same extent, begins a repeat of the move, tiring though it undoubtedly is. Stryker, picking himself painfully up, attempts to set up a substitute, but the concentration necessary eludes him, and somehow - he doesn't know how, nor are we likely ever to - he trips forward, landing on his chest and being rewarded with a massive pain, furthering his suspicions that some of his ribs may be broken. Dia launches himself towards Stryker, anticipating dealing another massive blow. Unfortunately, it's not to be; while his punch lands, and Stryker is launched back once more, Stryker notes that he feels almost no pain from the blow.

He immediately leaps to his feet, attempting to create clones of himself; he fails, falling forward in a similar manner to before, and landing on his injured chest once more, noting that he felt pain from his injury, as opposed to the earlier attack. Dia leaps forwards and deals a sharp blow to the top of Stryker's head, but once again, Stryker notices that he feels just about nothing. He is left wondering just why that is as the round draws to a close.

Round 5 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 41% (CAPPED)
Energy: 51%
Status: Oooooouch. Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (moderate; 50% chance of confustionfail), several broken ribs.
Attacks Used: [confused] ~ [confused] ~ [confused]

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 64%
Energy: 30%
Status: Ahahahah that went better than the last round! Has two clones.
Attacks Used: Focus Punch ~ Focus Punch ~ Brick Break

Damage / Energy Calculations
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Focus Punch - 25% health, 10% energy (accuracy roll 41, needed 100 to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Focus Punch - 10% energy (accuracy roll 60, needed 100 to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Brick Break - 4% energy (accuracy roll 82, needed 100 to miss)

- Two full rounds of confusionfailing. What did you do to offend the RNG gods?
- YESS YOU FINALLY USED FOCUS PUNCH (I will always ref Focus Punch violently)
- The first Focus Punch was enough to hit the damage cap, by the way.

Arena Notes
- There are two tunnels leading from Stryker's end of the battlefield to Dia's, and one spanning a very short distance on Dia's end. Occasionally they cross paths underground.
- There is a patch of flowers that have withered and died where the errant Toxic struck.
- There is a patch of flowers that are ripped away just above the ground where Dia's Substitute came into being.
- There are several places where the flowers have been ripped from the ground where Stryker skidded after the Focus Punches.

Next Round
- Cloudsong Attacks
- Mai Attacks
- I ref
....erp. Uh...let's try this again, shall we..? Stryker PLEASE TRY TO FOCUS, YES?? xD Geez.

Use Substitute to make a small substitute, and then double team twice, please. Simple and easy, how could this anger the almighty RNG gods? :3?

Substitute ~ Double Team ~ Double Team
It was? That occured to me way too late to change it. Okay. Well, whatevs. I'm not going to try to stop Stryker from doing that. Plus, if I'm lucky, the RNG gods will smyte Sky once more.

Brick break first, see if we can break the substitute. Then torment. On the last action, just... brick break again, I guess. Unless he attacks you, if so, then dodge.

Brick break-Torment-Brick break/Dodge
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 41%
Energy: 51%
Status: Oooooouch. Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (moderate; 50% chance of confustionfail), several broken ribs.
Commands: Substitute ~ Double Team ~ Double Team

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 64%
Energy: 30%
Status: Ahahahah that went better than the last round! Has two clones.
Commands: Brick Break ~ Torment ~ Brick Break / Dodge

Round 6 Begin!

Stryker opens the round, attempting to funnel his own health into the plants around him. Unfortunately, the floating orb of light prevents him from concentrating properly, and the plants ensnare his legs, scratching and clawing at him. Dia launches himself towards Stryker, delivering a precise strike to the top of his head.

Stryker attempts to run forward, but forgets in his confusion about the plants tangling his legs, tripping over and landing on the same chest injury. He pulls his legs free and looks up, meeting Dia's eyes briefly; he shivers and looks away, the dark energy present therein sending shivers down his spine. Dia begins to talk in a low hiss: "Pathetic little Zangosling... can't you pull off a move? I bet even a Seviper would put up a better fight than you!" and so forth. The hypnotic energy behind his words takes hold of Stryker, who is overcome with a strong feeling of hopelessness; he sinks to the ground momentarily in despir, before pulling himself up with the resolution to prove the Sableye's words wrong.

He attempts to use his Double Team technique, but once again trips over his own feet, tumbling forward and hurting himself once more. Dia cackles for a second before leaping forward and striking Stryker with the same blow to the head, leaving him in an even deeper pit of sorrow than before as the round draws to an end.

Round 6 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 6% (CAPPED)
Energy: 53%
Status: I'm hopeless... Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (moderate; 50% chance of confustionfail), several broken ribs, tormented (one more action)
Attacks Used: [confused] ~ [confused] ~ [confused]

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 66%
Energy: 21%
Status: Pathetic. Has two clones.
Attacks Used: Brick Break ~ Torment ~ Brick Break

Damage / Energy Calculations
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Brick Break - 13% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 31, needed 100 to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Focus Punch - 3% energy (accuracy roll 8, needed 100 to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Brick Break - 13% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 2, needed 100 to miss)

- That makes three rounds without a successful attack. You haven't sacrificed any sheep lately, have you.
- I think Stryker's role in the battle will be over soon.

