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'Salem's Lot

Lorem Ipsum

I finished this absolute amazing gem that is brilliant of a book by Stephen King last night, and I have to say that I haven't enjoyed a book like I have this one in a long, long time. The characters and the settings were just so well written. I felt as if I knew people like Matt Burke and Father Callahan personally, and
despaired when they died
. I despaired for
the victim when Danny Glick scraped on the window menacingly

I don't know what it is, but it is just an incredible book, and I was truly sorry to put it down when I finished it. Has anybody else read the book, and what are their opinions of it?
i think my friend's dad read it to us while we were on a camping trip in sixth grade. i enjoyed it.. or i would have if i wasn't trying to go to sleep. :x it was a pretty scary story.
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