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Underlegend OOC

Umm, what kind of animals live in the Undergold's habitat? I just posted that Ambros caught a large rodent, but I might edit that based on the response.
The usual stuff you'd find in jungles, I'd assume. So rodents, I'm pretty sure would work. Kusa is the one in charge of that though, so it'd be better at answering that.
Not sure if I asked this in the other thread, but even if I did, no one answered. So, I'll ask here.

Do we have any special abilities/skills/combatstuff aside from claws, teeth, and other natural weapons?
Well, since I'm not an Undergold I don't really care. I was just wondering.

Anyway, how big of an area is the whole place? How much does each clan control? And how do the relate, border wise? Do they have definitive borders? If they do is there any neutral areas between the territories? If they don't is it just kind of vague were a certain territory ends and another begins?

Related to that, how are the clans arranged geographically? I'd assume that the Nightstalkers' mountains are between the Redtails' desert and the Undergolds' jungley area? Or is it completely different and arranged in some other way?

Yes, I know it sounds like I'm asking for a map, but I just want to have a general idea of how the areas are organized.
Awesome! That's perfect!

Well, except, is there anything surrounding it or do the areas just kind of extend out of the territories in all directions? As in the mountains keep running north-south and the jungle extends east and the desert extends west.

One last thing, what's the scale of this map? Or are we just assuming that the mountains are about the width of your standard mountain range?

Oh, wait. I looked at the map again and I'm not sure of something. Is the Nightstalkers' area just one mountain or is it part of a whole mountain range? And would Redtails or Undergolds have to go through the Nightstalkers in order to reach each other?
Well, except, is there anything surrounding it or do the areas just kind of extend out of the territories in all directions? As in the mountains keep running north-south and the jungle extends east and the desert extends west.

pretty much, yeah, that's just the land that the clans have claimed as theirs.

One last thing, what's the scale of this map? Or are we just assuming that the mountains are about the width of your standard mountain range?

uh. >_o I hadn't thought of that, silly me. But yeah. average size.
Okay, I've taken your input into consideration and made up a little map for us. I made a few versions:


Vanilla Version, just the geography.


With clan borders shown.


With clan borders and several places of interest. This map can always be added to with more places as we go along, and of course anyone unhappy with placement of a particular spot can fiddle with it. The places shown on this one now are (From left to right): Nursing Dens, Redtails' Oasis, Nightstalkers' Cave, and Undergolds' Clearings.

I also put a little pass south of the Nightstalkers' mountain, just so that the other two clans weren't separated as much.

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