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New Pokemon (forms?)

Shiny Grimer

Active member
she/her, they/them
Check out serebii.net.


They look like Rotom alternate forms, but I think that would be a little disappointing. I like Rotom, but an alternate form isnt' what I want from him. They're probably definitely not new Pokemon.
One of those looks like a castform, but um serebii isn't a good news thing :<
No, they have no standards there, either. They're right a lot of the time, but then they're wrong about stuff and it's better to get hyped up over something after it pops up on Bulbanews since they kind of care. Also, Bulbanews will say where the hell they got something.

ETA: okay nevermind it popped up on Bulbanews.

Still think one's a Castform.
I was hoping they were fakes. They look so... unoriginal. >>

Oh well. I'll get used to them if they are real, which it now seems likely.
Corocoro has confirmed them; they is real. I doubt that they're forms of new Pokemon for Platinum because they won't be revealed until between September 28th and November 4th. My opinions of them:

Green - This one looks like it's a 100% new Pokemon, as it has nothing in common with any of the Pokemon I know of. It looks like a flying type...

Orange - Looks like it might be a new Castform, but I'm not too sure.

Blue - Is it just me, or does it resemble a Snover with a squirrel's tail?

Red - Looks related to the Marill chain.

Purple - Looks like a box with two Pikachu in it.
Is it just me, or are they a bit uncanny-valley-ish? To me, they all look like robots of some sort with various appendages.
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