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Beauty queen snubs same-sex marriage, then gets flamed

People actually pay attention to what celebrities say?

Christ, I should've expected it, but it still feels deeply wrong. ):
People listen to the opinions of people they look up to, and fame is a sign of success for many. I'm not talking about myself that much (particularly since nearly every famous person I look up to is dead) but when I found out some of my favourite stars had particular opinions I did think them over.
Then again everyone I look up to is intelligent whereas Miss California
People listen to the opinions of people they look up to, and fame is a sign of success for many. I'm not talking about myself that much (particularly since nearly every famous person I look up to is dead) but when I found out some of my favourite stars had particular opinions I did think them over.
Then again everyone I look up to is intelligent whereas Miss California

I love how you just didn't finish that sentence.
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