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JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

Bounce (up) on the first action, because I want you to live to fight another day, and Bounce (down) while simultaneously bouncing back in a U-Turn (to Icarus).

If they interpret that as being creative and Protect on the second action, just use them separately.

Bounce (up) - Bounce (down) + U-Turn (to Icarus) / Bounce (down) - Icarus in da place / U-Turn (to Icarus)
Round Five

Budew (F) [Poison Point]
Health: 47% | Energy: 75%
Condition: "darkness?"
Giga Drain (health)/Protect x3
froakie 74% | 84%

Lord of the Fireflies
Zorua (F) [Illusion] @ Lucky Egg
Health: 16% | Energy: 57%
Condition: ”daaaaaaaaarkness”
Bounce (up) - Bounce (down) + U-Turn (to Icarus) / Bounce (down) - Icarus in da place / U-Turn (to Icarus)

Chime blinked, and found herself on a mountaintop. While a normally unusual situation for a Zorua to be in, it was not for Chime. She had already been here once before, close enough to the stars but not close enough for them to hurt. Of course, studying them at a safer distance required a bit more spring in her step. Just a bit more. She coiled her tail and crouched low. Low enough that her frozen wisps of breath bounced off the ground. And so did she.

Louise watched with fascination as the fox somehow flew into the sky. She had already given the commands to her entwined twin vines and didn’t really want to withdraw them- mainly because it involved saying entwined twin vines again. The buds split open and lime green bubbles poured out, fizzing harmlessly onto the ground.

High in the air, Chime noticed there wasn’t much air to go around. They were situated on a mountaintop, oxygen wears a bit thin there already. And for some odd reason her trainer had decided it would be okay to get higher. This just wouldn’t do. She fell to the earth, half of her own volition, and half of gravity’s toiling. Chime rotated in the air as she dropped, wreathing herself in green. Louise’s buds were still half-open, and as caught unawares as the Budew herself when a fox decided to land on the soft mushy bits. Louise’s eyes wrenched up and she seemed to pause in time for a moment. Then she shrieked. The Zorua’s paw had drilled into the light pink bud, leaving a great big squish right in the middle. Of course, now the pressure was gone, and so was Chime. Louise looked around the battlefield with her tear-stained eyes. There was a rock, and some dirt. Another rock, slightly bigger, a Togetic. A patch of linen- wait no it was called lichen, yeah. Some more dirt, the lichen again, a Togetic. Wait…a Togetic?

Her buds sensed her new foe before she had, and waved carelessly in the wind, spreading the bubbles meant for Chime at Icarus instead. The Togetic was caught in his interest with the shiny greens. They crackled against her skin. Instantly, needles shot out of where the bubbles had popped, beaming into the Budew.

Budew (F) [Poison Point]
Health: 18% | Energy: 69%
Condition: "ooooooooooooooooooooooow"
Giga Drain ~ Giga Drain ~ durr
froakie 74% | 84%

Lord of the Fireflies
Togetic (M) [Serene Grace] @ Shiny Stone
Health: 95% | Energy: 100%
Condition: ”pwetty bubbles? :c”
Chime: Bounce ~ Chime: U-Jump ~ hurr
zorua 16% | 47%

U-Jump: Crit Chance (8/100, CRITICAL HIT), Effect Chance (35/100, NO EFFECT)

Louise’s Health:
47 – 31 (U-Jump) + 2 (Giga Drain Self-Heal) = 18%

Louise’s Energy:
75 – 3 (Giga Drain) – 3 (Giga Drain) = 69%

Icarus’ Health:
100 – 5 (Giga Drain) = 95%

Chime’s Energy:
57 – 10 (U-Jump) = 47%

-Of course the famous flying Zorua crits. I only applied the crit damage to Bounce, since that was the original attack (or, say, the foundation upon which further attacks were made).

-Fireflies to command.
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Icarus' health is still at 100% :P



But they're faster, so they might try some vicious shenanigans, so Magic Coat anything that's reflectable. If they have clones, go for Heat Wave. If you've hit successfully with Sky Attack once, switch to Heat Wave.

Sky Attack / Heat Wave / Magic Coat x3
Eeeugh... start with Flash to try and either fend off that Sky Attack or give Sheena something to work with. If you can stay alive any longer, toss Sludge Bombs at him.

