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Pokemon: Trainer's Quest: Ultimate Guide to the Gildor League


Where have I been at?
Greetings, young trainer and welcome to the wonderful region of Gildor, a vast land filled with many wonders and Pokemon of all sorts. My name is CJ Blazer and I would love to show you around the region. That is why I invented this Guide to the Gildor League.

Prologue: Termonology
Here are some terms though for those not accustomed to Pokemon:

Pokemon :
Creatures that are abundant in the Pokemon world. They come in many sizes and shapes and have the ability to launch powerful attacks based on what type they are catorgorized as. It is the duty of a Pokemon Trainer to raise the Pokemon to be its very best through battling or caring for the Pokemon.

These are high-tech balls that are used to store Pokemon while you travel. They are small and can easily fit inside your pocket. When you are ready to release the Pokemon, the ball will enlargeand open up, releasing the Pokemon back out in a flash of light. When ready to return the Pokemon, simply say, “Return” and aim the ball at the Pokemon. A red light will strike the Pokemon from the circle in the middle and the Pokemon returns in a red blob of energy.

League Challenge
As a trainer, you are given the opportunity to compete in the League Challenge, in which you must travel to certain locations around the region and find the Pokemon Gym. When you find a gym, you must battle the Gym Leader in a Pokemon Battle. Each Gym Leader specializes in a certain type of Pokemon

Part One: Isen Town

Isen Town is a nice quiet town located in a clearing of the Kinleaf Forest, a vast forest that covers mostly 45% of the region. It is only a couple of miles from the seashore. While it may be small, this town is the location of Professor Malvron’s Pokemon Research and Registry Center. Here, he conducts research on rare Pokemon not seen in other regions as well as provide young trainers from Isen Town and maybe other regions their Trainer License. This License certifies that a person is a Pokemon Trainer registered to compete in the Gildor Pokemon League.

In addition to the license, a young trainer may pick out a Pokemon to start their journey with. That young trainer may choose between three Pokemon: a fire-type hound called Houndour, a grass-type cactus known as Cacnea, or a water-type called Corphish, which is a red crab. After choosing their Pokemon, the trainer is able to begin their journey by being given 5 spare Pokeballs in which they may catch more Pokemon.

Part Two: Kinleaf Forest

Upon receiving the starter and getting the license, you can now begin your journey. The first destination Is Kinleaf Town, located at the heart of the forest. It will be quite a long walk, but with your new starter, it will be worth it.

Kinleaf Town is full of good Pokemon to build a team on. The most abundant in the forest would be the birds and the grass-types. On the occasion, you may even spot the elusive baby ninja Pokemon Rogon, who is unique to the Gildor.

There will also be tons of trainers in the forest who may challenge you along the way to Pokemon Battles in which you must use your Pokemon to square off against theirs and make their Pokemon faint first.
During the long journey to Kinleaf Town, you will not be able to heal your Pokemon, so make sure to do your best until you reach the town, where the Pokemon Center is.

Pokemon available in Kinleaf Forest
-Rogon (at night)
-Ivyrial (in day)

Part Three: Kinleaf Town
After much traveling, you at last reach your destination, Kinleaf Town. It is fairly quiet like Isen Town, but a bit larger. There are wooden houses scattered around but in the center of town stands the Pokemon Center as well as shops and other places of interest. Yet, what really stands out in town is the Battle Garden, located near the edge of town.

The Battle Garden is the central hub for all young trainers. It is a massive building with an open field surrounding it where you may battle other young trainers for a small price. Yet, the Battle Garden serves another purpose. Here is where you will battle Flora, the first of the seven gym leaders who specializes in the Grass-type Pokemon.

Flora is a young female trainer
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