Arena Notes
- There are two tunnels leading from Stryker's end of the battlefield to Dia's, and one spanning a very short distance on Dia's end. Occasionally they cross paths underground.
- There is a patch of flowers that have withered and died where the errant Toxic struck.
- There is a patch of flowers that are ripped away just above the ground where Dia's Substitute came into being.
- There are several places where the flowers have been ripped from the ground where Stryker skidded after the Focus Punches.

Next Round
- Mai Attacks
- Cloudsong Attacks
- I ref
((And I'm even worse. Seriously, I think up commands, decide they're horrible, and procrastinate until my new commands are even worse. ))

Since you can't chill in this battle, Dia, just try not to use too much energy, mmkay? Use brick break, unless Stryker tries to protect or detect, in which case use feint.

On the second roung, if he is down and Pyraxia gets sent out, then just try to dodge an attack or status move if she sends one at you. If Pyraxia doesn't get sent out until the end of the round, just stand around. ((Yes, chilling is outlawed, but let's say this is different.)) Now, those previous were making the assumption of Stryker being fainted. If he is still conscious, just stand around until he faints of burn, dodging if necessary.

On the third round, dodge if anyone targets you, but otherwise just stand around.

Brick break/Feint-Dodge/Stand around-Dodge/Stand around
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*sacrifices sheep to hax gods*

Stryker. No point in sugar-coating this, buddy. You're a goner. But let's do as much damage as we can before we go down, okay :D?!

Use X-Scizzor! And then you're killed XD But if by some miracle of Haxiness which I can't foresee, you're still alive, use Dig! xD...
X-Scizzor - Dig/*deadiness* - *deadiness*
2vs2 single
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, All Healing Moves, All Chills, Weather moves
Arena: Mystical Gardens

These beautiful gardens contain a mystical power. The plants here emit an aura that calms and soothes wounds. However, this same mystical power seems to prevent any weather effects from taking place. It's always a warm, calm day with a slight breeze. The scent of flower petals drifts through the air. Every round, the pokemon in battle receive 2% health and energy back back. Basically a really simple area for someone to begin learning how to battle with the whole ASB thing.
Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 6 (CAPPED)
Energy: 53%
Status: I'm hopeless... Attack +2, burned (moderate; 4% damage per round, 2% extra energy on attacks requiring movement), confused (moderate; 50% chance of confustionfail), several broken ribs, tormented (one more action)
Commands: X-Scissor ~ Dig

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 66%
Energy: 21%
Status: Pathetic. Has two clones.
Commands: Brick Break / Feint ~ Dodge / Stand around ~ Dodge / Stand around

Round 7 Begin!

Stryker knows his role in the battle will soon be over, but tries to get one last attack in regardless. Launching himself forwards, he cloaks his claws in bug-type energy, realizes in mid-air that he has misjudged his trajectory, and crashes into the ground several metres away from Dia, rewarded for his blunder by a sharp pain in his chest. Dia wanders idly over to him and delivers a blow to the top of his head. Stryker does not move again.

Round 7 End!

Team SkyAngel

Stryker (Male)
Ability: Immunity
Health: 0%
Energy: 53%
Status: Fainted!
Attacks Used: [confused]

Team Dragonair

Dia (Male)
Ability: Stall
Health: 68%
Energy: 19%
Status: I think I won? Has two clones.
Attacks Used: Brick Break

Damage / Energy Calculations
Confusionfail - 4% damage (Stryker)
Brick Break - 13% damage, 4% energy (accuracy roll 54, needed 100 to miss)

- The round ends once a Pokémon faints, so you can't give commands based on the next thing to be sent out.
- The RNG gods are apparently displeased by your sacrifice. You must need to sacrifice a bigger sheep.

Arena Notes
- There are two tunnels leading from Stryker's end of the battlefield to Dia's, and one spanning a very short distance on Dia's end. Occasionally they cross paths underground.
- There is a patch of flowers that have withered and died where the errant Toxic struck.
- There is a patch of flowers that are ripped away just above the ground where Dia's Substitute came into being.
- There are several places where the flowers have been ripped from the ground where Stryker skidded after the Focus Punches.

Next Round
- Cloudsong sends out and Attacks
- Mai Attacks
- I ref
Lolz I don't really have enough time to finish this, so I suppose I iz DQ'd or I forfeit or whatever~ Good game dragonair and thanks for not throwing anything at me for being so late all the time, SB ^^
Darnit, yes, I forgot about this again.

Well, I guess Cloudsong is disqualified. He recieves nothing. Mai recieves $8, Stryker recieves 1EXP, and I recieve $5 for reffing. Good game while it lasted (and I like any battle involving Focus Punch).
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