Flash ~ Sludge Bomb ~ Sludge Bomb
Round Six

Budew (F) [Poison Point]
Health: 18% | Energy: 69%
Condition: "ooooooooooooooooooooooow"
Flash ~ Sludge Bomb ~ Sludge Bomb
froakie 74% | 84%

Lord of the Fireflies
Togetic (M) [Serene Grace] @ Shiny Stone
Health: 100% | Energy: 100%
Condition: ”pwetty bubbles? :c”
Sky Attack / Heat Wave / Magic Coat x3
zorua 16% | 84%

Louise found herself underwater once more, wriggling about in a not-too-comfortable-at-all wetsuit. This wasn’t the ideal condition for her to battle in, she ceded. She much liked water, yes, but she also liked sunlight. And air. And people. Sometimes. Speaking of people, she was cordially awaiting Icarus to make a move. Surely a bird would not be outsped by a stationary seed. Surely?

Icarus did not move, barring a sheepish wiggle of his torso from side to side. He did not meet Louise’s confused gaze. And when he did turn up to look at her, he noticed a faint glimmer in her snorkel’s visor. Icarus yelped and threw up a bubble around him, accentuated by a hiccup from the fairy type. Louise blinked. The blinding light ricocheted off Icarus’ protective shielding and shot right back into her eyes.

The Budew squeaked as the burning struck her tiny pupils; all the more focused was her pain. Her budding vines struggled against the wetsuit, and tore the fabric in two. Out plopped a viscuous goo, which jetted upwards and outwards into the great surface somewhere above. Louise had sneezed, since she couldn’t manipulate her eyes, she tried to get the burning out through another sense. It wasn’t the best plan, but it was something.

Icarus watched the glob sail up and up, leaving a quickly dissipating trail of dark purple. He flapped his wings and spiraled upwards, muscles tightened and tensed. He strained forward, flying as best he could through the weird, thick, blue air. Having wondered if he had gained sufficient height, he stopped his ascent by a line of purple. He raised his feet and looked down at Louise far below. She waved a bud weakly. He waved back. As if physics had given up at this point, or Harold had decided to experiment with the holodrome out of sheer boredom, Icarus began to descend. His rear end, struck out downwards, glew a faint white. The water rushed out from under him, spread apart by a waving blast of concentrated white energy. The rest of Icarus was just on for the ride. He slammed into Louise, rear-first, and sent her spiraling down into the abyssal darkness below. Or she would’ve, had a beam of red not caught her. Icarus rubbed his sore butt, there was an odd burning sensation spreading underneath his skin, it felt liquid and it felt acidic.

Budew (F) [Poison Point]
Health: 0% | Energy: 60%
Condition: Knocked Out!
"my head hurts…"
Flash ~ Sludge Bomb (miss) ~ You guys are determined to not
froakie 74% | 84%

Lord of the Fireflies
Togetic (M) [Serene Grace] @ Shiny Stone
Health: 94% | Energy: 85%
Condition: Poisoned (3% damage over the round)
”my butt hurts”
Magic Coat ~ Sky Attack ~ let me finish a whole round, aren’t you?
zorua 16% | 84%

Sludge Bomb: Accuracy (92/100, MISS)
Sky Attack: Accuracy (28/100, HIT)
Poison Point: (8/100, POISONED)

Louise’s Health:
18 – 25 (Sky Attack) = butt’d.

Louise’s Energy:
69 – 1 (Flash) – 5 (Sludge Bomb) = 63%

Icarus’ Health:
95 – 1 (Poison) = 94%

Icarus’ Energy:
100 – 3 (Magic Coat) – 12 (Sky Attack) = 85%

-I docked an extra spoonful of energy for Sky Attack because Icarus would have a bit of trouble moving about underwater.
-Apparently Sky Attack does not make contact, even though the description has the user “diving at the target and slamming into it with devastating power”, which I can’t see as anything but contact. Though if this is iffy for you, then bring it up and I can change it.
-And so, Poison Point managed to be nifty and nab Icarus in the behind before Louise sank.
-I didn't roll for the whopping 60% flinch chance on Sky Attack since there wasn't a bud to flinch.

-Since Sheena’s coming out to play anyway, Jack can just issue his commands.
Oh, frick, this unbolded itself without me realizing and I'm on my phone because my hotel doesn't have Wi-Fi...

Ice Beams, everywhere. Gogogo!

