• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Till Death Do Us Part Sign Ups


loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
You awaken to the sound of a dog barking. But where you live, there are no dogs, cats....or Pokemon...just humans. You then realize this is not home...You and a bunch of others are in a stadium. There is a note on the wall, saying;

"Welcome to 'Till Death Do Us Part'. I want to play this game, and you are the guiney pigs. At one point durring the night, a strange creature will come up to one of you and eat, demolish, kill you. They will then get full for that night and attack the next night. And the next night, and the next night. Your only hope is to escape from here. However, you must do it from sunrise to sunset, or you shall be transported back to the start, where one of you will be eaten. However, since I'm nice, i shall make the day phase twice as long..but twice as long as winters time. (Meaning 20 hours for you)

If youare reading this...you are the victem....have fun...if you can.

Oh, and at night, every one of you shall become an extinct animal...to make them actually extinct. >=D"

You look around to see a few people. They are also victems too...

Sign up!

Human Appearence:
Extinct of Choice:
*Bio:(note, * means optional)

mine is...

Name:Krystal Solstice
Personality:Knows many, talks only when directed at.
Human Appearence: Picture the girl from leafgreen with her bangs covering her eyes.
Extinct of Choice: Irodine Cat
*Bio:(note, * means optional)
Name: Rosario Victress
Nickname: Rosario
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Personality: Shy but determined. Is loving and caring but wants some one to love and care for.

Human appearance: 5'8" and petite. She has green eyes and pink hair. She has very pale skin and 'fangs'

Extinct animal: T rex
Name: Jeffer McBentley
Nickname: Bentley
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Ladies' man, though he can commit to a relationship. Very bold and exigent.
Human appearance: 6'5, short black hair and a strong pair of hands.
Extint animal: Chinese River Dolphin
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Mewmew, accepted, ILiekSquirtles, accepted!

ILS, you forgot to add the gender. I know it's male, but it be better to add the gender. (still accepted)

Edit:Thank you, both are accepted
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1) ILiekSquirtles
2) MewMew
3) Rizadon
4) Flower Doll
5) Coroxn
6) Lili
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Hiya, can I reserve? I'm typing up mine, poosibly should be done soon buuut I'm typing up the bio for my own interest (and that might not be done for a couple days)

You know what? Screw it, everything else is too long XD

Name: Rachel Gloria Summers
Nickname: Chello, sometimes called Gloria
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Rachel is relatively quiet, sometimes barely speaking to those she doesn't know. If one does get to know her, they will discover she is a very chipper girl, always on an apparent sugar high. However, she's a tad paranoid, and can show this in dark times.
Human Appearence: Rachel is exactly five feet, three-and-a-half inches tall (she got measured right before she was sent here) and of average weight for her height; perhaps a tad skinny, but average all the same. Her brown hair is normally fairly messy, unless she had time to straighten it, and her blue eyes, framed by silver glasses, have been said to stand out for whatever reason. She's commonly seen wearing a purple t-shirt and denim shorts, as well as white sneakers.
Extinct of Choice: Falkland Islands Wolf
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Name: Aryan Phelps
Personality:Ary used to be a very compassionate as a human, but now, as a giant Dragonfly, his personality is much more that of a ruthless, single-minded sociopath. These two very distinct personalities resulted in schizophrenia. He varies from that of a normal, scared teenager to that of an emotionless tactician, only caring for his own survival.

Human Appearance: Aryan is of average height for his age. His eyes change with the weather, and he is a little on the chubby side. Doubtless he'll have lost some weight by the end of this....He wears deep blue jeans, and a red/yellow checkered shirt. Recently, he decided to grow his hair long, and it is now almost to his eyes. On the top, it is a thick moppy mess.

Extinct of Choice:Giant Dragonfly.
Name: Jill Silver
Age: 14, turning 15
Gender: Female

Personality: Jill is confident, respectful, and a bit bossy at times, she is also adventurous and loves to face challenges. She hates being in dark, underground places. Jill is a typical teenage girl and, though quite stubborn, a very enlightening companion to her friends.

Human Appearance: Forgive me for being lazy.

Extinct of Choice: Golden Toad
All Accepted. Lets wait for a few more people, and then start.

Oh, and any one can reserve if they want.
I'm a she, and sure wargle, just make a form, and then jump in. it hasnt gotten that far anyway.
Name: Katherine Anderson

Nickname: Keke

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Pessimistic, Sadisitc, and just totally out of her mind, Keke is the downer of the group but also the one with the wierd idea. She also has an unatural obsession with knives and fire.

Human Appearence: 5'8 and an averge build, brown hair that goes to her shoulders, wearing a white tee with a bunny on it, and normal denim jeans.

Extinct of Choice: Terror Bird
accepted wargle, you may post in the RP

it just started, so you can just jump in
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