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[Open] Concordia's Elements

Okay I was gonna post this earlier but work happened then teecod wigged out on me for a bit. Anyway, Coroxn is accepted, Windragon reserved, and we start this this weekend. Possibly today if I have time after doing some errands.


Name: Hethez Spiritspeaker
Gender: Male
Age: 67 Human years, with his species having a lifespan of about 110 years.
Species: Anraje (Created by me, see below for details)
Job/"Class": "Shaman" in a loose, personal sense of the term. He communicates with the elements and channels their powers to aid him, but as opposed to using magic for projectile attacks he channels his magic through his melee attacks. He specializes in Fire and Water magic.

Hethez is an Anraje, a race of reptilian humanoids, lizardfolk, as you might call them. He is about 2 metres tall, which is rather unusual for an Anraje, as they are usually 1,5 metres and rarely more. He is covered in deep blue scales, with golden yellow eyes. In addition, his entire left arm is missing.

Hethez is an individual of importance from a highly spiritual society, and it shows. He wears a headpiece reminiscent of a keffiyeh that also extends over his missing arm, a skirt-like clothing covering his legs, and that's about it. He has a large wooden rack strapped to his back, covered in totems of various kinds. His bare chest and arms have been painted with bright red markings, most notably a rather elaborate one depicting a celestial being on his abdomen. Hethez is entering a state where his age is starting to show, with the scaly skin around his eyes starting to droop.

Hethez's weapon of choice is a long staff which he got to replace his dual axes that were destroyed at the same time when he lost his arm. The staff is entirely straight, and about 1,8 metres tall. The staff head consists of a large circular wooden frame with metallic ridges. Inside the frame is a reptilian skull held firmly in place by several metal rings attached to the frame around it. In addition there are chimes hanging from the rings, which make sounds as the staff moves. The staff is actually more of a ceremonial tool, and not actually suited for combat.

Hethez was the son of an Anraje noble, and the best friend of the son of the emperor. When his friend one day took the throne from his father, Hethez was chosen for the role of Warlord, as he had proven himself a great strategist in addition to a capable fighter and a deep connection to the spiritual realm. However this career proved short-lived as Hethez lost him arm fighting off an attempted assassination on his friend.

After this, Hethez stepped down from his spot as warlord, and instead focused on his shamanistic training.

Hethez's years of meditation and spiritual training has made him a very humble individual, slow to anger, slow to forget. He prefers not to argue and will step down if someone tries to initiate an argument. On the other hand, he can be very harsh if he has to be give someone a verbal beating.

....And PO, I guess. I am terrible at describing personalities.

Other: I hope this will do.
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