Ice Beam x3
At time’s wimey, whimsical wish, two new battlers had found themselves frolicking in the chronologically challenged meadow. Sheena, having just been sent out of her Pokeball, could do nothing but gawk at the sphere being frozen in mid-air behind her. Fortunately for the battlers, they had entered the meadow right before their ref had mysteriously disappeared, so thankfully the time disruption had frozen them in place long enough. To Sheena and her opponent Icarus, the battle had never stopped.

Round Seven

Froakie (F) [Torrent]
Health: 74% | Energy: 84%
Condition: "mah pokebawl :o"
Ice Beam x3

Lord of the Fireflies
Togetic (M) [Serene Grace] @ Shiny Stone
Health: 94% | Energy: 85%
Condition: Poisoned (3% damage over the round)
”why is everything so owange”
Solarbeam ~ Thunder Wave ~ Secret Power
zorua 16% | 84%

And it was never going to. Sheena had been given simple, if not effective commands. Kill. She lifted her head and made a small circle with her mouth. Small gusts of chilled wind escaped her breath’s reach. Icarus shivered in just the knowledge of the attack. The Froakie inhaled once more, gathering the puffs of icy air she had been removing from her person, and stored them within her cheeks. Icarus’ terrified face was transfixed in one frame of a laugh, the only way to truly express his confused horror. Sheena leapt forward at the last moment, before her cheeks burst from the cold, and fired an infinite spear of ice at the Togetic. Icarus raised his arms to block the attack, fully prepared for the consequences this would have- Togetic arms are not significantly large. He did not feel cold, nor pain, nor any suffering at all. Where the beam was piercing his arm was an amber glaze, a thick coating of something strange over everything he could see. Each brittle shard of ice breaking against his skin was numbed by the amber.

His gaze snapped up to Sheena, who’s turn it was to be wide-eyed. Both the Togetic and the Froakie knew of what had just occurred. Icarus was invincible. The Pokemon in question flapped his wings, and some ethereal force managed to lift him ever so slightly out of the grass’ grasp. He nodded down at them, for they should not worry. Soon their power would be put to use. Icarus let out a soundless yawp. Icarus then wondered where the noise went, shrugged, and continued. The amber sun above them sparkled, sending down a trickling beam of light at Sheena. The Froakie croaked as the energized spotlight blasted her. But the sound changed into a croak of surprise midway. She flexed her blue fingers, now firmly within the amber beam. There were tingling sensations on the fingertips, where the blast was striking, and a tickle running down each digit’s sides. The same could be said for the rest of her body. She laughed, but to a frog that was more of a hiccup that just wouldn’t stop, and spat another beam of ice out of the amber curtain. It soared through the sun’s glaze and managed to startle Icarus enough that his onslaught completed. But only startle.

The Togetic raised his paw in defiance, wiggling it about in the light of day. He wished so deeply that it could be clenched into a fist, but he was not gifted with that ability. In his sorrow he began to swirl his arm around. Broken lines of yellow erupted from around it, as if he was pulling out veins of electricity from the world. Icarus thrust his arm forward, sending a whirlwind of voltage at Sheena. The bolt decided to ground itself through the frog, and zoomed down towards her. It entered through her neck, and the shock was immediate. Where it struck, it wrought ice. It wrought chill, a fundamentally uncold chill that died away at the heat of the muscles shaking against themselves.

Icarus smiled, but his arm continued to spin. It would not cease, because he had already set it in motion and didn’t actually know how to stop it. A swirl of light formed where his arm travelled, a disc of white fading into emerald. The wind gathered by the spiraling appendage pulled the grass beneath him upwards, causing them to tug at their roots- still unable to be free. Icarus stopped his arm. The beam shot forwards, hitting Sheena squarely in the chest. A beam it may be, but it had the force of a punch behind it. She rolled over onto the ground. Her hands clutched at tufts of grass, but that was all she could do. Her muscles pulled and tugged at odd angles, always against one another. She shot one blast of ice at Icarus and grazed his wing, slicing through some of the membrane. Her muscles bickering reactions only worsened when she tried to command them to move as one. And, as if by magic, a shot of pain ripped through Sheena. A scathing heat dried her skin, filling where moisture had been with unrelenting solar fire. Each pore was then impacted, smashed downwards by the unseen hand of a punch so powerfully strange it was a beam. Icarus blinked. Wait…maybe he was invincible?

