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Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

mY cAsE wAsN't ExAcTlY eXcItInG; i SuCk At OpEn CoMmUnIcAtIoN gAmEs So AlL I dId wAs PiCk SoMeBoDy WhO wAs PrObAbLy ViG oR bOdYgUaRd (I wAs PrEtTy SuRe EvErYboDy WaS gOnNa TrY tO kIlL mE iMmEdIaTeLy) AnD tHeN jUsT dO aS i WaS tOlD i GuEsS
Nepeta and I started talking some time after the first nig)(t. After that, Sollux contacted me and we started to talk as well...I t)(oug)(t )(e was innocent...I thought he could )(ave be trusted. I told )(im w)(o I was protecting t)(at one nig)(t and he...he told Catfis)( so t)(ey killed Equius and in turn Gamzee...I'm so STOOPID! Because I opened my glubbing mout)(, Nepeta's moiral DI---ED!

Also w)(en we made out alliance, me and Nepeta, I found t)(at Equius and Gamzee were also a part of it. W)(en Vriska was killed, I contacted )(er in the dream bubble and asked if she could kelp us find out w)(o did t)(is by observing w)(at )(appens in the day and give us )(er t)(oug)(ts on w)(o could be out to kill us.

But...me and Nepeta did kelp eac)( ot)(er weed out w)(o was be)(ind this. I'd jail someone and she would inspect the ot)(er one. During the day p)(ases and nig)(t, all of us in t)(e sc)(ool...er...I mean alliance, would gat)(er in a c)(at room and talk about w)(at we s)(ould do next. Later in, I contacted Eridan. Trust me, I was still miffed by )(im killing poor Tavros, but as it got worse we needed )(im to point t)(at gun at t)(e rig)(t person. So we asked if )(e could kill Kanaya, w)(ic)( sadly ended up wit)( )(im also being dead...glub.

...W)(en we found out about Sollux...I...glub. Nevermind, it was stoopid...but Nepeta )(elped me, and I )(elped )(er w)(en she found out Catfis)('s alignment. I guess the one good thing t)(at came from t)(is was t)(at we found good friends in eac)( ot)(er.

...And I guess wit)( us being the last...we )(ave to be a little more. )(e)( )(e)( glub.
((I feel this may be appropriate?))

:33 < *ac curls up against fefurry and purrs*

:33 < everything will be okay!!

:33 < what fefurry said is true! we allied with equius and gamzee, and then sollux... then things got... furry.

:33 < but I also allied with tavros for a while... I miss him :(( i ended up convincing him to tell me his alliances...
*sig)(s and pets Nepeta's )(air* We've )(ad a lot of g)(osts in our talks...and wit)( )(ow t)(is all came down...I feel responsible for w)(at )(appened to Eridan.

I know I didn't know t)(at )(e'd die but still! I asked for )(is kelp and t)(is is w)(at happens? T)(is is just so...FRUSTRATING!
i decided t0 play by myself in case any0ne was w0ndering

i supp0se that didnt really help my cause in the end
also, ls99, why did y0u r0lebl0ck me on night 1?
that d0esnt really make sense since i r0leclaimed as 0racle and inspect0r r0les cann0t be bl0cked :[ AND THE MAFIA KILLED ME ANYWAY
Man, ii don't even know.
Probably wa2n't payiing attentiion two roleclaiim2 or 2omethiing and ju2t randomly blocked.
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