And then the shock hits him. It appears to have been slightly late, but the delay only managed to lower Icarus' guard.

Froakie (F) [Torrent]
Health: 49% | Energy: 69%
Condition: Paralysed (Severe)
Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam

Lord of the Fireflies
Togetic (M) [Serene Grace] @ Shiny Stone
Health: 54% (Capped) | Energy: 64%
Condition: Poisoned (3% damage over the round)
Solarbeam ~ Thunder Wave ~ Secret Power
zorua 16% | 84%

Ice Beam: Effect Chance (20/100, NO EFFECT)

Ice Beam: Effect Chance (98/100, NO EFFECT)

Secret Power: Effect Chance (93/100, NO EFFECT)

Sheena’s Health:
74 – 18 (Solar Beam) – 7 (Secret Power) = 49%

Sheena’s Energy:
84 - 5 *3 (Ice Beam) = 69%

Icarus’ Health:
94 – 13 * 3 (Ice Beam) - 3 (Poison) = 54% (Capped)

Icarus’ Energy:
85 – 10 (Solar Beam) – 4 (Thunder Wave) – 5 (Secret Power) = 64%

-I’m not sure on this myself, but if a mon was paralysed on an action, would the time meadow make it so that the paralysis would activate on all moves for the round? I reffed it as that for now, in any case. Arena effect clarified, Icarus has a lot less health.
-Icarus is now faster, and you’ll be heading up into space for the next round.
-It’s good to be back :D
-Once the paralysis issue is cleared up, it’ll be Fireflies turn to command.
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Welcome back!

Well, as amusing as that was, since status ailments are included in the things that can't change until we leave the time meadow, the intention was that use of something like Thunder Wave wouldn't cause the paralysis to set in at all until the end of the round, so there would be no chance to make any rolls for fully-paralyzed failure because Sheena technically wouldn't be paralyzed until the round ends... although this arena effect hurts even my brain and yeah as interesting as it sounds on paper I'm never doing anything like this again
Welcome back!

Well, as amusing as that was, since status ailments are included in the things that can't change until we leave the time meadow, the intention was that use of something like Thunder Wave wouldn't cause the paralysis to set in at all until the end of the round, so there would be no chance to make any rolls for fully-paralyzed failure because Sheena technically wouldn't be paralyzed until the round ends... although this arena effect hurts even my brain and yeah as interesting as it sounds on paper I'm never doing anything like this again

Ah that makes sense, alright. I've made the changes accordingly. And noooo! Headache arenas are the most fun!
Oops it seems Sheen'as health and energy totals are unchanged at the end of the round!

Also it's good to see you back :D

Okaaay Icarus m'boy, those Ice Beams suck, don't they? Try a Light Screen to cushion them a bit, but if she tries to Snatch it, go for a Shadow Ball instead.

On the following actions, Counter if she throws rocks at you, and Solar Beam if she doesn't. If you can't use Solarbeam for some reason (like the sun isn't visible) go for a Shadow Ball.

Light Screen / Shadow Ball - Solarbeam / Counter / Shadow Ball x2
Let's go, Sheena! First order of business is to try to stop those Solarbeams from hurting so badly. So reach deep down and get in tune with the void of space all around you. Then use Camouflage! With a great deal of luck, being in space means we'll be Flying-type, but even if we get something like Dark-type, it's not so bad.

After that, there's not a whole lot we can do in the void of space without convenient things like an external water source, so if you can manage it in your space suit, use Aerial Ace twice to hopefully take advantage of your newly changed STAB.

Alternatively, if you just can't manage a contact move in the gravityless void, might as well Confide.

If you're fully paralyzed while trying to use Camouflage, keep trying until you manage it.

Camouflage ~ Aerial Ace/Confide/Camouflage x2
Round Eight

Froakie (F) [Torrent]
Health: 49% | Energy: 69%
Condition: Paralysed (Severe)
Camouflage ~ Aerial Ace/Confide/Camouflage x2

Lord of the Fireflies
Togetic (M) [Serene Grace] @ Shiny Stone
Health: 54% (Capped) | Energy: 64%
Condition: Poisoned (3% damage over the round)
Light Screen / Shadow Ball - Solarbeam / Counter / Shadow Ball x2
zorua 16% | 84%

And so the void of space once more closed its fingers around the battlers. The eternal, yawning void of nothingness didn’t particularly care that these battlers weren’t the same ones. They were there, they were playthings. Might as well play with them. Sheena heartily obliged. She fanned out her arms and croaked as best she could, assuming the form of a bird. Space was high up, right? And birds are high up. She should be a spacebird. Spacebirds are the word, you know. Unfortunately for space itself, as much as it wanted to be something glorious and expansive and a frontier that could be described as final, it was still just really high up. Sheena’s croaks turned to caws, and her arms felt lighter, her bones hollowing themselves out with a draining shwwwwp noise. Icarus was somewhat put off by the spectacle. Frogs were meant to leap, not attempt to bird. Birding was a fine art, and there should be a noticeable difference between birds and notbirds. The only difference his trainer would let him manifest was a barrier; a physical one that should hopefully enforce the social one. With a wave of his wings, Icarus drew light from the sun and pulled it into a sheet. He pressed his arm forward and it expanded into a thick glassy wall of amber.

Icarus was not finished with harnessing the power of the sun. His namesake led him to quicken his offensive pace, out of fear of his wings burning out. He wiggled his wings around in his purple spacesuit, pulling more of the power from the sun. A spot of light glimmered brightly on the star, amongst the bulging mass of heat, contrasted in its sharpness. The spot shot forward, a pillar of light aimed straight for Sheena’s heart. It pierced the frog’s spacesuit with its solar force, but Sheena’s pre-emptive shrieking was for naught. She wasn’t used to these attacks having such little effect. Of course, the shrieking would not stop, because her neck muscles had seized and all she could do to try and wrench them free was yelp in pain.

Icarus found this to be a blessing, he had been given more time before the wax withered from his wingtips. Another flap, and another beam coursed through the not-air. Sheena was prepared this time, and let it slash through her spacesuit. But she found herself screeching once more. The full force of a burning star was not enough to deter Sheena. But a twisted muscle was.

Froakie (F) [Torrent, Active]
Health: 29% | Energy: 66%
Condition: Paralysed (Severe), Camouflaged (Flying Type)
Camouflage ~ Paralysed! ~ Paralysed!

Lord of the Fireflies
Togetic (M) [Serene Grace] @ Shiny Stone
Health: 51 | Energy: 41%
Condition: Poisoned (3% damage over the round), Light Screen (3 more actions)
”in space, no one can hear y- SHUT UP”
Light Screen ~ Solar Beam ~ Solar Beam
zorua 16% | 84%

Paralysis: (37/100, NO PARALYSIS)

Paralysis: (24/100, PARALYSED)

Paralysis: (21/100, PARALYSED)

Sheena’s Health:
49 – 10 (Solar Beam) – 10 (Solar Beam) = 29%

Sheena’s Energy:
69 – 3 (Camouflage) = 66%

Icarus’ Health:
54 – 3 (Poison) 51%

Icarus’ Energy:
64 – 1 (Light Screen) – 10 (Light Screen) – 10 (Light Screen) – 2 (Light Screen Upkeep) = 41%

-Wrote Sheena Camouflaging first for the flavours. Mechanically the Light Screen went up first.
-Shiny Stone amped up Solar Beam’s damage.
-Sorry for the delay. Life.

-JackPK orders up, remember we’re back on a mountain next round, truly.
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Ugh, that was a bad round. And with that paralysis, I'm afraid it's not likely to get better.

Ummm... by default, let's do our best to strike with Acrobatics, unless even without a parafail you're feeling too paralyzed to manage such fancy maneuvers, in which case Aerial Ace.

But if Icarus appears to be preparing Rollout or Zap Cannon or is in the middle of a string of Rollouts, use a two-action Bounce to make it miss if you can manage it.

Acrobatics/Aerial Ace/two-action Bounce x3
Use those rocks to summon Ancientpower twice, then wait for Sheena to hit you on the last action and Baton Pass to Chime to seal the deal.

Ancient Power ~ Ancient Power ~ Baton Pass (Chime)

Also, TruetoCheese, it's really no big deal! Your reffings are much appreciated whenever they come.
Round Nine

JackPK (1/2 left)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 29%
Energy: 66%
Status: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Camouflaged (Flying-type). Severely paralyzed (23% failure chance).

Lord of the Fireflies (2/2 left)
Icarus ♂ @ Shiny Stone
Ability: Serene Grace
Health: 51%
Energy: 41%
Status: "in space, no one can hear y- SHUT UP" Protected by a Light Screen (3 more actions). Moderately poisoned (1%/action).

zorua Chime: 16% health / 84% energy


As the scenery around the battlers transforms yet again into the landscape of a rugged mountain peak, Icarus is prepared. He closes his eyes, surrounding himself in a deep brown aura, and the earth shakes in response. Jagged rocks rise from beneath the earth, glowing with the same brown light, and at Icarus's command they go flying forward at the helpless Sheena. The Froakie is buffeted backward, head over heels, and worries for a moment that she might fall off the mountaintop altogether, but barely manages to hang on. The stones leave deep gashes in her stomach, and Sheena croaks in alarm upon seeing them.

Taking a deep breath to steel herself, Sheena launches herself into the air, forcing her paralyzed muscles through the most graceful gymnastics act she can manage before somersaulting into Icarus's side. The Togetic squeals in protest and summons up more rocks in his defense, battering Sheena with the stones imbued with the power of ancient spirits. Unwilling to give in, Sheena continues her wild assault of tiny froggy limbs, and Icarus grumbles to himself. He's got no time for any of this shit, man.

Icarus flutters a short distance backward, raises a hand, and suddenly disappears into his Poké Ball with a flash of red light. When the light fades, the disoriented Chime has taken his place, blinking up at her opponent in confusion. Undeterred, Sheena turns on her new opponent and gives her more of the same treatment, running in circles around her to deliver a series of jabs to her sides. Chime only grows more confused as her protective screen fades and suddenly the landscape changes again and she finds herself in a scuba diving suit, the mountaintop thousands of leagues away...


JackPK (1/2 left)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 4%
Energy: 54%
Status: "IT NEVER ENDS..." Camouflaged (Flying-type). Torrent activated. Moderately paralyzed (17% failure chance).
Used: Acrobatics ~ Acrobatics ~ Acrobatics

Lord of the Fireflies (2/2 left)
Chime ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Illusion
Health: 16%
Energy: 84%
Status: "Hey, what kind of welcome was that?!"
Used: Ancient Power ~ Ancient Power ~ Baton Pass (Chime)

togetic Icarus: 11% health / 29% energy / moderately poisoned

Arena Status
  • We're bathing deep in the sea, you guys!

Damage and Energy
  • Sheena's Health: 29% - 14% (Ancient Power) - 11% (Ancient Power) = 4%
  • Sheena's Energy: 66% - 6% (Acrobatics) - 6% (Acrobatics) = 54%
  • Icarus's Health: 51% - 13% (Acrobatics) - 13% (Acrobatics) - 13% (Acrobatics) - 3% (poison) = 11% (capped)
  • Icarus's Energy: 41% - 3% (Ancient Power) - 3% (Ancient Power) - 3% (Baton Pass) - 3% (Light Screen) = 29%

  • Speed order: Chime (65) > Sheena (23).
  • bluh
  • The first Ancient Power was a crit.
  • Icarus's Shiny Stone went out of effect after he was hit by the second Acrobatics.
  • Icarus's Light Screen wore off at the end of the round.
  • Lord of the Fireflies commands first.
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Thank you so much Eifie!

I specifically asked for Icarus to wait before using Baton Pass so Chime wouldn't get hit, though.


i've watched too much naruto lately

If she tries a Quick Attack, or a combo involving Quick Attack, Sucker Punch before she can get to you. Otherwise, and especially if she tries to get away, use Pursuit. If you face a Protect, just relax and Calm Mind.

Sucker Punch / Pursuit / Calm Mind x3
Thanks for picking this up, Eifie!

This is it, Sheena — almost certainly the final effort. You did a great job, and we're gonna do our best to try and probably fail to get at least one KO.

Here's the plan: Chime was commanded to use Sucker Punch reactively, so she'll be waiting to see what you do. With any luck, this means she'll lose the priority on it, leaving us free to strike hard with a Quick Attack + Facade combo! To further ensure your plan will work, try to look like you're about to flee just before you use the combo, to try to trick her into Pursuit.

If we get lucky enough for that to work, it ought to either just barely KO her or leave her hanging by the skin of her teeth, depending on how Eifie calculates the combo's damage. If both of you are somehow still standing on the second action, vent your Frustration about how poorly this battle's gone for you.

Quick Attack + Facade ~ Frustration
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